Here are the 2024-25 Home jerseys for the National Hockey League Metropolitan Division. All graphics supplied by Fanatics. Click on the gallery below each team to see more views of the jerseys.








Still bothered that Carolina’s jersey only represents North Carolina.
I’m still bothered the Hurricanes insist on wearing this as their primary home jersey. It is suitable as an alternate. 2 differing shoulder patches that are ghosted are more fit to be on an alternate jersey. This logo as a main crest I feel doesn’t sit right.
They seem to take pride in having an inconsistent look for their uniform sets. The team belongs in red. The team belongs in the original Carolina Hurricanes’ look that they have worn recently as a throwback.
The two-flag logo is too linear. I think that’s why it doesn’t look right. They had the right idea with their original single-flag logo, but unfortunately the overly literal wing of the uni-watching camp got to them. So now we have a logo that’s more technically accurate but looks worse.
“Overly literal”? Try “accurate.” One red flag with a black square signals a mere storm warning. You need two for a hurricane warning.
Perhaps they could do that “textured embroidery” or whatever they call it to “embed” an “NC” in one flag and an “SC” in the other.
Logos are art, not a science paper. They don’t need to be accurate. Lions aren’t blue. Penguins don’t wear hockey skates. I could go on…
Still bothered that Carolina’s jersey only represents North Carolina.
Also… Why is “capitals” in lower case?
Because it’s always been?
Great call out here. This will always annoy me now
the capitals using a lowercase font
Their catchphrase is even “all caps!” Lol
I can’t believe teams are still going with that half-collar look. It’s so bad.
What is that? Even teams with an obvious V-neck (Flyers) have a crew neck on the inside. And what is going on the Islanders? It’s part-polo shirt color with a bolo tie thrown in?! Gah!!
That half collar look should stop, true. And no side panels please (as in Washington). But overall it looks like a lot of thought was given to embroidery and stitching. No wonder, it comes from the same Canadian factory that has produced these jerseys for a long time, I am told.
NHL realignment that needs to happen (because I say so and yes, I’m repeating this comment in all four posts today)…
– Original 6: Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Montreal, NYR, Toronto
– Expansion 6 (kinda): LA, Minnesota, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, SJ, St.L
– Other 5 Canadian teams: Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Vancouver
– Other Western teams: Anaheim, Colorado, Seattle, Utah, Vegas
– Southern teams: Carolina, Dallas, Florida, Nashville, Tampa Bay
– Teams that don’t fit nicely into the other categories: Washington, Buffalo, NYI, NJ, Columbus
The Original 6 and Expansion 6 (kinda) would always be in separate conferences to keep the numbers even but the other four would flip-flop every few years.
Well, I thought I was going to be able to add this same comment in all four of today’s posts but maybe the system is eating them becuase they are being flagged as spam so here goes another try…
NHL realignment that needs to happen (because I say so):
– Original 6: Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Montreal, NYR, Toronto
– Expansion 6 (kinda): LA, Minnesota, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, SJ, St.L
– Other 5 Canadian teams: Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Vancouver
– Other Western teams: Anaheim, Colorado, Seattle, Utah, Vegas
– Southern teams: Carolina, Dallas, Florida, Nashville, Tampa Bay
– Teams that don’t fit nicely into the other categories: Washington, Buffalo, NYI, NJ, Columbus
Original 6 & Expansion 6 (kinda) need to always be in separate conferences to keep the numbers even but the other four would get rearranged every few years.
For all the people wondering why the Canes use the NC flag, the heavy majority of the fanbase is in NC. I’m not sure anyone in SC even cares about hockey. Its also nice to see the hockey stick flags are the home jersey for this year!!
To be fair to the Canes, Karmanos had originally targeted Charlotte as the new location since it was the largest city in the state and is right on the border, but the politicians in Raleigh had an absolute hissy fit over the fact Charlotte would then have the Panthers, Hornets, and Canes and so threatened to block the move if Raleigh didn’t get the team. And with that decision any sort of cross-border South Carolina support became far more difficult since the team was now closer to Virginia than SC. Worked out for me, however, since I was living in Raleigh at the time.
The Devils jersey (and hockey jerseys in general), look unfinished without the stripes around the bottom.
The stitching on the Rangers’ lettering is very odd. The top-red letters have a lockdown/zig stitch in half the places you’d expect to see it. Are they trying to create a beveled look with stitches? Is this even a new thing?
Very tired of the faux lace-up collar. They look tacky and there’s not a single uniform that looks better with them. Laced collars haven’t been attractive since the EDGE template took over.
The Capitals’ jersey looks so so bad compared to the others here. It’s one of the few remaining holdovers from the 2007 Reebok redesign, which was not a good era for NHL aesthetics. Definitely time for a change.
Why not go back to the Rod Langway Era? Those were my favorites, and I don’t like the Caps at all…
20 years later and the Caps are still using that embarrassing template.