As you all know, Uni Watch will be celebrating its 25th anniversary tomorrow. No enterprise can last that long without the help and support of a great many people. I’d like to thank them now.
Although Uni Watch debuted as a Village Voice column in 1999, this website you’re reading right now debuted in 2006 and has become the hub of my operations. So I want to start by thanking the Uni Watch staff members who’ve made this website possible.
First and foremost is web developer John Ekdahl. John was one of my ESPN readers when he approached me in 2006 with the idea of setting up my own blog. I had no idea how to do that (things weren’t as simple back then), so John built the site and has been my partner ever since. He keeps things running smoothly, puts up with my annoying requests for this or that, and implemented the site redesign that we launched in the summer of 2022. Quite simply, the site would not exist without him.
In 2008, I asked a reader named Phil Hecken, who’d been posting a lot of very smart comments on the blog, if he’d like to take over the site’s weekend content. He agreed, and since then he’s transformed the weekends into their own little scene within the Uni Watch comm-uni-ty, plus he’s also covered for me every August and been an unfailingly loyal friend. I’m really proud to be handing off the site to him, and I know he’s going to do a great job.
There have been lots of other invaluable Uni Watch team members over the years — people whose hard work and dedication to this project have made it possible for me to do my job. That includes Ticker assistants Lloyd Alaban, Mike Chamernik, Anthony Emerson, Kris Gross, Alex Hider, Garrett McGrath, and Jamie Rathjen; proofreader Jerry Wolper; Collector’s Corner columnist Brinke Guthrie; pre-Phil weekend assistants Vince Grzegorek and Bryan Redemske; Uni Watch Plus message board moderators Christian Berumen and Josh Claywell; membership card designer Scott M.X. Turner; membership card printer Bob Sullivan; and cap fulfillment manager Mark LaFountain. I’m grateful to all of them.
Uni Watch has appeared as a column in a wide range of media outlets. In each case, I’ve been tremendously fortunate to work with people who have given me a platform, facilitated the publication of my work, and ensured that it looked good. Those people include:
- At The Village Voice: Ward Harkavy (R.I.P.) and Miles Seligman.
- At Bryan Curtis and Josh Levin.
- At John Banks, Jim Caple (R.I.P.), Sean Hintz, Lynn Hoppes, Kevin Jackson, Jena Janovy, Michael Knisley, Thomas Neumann, Michael Philbrick, Kevin Stone, Chris Ramsay, Dave Schoenfield, Kurt Snibbe, Royce Webb, Matt Wilansky, and Dave Wilson.
- At Sports Illustrated: Ryan Hunt, Jamie Lisanti, and Mark McCluskey.
- At InsideHook: Evan Bleier, Scott Cohen, and Walker Loetscher.
- At Bulletin: James Harness and Beth Loyd.
- At Substack: Shaiyan Khan and Dan Stone.
The Unified podcast was short-lived but a great experience. I’m grateful to co-host Chris Creamer, producer/editor Chris Fraterrigo, web developers Charles Cooke and John Ekdahl, and logo designer Brian Gundell.
One of the best things about Uni Watch has been the privilege of collaborating with so many top-notch graphic designers and artists on various T-shirts, anniversary logos, pins, patches, and other extracurricular projects. I’ve learned so much from working with Andrew Harrington, Sean Kane, Bryan Molloy, Todd Radom, Ron Ruelle, Larry Torrez, Scott M.X. Turner, Rob Ullman, and Wafflebored (all of whom deserve combat pay for putting up with my sometimes nitpicky art direction), and I’m honored that they were willing to flex their prodigious visual skills in Uni Watch’s direction. Thanks, guys — you’re the best.
I’ve also been lucky to partner with various companies and artisans to produce Uni Watch specialty products — pennants, mini-helmets, socks, and more. I’m grateful to chain-stitched logo embroiderer Amy Bengtson; Dave Bolotsky of Uncommon Goods; Austin Chen of Equipt Studios; Bryan Coats, Jerry Cohen, Andy Hyman, and Chloe Rivera of Ebbets Field Flannels; Zak Fellman of the Pillbox Bat Co.; Nathan Haas of AdelphWear; Harrison Hall of Rock ’Em Socks; David Horesh of Oxford Pennant; Jacob Hurtwitz of American Trench; Meg Johnson of Teespring; Brett Mandel of Baseball BBQ; Ron Roza of StickerYou; and Casey Tierney of Rocker T Collectibles. They’ve all been fantastic to work with.
