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Uni Watch Tour ’24 Report: New York City!

The fifth and final stop on Paul’s 2024 Farewell Tour took place this past Sunday, May 26th, in New York City, at Bowery Electric in downtown NYC. It was highlighted by an awesome set by the Zambonis, most of whom wore custom “Uni Watch” hockey jerseys. I honestly hadn’t planned on doing the recap (Paul had done the other four, but the whirlwind final week of his tenure, coupled with this gathering occuring on Paul’s last day, led to us deciding I’d handle this recap.) Neither Paul nor I took any photos, but several readers in attendance did so (thanks to everyone who sent them in). As such, there will be some photos below for attendees whose name(s) I either forgot or didn’t catch in the first place — so if you’re pictured below, and not ID’ed, please post your name (and identify the photo) in the comments below and I’ll update the information.

Honestly the day was a bit of a blur for me (and tempered with more than a bit of sadness), but it was another outstanding gathering, it was great to meet (or renew acquaintances/friendships with) readers. It was also my great pleasure to meet a bunch of folks at this party. Everyone was incredibly thoughtful and supportive, and it speaks to the great strength of the community Paul has built for all of us to enjoy.

If anyone who was in attendance would like to express your own thoughts (or if I’ve posted a photo of you and either didn’t get, or didn’t remember, your name), please do so in the comments.

Let’s look at some of the (many) photos sent in by various readers — there were a couple of readers who sent in multiple photos (like, dozens or in once case more than 100!). Again, my apologies to anyone whose name/ID I didn’t include.

Here are some, but by no means all, photos of those in attendance. The lighting in the venue wasn’t always ideal, so some photos will have a psychedelic-ish quality.

• Eric Garment (and Paul). Love the “Meats” shirt!

• Our own Anthony Emerson — who is a super-sweet guy in addition to all his contributions to the site. It was the first time Paul and I met Anthony in person (he came down from Maine just for the event).

• Benjamin Bonnet. LOVE that shirt (I believe it’s from the Southern Oregon Timberjacks).

• Jon Springer (of Mets By The Numbers fame)

• Kary Klismet and Paul, showing off their coordinated green and gold stirrups! (Kary will be in several of the following photos, as he sent in a bunch.)

• Gary Korhonen (another who sent in multiple photos!) in his Broncos Naming Wrongs tee! (He also posed with me and the UW baton Paul presented to me at the gathering.)

• Rob Caridad (along with me and Paul)

• Kary along with two attendees whose names I forgot and Janet and Bob Sullivan on the right:

• A random crowd shot, but you can see Paul and E in the foreground, and in the Tequila Sunrise UW shirt is longtime reader (and one of Paul & my curling teammates from back in the day) Doug Kalemba.

• On the left is longtime reader (and frequent contributor) Walter Helfer, along with Anthony and me:

Walter brought along with him several of his hand drawn creations (some of which have already been featured on UW)

• On the right is Gary Korhonen, along with three attendees whose names I can’t recall (sorry):

• On the left is the awesome Jerry Wolper (our proofreader and contributor) and the right is Bryan Molloy (who designed the winged stirrup and also designed every one of our Purp Walk T-shirts). In between are three great guys whose names escape me:

• Me, Marc Rivlin (a long and devoted reader, and HUGE Mets fan) along with Steve Dodell (who you may recall discovered the error in the Mets’ Tom Seaver statue, among other contributions).

• Kary and Bryan Molloy.

• Tom Roddy and Paul.

• Keith Seminerio and Paul.

• Paul and Rob Yasinsac.

• Cam Norris and Paul.

In addition, reader Sam Meyer sent along an entire gallery of photos, which you should be able to view here. Special thanks to Kary Klismet and Gary Korhonen — who each sent dozens/hundreds of additional photos.

Here’s a gallery of the day’s entertainment — the Zambonis!

And here’s an additional gallery (hopefully there won’t be too many repeats) of reader-submitted photos.

My thanks (again) to everyone who attended and to those who sent in photos, double-plus-thanks as well. If you’re in one of the photos shown but not identified, please let us know which pic and post it in the comments (I’ll update this post as needed).

I know there are probably a bunch of photos either I missed or haven’t been sent to the account — if you’d like to have photos added to this article, please send them our way.

And once again, my apologies for forgetting so many names and for any photos I neglected to upload. I’ll continue to update this post as needed!

• • • • •

• Victorio-Matias and Paul

• Ryan Bremer and Paul

Comments (19)

    I am so thoroughly bummed at having had to miss this event. Glad to see that everyone had such a good time.

    Looks like it was a great event…and all the best to you Phil on keeping the site going! Cheers!

    Alas, real life interfered with my hopes to go up. I wore my Uni Watch cycling jersey on Sunday while I was kayaking/cycling in tribute.

    That was me in the 1956 Missoula Timberjacks jersey made by the always great Events Field Flannels. Had a great time at the party and enjoyed meeting so many members of the comm-uni-ty.

    Thanks! Post updated (and apologies for me not remembering your name!)

    In a strange turn of events, the Zambonies Green jersey turned PURPLE under the lights!!

    Wish I coulda been there…sigh.
    Glad it was a good event for Paul and all!

    Yes — would have been great to meet you Chris! Guess I’ll have to put together another get-together (somewhere, sometime).

    Hey, thanks! This was an awesome time. I need to start editing all my photos!

    So rad, and I’m so jelly.
    I’ve been jealous of all of these gatherings (and I’ve even been to two in “The Lou”… Just kidding… in St. Louis.)
    Well, Phil… It’s time Uni Watch brings you to Saint Louie for a little croquet action. The door is always open.

    Thanks Martay!

    Jimmer had discussed holding a gathering down the road — and at some point we will see if — and where (if possible) — UWers would like to hold a UW party. The Lou would certainly be under consideration!

    My thanks to Paul for convincing me to attend. (I saw him crossing the street and recognized his stirrups.)

    It was great to meet everyone there. And I’m glad I had the chance to have a nice conversation with Phil.

    It turns out that Uni Watchers are, indeed, a good bunch of people.

    That’s great Phil and Paul, and thank you for replying to literally every comment or questions I’ve posted since 2007 (the year I discovered UW).
    Back then it was either Derek Jeter “Gets It” or not. (I still don’t know how to do the trademark)
    Anyways. Good times!

    “thank you for replying to literally every comment or questions I’ve posted since 2007”

    Better not break the streak now then ;)

    Good to meet a good chunk of y’all in person on Saturday! I forgot many names since I was there a long time but where I’m listed as Gary Kornonen instead of Korhonen, there’s Lee from NY (formerly SF) and Samy for sure. I will jog my memory more as I decamp back at my parents’ place.

    Whoops! I have you listed three times, and I got the last name right twice (now three times, as I fixed the mistake). Thanks for catching that. If you can shoot me an email at some point and give me a photo ID(s), I’ll gladly update the names I didn’t catch on Sunday.


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