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A “Property of” Uni Watch T-shirt? Reader Feedback Wanted!

Early last month, the ubiquitous Walter Helfer set about creating a set of “Property of…” T-Shirts, and shortly thereafter, he created a second set.

In the comments that day, a suggestion was made for Walter to create a “Property of Uni Watch” version.

Walter willingly obliged, and here’s what he created:

In addition, Walter also created two additional Property of shirts, seen below:

Those are awesome, but let’s circle back to the Property of Uni Watch creation.

As you can see from the embedded photo of the comments, I have never had anything to do with Uni Watch merch or creating of T-Shirts. But I did speak to Paul about it, and he said he can make it happen.

So I have some questions for the readers I’m hoping you guys will address:

• If this shirt were produced, would you be interested in purchasing one?

• Do you like the existing design, or do you have any suggestions for slight changes?

• If you were to consider buying one, should it be in gray, or in additional (UW) colors as well?

• Do you have any other thoughts or feedback regarding this shirt? (In other words, perhaps you might not want to purchase one, but might you have any ideas regarding the shirt?)

Please let us know your thoughts down in the comments. If there is interest in creating a Property of Uni Watch t-shirt for sale, please let us know if you would possibly purchase one.

The design pictured above isn’t necessarily final — that’s why we’re reaching out for your thoughts.

Thanks and let’s see if we can make this a reality! I know I’ll be first in line to buy one.

Comments (48)

    Yes, test design, and plz make it available in other colors like green, yellow, or black.

    Agreed with this (especially the green, and maybe a white as well). You can count on a purchase or two from me!

    I would be interested, but I would like it better in a truly old school design (without the logo or script). Just block letters.

    I would definitely buy one in grey, but wouldn’t mind seeing it in green, too.

    Design looks great the way it is. I wouldn’t buy one as I don’t wear t shirts plus getting these things to Canada is super expensive. But I think it looks amazing and it’s perfect on the classic athletic grey shirt.

    One thing that sticks out to me is the term “Athletics Department.” A quick Google search shows the most common term seems to be “Athletic Department” (without an S), but I do see the rationale in including the S to signify “Athletics Aesthetics.” May be a personal preference, but if there’s ever a place to get caught up in such a detail, this is the place.

    Along this line, maybe the bottom should say Aesthetics Department. Or have three lines that say Athletics Aesthetics Department.

    I think “AESTHETICS DEPARTMENT” is a phenomenal idea

    Love the “Aesthetics Department” phrase and I’m a sucker for a heather grey t-shirt.

    I was thinking the same thing (Aesthetics Dept.) and I will buy 2 at least.

    I think the shirt is great, but my one gripe is that usually shirts like this don’t have logos on them. So in this case, it would be just the Uni Watch script logo. I could be wrong!

    I like it just the way it is! I might purchase one. Maybe even more so in darker colors.

    I tinkered with Paul’s design. You may consider this design an ancestor or descendant of the “real” design.

    As someone who lived through this trend I am absolutely confounded as to why this design would not say XXL right in the middle for no good reason whatsoever.

    No matter how big or tiny you actually are, it HAS to be an XXL shirt :-)

    Good reminder… definitely needs an oval-ish solid color with XXL in negative space, regardless of the actual sized shirt (like Marcus said)

    My original plan was for the sizing oval to say “XM”, after the Stephen Wright joke, but XXL is almost universally understood.

    Insofar as I design these by hand, a third party needs to be involved if we are to use computer-based art.

    Yes, I would buy one. I love the design as-is. And I’m most likely to buy one in heather gray.

    I’d make a modified UW Property Of T (traditional tail placement, yes to Aesthetics Department wording- but keep the hand-drawn look!) my property…I prefer a moisture-wicking option (TMI?) in a dark color.

    PS- awesome artwork all around, Walter!
    Thanks for sharing you talent with the uni-verse!

    I’d buy it, but I want it to seem as HAND DRAWN as possible. Don’t ship this one off to Todd Radom to make it perfect (love ya, Todd), but lets get the hand crafted nature of Walter’s work blown up and put on a nice heather gray shirt.

    Love the design and might by one in grey. One suggestion – anytime a uniform has a script like that, doesn’t it typically slant up? Straight looks all kinds of wrong to me. If you do slant it, perhaps move the winged stirrup to be a sleeve patch.

    Scripts slant up on a uniform, but to better fit with the accompanying text they are usually straightened on a t-shirt (or rendered in block).

    Yesterday in the Another QoTW item comments section, Reader ‘SomeCleverName’ asked-
    “Is it okay to wear multiple logos of a team”
    If one was wearing the (I Still Call Them The California) Angels “PO” T shown above…the answer is a resounding yes!


    Yes on the interest and yes on the design in traditional gray. Love it. Might make the print a bit smaller to mimic the classic but love the lettering.

    I’m interested as well. I haven’t had a “property of” shirt since high school. Plus I’ll take a Seattle Pilots one to boot.

    I’d absolutely buy one. I’ve loved buying the cap and two shirts in the past. My only request…and this is really important….can we PLEASE have them printed on higher quality shirts? Something like a grey tri-blend? The shirts I’ve had before have shrunken so badly that I can’t wear them anymore. My size hasn’t changed in 10+ years, but both shirts were fairly low quality. I’d happily pay $10-15 more for a shirt that is a nicer material.

    Yes please, to these! Agree re keeping it looking as hand-drawn as possible (I think it’s perfect right now). And as someone who lived through the glorious phase, I respectfully disagree that you would not have a logo with “Property of.” You might have block letters of the team name, a logo, or both! And yes, you might have XXXL, but I’d vote against it now…

    +1 on Aesthetics Department, XXL, block letters, and I would like to see a heather grey color as vintage looking as possible.

    Put me down for one in gray as is, no changes other than maybe sharperning it up a little.

    Yes, I’d love to see it in heather gray and some shade of green, and it simply must say “Aesthetics Department” with the XXL oval somewhere.

    I’m on board with “Property of Uni Watch Aesthetics Department” with the XXL oval in the middle. Heather gray is a must, but I’d like to see other colors if possible.

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