Lots of Uni Watch readers have gone above and beyond by giving their financial support, whether by purchasing Uni Watch products, ordering membership cards, sponsoring raffles, contributing to a travel fund (including the one for my just-completed Tour ’24 trip), or just giving a generous cash donation. All of this has been deeply, deeply appreciated (especially in 2019, when I was the unfortunate answer to a trivia question). I’m sorry to say that I don’t have a comprehensive list of such people, but you know who you are. Thank you so much — I’m truly humbled by your support.
Finally, there are also so many commenters, Ticker contributors, weekend contributors, supporters, friends, broadcasters, team officials, writers, researchers, historians, and others who’ve become part of Uni Watch’s extended family over the years. Some of these people remain integrated into the fabric of the site today, while others have drifted out of the Uni Watch orbit, and a few have passed away. But all of them have had a substantive and positive effect on this project — or, as I like to say, they’ve helped to make Uni Watch a better place.
I’m fairly certain that there are many, many such people who I’ve forgotten or neglected to include here, but the ones I’ve been able to think of are Kyle Acker, Mike Acosta, Judy Adams, Jesse Agler, Steve Albini (R.I.P.), Trevor “Teebz” Alexander, Juliet Ames, the Rev. Vince Anderson, Bob Andrews, Mary Bakija, Eric Bangeman, Jeff Barak, Alleen Barber, Jason Bernard, Frank Bitzer, Gordon Blau, Block “O Canada,” Scott Gleeson Blue, Dennis Bolt, Benji Boyter, Jeremy Brahm, Jay Braiman, Robert Brashear, Doug Brei, Tim Brulia, Marty Buccafusco, Chris Callan, Peter and Fran Capolino, Kevin Cearfoss, Kevin Clark, Ryan Connelly, Tim Cox, Gabe Cornwall, Andrew Cosentino, Richard Craig, Curtis Danburg, Ken Davidoff, Justine DeCotis, Denver Gregg, Bill DeWitt III, Chris Diamond, Katie Dick, Ethan Dimitroff, Jerry Dior (R.I.P.), Timmy Donahue, Blaise D’Sylva, Tim Dunn, E, Robert Eden, Elena Elms, Eli the Actor, Mike Engle, Dave Eskenazi, Roger Faso, Jeff Fedenko, Brian Finch, JohnMark Fisher, Jim Flood, Bill Francis, Richard Frank, Susan Freeman, David Frost, Tyler George, James Gilbert, Deb Goldstein, Russ Gompers, James Griffin, Minna H., Hal the Hot Dog Guy, Bob Halfacre, Marcus Hall, Jim Hamerlinck, Dan Hart, Bethany Heck, Wade Heidt, Walter Helfer, Bill Henderson, Rex Henry, Mike Hersch (R.I.P.), Bill Hetrick (R.I.P.), Marty and Holly Hick, Chris Hickey, Jason Hillyer, Joe Hilseberg, Josh Hinton, Kirsten Hively, Michael Hochman, Rob Holecko, James Huening, Andy Hyman, Chris Isenberg, Tom Jacobsen, Eriq Jaffe, Joe “Big Cock” Johnson, Bill Jones, Josh Kagavi, Terence Kearns, Doug Keklak, Tyler Kepner, John Kimmerlein, Jack Kirr, Carrie Klein, Kary Klismet, Jack Krabbe, Graig Kreindler, Alan Kreit, Todd Krevanchi, Jason Lefkowitz, Morris Levin, Jim Lonetti, Ted Machnik, Michael Malinowski, Mark in Shiga, Robert Marshall, Kevin Martinez, Marc Mayntz, Heather McCabe, Frank Mercogliano, Bruce Menard, Chance Michaels, Milan Micich, Mark Mihalik, Mike Monaghan, Donovan Moore, Conn Nugent, Anne Occi, Kenny Ocker, John Okray, Keith Olbermann, Patrick O’Neill, Bud Parks, Ricko Pearson, Brady Phelps, James Poisso, Matt Powers, Mac Premo, Greg Prince, Michael Princip, Terry Proctor (R.I.P.), Tom Quinn (R.I.P.), Wayne Randazzo, Jerry Reuss, Bruce Richards, Joe Ringham, Marc Rivlin, Tom Roddy, R. Scott Rogers, Ben Rose, Howie Rose, C. Trent Rosecrans, Kurt Rozek, Michael Russek, Catherine Ryan, Ignacio Salazar, Bill Schaefer, Will Scheibler, Dave Schneider, Nic Schulz, Shannon Shark, Tom Shieber, Joe Skiba, Dan Skinner, David Sonny, Loren Southard, Jon Springer, Lee Stokes, Mike Styczen, Scott Tannen, Steven Tatar, Ben Thoma, Ben Traxel, Tom Turner, Steve Vibert, Jim Vilk, Jason Von Stein, Steve Vucinich, Ron Wade, Rob Walker, Ward Wallau, Chris Weber, Max Weintraub, Brandon Weir, Jared Wheeler, Trevor Williams, Chris Willis, Mark Willis, Lee Wilds, Zach Wooldridge, Curtis Worrell, Clint Wrede, Tris Wykes, Ross Yoshida, William Yurasko, Ed Zelaski, Mike Zulla, and Jo Zwiep.
