Reader/designer/pal Walter Helfer has been busy with a project wherein he basically color swaps red/blue teams so that the dominant color becomes secondary, and vice versa. So far, he’s compiled swapped uniforms for teams in the NHL, as well as the NFL and MLB
Based on some reader feedback (thanks!), Walter has added to the NFL and MLB concepts.
Walter has also completed his “Red Pill, Blue Pill” treatment on a bunch of NBA teams; we’ll get to those a bit later in the week.
But for now, the updates. Here’s Walter…
Red Pill, Blue Pill: Addenda
by Walter Helfer

I tampered in God’s domain.

Ever since I made the red home uniforms, I’ve been curious about the white road set. The pants are from the Color Rush uniform, but the jerseys have new numbers. Josh Allen once wore a royal blue helmet in training camp, so I redid the stripe to better match the contrail coming from the bison’s horn.

The irony of being chided for “ruining” baseball teams while getting accolades for “improving” the Patriots is not lost on me. My opinions are just the opposite: “Who cares if the Dodgers are red? DON’T MESS WITH MY PATS!!!” While a white Pats’ jersey could get away with red numbers — ask the Giants — I wanted to pay attention to detail. Outlining the players’ names with a second color is crucial and I wouldn’t want to contemplate the jersey without it. Blue pants look okay; I could just as easily go with the white ones.
Thanks, Walter! Nice additions.
I’ll be back later this week with Walter’s NBA red/blue swaps.
More, please!
Both the Tampa Bay Rays and Lightning would be disturbing.
Do not speak it into being. Please, we beg.
I didn’t realize they were red/blue teams or vice versa.
In red? Or color-swapped?
“tampered in God’s domain.” That’s the best thing I will read all day.
The last person to do that was Dr. Vornoff (Bela Lugosi) in “Bride of the Monster” (1955). It didn’t end well for him.
“Bride of the Monster” was eviscerated (memorably) not only by MST3K, but by the movie, “Ed Wood”. Especially hilarious was when Wood (Johnny Depp) told Lugosi (Martin Landau), “The octopus is broken. Could you just pretend it’s attacking you?”
And boy did he pretend it was attacking him; one of my many guilty old sci fi pleasures :)
Bills – Red helmet, current white jerseys with red color rush pants and all white sox
Best look !
Close second – Red helmet, color rush red jersey and all red sox, with current white pants.
Honorable mention white helmet with red color rush jersey with with pants and red
Finally dream uni all red helmet to sox !
Add thoughts, Patriots uni above solid,
Cards change the birds to normal red,
everything else solid on that as well.
Unfortunately Bills mock up won’t fly,
Too busy !
I sure had fun drawing all those charging buffaloes, however.
Cardinals could get by very nicely with the navy hat and sleeves. The rest, though, they got right.
As far as the Bills are concerned. Why don’t they make these permanent?
It’s not like they don’t already have the parts! Numbers on the white shirt would be blue, however.
On the Bills concept, why wouldn’t the sleeve striping “flip” to be red flanked by blue? That jumps out at me as incongruous.
Love your work, Walter. Always thought provoking!
It was a tough call, but I made it.
Can we torment Paul by switching green and purple next?
Let’s see the White Sox (when they were blue and red).
I have an unusual project in store for the White Sox: What if the Chisox wore an SB&G Partners design in the late 1980s? SB&G designed the Giants’ 1983 and Padres’ 1985 uniforms, and were criticized for making them look alike. Picking a team not from the West Coast might have given them some breathing room.
Patriots look very good in this. Bills a bit less and the Cards: I love the hat but otherwise: maybe not tamper with it indeed.
Patriots are solid. I would prefer a combo of navy blue from the dynasty era with the older style Pat Patriot logo white helmet. Current jersey w/ white pants & white Pat helmet. Current road jersey with current blue pants & white helmet.