By Phil Hecken
Yesterday, the Chicago Cubs held their annual Fan Convention, and with the 100th Anniversary of Wrigley Field this season, they took the opportunity to unveil TEN new uniforms for the 2014 Season. OK — nine of them are throwbacks — but still an impressive showing. Uni Watch wants to give a HUGE thanks to Matthew Robins (who tweets as @BupsJones), and who provided all the photos of the new uniforms you’re about to see.
The Cubs will wear these throwbacks on home Sundays this season, and they have introduced one throwback per decade, beginning with the 1910s. Lets do these chronologically, and then we’ll look at the alternate which was also introduced yesterday. You can click on most photos to enlarge.


Background: The 1914 throwbacks honor the first season major league baseball was played in Wrigley Field (which was known as Weeghman Park at the time), but it wasn’t the Cubs who played there. It was the Chicago “Whales” (or Chicago Federals), a team in the Federal League which was seeking to compete with the National and American Leagues. The Feds weren’t terrible, finishing second in 1914 and winning the league in 1915 (the league was disbanded after that). They’ll wear this uniform on Wednesday, April 23, which is the 100th anniversary of the opening of Wrigley (Weeghman), vs. the Diamondbacks.


Background: The Cubs would win the pennant in 1929, finishing 98-54, a full 10.5 games ahead of the second place Pirates. They were led that year by Rogers Hornsby, acquired from the Braves in the off-season, who led the team with a career-best .380 average. Although they won the pennant, they lost the World Series to the Philadelphia As, 4 games to 1. They’ll wear this Sunday, May 4, versus the Cardinals.


Background: The Cubs would win 93 games in 1937, but it wasn’t good enough to go to the Series, as they finished 3 games behind the New York Giants that year. They’ll wear this Sunday, May 18th, vs. the Brewers.


Background: The Cubs weren’t very good in 1942, but those unis! They finished in sixth place, but that was the year they introduced the vest with those funky sleeves, as well as the first powder blue uniform in MLB history (too bad they didn’t throwback to that one). They’ll wear this Sunday, June 8th, vs. the Marlins.


Background: The 1953 Cubs weren’t very good, finishing the season in 7th place, far out of contention for the pennant. It was, however, the year a promising rookie would make his debut. That rook was Ernie Banks, also known as “Mr. Cub.” The rest, as they say, is history. The Cubs will wear these Sunday, June 22, vs. the Pirates.


Background: Oh, what could have been. The ’69 Cubs have been called “the most celebrated second-place team in the history of baseball,” playing in the new divisional format of the National League. They spent almost the entire season in first place (155 days), only to drop 17 of their final 25 games, finishing behind the Mets. One of several Cubs curses was visited that year. The team will don these unis on Sunday, July 13, vs. the Braves.


Background: The 1978 season wasn’t particularly memorable for the Cubs, who finished third in the NL East, but they did bust out pinstriped powder blue pullovers. That in and of itself makes this perhaps the most awesome of all the throwbacks. Yeah, the uniforms were horrible, but I for one cannot wait to see them! They’ll wear these Sunday, July 27, vs. the Cardinals.


Background: The 1988 Cubs finished in 4th place in the NL East, 20 games behind the Mets, so it wasn’t exactly a memorable season. But they did have a promising rookie that year who just so happens to be entering the Hall of Fame this year. So there was that. They’ll wear these on Sunday, August 10th, vs. the Rays.


Background: The Cubs would finish the 1994 (strike shortened) season in last place, but the opening day game (which I played hooky from the office to watch on TV) was memorable — Tuffy Rhodes hit THREE homers against Dwight Gooden. And that was the year the Cubs introduce their “is it Cubs or Cuba” jersey. I’m not quite sure why they’re throwing back to this jersey or this year. It was awful. They’ll wear these Sunday, August 24, vs. the Orioles.
In addition to the nine throwback jerseys, the Cubs also introduced a new road alternate yesterday:

As you can see, it’s pretty basic — gray, with block “C U B S” lettering (and a headspoon — why?). The lettering goes straight across, with no arcing. While it is “original,” it seems to harken back to the 1922-1925 uniforms. It’s not a bad looking alternate, but (especially with nine throwbacks) this feels like overkill.
OK, readers, that’s a LOT to digest (and I didn’t even delve that deeply into the unis) so I’ll end this portion of the post here.
Now it’s your turn — what do YOU think of all these throwbacks?

