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Good morning, and happy post-Labor Day! Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend.
I’ve been blathering for weeks now about how this year’s Uni Watch NFL Season Preview is the biggest, best, most thorough, most epic NFL Preview I’ve ever put together — and today you can finally see that for yourself. Naturally, it has coverage of all the obvious stuff (like the Pats’ new throwbacks, shown above), but you’ll also find deep-dive coverage of more nuanced and esoteric uni details. Clocking in at nearly 7,000 words, it’s a serious doozy. I hope you’ll check it out over on Bulletin.
My Premium Subscribers can read the NFL Preview here. If you haven’t yet subscribed, you now have three ways to get on board:
Help Wanted: Graphic Designer for Sunday Morning Uni Watch
Good morning, everyone — Phil here. As most of you know, I run “Sunday Morning Uni Watch” throughout the college football season, which includes uni tracking. Three of our four trackers are returning this season, but I’ve been unable to reach Kyle Acker, who’s been doing the graphics for the B1G for the past several years (and the Big XII before that).
Since I haven’t heard from Kyle, I’m looking for someone with graphic design skills to replace him. If you’re familiar with SMUW, you know what I’m looking for. Ethan Dimitroff has graciously offered the use of his B1G template, so it’s just a matter of getting the designs down. If you used Ethan’s template, the final product would look like something like this:
If you have other design ideas, that’s fine too. What I’m looking for is someone to display the uniforms worn by the teams of the B1G for each week.
If you’re interested, please contact me at Phil.Hecken@gmail.com, and I can go over the particulars. Thanks!
Pin Update/Reminder
The January 2020 pin design sold out yesterday, so I’ve updated our sales graphic. As you probably know by now, I’m almost giving away the pins at this point — $1 apiece, plus you get one free for every three that you buy. Save on shipping by combining your pins with an order for seam rippers, magnets, or many other Uni Watch products. Full details here.
What Paul Did Last Night Two Nights Ago
Sometimes I totally miss the boat on a band. Case in point: I’d never heard of the North Carolina band Drunken Prayer until they were listed on the bill for a show with a local band that I’m friends with, Girls on Grass. I was gonna go see GoG anyway, so I looked up Drunken Prayer’s music to see what they were about. I really liked what I heard — Southern Gothic with a hint of the Band and a very judiciously deployed distortion pedal. (You can get a good feel for their stuff by checking out their videos on this page.)
Went to the show on Sunday night and was not disappointed. GoG were good, as they always are, but Drunken Prayer was really good. The best set of music I’ve seen in months. Spoke afterward with frontman Morgan Geer, who’s a peach — really sweet guy. Always nice when things turn out that way.
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Sorry, no Ticker today, because the entire Uni Watch staff had the holiday off. The Ticker will return tomorrow. — Paul
Question about UW+. Do all of your comments show under your real name, or can you use a handle like we do here? I’m down for signing up, just don’t want my real name everywhere. Thanks.
You can still choose a screen name.
After you sign in, you can visit your profile and update it to have a handle instead of your real name (commenting for proof)
Heard Seahawks are going mono lime green for their Monday night home opener. Teams should wear their regular uniforms for their season opener. Not a great choice for a showcase game.
Are you suggesting they’ll be unveiling neon green helmets for that game also?
I think with the new rules on multiple helmets the use of the term “mono” needs to be reconsidered since teams now have more options to go head to toe, and not just neck down mono color with various alternate uniform design.
Prior to this year if you said the Seahawks were going mono green it would obviously known that they’d still have the navy helmet. If you tell me a team is going mono now isn’t the assumption true mono?
Just to clarify: They’re not adding green helmets.
Your point about mono is well-taken!
Actually, while lots of people hate on the Lime Green uniforms, I kind of like them, though they really don’t match up well with the Dark Blue helmet.
These Lime Green unis would look immensely better with the older Silver helmet.
About 3-4 years ago, during one of those six-hour never-ending Super Bowl pre-game shows, they featured a youth team wearing the Seahawks’ Lime Green unis with the older Silver helmets, and it looked 1000% better than with the Blue helmets.
