This morning, the Oregon State University Beavers unveiled their uniforms for the 2024 season. While not quite as egregious as EA Sports’ leak of Virginia Tech’s uniforms, the Boise State Broncos actually leaked the Beavers’ uniforms in their unveiling a couple days ago.
So the new uniforms aren’t a total surprise.
As always, we’ll start with the obligatory hype video:
What’s better than three? Four. pic.twitter.com/zOISPpDPZ3
— Oregon State Football (@BeaverFootball) July 12, 2024
And another short one of what appears to be from the EA Sports NCAA 2024…
👀 dammmm pic.twitter.com/34a6XDQP10
— Oregon State Football (@BeaverFootball) July 12, 2024
For 2024, the Beavers will have four uniforms — in traditional black, orange and white, with a newly added (dark) anthracite uniform. In fact, at least under the studio lighting used to show off still of the uniforms, the anthracite could be mistaken for black.
There will be three helmets with this set: white, orange and black. Both the black and orange helmets are stripeless, while the white helmet features a thin black/thick orange/thin black stripe running from bumper to bumper. All three helmets will have a Beaver logo on both sides.


The road uniforms have “BEAVS” in large block font on the chest, atop black numbers outlined in orange. TV numbers in the same color pattern are on the sleeve caps, and the shoulders feature a new striping pattern, in thin black/thick orange/thin black, mimicking the helmet striping.

NOB will be in a block font and rear numbers are in the same color/pattern as the front. Note also the numbers aren’t solid, but have a slight checkerboard pattern. All four jerseys have the beaver logo located at the base of the collar. A black contrasting color collar is on the white jersey.

The white pants will also have a striping pattern in thin black/thick orange/thin black.

Like the white uniforms, the black also have “BEAVS” in large block lettering atop white numbers outlined in orange. The black jersey features an orange contrasting color collar, and TV numbers are found on the sleeve caps. Atop the shoulders is a white/black/orange/black/white striping pattern.

Thin orange stripes are located around the base of the shoulder caps.

The pants have the same white/black/orange/black/white striping pattern as is found on the shoulders.

As is common to all the jerseys, these too have “BEAVS” in block black lettering across the chest and have black numbers outlined in white both front and back. NOB is in black, and a thick orange stripe is bordered by thin white and black stripes. The orange jersey has a black contrasting color collar.

Stripes on the pants follow the same pattern as on the shoulders.


The anthracite uniform is similar to the black in color and striping aspects, but it has a black contrasting color, while the black jersey has an orange collar. The numbers are outlined in black, whereas on the black uniform, those numbers are outlined in orange.

Here are additional looks at each uniform:

In addition, the Beavers have pulled a Florida here, with a sneaky striping pattern that is actually the same on all uniforms, although each looks different. A thin white/thin black/thick orange/thin black/thin white pattern is found on the shoulders and pants. Also, each set of numbers contains the subtle checkerboard pattern (not really a fan there) but those probably won’t be visible at any distance, so it’s fine.
All in all, a really nice set of orange, black and white uniforms. And an unnecessary anthracite uniform. It will be interesting to see if the Beavers mix and match any of these elements. While they are shown individually as mono jersey/pant (and in all cases but anthracite, same-color helmet as well), with the striping patterns, these definitely could be mix/matched. We can only hope.
Readers? What say you?
Nice write-up Phil. I’m pretty sure the “checkerboard” pattern on the numbers is supposed to mimic the pattern found on a Beaver’s tail. As a Beaver’s fan, I’m quite happy with these, though I definitely agree with your assessment of the 4th jersey.
Good Lord Nike slow down! lol
I love stripes like that when they match over all colors
THIS!!! Matching stripes indicate that the designer really sweated the details.
I 100% agree. This is probably the largest uni-related complaint I have about football uniforms – mismatched striped.
This was brilliant!
Amazing uni set, and yet……….Beavs? Really?
Don’t they know you’re not required to put anything there? This IS football, after all.
I agree that Beavs seems odd to have on all four jerseys. Beavs seems like an informal nickname that belongs on an alternate jersey, while the standard home and road jerseys should have a more official name on them like Oregon State, OSU, or Beavers.
I do prefer consistency between the different uniform options, as opposed to having each of your uniforms with a completely different design like the Washington Commanders (link). But I’m not really a fan of having four different uniforms all being identical except for the color swaps, either. I’d prefer if there was something a little different on one or two of the jerseys, like changing up the name on the front.
Among fans, the team is known as “the Beavs.” So, yeah, really.
Caltech Beaver Football: Undefeated Since 1993
Ditch the anthracite already. It’s the black set (which is a school color, not BFBS) without the snazzy orange trim around the numbers. No need for this at all.
“BEAVS”? Meh…
Diamond accent? Meh…
Racing stripes up the shoulders? Meh…
A Nike uni that doesn’t look phoned in? Good job, Beavers. Though I wish they changed up the stripe colors between jerseys and pants
obligatory hype video
There is no such thing.
I will miss off-white they had. Regular white… pfft.
I like the anthracite, but that should just be Wazzu’s thing.
And I could do without the orange Tootsie Pop helmet. Otherwise, very nice set.
I always thought the beaver aspired helmet bars looked cool.
I like how the shoulder/pants stripes keep the colors in consistent order. Very nice, in my opinion. Would have been pretty nice to see them do the same with helmet stripes. Much better than the dumpster fires they have had in the past. Looking forward to seeing them on the field.
I’m just here for the Naked Gun quote.
The Naked Gun: Sports movie or not? I say it is.
The Naked Gun is a sports movie in the same way that Diehard is a Christmas movie.
No conference logo.
At the quickest of quick glances, the Oregon State beaver head logo always looks to me like the Atlanta Thrashers logo. I realize that I am one of like a dozen people who were fans of the Thrashers, but it gets me at least once a year when I see the logo come across on a score ticker.
I was a fan of the sweaters with the shoulder stripes and the numbers on the front.
And yeah, the quickest of quick glances gives me the same vibe.
Give yourselves more credit than that… it was a baker’s dozen!
I agree with you though, always felt that “Thrasher” about this logo, even though I do like it.
I like the shoulder strips, would like to see more of that, but sooo sick of the mono.
The shoulder striping looks ridiculous. They should have them switch places with the TV numbers. As it is they look like epaulettes. The orange Mylar balloon helmet is awful. The anthracite jersey is out of date. Can teams please stop doing this?
Repeat comment from VT. Will we get another next week all Mono?
Getting a little annoying that every new veiling is double and triple mono-unis.
You can still have symmetry when the jersey matches the socks and the helmets match the pants. Not to mention symmetry among the striping on a helmet, sleeves, pants AND socks.
Don’t get me wrong. I like the minimalist look by taking away all the little garbage things on the jerseys and pants. But come on, let’s mix and match some colors again.
It’s a good evolution of what they had before! I was a little worried when I first saw the headline pop up, but overall a good job of slightly modernizing their previous unis
Crass headline.
Do you get the reference?
Thanks. I just had it stuffed.
The shoulder stripes are awful and ruin what would be a great uniform without them
I like that they updated previous set and got rid of the dirty white. But I liked the subtle wood grain in the numbers from last set. Shoulder and leg stripes are better than last set, and keep the tradition of stripes on shoulders and number on upper arm.
The orange helmet looks terrible as it looks way too different than the uniforms. And “Beavs” is terrible. Otherwise not bad.
I agree the orange helmet doesn’t match the orange uniform. And I’m over white helmets.
Nice set, I actually really like these. shoulder stripes are unique but simple, I respect it. Overall look is solid. But that logo is hard on the eyes, wish they’d go back to the old beaver head
I love Love LOVE the use of the “Master Stripe”. I’m a Seminoles fan, but I’d be a damn liar if I said I didn’t like that aspect of the Gators’ uniforms. Looks good on the Beavers too. Also, I’m pretty sure the “checkerboard” pattern is actually a “beaver tail” pattern.
Nice set but no mono please. Mix it up. I really like the shoulder stripe. Just saw footage of the Purdue team from 1967 and they also had shoulder stripes, be it in solid gold.