QBC reminder:
The Queens Baseball Convention — basically an all-day Mets-apalooza– is TODAY at McFadden’s, and it’s shaping up as a great event. Among the highlights:
• There will be a panel discussion on the subject of uniforms in general and Mets uniforms in particular. Panelists will include Paul, uni designer Todd Radom, Jon Springer (who runs the excellent Mets by the Numbers site), Russ Gompers (who runs Stitches, the shop that does all the Mets’ sewing and embroidery), and other luminaries. Should be awesome. Oh, and I’ll be on that panel too.
• There will be a “jersey parade,” in which fans can wear their favorite (or most obscure, or whatever) Mets jerseys. Paul will be taking part in the judging to pick the best and most interesting jerseys of the day.
• There will also be lots of non-uni stuff, including autograph sessions with former Mets Ed Kranepool and Ron Darling; presentations by Faith and Fear in Flushing blogger Greg Prince and ESPN.com columnist Mark Simon; a scavenger hunt for kids; and a lot more. The full schedule of events is available here, and you can purchase tickets ($35 for adults, $10 for kids) here.
• Here’s a bunch more info on the QBC, and directions to get there.

U.W.F.F.L. Week 20
By Rob Holecko
Well the UWFFL Bowl is over, the Minnesota Mustangs’ gamble with the red alt paid off and they defeated Miami in UWFFL Bowl XIV, 221 to 123.

But that doesn’t mean UWFFL is finished, not by a long shot. We still have minor league conference championships, bowl season and the World Bowl for the international teams still to play out. The regular season in the minors ended last week and the BCS #1 Florida Geckos will face the #2 Anchorage Orcas in the Championship on February 9, with the winner being promoted to the UWFFL in the Fall. The remaining Top 4 teams in each of the three minor league conferences will compete for the conference titles. The first of the two semifinals will be played this week as the #3 seeds will take on the #2 seeds. All three of the contests are rematches at the opposite site of their previous meeting.

In the Eastern Association, Connecticut travels to Raleigh. When they met earlier in the season in Connecticut, Raleigh won 28-15, however the Convicts have improved their look greatly since then and managed to climb back into the playoff race.

In the Central League, Cleveland will face Birmingham. When those two met earlier in the season, the Vulcans prevailed 17 to 12 in Cleveland.

And in the Pacific Coast Conference, the Las Vegas Lightning will face the Dallas Outlaws, Dallas winning in Las Vegas back in September.

Also this week are the first four of twelve bowl games, including the Theme Park Park Peppermint Bowl in Orlando, Florida. The bowl game will see the Iowa Corn take on the Roanoke Giraffes.

The game, however is almost secondary, to the other festivities that surround it. The annual Festival Of Mints Parade saw some mishaps last year, but hopefully this year everything will turn out better:
To vote on the three other bowl games this week as well as a full slate of international games, be sure to visit us at https://www.uwfantasyfootballleague.com.

