It’s finally official. The Green Bay Packers have unveiled their new white helmet.
After teasing the white helmet reveal last night, this morning the team officially showed it off.
First, the mandatory hype video…
Introducing our white helmet.
In real life. @amfam pic.twitter.com/TcHEtDMOf4
— Green Bay Packers (@packers) August 1, 2024
As you can see, the white helmet has a white facemask (which we knew from their teaser yesterday). But what we didn’t know for certain was what kind of striping pattern the helmet would have. Now we do.
It turns out the Madden 25 video game was exactly right: the helmet will NOT feature a green/gold/green striping pattern. Instead, and for some reason, the helmet will have a green/white/green stripe. This, of course, matches neither the stripe pattern on the jersey or the white pants, which is the uniform the Packers will wear the white helmets with.
Here are some additional looks at the helmet and uniform.

The Packers have also announced they will debut the new helmet on Sunday, October 20, when they host the Houston Texans at Lambeau Field.
They are billing this matchup as “the team’s first-ever ‘Winter Warning’ game.”
Here’s how the Packers themselves describe both the new helmet and their request for their fans to wear white for the helmet’s debut:
The brand-new helmets include a solid white face mask and a white shell, with the traditional dark green Packers G logo on the sides and dark green stripes down the middle. The white helmets will be paired with the fan-favorite combination of the team’s white away jerseys, white pants and solid white socks.
To help create a blizzard-like effect in the stadium in honor of Packers fans’ legendary energy during even the harshest of winter conditions, the team is asking game attendees to join in the Winter Warning by wearing white attire for the Oct. 20 game against Houston.
Marketing-speak is always cringy, but this one ranks up there with the most cringy.
An NFL whiteout game. How NCAA-y. Of course the difference between college and the pros has almost been erased in the past couple years.
The Packers first introduced the white pants in 2016 (their “Color Rush” uniform), and wore them in 2017, 2018 and 2019. After skipping two seasons, the white pants returned in 2022, but have not been worn since. And of course, there is some historical precedent for the Packers wearing white helmets: they first wore them in 1956, and for two more seasons (1957 and 1958), after which they returned to wearing their classic gold helmets.
More and more teams are jumping on the alternate white helmet bandwagon (in just the past couple years, we have seen the Bengals, Broncos, Browns, Vikings and Jaguars all introduce white alternate lids.
I’m really disappointed in this effort — not only do the tradition-bound Packers not need a white shell, the team has inexplicably used a green/white/green striping pattern, rather than using a gold center stripe. Not only doesn’t it match up with the stripes on the jersey or pants, it doesn’t even make sense: I could see eliminating the gold stripe if the rest of the uniform had no gold, but both the shirts and britches DO. This is going to put my OCD into overdrive.
Fortunately, it looks like the team will only wear this once this season.
Your thoughts?
This is stupid. The lack of a yellow stripe in the middle makes it colossally stupid.
…and almost indistinguishable from the 1998-2018 Jets helmet, but for the green facemask. Even the logo is the same shape.
“Stock” prices must be down—may have had to pick up some of those old Jets helmets on clearance.
Agreed. Could have made it match the jersey/pants stripe. Just looks very blah.
The lack of a yellow stripe is just a disaster of a choice and easily fixable. Hopefully they make it happen before they hit the field, but I’m not holding my breath.
I’m not sure what bothers me more, the missing yellow stripe or that they are playing a “Winter Warning” game in the fall. Neither one seems particularly well thought out.
But do we consider that more or less stupid than the Colts wearing their “Indiana Nights” getups for a 1pm game?
A “Winter Warning” or “Indiana Nights” get up is stupid in any season or at any time of day.
So when they are worn at 1pm, the game should be named an “Indiana Nights Warning”.
The worst part about this combo is that there are actually three different striping patterns. On the jersey sleeve, there is a small gap of white between the green stripes and the yellow center stripe. On the pants, this gap doesn’t exist. This was an issue with the white pants from the start. Now with the different striping pattern on the helmet, it’s even more quirky, and not in a fun way.
I grew up in WI and have been a Packers fan my whole life, and I’ve never noticed this. Now I’ll never NOT notice it. Thanks a lot!
Sorry about that. Lifelong Packers fan here as well. The saving grace of these uniforms is that it’s not an all-yellow color rush, which I have been dreading for years. “It could have been worse” doesn’t make these better, but at least it is only one game.
I very much would have preferred an all yellow color rush to yet another whiteout.
Your point ALSO ruins the LSU Tigers as well. Their pants have the tiniest “white” stripe on the pants leg! Nowhere else on the uniform does the slim stripe exist!
More NBA-style garbage from the NFL. Too bad they soiled an iconic franchise with this silly WFWS gimmick.
