The Liberty Flames have unveiled new, very minimalist, uniforms for the 2024 football season.
As is de rigueur these days, they put all their effort into the hype video:
fitted for the Flames 🔥 pic.twitter.com/QfGYJiL0yU
— Liberty Football (@LibertyFootball) July 24, 2024
As you can see, the team has unveiled a red and white uniform for this season. Here’s a closer look:

Both uniforms are quite plain minimalist — featuring no stripes of any kind. There are two helmets — a red and a white — and both feature “Flames” in script on the side. They appear to be in a matte finish.

Jerseys are also white and red, with the red (home) jersey having the Conference USA logo and swoosh just below the shoulders, and “Flames” in white script outlined in blue beneath for the wordmark. Numbers are white and in a block font, also outlined in blue. The collar is in contrasting blue with thin blue stripes at the sleeve ends.

The white jersey is almost identical, but it has “Liberty” in red script with a blue outline. Numbers are also red with a blue border. It features a contrasting blue collar, and small blue stripes at the ends of the shoulder caps.

Here are a few closeups of the red and white jerseys:

Both jerseys also have the Liberty Flames mascot logo at the base of the collar.

On the pants, there is also a mascot logo on the right side, just below the waist.

Unless the Flames have more options to unveil, this set is much simpler than what the team has previously worn. Last year the team had blue helmet, jersey and pants options. Additionally, all three jersey and pants options had stripes. Here’s a comparison of the new vs. old uniforms:

Most NCAA Football teams that have unveiled new uniforms for 2024 have had much more “classic” looks — including many who have added stripes — whereas Liberty has gone the opposite route. The stripped down uniforms are shown as mono-red and mono-white, but hopefully the team will mix and match for the season. I don’t particularly mind the new “Liberty” and “Flames” scripts for the jerseys, but I’d prefer a logo for the helmet. It’s also a bit odd that the white helmet has “Flames” in solid red, while the jersey script reads “Liberty” in red script outlined in blue. The red helmet (solid white “Flames”) and red jersey (white “Flames” outlined in blue) are also a bit odd in that they don’t quite synch.
I honestly have to say this new set is a downgrade. Removing the stripes in favor of a very plain look seems so 2010s. Liberty football made tremendous strides in 2023, actually going undefeated for the regular season, and qualifying for a “New Year’s Six” bowl (where they were soundly trounced by Oregon in the Fiesta Bowl). Despite the outcome, Liberty had a pretty good uniform game going. These new duds feel like a step backwards.
Your thoughts?
Downgrade overall. I like the helmet logo, but it’s not better. I wouldn’t mind seeing more teams outside the traditional conferences doing different logos on either side of the helmet and would like to see Liberty do that with this set.
Love the script wordmarks. Would look great on a baseball jersey.
I’m torn. I agree with you, it would look great in a baseball jersey. I’m not sure script works on a football jersey but I am not sure why that is. Script wordmarks work on helmets. They can work on basketball jerseys. So why not football jerseys? But for some reason, I don’t like it. Could be tradition.
My my how the pendulum swings huh? We’ve finally escaped from the insane, overly complex, multi-paneled days of the 2000’s and 2010’s, but boy this minimalist, no-stripes approach is ROUGH.
Alt headline: Worst school in America debuts meh uni set.
Or: America’s lamest college unveils uni set as bland as its campus life
Let’s keep politics out of this, thanks.
I dig them. Prev unis were way too much
I actually like “Flames” in script on the helmet. I’m not really a fan of the “LU” logo, so the helmet is an upgrade to me.
Not offensive, but way too much inconsistency IMO. The fronts feel pretty busy with the script word marks and the outlined numbers, but then there’s nothing on the shoulders/sleeves. It creates a visual imbalance. On top of that, there’s no outline (or blue for that matter) on the helmets, which look good on their own, but don’t work particularly well with the jerseys.
Then there’s the inconsistency with the shadows on the chest script. The up/left on the red with varying thickness between each letter, and the down/right on the white which is clearly thicker than on the red jersey. Just sloppy execution overall.
No TV numbers and no sleeve stripes is a downgrade to me. I do like the inclusion of the mascot, never seen it before.
quit with the stripeless uniforms nike…
I like the script, but these look so incredibly plain.
Does anyone know why TV numbers are slowly dying? I always thought it was a uniform require. Was there a rule and now there isn’t? My thinking is that Nike and others are “reducing weight of jerseys or something like that, or maybe trying to make them look more “clean”.
Hate the crooked Liberty word on the front of the white jersey? What is that called when the word is going upwards? I hate all wording on uniforms like that. Just looks like someone accidentally put it on there crooked.
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your 2024 Liberty Maraschino Cherries!
You’d think a football team called the Liberty Flames would at least have a cool helmet logo. They do not.
All these teams keep remaking the same hype video for the same blank, mono-colored uniforms.
Not a fan of minimalist monochrome.
Totally disagree with you! The all red is amazing. Been saying this for years, we are the flames! What color is associated with flames? Red!!’ Our home jerseys should be primarily red and I love that they are all red. I love the simple look and I think the blue shoulder sections in last years home jerseys made the uniforms look worse. Sometimes simple is better and that is the case here. I actually don’t mind the helmets saying flames on it since it basically explains why the jerseys are primarily red. Would I prefer an “LU” logo on them instead? Probably. But not a bad consolation prize.
That is a massive downgrade without stripes. I’m fine with the red and white only (especially since red/white/blue is so overdone), but they look too plain. The uniforms last year were really nice. In terms of logo, I prefer the script Flames to the interlocked LU, but I prefer the angry eagle logo to both for the helmet.
It’s so frustrating that keep going from extreme to extreme. Their old look is so much better. The new look is like they just spit out a basic uniform and slapped their logos on it.
I was really hoping the trend of no stripes on pants was gone but apparently it’s getting more momentum. That’s unfortunate.
I am guessing that whoever designed the red unis was influenced by the Pat Hill era Fresno State teams. Lookup a game pic of David Carr in 2001 and tell me that they are not virtually identical. Another observation is the double dose of Sparky the eagle. He is featured on both the pants and the jerseys.