Uni Watch News Ticker: Not a lot of submissions from yesterday, so it’s Old School ticker today.
Last night, the Suns broke out their orange sleeved jerseys (and played a color-on-color game, to boot). More photos here. … Jeff Barak sends us this about the 1998 NHL All-Star Game Super Skills Competition held on this date. “It was the first year for the World vs. North America format, which lasted five years, but the only time the players ever wore a flag patch for their native country on their NHL jerseys, making for some unique looks. For example, it was the only time Wayne Gretzky ever wore a patch on a New York Rangers jersey.” … Dunkin’ Brands (Dunkin Donuts, Baskin Robbins) has signed a sponsorship with the Liverpool Football (soccer) Club (thanks, J H). … Charlie Shields writes that he “came across this image while looking at old Univ. of Arkansas yearbooks. I’ve never seen numbers on a basketball uniform like this before (you probably have though.) It’s from the 51 yearbook, so the previous year’s season.” … Middle school kids will design an alternate jersey for a summer college baseball team, The Madison Mallards (from Jeff Ash). … A 49ers fan gave Jim Harbaugh a Harbaugh t-shirt of famous Super Bowl holding non-call & took this pic (thanks, Brinke). Also from Brinke: “Not a bad logo,” a close-up of Jim Harbaugh’s cleats, and, since he clearly loves the coach, a comparison of Harbaugh shirts: “You can see how he stuck the SF over the S. He still uses this one sometimes.” … “The ironies abound and are making my head spin of this one,” writes Roch. “Best of all are the quotes from Richard Peddie who would have covered his own mother in Leaf’s logos and sell her if he thought he could have gotten some money out of it. ” … Here are some photos of numberless Georgia Tech jerseys (sent in by Britton Thomas). … Following up on some banter yesterday, this version of the Raiders’ official stadium pennant is from 1982, the year they moved to L.A., has the glare on the helmet on the raider-guy logo (nice find by J. Flynn). … Here’s a Detroit Tigers concept discussion on Bless You Boys blog. Says submitter Justin Howland, “Some good ideas in there. I agree with most of that page that the Tigers need something different for the road uni.” … Chris Bisbee was “Watching Friday Night Tykes” on Esquire Network and noticed the San Antonio Outlaws are using the old UN-Omaha logo. … Philadephia freedom? Scott Lederer noticed the “Philadelphia” is spelled wrong on this hat on NFLshop.com. … And just when you thought we were safe from Brinke, he sent in two more shots. Here’s the 49ers boarding their plane for Seattle (notice the old logo), and this shot of Cy Lincecum wearing an old Seahawks jersey. He’s now “Dead to me” to Brinke. … The NFL has fined Patriots running back Stevan Ridley $5250 for dominant red footwear. Says submitter Tom Mulgrew, “This proves that the NFL knows nothing of Kate Bush or Elvis Costello. We already knew that the NFL had no sense of humor or individuality.” … Looks like a new mask for Brian Elliott (and here’s another view, with thanks to Ed Bauza). … William Thomas saw this Minnesota Wild baseball jersey at a store. “NHL licensed and made by Majestic.” He asks, “Does Majestic make many NHL baseball jerseys?” … Here’s a cool photo of Bob Gibson playing hoops (h/t Sully). … “Carlos Santana wears #107 in the Dominican Winter League. Someone ‘splain” (h/t Teddy). … Spotted outside of last evening’s Bulls/Wizards game was this Bul-lets mashup jersey (great spot by Rex Henry). … And, apparently Brinke is not the only one obsessed with Harbaugh’s pants. … San Diego State University Baseball has new jerseys (h/t Andrew Domingo), with Mountain West patches heat pressed on. Also from Andrew: new ‘Speedflex’ helmet certain Aztec players will wear this spring.