To every person listed here: THANK YOU. I’m grateful to each and every one of you, and I’d give each of you a hug if I could!
I’m sure there are lots of important people who, for whatever reason, have slipped my mind. If you know of such a person (or if you are such a person), feel free to suggest their inclusion.
• • • • •

No Tickers this weekend. The Ticker will return next week.
After today, I will have one day remaining at Uni Watch. I’ll have some final thoughts tomorrow. — Paul
You’re welcome.
Paul, I can’t thank you enough for creating Uni Watch (along with all of the other you’ve mentioned). I’ve always loved sports uniforms & logos from an early age. I’m glad I was able to find guys like you & Chris Creamer, people who love this stuff as much as I do. I’ve always felt like we were kindred spirits. We’ll certainly miss you but after 25 years of doing this you’ve earned the right to do something else with the rest of your life. I’ve always enjoyed Phil’s content on weekends & when you would take your August breaks. So as you said before, Uni Watch will definitely be in good hands. I hope you find the next chapter in your life as fulfilling as this one. I wish you nothing but the best.
Long time reader, some time commentator, just want to say thank you Paul. It was great to find this blog back in 2006 and discover that you and a whole community out there having the same passion for uniforms as myself.
You’re welcome. All your hard work has provided a gathering place for folks to share thoughts on a common interest, so thank you again, Paul, for creating that. This post shows that it’s truly been a comm-uni-ty that’s gathered around and made this site go.
Thank you, Paul! One of my favorite lines of movie dialogue, indeed, I’d call it the best line in any bad movie, comes from the Tom Cruise clunker “Cocktail”: “Everything ends badly. Otherwise it wouldn’t end.” Kudos to Paul for achieving the rare contradiction to this maxim and bringing his time at Uni Watch to an end with grace, not a crash.
Thank YOU Paul! You’ve given the most of all and we’ve benefited so much from this
Just one question about your Thank You collage. What is the K? That’s the one logo I don’t recognize
Looks like K from the fictional New York Knights in The Natural to me. I love that movie so I may be biased!
That is correct! Was hard to find a good K!!
Lots of good K options around Kalamazoo! K Wings and K College would also work.
That movie will hold a special place in baseball history, in a way, because the day after Boston’s loss to the Mets in Game 6 of the 1986 WS, Game 7 was supposed to be played and the anticipation was rabid because of how the Mets won by Buckner missing the grounder to 1st.
Then Sunday came and the game was rained out, so NBC aired “The Natural”….
The whole situation was perfect, with an fictional, underdog, NY blue-collar type team that reflected the Mets roster, the embattled older vet looking for a taste of victory (Roy Hobbs, Ray Knight) and a grizzled, “regular Joe” manager cobbling together a band of misfits into a winner.
Then we still had to wait another day to see if the real NY could pull it off, LOL….
Great memories, Thank You for putting that awesome “K” in there, Paul…
Thank *you*, Paul. It’s been a pleasure. Hopefully, I will see you tomorrow.