Agree, it looks pretty dumb imo without a yellow strip in the middle. Like really dumb, like they picked them up from the factory before they were done. Plus it makes it stand out that the helmet stripe is darker green than the rest of the uniform.
Just really lazy.
Woof. The dark green is so close to black it looks like a Georgia alternate.
My first thought too, like an unholy marriage of BFBS and WFWS.
Sacrilegious and blasphemous is the only way to describe this. When you have a perfect uniform and a history of Green Bay, nothing needs change. What’s next, the Yankees wearing white batting helmets?
This is nasty. I don’t know what’s worse. The White/yellowless helmet or the untucked shirts.
“Hey, I have a great idea. Let’s get rid of one of the most definitive parts of our brand identity for no discernible reason whatsoever!”
As a shareholder I apologize on behalf of the team for this attack on basic decency.
Also, when the Rams did this they were rightfully ridiculed, and they only did it because of a series of weird decisions by their ownership that required various stages of “correction” until they ended up with an _almost_ all-white/blue uniform that had inexplicable gold stripes and logos on the shoulders. The Packers did this ON PURPOSE.
The lack of the gold stripe just makes this feel like a complete mismatch. It would have been better to go no helmet strips than this look.
Getting a very 2017 Rams mish-mash vibe from this…
I loved the 2017 Rams unis.
They were quirky. This is just another lame whiteout.
I can’t even tell you how wrong all of this is. I never thought we’d lower ourselves to a cheap corporate gimmick.
Insanely stupid decision to not include the yellow.
Helmet looks objectively fine on its own, but the Packers didn’t need it and the lack of gold makes the whole uniform feel disjointed.
It’s gotten to the point where every new uniform element/combination in every sport is so bad that I have to ask: Who’s responsible? Is this executive meddling? Team executives or apparel executives?
Apparel executives.
Reusing the old New York Jets helmets? WTF – why does it not have any yellow.
Said this in the other thread I wonder if we are going to see a goldless 56-58 throwback/Fauxback.
Reminds me of when the NHL Lightning went blue/white, some tabbed it the Tampa Bay Maple Wings… this helmet is the Green Bay Jets
To give them the benefit of the doubt, I’m thinking they did this with no yellow stripe to match the helmet logo. Also it’s the same striping, with green over a white shell instead of green over a yellow shell. But if this was the reason, then get rid of the yellow on the rest of the uniform. In the teaser you posted earlier today, one of the pictures appeared to have a narrow yellow stripe encircling the helmet logo, to go with the yellow helmet stripe. This would have been better than no yellow at all on the helmet.
the lack of gold in the middle stripe is just ..baffling. I don’t get it. Whoever made the final decision in the green bay org, should lose their job
The new GB helmet looks incomplete…. like the designers ran out of time, The helmet reminds me of the transitional period of the Rams when they first moved back to Los Angeles from St Louis and they sported that mish-mash look with blue, gold and white uniforms and an all white and blue helmet with no gold.
Whomever is making these uniform decisions, should be banned from dressing themselves, let alone a PROFESSIONAL franchise.
I cant wait for the day when all teams wear all white at home and all black on the road.
Team names wont exist anymore. It will simply be city vs city. No logos, none of that silly individuality stuff.
And if your team loses, fear not- Winston over at the Ministry of Truth will change the result.
Fan favorite combination? What fans did they ask?
Don’t fret about the missing gold stripe on the helmet, Pack fans- They’ll be covered with those garish Guardian things anyway…
The lack of yellow, pardon me, athletic gold, makes this helmet an absolute fail.
I am so pissed.
They are making my beautiful Packers look like some mismatched division 3 junior college squad.
Sadly, I’d be happy if we got spanked wearing these helmets so they never ever ever bring them back. Small sacrifice.
Huge Packers homer here and this just seems lazy to jump on a trend that is very quickly getting played out. The white alternate helmet was cool when the Bengals did it- and it made sense since white tigers exist in the world.
The non-matching stripe drives me nuts too. The yellow long sleeve that Jacobs is wearing here looks absolutely terrible under this uni. And the “blizzard-like effect” for a game that could very likely be 65 degrees and sunny just seems like a lame reverse engineered storytelling effort.
All this said, it will probably look decent on the field if the colored undershirt shenanigans is kept to a minimum but this is still completely unnecessary and underwhelming.
Gawd Awful and embarrassing!
As a life long packer fan… I don’t like this.
“Fortunately, it looks like the team will only wear this once this season.”
Your thoughts?
– That’s exactly once too many.
The thing I like least about the helmet is the tiny gold specks. I guess it’s good you can’t see them further than seven inches away.
So basically the Packers are going to wear Jets Helmets
Ugh. Give me BFBS over WFWS any day of the week. This trend SUCKS.
I think the verdict is in on the helmet stripe. Wonder if Green Bay will take notice before the actual debut?