And that’s going to do it for today. Not that there are a LOT of ticker submissions on a Saturday, try to go easy just the same, since I’ll be at the QBC pretty much most of the day (and if you’re anywhere within a 40 mile radius, or even more if you’re a Mets fan, try to come on by — it really will be a great event — say “Hi” to Paul, me, and many other Uni Watch readers who I know will be there). OK? OK!
I’ll catch you guys tomorrow, so have a great Saturday.
Follow me on Twitter @PhilHecken.
“Out of curiosity, are we penalized if we bring a BFBS jersey or rewarded for wearing stirrups?”
–Alex Giobbi (on attending the QBC)
You know what? Screw it. The Cubs have nine alternates next year on top of traditional looking home and road uniforms. Let’s just not look a gift horse in the mouth here and move on. They’re all gorgeous in their own ways, and a couple of them are blue enough to end up on a certain someone’s Christmas tree.
If I had to have a Cubs jersey, I’d want link under my Christmas tree.
I’m still calling it Weeghman Park!
So… that many different uniforms and they don’t throwback to 1908? Really?
Possibly because those were never worn in Wrigley??? That was my guess.
…and had I read the rest of the comments I would’ve seen that question answered. Ooops.
Those 1942 jerseys are bloody gorgeous. 11 billion bonus points for having a proper vest as opposed to the usual sleeveless versions of the standard jersey pattern.
I love the 69/88 Cub and associated unis; that needs to be around more.
Cubs didn’t throwback to 1908 because it’s the 100th anniversary of Wrigley Field, which was 1914. In person, the 1942 vest rocks as does the 1935. Those plus the 1953 are zipper fronts which I am curious about the look for the less, svelte. Love how 29 and 35 hint what the Cubs would look like with Navy blue instead of “Cub” Royal. Switching to navy, and leaving everything elses else alone on the current uni would be incredible.
Why would the Cubs use 1988 as the year to refer to for those throwbacks? Theyvwore the same unis for division championships in ’84 and ’89.
1988 was the season Wrigley got lights.
Look at the number font on the new alternate roads. They appear to be standard block rather than the normal Cubs font.
love love love what the cubs are doing with those alternates even though its so many of them! are they all made by majestic because if so im glad they finally got them correct.
The Madison Mallards design-a-uniform was in yesterday’s ticker.
Too bad those great Cubs throwback jerseys will have their look ruined by pajama pants.
Fergie Jenkins is wearing an early 80s uni in the composite of the 1969 Cubs. Lazy on the part of the composite maker, methinks.
Poor cubs…
“Fuck those fuckin’ fans who come out here and say they’re Cub fans that are supposed to be behind you rippin’ every fuckin’ thing you do. I’ll tell you one fuckin’ thing, I hope we get fuckin’ hotter than shit, just to stuff it up them 3,000 fuckin’ people that show up every fuckin’ day, because if they’re the real Chicago fuckin’ fans, they can kiss my fuckin’ ass right downtown and PRINT IT. – Lee Elia
“It’s them country cocksuckers that don’t have a job that’s the problem. 85% of world is working for a living, the other 15% come here. It’s a playground for the mother fuckers.”
West Brom’s shirt sponsor is telling the team to drop Nicolas Anelka over the quennelle controversy: link
On the one hand, I appreciate that a sponsor can pressure a team to do the right thing. On the other, I can’t get comfortable with the idea of a sponsor affecting player selection.
The Cubs throwback-year unis are fantastic. The new regular alt, though, is brutal. Wrong number font. The headspoon is not a Cubs thing. And when the Cubs wear letters across their chests, they arch the letters. I love the idea of a jersey like this, but the execution is all kinds of terrible. They don’t even match the sleeve and headspoon piping!
a few of these images have what looks like a period appropriate bobblehead in front of them. I think I saw a Gale Sayers & Dottie or someone from the Rockford Peaches, Im guessing these are corresponding giveaways to go along w/ these jerseys? Anyone know for sure?
I’m fairly certain there will be bobblehead giveaways as well, and maybe I (or Paul) will cover those in another post. Today was about the unis.
Forced to watch the Suns game last night.
If the idea was to look like an 8th grade rec league team, mission accomplished.
I don’t know – with a lot of the crappy things out there nowadays, I thought the orange vs. blue in that particular game didn’t look that bad.
I don’t have a problem with color vs color(especially when the colors are complimentary) just that the Suns T-shirts looked like cheap T-shirts with silk screened fronts and iron on names & numbers.
You say that like it’s a bad thing…
Plus a Red Grange and a Babe Ruth-Calling-His-Shot.
Kub – The bobbleheads are being given away on Friday afternoon games and there are some beauties. I noticed Ernie Banks, Red Grange, Gale Sayers, Joe Tinker, and Babe Ruth.
being from toledo, ill have to decide if id rather see a throwback, or get a bobblehead
Are we going to get to see the throwback caps that go with the uniforms?
All those Cub throwbacks/fauxbacks look great but for the 1994. The 1969 home and 1978 roadie are my favorite ever for that team. (Folks got cable in ’79 which allowed for watching lots of Cubs games and those unis, odd though they be, won a place in my heart.) Still think ill of them for changing the sleeve logo.
Kup – Also, Jack Brickhouse, an illuminating First Night Game, Kerry Wood and a TBD on September 5.
good call on brickhouse, couldnt figure that one out
Did the Cubs ever really wear those 1994 jerseys in a championship game or are they just taking an old batting practice/ spring training jersey and making it into a turn-back-the-clock uniform?
Did the Cubs ever really wear those 1994 jerseys in a championship season game or are they just taking an old batting practice/ spring training jersey and making it into a turn-back-the-clock uniform?
Those were originally the ’94 BP jerseys. I was at the game when they switched them with the home uni (which they wore during BP), hoping to break a losing streak. They lost.