The reason you have so many people to thank is that so many people, like me, have enjoyed your insights, opinions, openness, honesty, and friendship over these many years. Thank you again for making my morning coffee time something to look forward to. I’ll be along for the ride on your next adventure and I look forward to seeing how the site evolves under Phil and Jimmer. See ya down the road.
Thank you Paul, and to all of those who helped make this community what it is for all of us who found it.
Paul – it’s been an honor and a pleasure reading your unique insights (see what I did there?) for so many years. I can thank you for helping me bore my coworkers, family, friends and even total strangers with countless discussions about uniforms, logos, graphic design, and other matters of sports aesthetics. Godspeed on your journey and many, many thanks to you!!!
Paul, thank you so much for starting a place for all of us “people who get it”! Cheers!!!
I’ve always been a big fan of sports uniforms and have made this website part of my daily routine for years.
There has been a few times where an email of mine has been included in the ticker. Those were fun experiences for me and I imagine for everyone else that shares a news item.
That is a lot of joy to be spreading around and it has been much appreciated!
Paul, I have disagreed with you countless times and there were moments I thought you were a condescending, know it all jerk, particularly when challenged by readers. Yet I continued to visit daily because I appreciated what you built and enjoyed this very unique sandbox you created. Thanks for letting us play in it.
Thank you for 25 amazing years of amazing content!
I can’t exactly pin down how I discovered Uni Watch…probably related to trying to get the Mets to ditch the black, which worked for a while anyway. It has been close to 15 years and I have probably read 99% of what has been published here and have been lucky enough to have some of my own projects, suggestions and discoveries featured from time to time. Thank you Paul for creating something that has been a constant in my life and has resonated with me like few other things. The one thing I can’t shake is that the world’s foremost expert on a topic is walking away at the top. Shades of Jim Brown. Congratulations.
Gonna miss you Paul. I look forward to reading your future work.
Really appreciate the legacy that you have created. It is not just this website and articles. It is the building of this great and large community. Uni Watch will march on as you have been the catalyst that has brought us all together.
Been a long time since my name and Ricko’s were in the same article…
Thanks, Paul, for bringing you, Phil, Ricko, Doug, Robert, James, Jason, Kenny, Terry, Wade, Wafflebored, and so many others into my life. And of course, thanks for all the wonderful and thought-provoking content. Cheers!
Thank you, Paul!
As I told you last week, you inspired me to try to be more mindful of taking advantage of summers, which is especially relevant this weekend as I kick off what is probably my 6th “Best Summer Ever.” Your column on positivity last summer helped me kick the Twitter habit, which had started to consume too much of my time and make me unhappy about things that were supposed to be fun. Those things are on top of the daily pleasure I’ve gotten from reading about details I had always been drawn to but didn’t realize were actually a thing.
One of my favorite things about reading Uni Watch has always been seeing the incredible ways members of this community have taken the framework of uniforms and used them to create pins, hats, membership card sleeves, children’s building blocks and so many other things I can’t name right now. This community inspires me, so thanks to all of them for sharing their creativity and thanks to you for providing an outlet for that creativity. I hope that’s one thing that will continue on this site in the future.
I don’t want to simply echo all the great things people have been saying about Paul and this blog but I feel I need to add one tidbit that is far more important than anything to do with uniforms; my personal interactions and his words written here have made me a better person. It’s an invaluable trait of his and I hope many others have been able to take things from his work to improve their lives.
I’ve been reading since 2007 Paul. Your writing and worldview have been inspiring and frankly have helped shape my life in many ways. Not in terms of uniforms really, but things like food, curiosity, and ideology.
Thank you for everything. I will miss your presence on this blog greatly.
Thank you Paul! Here’s to decades of adventure to come.
Thank you, Paul. You’ve been an amazing guide in this world of detail and design.
What is the “K” logo in the banner?
NY Knights from ‘The Natural.’
I am flattered to be thanked and happy that I could contribute to this wonderful project. Enjoy pretirement, Paul!
Thank you, Paul, for the scholarship, ingenuity, and sweat you poured into Uni Watch. I was grateful to discover kindred spirits. I have been overjoyed to display my talents and tastes on your site. We’ve had our spats but I’d do it all over again! See you on Sunday.
Thank you, Paul!