Just my opinion, from a guy that collects Orlando Thunder WLAF jerseys, and insists that the Portland Storm WFL unis are Top Ten All-Time football uniforms ….
Thankfully, they’ll be wearing their navy blue hats.
I think the Uni-Verse would explode if they ever added a snot green helmet.
Phil, if your mucus is that bright, I do suggest calling a doctor.
You are right Greg. Need to reconsider the phrasing now. Thankfully no lime green helmets for Seahawks!
I may have missed it by accident and if so I apologize. Are there no longer going to be SMUW posts for college football games, or is this a one-off because of the holiday? Again, sorry if I missed it. Hope everyone had a great holiday.
One-off for the holiday.
SMUW will return this Saturday, with a full wrap for all Week 0/1 games, then again Sunday for the full season. This is the format we’ve using for the past six or so years. I have Labor Day Weekend off after my weekday August run.
The Steelers will retire Franco Harris’ #32 on December 24, and have a patch for the 50th anniversary of the Immaculate Reception.
I’ve been a reader for a while and would like to continue reading the season previews. Will I have access to that with the UW+ subscription or will I need the bulletin subscription to have access to those?
Season previews are on Bulletin. So you need either a Bulletin subscription or the UW+/Bulletin bundle. UW+ by itself will not get you anything on Bulletin — it only applies to the blog.
Question about UW+. Do all of your comments show under your real name, or can you use a handle like we do here? I’m down for signing up, just don’t want my real name everywhere. Thanks.
You can still choose a screen name.
After you sign in, you can visit your profile and update it to have a handle instead of your real name (commenting for proof)
Heard Seahawks are going mono lime green for their Monday night home opener. Teams should wear their regular uniforms for their season opener. Not a great choice for a showcase game.
Are you suggesting they’ll be unveiling neon green helmets for that game also?
I think with the new rules on multiple helmets the use of the term “mono” needs to be reconsidered since teams now have more options to go head to toe, and not just neck down mono color with various alternate uniform design.
Prior to this year if you said the Seahawks were going mono green it would obviously known that they’d still have the navy helmet. If you tell me a team is going mono now isn’t the assumption true mono?
Just to clarify: They’re not adding green helmets.
Your point about mono is well-taken!
Actually, while lots of people hate on the Lime Green uniforms, I kind of like them, though they really don’t match up well with the Dark Blue helmet.
These Lime Green unis would look immensely better with the older Silver helmet.
About 3-4 years ago, during one of those six-hour never-ending Super Bowl pre-game shows, they featured a youth team wearing the Seahawks’ Lime Green unis with the older Silver helmets, and it looked 1000% better than with the Blue helmets.
Just my opinion, from a guy that collects Orlando Thunder WLAF jerseys, and insists that the Portland Storm WFL unis are Top Ten All-Time football uniforms ….
Thankfully, they’ll be wearing their navy blue hats.
I think the Uni-Verse would explode if they ever added a snot green helmet.
Phil, if your mucus is that bright, I do suggest calling a doctor.
You are right Greg. Need to reconsider the phrasing now. Thankfully no lime green helmets for Seahawks!
I may have missed it by accident and if so I apologize. Are there no longer going to be SMUW posts for college football games, or is this a one-off because of the holiday? Again, sorry if I missed it. Hope everyone had a great holiday.
One-off for the holiday.
SMUW will return this Saturday, with a full wrap for all Week 0/1 games, then again Sunday for the full season. This is the format we’ve using for the past six or so years. I have Labor Day Weekend off after my weekday August run.
The Steelers will retire Franco Harris’ #32 on December 24, and have a patch for the 50th anniversary of the Immaculate Reception.
On it!
I’ve been a reader for a while and would like to continue reading the season previews. Will I have access to that with the UW+ subscription or will I need the bulletin subscription to have access to those?
Season previews are on Bulletin. So you need either a Bulletin subscription or the UW+/Bulletin bundle. UW+ by itself will not get you anything on Bulletin — it only applies to the blog.