The Cubs throwbacks look great, especially the 1942 vest. The Cubs should consider making that a full time home alternate going forward.
The new road alternate looks OK, but I’m not sure if it’s better than the current road uni. Maybe replace ‘Cubs’ with ‘Chicago’, lose the head spoon, and use the standard Cub font for the numbers.
BTW, will the Cubs normal home unis have NOB’s this season?
I got a little sick reading about the hypothetical Tigers re-designs. If you’re going to propose a re-design, even if it is hypothetical, at least include a design that might actually be considered as a replacement. I agree with the home whites being sacred, and pretty much untouchable. I don’t know what others think, but I personally think the Tigers road uniforms rank as one of the best in baseball. I’ve always loved that design.
“Carlos Santana wears #107 in the Dominican Winter League. Someone ‘splain”
My guess would be a radio station paid him to do so. Numerous soccer players in Mexico used to wear 58 (an unusual number in soccer) as an add for a radio station in Guadalajara.
But just a guess.
Scott – May 2, 1994 the Cubs wore the blue “Cuba” jerseys. The throwbacks they are wearing this season are decade based and have nothing to do with winning divisions or championships. The 88 throwback is to commemorate the first year/season of lights at Wrigley Field.
OK, you are correct, as apparently the Cubs tried to break a losing streak by wearing the blue batting practice jerseys at home. The Cubs didn’t have a dark-colored jersey in their set at the time.
As a Cubs jersey collector, I’m stunned. It’s so many at once. This is going to cost me a small fortune because they are GORGEOUS.
I want them al! Luckily, I have some of them already as Mitchell and Ness or even the originals of some of the 1980’s and newer ones.
One thing I need to absolutely do now, is look at the game dates and see at least one in person since I now live 400 miles away.
As for the new road alternate, I like it. Simple and classic look. Don’t mind the change in font for the number since it’s an alternate. Thumbs up on that one as well.
Now, they just need some good players for me to feel good about spending the money to add their names to the back of the ones I buy.
New duds, some old Cubs…
You say that the Cubs will be wearing the 1929 throwback on Sunday May 2nd, but May 2nd is a Friday, do you mean Sunday May 4th?
LOVE all the Cubbies throwbacks, but I really don’t care for the road alt. Seems out of place and unnecessary.
Anybody else see the San Diego State equipment twitter handle sewn into the baseball jerseys up there? Ugh. What sense does that make?
As part of Hockey Day in Canada’s telecast on CBC and NHL Network (U.S.), host Ron MacLean opened the show wearing a split Saskatchewan Roughriders/Edmonton Oilers jersey, topped off by a Calgary Flames touque. They are basing the show from Lloydminster AB/SK. Nice!!
That uniform worn by MacLean was pretty much the worst thing I have ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot of bad uniforms.
On May 20, the Cubs are going to play against the Yankees. George S. Halas played for the Yankees in 1919, just before he help create the NFL and the Chicago Bears and just before Ruth made the Yankees THE YANKEES. So why not have a game where the Cubs play in Bears colors and the Bombers wear their 1919 uniform.They’re celebrating Wrigley and I believe Wrigley has hosted the most NFL games in league history (maybe Mile High beat it).The Bears got their name from the Cubs when Halas moved then from Decatur to Chicago and Wrigley. Just imagine Paul Lukas’ head exploding when you combine two of his favorite jersey sets in one.
link + link
Glad to see that they are using zippers on the throwbacks. I hate it when they throwback to a zippered jersey and use buttons(I’m talking to you, Chicago team not named for a young bear).
Hornsby hit over .380 6 times in his career (including .400 3 times) en route to a career BA over .350. .424 was his career high.
This is MUCH worse than the SI Cover Jinx. Niners are hosed.
Anyone notice the left-handed catcher in the 1942 Cubs bullpen photo? I’ve Googled around a bit, but haven’t been able to figure out who he is (and I realize he may not be an actual catcher (or a lefty, for that matter)).
Nice link from SDSU regarding the new Riddell helmet. I’ve been wondering when we’d get a name for that helmet (apparently Riddell Speed Flex) since seeing images of Katy HS in Texas wearing them on ESPN.
Will the White Sox be doing Sunday throwbacks this year? If so, which one? And now would be a great time to announce a redesign the Sox road uniform just to take some of the uni-attention away from the north siders!
(The Cubs throwbacks look great, btw. I’d like to see the 42 uni with blue sleeves that go up all the way instead of that weird white horseshoe area. I’ve seen some photos of players with full blue sleeves and I always wondered if the jersey was supposed to have that look. Like the white shoulders were the standard undershirt at the time and full blue undershirts were just a pain in the ass to get.)
Really looking forward to the Cubs/Brewers game – hope the Brew Crew goes 1937 for their throwbacks too.
“There will also be lots of non-uni stuff, including autograph sessions with former Mets Ed Kranepool and Ron Darling; presentations by Faith and Fear in Flushing blogger Greg Prince and ESPN.com columnist Mark Simon; a scavenger hunt for kids; and a lot more.”
Did you find any kids, Phil?
Suns 0-1 in orange alts. Knicks 0-7 in orange… orange is bad this year
Orange is the new black.
The Broncos seem to being doing OK in orange.
RE: 1969 Cubs – this still-bitter Yankee fan is pretty sure the most-celebrated second-place team in baseball history is now the ’04 Red Sox.
Love the throwbacks, especially the ’69 and earlier. but for the sake of accuracy, Rogers Hornsby did not lead the Cubs with a “career best” .380 average. He hit as high as .424 and has one or two other .400 seasons. Perhaps the was the all -time best Cubs average? ( I did not bother to look that up)
Like the throwbacks mostly, but I was bothered by the comment that Rogers Hornsby led the team in 1929 with a “career-best .380 average”. Mr. Hornsby hit higher than .380 SIX times, with 3 of those over .400.
Will the Cubs only wear the alternate jersey this year or for years to come?