I have to share. I’m generally an introvert. I’m a background player at gatherings. Meeting people sometimes gives me anxiety. So there are times when in my mind, I rehearse conversations (I know, it sounds silly). So I rehearsed how it would go meeting Paul. “Hey Paul, I’m so happy to meet you. I am Marcus from Baltimore. Yup, I wore my CC jersey on purpose. Yup, I even have black socks on because they ARE a neutral color” You know, some Uni-Talk to get me comfortable in a setting where I only “know” two people (Andrew Cosentino was there as well, but we’ve never met either).
My son (Xavier, aged 9 going on 39) and I walked down the steps of the duckpin bowling alley, got our shoes, and walked over to the gathering. Paul looked at me and said “Marcus?” I wasn’t expecting him to know who I was! I was expecting to have to make the connection for him as to which reader/commenter/submitter I was. Nope. He truly is just as connected to the readers/commenters/submitters as we are to him and to Uni Watch.
Congrats on the many years of conversation in the comm-uni-ty of persnickety purveyors of the particularities of uniforms. Good luck in your next ventures
It’s been a privilege and a hoot contributing to the Uni-verse in some small way. Thanks!
I’ve always dug your input. Pretty sure we could kick it.
If you’re ever in Southeast North Carolina…
Thanks for mentioning Holly! That means a lot.
I can never thank you enough for giving us Uni Watch. It truly is one of my favorite things. Hey, can that make it onto Inconspicuous Consumption?
My ideas of what looks good or stupid haven’t changed much in the decades I’ve been uni-watching, but my perspective on many topics ‘greater that the game’ have been made broader by reading your posts and the comments of the comm-uni-ty.
“Think Harder” – great advice!
Of the “off-uni”: things you’ve shared over the decades, I’m really going to miss your Culinary Corner – from spiral-cut hot dogs (hold the capers – YVV, err…YMMV), to derby pie, right up to the off-the-charts Christmastime Irish cream.
Thank you for all of it, Paul!
Enjoy the wrap-party…and Cheers to 25 years!
What a legacy!! Gonna miss ya Paul, as I’ve been here for most of the ride! Best of luck in your new endeavor!
Thank you Paul! Reading this blog has been part of my daily routine for 15 years. I’ve been drawing uniforms since grade school back in the 80’s. Wishing you nothing but the best!
Thank you Paul!
Been reading for quite a while, since your first days at ESPN when I found something you had written. I knew I wasn’t like most fans in that I thoroughly enjoyed the aesthetic side of sports just as much as I did the athletic side. And I was happy to find I wasn’t alone in that.
Thank you for letting me help in some small way over the past year or so. I have enjoyed being part of the staff here, and I look forward to continuing that — if Phil and the guys will have me.
Good luck in all that comes next, Paul.
I’ve been following since the Page 2 on ESPN days. While I may not agree with all your takes Paul, Uni Watch has been a part of my daily routine. Thanks for the insight on uniform aesthetics to brannock devices. Enjoy what’s next.
Hi Paul and fellow UniWatchers! It’s been so gratifying to see Paul get his richly-deserved flowers on this tour.
Paul supported me by allowing me to advertise on his site in the late-aughts and we even facilitated a couple of giveaways over the years. I’m on page 33 of 36 in the membership card Flickr gallery (a Doug Williams #17 road jersey), to give you perspective on how long I’ve hung around :)
And I am so bummed that I missed the LA stop on the tour! I actually live in the complex right across the basin from Tony Ps in the marina, and have tossed back many a MaiTai in that establishment. I was just out of town :(
I know you must be so proud of what you achieved here, and I’m confident Phil and Jim and the rest of the team will carry on. Looking through the pictures from the events, I am struck by how kind of a community you have built. And in a time in our lives where we seem to hear so much about people who want to rally around the notion of being unkind, that is to my mind the most meaningful thing you’ve done.
I wish you nothing but the best in our next phase, Paul. You deserve it <3
My favorite Uni Watch of all time:
I remember vividly when your blog was brought to my attention. It was like getting a surprise Christmas present; I was like Ralphie getting his official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle. I couldn’t believe there was anyone out there that noticed and cared as much about these things as I did, and had passion and gumption to make a career out of it!
It has been a daily delight to read Uni Watch all these years, and I’m honored and blessed to have been able to contribute in small ways to the burgeoning comm-uni-ty.
