In what counts as fairly major news for tradition-bound Notre Dame football, the school unveiled (slightly) updated jerseys Friday morning.
The biggest change in the jerseys is the metallic gold interlocking ND on the shoulders. Previously, the ND was a matte white with a matte yellow/gold trim. It would appear the team is trying to match the finish on their helmets.

In addition, the trim around the jersey numbers also now has a more metallic finish, compared to the more matte gold that the numbers previously featured.

One other small change that you might have missed is the placement of the Under Armour logo. Whereas, previously it was located on the left side of the jersey, it is now located at the base of the collar.
Here’s a couple more looks at the new sleeve cap logo:

Unfortunately, we didn’t yet get a look at the jersey backs, but one can surmise the numbers on back will have the more metallic finish as well.
Notre Dame didn’t show off their white jerseys yet, so if there are any changes to them, we’ll find out at a later date.
For any other school, these small updates might have gone unnoticed, but for ND, this is a pretty big change.
Why can’t that shiny gold finish be applied to the pants as well?
Please No
Uni-watch needs to stop their obsession with shiny metallic pants.
Whose obsession with shiny metallic pants does Uni-watch (sic) need to stop?
And what is the reason this obsession needs a stoppage?
What’s wrong with shiny gold pants? They’re awesome.
Here here !!!!
I like this in theory, but that green border makes it very hard to discern the ND. Just looks like a shiny blob. And yes to adding some shine to the matte pants.
Sorry it looked green, guess there no border or outline, still hard to see.
Some white trim would help it stand out a lot more.
I really wish they made this entire look was sans outline or stroke….
Love the gold ND arm patch – wish the pant ND patch was just blue, no outline. Same with the jersey number – just go with white numbers…it would be sweet
The pants, what little we see of it, seem to not match with the gold of the helmet. More of a yellow gold like their rival USC. I guess it’s not just Nike that has problems with metallic pants.
The pants are a matte, mustard gold color. There’s no mistaking them for USC’s pants; pull up a YouTube video of either the 2022 or 2023 games and you’ll notice the difference right away.
Have the pants & helmet ever matched exactly during the modern “shiny helmet” era? This is by design. If the pants matched the helmet, it would look far more like Las Vegas than South Bend. (Neither would be mistaken for USC, though, because the Trojans wear yellow gold and the Irish do not.)
This is God speaking. I have a special interest in Notre Dame’s uniforms. I command them to return to the copper/gold color of the Lou Holtz years. The current metallic gold is too gaudy, dare I say “sacrilegious.”
God is right in this case, totally right.
I’m still waiting for ND to put “Returning to Glory Since 1993” on the inside of the collar.
I want the pants to be shiny metallic gold so bad. I miss that look in football with the metallic silver pants too.
Wonder how off the gold trim on the number is from their CFP jerseys a few years back
I always considered myself one of the subway alumni and I wonder if ND fans prefer the matte style gold helmet, say from the Holtz years, versus the new shiny metallic gold of recent years. Personally I liked the matte finish.
A matte finish has never been sought, ever since ND went to painted helmets. They were painted with gold lacquer before every game. Over time, the changes in helmet shells and in paints led to a dull tan color. With the water-based printing, you get a consistent gold color, which has been very popular.
I think this was a good touch to the uniforms. Put a small green shamrock by UA logo and its perfect
These look really blingy for Notre Dame. What’s next, gold lame pants?
Hiding the ND Brand in plain sight. You can’t SEE it. I swear designers have become idiots.
With those hats and blue jerseys, you don’t need to see it. You know that’s ND.
Now all the need is the gold face mask and they will be killing it
Honestly I never realized how bad the ND logo until this set. Really looks like it belongs to a small regional D III school. Not sure what this made it finally jump at me, but it’s bad.
I guess another change to sell more jerseys and nothing more.
A golden blotch, especially from afar. Bad design. We need a white outline, or a bright kelly green one.