The latest in the seemingly endless series of NBA City Edition leaks is for the Pistons. Judging by the “CD” logo above the jock tag and the signature below it, it appears that this design is intended as some sort of tribute to former Pistons coach Chuck Daly.
Anyone have any ideas about what the color scheme or chest insignia might mean? I’m sure that undotted “i” is going to drive me completely nuts.
Update: As a bunch of readers/commenters have quickly pointed out, the “Detroit” script appears to be inspired by the team’s old “Bad Boys” T-shirt, which was popular during the Daly era:
As you may recall, the Pistons’ previous City uniform was a very nice design that, unfortunately, didn’t feel the least bit Pistons-like:

That uniform’s strengths and weaknesses were so confounding that I actually convened a panel of Pistons fans to discuss it.
Meanwhile: The same people who leaked the new Pistons City jersey also posted a photo of the new Suns City jersey:
As you may recall, that design already leaked about a month ago, but the new leak definitely confirms the legitimacy of the first one.
(My thanks to Rafal Niewiadomski for letting me know about this one.)
Ugh…Just make is STOP already.
Rip off the band-aid and get it over with!
The Detroit script is reminiscent of the Tigers away jersey script
Other than having the same 7-letter city name, this has zero in common with the Tigers’ road jerseys. Non-cursive D, fewer curves and more angles, no tittle over the “I”.
The font on the Detroit jersey looks like the Bad Boys shirt from the late 80’s/early 90’s shown here: link
The Detroit script looks a bit like the Bad Boys script from the old basketball/skull logo of the Daly Bad Boys Pistons. The black and orange would match up too.
The “Detroit” script looks like the old “Bad Boys” shirts
Script on the Detroit jersey is from the Detroit Bad Boys logo. Specifically the “Bad Boys” portion of the logo.
The logo above the jock tag also has a 2 in it, which is the number retired for Daly representing the back-to-back championship teams he coached. The 2 also looks to be silver outlined by white, referencing the way the “DETROIT” part of the Bad Boys shirt was rendered. I would not be surprised if the player numbers got this treatment.
This is definitely a “Bad Boys” tribute. That’s the script from the shirts and the “CD” is over the Pistons’ logo from that era which would clearly be a nod to coach Chuck Daly.
How long before we get a throwback of a City Edition jersey? This stuff is getting ridiculous. Obviously someone is making money if they keep doing it every season.
Technically it’s already happened. The Lakers brought back their Black Mamba unis in 2020 to honor Kobe after his passing.
Speaking of the Pistons, I fell into a rabbit hole the other day. I had read about Al Davis liking the Bad Boys image (of course he would) and had Raiders warmups made for Detroit when they came to play at Golden State in the 1988-89 season. I cannot seem to find any photos of this. Here’s our new white whale.
Kind of hilarious it happened in Oakland in a time when the Raiders were in Los Angeles.
Where’s the number?
Not impressed by both jerseys. Daly deserves a better design. El Valle sounds like a seedy club near the border.
This is weak veiled reference to the Bad Boys. I believe I recall the players wearing the shirts, but it was basically merch t-shirts the fans wore. If the goal was to pay homage those teams why not just put Bad Boys on it? If “Heat Culture” can be on the uniform then so can Bad Boys.
If they wanted to tribute to Daly and his team’s persona than just do it (no pun intended). Bad Boys jersey