I’ll miss your voice on Uni Watch, but you deserve to leave triumphantly and I’m looking forward to whatever you bring us in the future.
Mazel Tov, Paul!
Thank you, Paul. I’ve been reading your uni-watch entries since ESPN Page 2 days. When you started this website, I think I read every entry for 5 years straight. Since then I’ve been a steady reader, and always learn something new with one of your posts.
You absolutely opened my eyes to the sometimes interesting, and sometimes mundane, world of uniforms. I always enjoyed dives into historical uniform oddities or notes! You drove my interest in all things uniform which has turned me into a hockey jerseys collector.
I can’t thank you enough for all the work you’ve put into this website over the years. Me and all the uni-watch readers wish you well!
Thanks for the great education. Long live Uni-watch.
and to Paul: Long may you run
Thank you Paul for all you’ve done in cultivating this community. It’s meant a great deal to a lot of people. I am excited to follow what is next for you!
Paul, it’s an honor to even be mentioned. I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to work with you – the college freshman version of me who first started reading Uni Watch back in 2008 would scarcely believe it.
All the best!
I’ve enjoyed Uni-Watch for so many years, and I’m glad it will continue under Phil’s stewardship. I also want to say thank you to Paul for handling this transition with such grace, deftness, and aplomb. You’ve given everyone plenty of time to digest the news, say their goodbyes, relive fond memories, and prepare for the future. It’s a model for everyone to follow in times of transitions, retirements, and new beginnings. Looking forward to the future of both Uni-Watch and Inconspicuous Consumption!
This site and your work is a prime example of social media done correctly. A true community, connected by an idea, and we are indebted to you in ways that mere words are insufficient to express.
Thank you Paul for many years of interesting columns and perspectives. You filled a void for those of us who enjoy the aesthetic of sport uniforms. And thank you for the unexpected mention.
Godspeed on your next adventure. All the best.
Is Uni Watch still gonna keep going?
Yes. Deputy Editor Phil Hecken, who’s handled our weekend content for many years, will be taking over the site.
Paul and Uni Watch came into my life at a time where I really needed it. The support, the friendships, the fun…all of it came by surprise. Paul allowed me to share things about myself that I didn’t think anyone would ever have an interest in: my middle school NFL paper footballs, drawings, belt buckle collections, football helmets, and of course Gashouse projects.
Paul, you’ve made such a difference in my life that it’s a debt I’ll never be able to repay. Thank you for allowing me to contribute in the Uni Watch experience.
I look forward to reading your new stuff in the years to come.
Forever grateful,
Thank you!!! Paul, you are the man! Thanks for everything you’ve done for the last 25 years. You will be sorely missed. Can’t wait to see what you have for us in the near future. Go! Pack! Go!
This is so bittersweet, I’m very sad , I’ve been reading your stuff since my teenage years. This is crazy to me, I’m in my 40’s now. You will truly be missed Paul. On the other hand, as a friend I’ve never actually met, I’m very happy that you’re concluding your time here on your own terms. Wish you all the best! Thanks for everything.
Thank *you*, Paul, for being the guy who made a living out of something I was obsessed with my whole life. It proved I wasn’t the only one out there, and there were people out there who wouldn’t glaze over if I talked about it.
Thank you for so much joy over the years Paul. It’s not just the uniforms—you’re so interesting and you’re a really good dude. I hope I can meet you someday.
Best of luck in everything you do.
Best of luck Paul. Though I’m not as much of a regular commenter here, I did read all the content. Everything, daily.
Thank you for making this common slice of interest into a valid resource.
Thank YOU Paul, you have always been a true friend. I will never forget that.
Thank you, Paul! Happy to be a part of it, and very grateful that my few guest article contributions and ideas were so welcomed and cultivated with your expertise. You’ll be missed!
Thank you, Paul! Thanks for “getting it” and for all that you’ve done! All the best in the future!
Thank you so much Paul for all the years of enjoyment you brought.
Thank you so much for everything Paul! I’ve learned so much here over the years, and it has been a privilege to be able to contribute in some small way. Thank you also for you friendship and taking the time to converse and ask about my life outside of just Uni Watch-related things. Sorry I wasn’t able to make it to any of the tour stops, but if you’re ever in West/Central Ohio or still want to visit Uniopolis, let me know!