I was prepared to complain about the incongruity of sleeves and collar having a green-white-yellow-white-green striping pattern while the pants and helmet were green-white-green. But why settle for two disparate striping patterns when you can have three? Massive L for Lambeau.
What kind of dopey team would have yellow in their uniforms but leave it off the helmet?
*Looks at Chiefs*
Ugh one of those things I never even noticed before (thanks Paul!!!). Now I can’t unsee it.
Awful. Just awful.
Glad I got the white Uni-Watch hockey jersey!
This is identical to my old HS team helmet. We also had green & white only version of the Packers uniforms (but with the G logo on the sleeve stripes).
Interestingly, a lot of people comment how this helmet is Jet like. Years after I graduated the team switched to a 2000s Jets style green/white jersey , but they continued to pair it with the same green/white G logo helmet.
If the theme is ‘whiteout’ then they should be going for less colors. So if you’re going to do this again, commit to the bit and remove the gold from the jerseys and pants.
More puzzling is why the winter/tunda/blizzard gimmick is being scheduled for October rather than December.
Another situation where Nike misses the whole point of uniformity.
The sleeve striping is green, yellow, green
The pants striping is green, yellow, green
Lets make the helmet something that doesn’t match anything at all
And the Jets should have double striping on their pants and helmet
Helmet – no stripes
Jersey – 2 stripes
Pants – 1 stripe
Totally agree re the Jets. One of the aspects of the redesign that was used during Parcells’ time there was that the stripes on the helmets and paints (and usually the socks for that matter) were the same. Although the sleeve stripes were technically a large Northwestern stripe, it still fit with the thinner stripe above the sleeve. For the new set, I would have suggested no sleeve stripes personally (and no collar yoke).
Guy shadowboxing in the video…douchiest thing ive seen all week
No yellow stripe on the helmet. No dice. In fact, I would go one farther. Not only should there be a yellow stripe in the middle, but if they insist on doing this shit, the “G” logo would also look better with a thin yellow outline of some kind. Then it all coordinates. Not sure why that’s so hard to see.
If they are only wearing it once, WTF is the point???
Makes the whole thing even more ridiculous!
The helmet needs the yellow stripe. End of story.
Using the same green/white/green striping from the gold helmet feels lazy, just like when they used to leave the green facemask on the gold helmet for the navy/gold acme throwbacks (link)
I hated when they kept the green face masks with the blue throwbacks. Maybe they figured the green was dark enough where we wouldn’t notice. How hard would it have been to swap to blue or even gray?
Of course the lack of a yellow stripe is stupid. But who made the call and why?
There has got to be a journalist, be it Phil, a Packers reporter or a TV person to actually nail down the “why” behind a uniform decision. Mark Murphy
Is the Packers President and he’s always responsive to t
Sorry … comment keeps cutting off.
Mark Murphy is always responsive to the fans. Can someone just ASK him?
These look cool. Yall haters.
Aye aye fo real doe. No cap fam.
Either strip the gold trim from the rest of the uniform for a cleaner “winter” effect, or put the gold stripe down the center of the helmet so it’s coherent with the rest of the uniform. This combination is weak, and it makes them look cheap in the pocketbook. “Why spend money for new helmet stripes? We can just use more of our regular stripes!”
I cannot wait to see this head to toe white attire worn during a real Green Bay snow storm!! One season should be enough for this white out.
Are the Packers up against some kind of NFL limit for the jerseys and pants? Might it be a Rams-like situation where they’ll introduce yellow-less jerseys and pants in a year or two to match the helmet?
It would look a lot better with a yellow face mask, but might be in the minority here.
That would look like urine in a snowbank.
They fumbled at the one yard line with this one. If they weren’t going to add yellow to the stripe, at least they could have used a single green stripe like older Packers helmets.
Hideous, nonsensical garbage.
Man chrome gold like the fighting Irish on these would look sick . The gold specks do look nice though but can barely see them in the pictures
Surely even the “average Joe” (for lack of a better term, well… there probably is one but I ain’t got time) will see how acutely bad this is.
This is just as bad as KC having no yellow on their helmet.
I think this is way worse. This is horrifying
Pathetic unforced error. An average seventh grader could have gotten this right.
No yellow stripe on the helmet is weird, it doesn’t even match the uni.
So stupid.
Can’t decide if I want to mock this with a “G-e-t-s! Gets! Gets! Gets!” chant or that the Packers have figured out that their star QBs go to the “Meadowlands AFC” retirement home and are already trying to trick their freshly signed Franchise QB into thinking he’s at that stage of his career?
Some teams just shouldn’t have white pants and the Packers are one of them, Lions shouldn’t have them either. Really glad the Raider, Steelers, and Patriots don’t have them at all.
Winter warning?
Should call it “white cheddar”.
Next year they’re introducing an all-green uniform/helmet combo. “Moldy Cheddar”.