As expected, the Anaheim Ducks today unveiled the club’s new logo, and home and away uniforms as part of their “brand evolution.”
They’ve released not one, but two, hype videos:
A tribute to our legacy, with eyes on the future.
You’re entering Orange Country. pic.twitter.com/oXF8lTV7Os
— Anaheim Ducks (@AnaheimDucks) June 26, 2024
Orange runs within the fabric of our DNA. pic.twitter.com/wlfCZGKrEn
— Anaheim Ducks (@AnaheimDucks) June 26, 2024
The new look includes a new logo:

Per the Ducks, “Revolutionized by a vibrant transformation of the iconic duck mask with a refreshed twist now framed in vibrant orange as the bold primary color reflective of the team’s home in Orange County. The Ducks’ identity evolution honors Anaheim’s unique citrus heritage and the enduring spirit of hard work it symbolizes. A refined crest inspired by the original primary design of the Mighty Ducks, this refreshed primary symbol embodies the commitment to our community and fans as we further cement our hockey legacy, carrying forward with pride and passion.”
The new uniforms are harkbacks to their original Mighty Ducks roots, but with a heavy dose of orange. The team has provided a handy-dandy guide to some of the features:

The home jersey is largely orange, and features black/white/gold striping on the sleeves, as well as at the base of the jersey. Below the striping pattern is a large block of black on the sleeves, and a smaller block of black on the hem.

Shoulders have the webbed-“D” logo in gold, with white/black outlines.

The revamped logo/crest sits on the chest.

A closeup of the jersey and sleeve show the colors and materials.

The home uniform will have an orange helmet, while the road uniform will have a white one. Both uniforms feature orange breezers. Socks for the home uniform have an orange top, black/white/gold stripe, and black on the bottom.

The road uniform is similar to the home, but features an orange yoke. Sleeves and hem both feature the same black/white/gold stripe, but instead of black, the bottom of the sleeve and jersey are orange.

Socks are white on top, have the black/white/gold stripe below that, and are orange at the base.
Here’s a side-by-side of both jerseys.

The jersey numbers are rounded, and feature an interesting modified block shadow pattern. They are white with gold shadowing plus full black block shadow on the orange jerseys.

On the white jerseys they are orange, with the same gold/black shadow pattern as on the home jerseys.

Both jerseys feature straight nameplates, and NOB is rendered in a slightly rounded, custom font.