Looking forward to your next adventures. All the best with wherever life leads you!
It’s been an absolute honour to be involved with Uni Watch. I saw Paul’s encouragement of other DIYers and it got me started. Wound up making complete jerseys which I never thought I would be able to do. I’m only glad my somewhat declining interest in the world of uniforms has fairly closely synchronized with Paul’s, so it makes this a bit less of a bummer. Also the prospect of Paul writing about other interesting topics, which I am very looking forward to.
I’d also like to mention all of the many DIYers over the years who provided so much inspiration and entertainment for me and so many others – Steve Speicher comes to mind. I know Jim is a big fan (and a DIYer himself), so I’m confident there will be more great projects to come.
As sad as I am that your time at UW is coming to an end, I am beyond excited to see the kind of writing that hooked me in the first place make a comeback. It’s been a professional and personal pleasure… love ya man!
Paul, I know you wrote this column to be about people other than yourself, and I duly honor all their hard work. But thanks to you, first & foremost, for collecting these talents and putting your indelible mark on this site. Wherever it goes from here it’ll still be your creation, and you deserve all the kudea* for launching this. Best wishes, and all the luck in the world going forward!
* The proper Greek plural of the SINGULAR kudos–I will insist on this until my dying breath.
Thank you, Paul. Thank you to the larger Uni-Watch team as well. I’ve been a loyal reader since the spring of 2008, but mostly a fly on the wall when it comes to commenting. Still, I’m thankful for this community and that there’s a forever home for people like us. Sad to see Paul go, but excited to see what the next chapter brings. Uni-Watch team, your hard work is forever appreciated.
Thank you Paul. It’s a bittersweet weekend here in the Uni-verse, but I can’t wait to follow your next endeavor. I made an off-hand and rather embarrassing post about 4 or 5 years ago about Native American logos, and the fact that you actually took time out of your schedule to call me and to hash out our differences(at the time), really meant alot to me. Your impassioned view really made me see the light and the error of my ways and caused me to do some soul searching and came out if it more informed. I’m sorry I haven’t gotten around to doing my guest spot on the vintage tennis cans I showed you, but as soon as I have the time I plan on doing that. Thanks again and all the best going forward!
Longtime reader who just wants to say thanks for all you’ve done. I’m glad this will be in safe comm-uni-ty hands going forward.
The Incomparable Paul Lukas.
Thank you, good sir, for everything.
Thank you so much, Paul, for creating this! I had no idea that so many people were paying as much attention to detail as I was. I look forward daily to see what new and interesting posts are going to be shared. You will be dearly missed and I’m sure everyone that you have entrusted to keep this page going will go it justice. :)
Thank you Paul, it’s been a joy and and honour to be part of UW. As Phil knows, I’ve already got more What-Ifs and Concepts simmering away and will keep producing them for UW as long as I’ve got fresh ideas in my head and strength in my mousing hand!
Thank you Paul. You’re one of the kindest people I know. You make me a better person knowing you. Thank you for that gift. Thank you for all you do.
Thank you Paul. Not sure when I started following Uni-watch, but I do know I’ve been a daily reader for over 10 years and likely have been following for much longer. Being part of the podcast and getting to work with you and Chris was a great time and glad I reached out and got to be apart of it. Wish you all the best in your new endeavors!
Thank you for having us all these years, Paul!
Thank you, Paul! Though I’ve not had a huge role in the site and my small contributions have been more recent, I really appreciate the community you’ve built here. It’s definitely something special!
It is seriously dusty in here.
Thank you for a great 2+ decades. I’m truly honored to have been included in your list even though I feel like my only real “contribution” here has been wiseassery.
I really hope we cross paths again sooner rather than later.
– James Huening
Good luck, health and fun with your future endeavours, Paul! Thanks for all the great stuff you put to our attention, you have enriched my life like all good artists do. And yes, I think you are an artist as a writer.
I found this site completely by accident when one of Paul’s entries on ESPN caught my eye in the mid-2000’s. I quickly realized that I had found my people. Thank YOU, Paul, for giving this site and us your all for so many years. You have created a legacy that few people can match. Stirrups!
Truly touched to be mentioned and highly proud of being a tiny part of all of this! Thank you to you for including me and sharing your obsessive study of athletics aesthetics with me!