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Olympic “Correspondents” Wanted!

Don’t look now, but the Paris 2024 Games are just around the corner, with Opening Ceremonies slated for Friday, July 26th. The Games will run until Sunday, August 11th.

During these two weeks (and possibly a bit before), I’m hoping to run a bunch of reader-generated articles related to the Olympics, as I have done in past years.

Therefore, I’m putting out the call for “Olympic Correspondents.” If you’re interested in covering one of the disciplines, either a p/review of the uniforms being worn for these games, or an historical retrospective of the uniforms worn for a certain event, from the past up until the present, I want to hear from you!

Some of the best articles on Uni Watch pertaining to the Olympics have come from readers, and I know many of you have deep interests in a good number of the events.

There are actually three categories of coverage I’m looking for here: 1) Previews of the uniforms to be worn in a specific event (right now the ONLY two sports that are taken is Men’s Soccer, and our own Anthony Emerson will be doing the previews of the kits to be worn during the Olympics, and Field Hockey, which our own Jamie Rathjen will be handling); 2) Reviews of the uniforms worn during the games (so these would run a bit later in the cycle); and, 3) historical retrospectives of the uniforms worn for any specific disciplines over the years (right now wrestling outfits from the past to the present is the only thing off the table).

So if you’d like to pen a piece and have your name featured in Uni Watch lights for any of the events in this year’s games — be it previews, reviews or historical rundowns — please give me a shout (e-mail me at phil.hecken@gmail), and we can discuss the specifics.

Here is a list of sports to be played at this year’s Olympics. I’d love to cover as many of these as possible, so I’m hoping you guys will step up — as you always do — and we can run a bunch of Olympic uni features surrounding the games.


Comments (3)

    If no one else steps up, I will gladly accept the grueling task of reporting on the beach volleyball uni-verse. Sometimes you just have to take one for the team ;-)

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