Readers? What say you all?
The eyebrow certainly is prominent.
I dig them. A duck-shaped goalie mask should look stupid, but it works…
It’s such a fine line between stupid and clever.
This has been quite a day for UW posts that evoke Spinal Tap lines. I almost posted Nigel Tufnel’s line about “none more black” on the article about Oregon’s BFBS unis.
It’s a very Disney-esque logo. Fitting, given who originally owned the franchise.
Apparently, they’ve changed the shade of orange to the same one worn by Philadelphia and Edmonton.
I mean, it does look stupid. Which is why it works.
They need black breezers STAT. Those orange ones are NOT working.
The jerseys are fine.
NUH-UH! Black breezers would make this a Flyers’ uniform, and the Ducks have to stand on their own. A solid orange uniform is unique, and will serve the team well.
I get carving out your own identity. But if it looks bad, it looks bad. And I personally think this looks bad. YMMV.
If you wanted orange breezers, then how about a black primary jersey? That is a lot of orange.
That aside, I really like these. More than I thought I would. I liked the eggplant and jade but that belongs to another time. The orange for Orange County makes sense. And I really like the custom font; sometimes, it works and it does here.
or you know they could’ve just never ditched the eggplant and jade if they wanted to be unique.
I think black shells with the home and stick with the orange on the aways.
I like
These look really nice although the orange breezers may be a bit much. So glad they didn’t go back to eggplant. But then again, I’m ‘nuts’ for simply having an opinion, so what do I know.
Southern California is two-for-two in new hockey uniforms today. I’ll take that batting average!
Truly. First the Kings, and now the Ducks. Will the Angels Disney-era logo be next?
Fantastic update! Instead of orange or black, I wonder what they would look like with gold breezers…
The only thing I’m not crazy about is the home sweater without a yoke and the away sweater with a yoke. But otherwise I really, really like this new look.
Normally, that would bother me too. In this instance, it’s working for me. Maybe because of the excellent sleeve-end treatments? Maybe because the logo just needs some nearby blocks of orange to work on the white chest?
With all the chatter about whether the team should add black breezers instead of orange breezers, I’d just like to chime in and suggest WHITE breezers would probably look good with those orange jerseys. That is all.
The Vegas gold and orange makes these look like if you took the early-Crosby Penguins sweaters and tricked them out for hunting season.
Being born and raised in Saskatchewan, I need to ask. WTF is a breezer? :)
Just kidding! I know what that is. I salute the Ducks for going with the orange pants and helmet. The recent RR uniform with the orange pants have influenced the new uniforms.
It looks good. It is an upgrade. I appreciate they are embracing orange as their colour in a big way. Owning the colour and we finally get orange helmets in the league.
With going big orange, the gloves should have flip-flopped colours. Black wrist roll and black fingers and rest of glove orange.
Of course, if I had the keys to the organization we would have put this new logo and shoulder patch on the 30th anniversary alternate from last year and it would be the new primary uniforms. They own another set of colours as theirs if they wanted to.
Like the Kings, this uniform is an upgrade but would have liked the team to take the opportunity to return to original colours.
Same garbage. Now packed with 50% more orange for extra lousy taste!
Orange is the new orange in my book. I love these.
If not mistaken, this will be the first orange helmet in NHL history?
I like these too.
Big day for Ducks unis! Didn’t expect two different teams called Ducks to unveil new uniforms about an hour apart!
These are actually really great! The revamped logo is even better than the original. The only gripe I have is that the numbers are kind of weird. With the kings and ducks rebrand we can now focus on getting the Caps and Blue Jackets some now unis. They are now the leagues worst dressed teams.
I like the Capitals crest even if it is just script, they just need more traditional striping. On the other hand I’ve never been able to even get on board with the Columbus Blue Jackets identity. They need to scrap it and rebrand.
While I’m not a fan of orange I do like that they went with this logo. I prefer these over the previous set, for sure.
Nice uniforms. In the future, articles like this would be good with a chronology of uniforms so we can see how much it’s changed.
Yep. If there weren’t so many unis unveiled today I could have put more time in. But this was an EXHAUSTING uni day.
Amateur. Doesn’t look like the players are fans either. But I guess this is what the fans wanted. Too cartoonish for me. Exactly what Brian Burke was trying to get away from when he built the Cup team.
NHL scores again. Upping its lead on the other pro leagues. Just keep Nike the hell away and all will be well.
The tragedy of uni ads notwithstanding, the NHL jerseyscape is just about 100% on point these days.
When I see orange in the NHL I think flyers. I think the ducks could of had their own unique color if they returned to the eggplant of the original sweaters or even that dark shade of green.
I’m glad they brought back the classic logo full-time. Also, someone on Reddit leaked these full-time by the way.
Disturbing. The road jersey especially. The logo is understandable ad evev cute. But what is going on behind the mask? A triangle with a massive black hockey puck over it? Do we really need that? This set is gone in five years.
Hope they are ready for loads of skating pylons jokes every time the opposing teams are skating circles around them
Sort of rubs me wrong…
Orange Country – The “Hype” for Ducks in Orange in the video.
Orange County – The county where the Ducks play (now in Orange).
I love these!
Bringing back the original logo is excellent, but not everything else. I don’t like this color scheme, there’s too much orange, and the number font is odd. I wish they went back to their original colors. That was unique and made them stand out from the rest of the league.
The orange pants look fine with the orange jersey, but with the white jersey, the orange hem and the orange pants blend together creating a “short jersey” effect (kind of a pet peeve of mine – unless it’s a one color team (Red Wings, Maple Leafs, etc).
We’ll see how they look on the ice.
I don’t see any eggplant or teal
Great uniforms, about time they went back to a version of the iconic original logo. but a bit derivative of the Flyers, I think black as the primary with orange as the secondary / accent color would have been the way to go so they wouldn’t look so much like the Flyers. But I guess the mono orange differentiates them a bit.
I’m more concerned with the deliberate photography style that makes them look like we’re rescuing hostages.
I can’t wait to see these on the ice! What an upgrade! Once again, a team hits a grand slam by going back to a look they never should have deviated from.
Winning some games is a great way to “evolve their brand”. Perhaps they should try that.
I like orange but this is way too much orange. I think it will look very comical on the ice.
As usual, the storytelling that they make up is vomit-inducing.
This is a huge uniform upgrade for the Ducks. Switching to Orange as primary color is unique and the overal treatment of the striping is very sharp. Are there any stripes on the pants?
Wow these are awesome. Orange and Gold makes for a surprisingly handsome combination. They managed to make these uniforms feel really unique despite the fact that several other NHL teams wear orange.
This begs the question, is this orange/gold color combination severely underutilized in the sports world?
Orange for Orange County, it’s too bad they don’t play in Eggplant County.
While I think these look nice and certainly a better uniform than any of their previous Black/Orange/Gold era uniforms, I still think this exact layout would look better and be more embraced by a wide spectrum of fans if it were Purple/Teal. But, I also can understand some fans and ownership preferring to be in the Orange category since it fits with a Cup win.
It appears as if, at least for now, Fanatics will carry on with the ridiculous Adidas collars…
Only thing I’m not a fan of is the “D” on the shoulders not going the same direction on each side. Would prefer them being symmetrical.