It’s been ages since our last wire photo roundup. The images in this batch were submitted over the past few months by Jerry Wolper, Bruce Menard, Dennis Hasty, Matt Malinoski, and Jared Wheeler. Here we go:
• Lots to like in this 1941 shot of the Pirates’ and Cubs’ managers, Frank Frisch and Jimmy Wilson. Note the unusual cap on Frisch — I’d love to see that revived as a throwback!
• Here’s a fascinating one: The Dodgers apparently experimented with some unusual catchers’ helmets in spring training of 1968.
• Here’s TV personality David Hartman in a San Francisco Giants uni. Until reading the caption, I hadn’t known that Hartman had once been eyed as a prospect.
• Here’s a shot I haven’t seen before of the Bears’ 1930s throwbacks from 1994.
• Who knew the 20th Century Fox movie studio had such an awesome-looking baseball team! It’s not clear whether those are B-level actors, stage hands, execs, or what, but the uniforms sure are sharp.
• Love the (DIY?) sweaters being worn by Duke Snider’s fan club, the Sniderettes.
• Dale Berra’s middle name is Anthony, so why was his wearing a jacket with “Dale L.”?
• In 2011 I wrote an ESPN column about the White Sox’s uni-design contest from 1981. Here are two photos I hadn’t previously seen of the Comiskey Park fashion show where fans got to vote on the finalists.
• I love these baseball/bowling crossover photos. That’s Warren Spahn and Dick Weber.
• Check out this early-’70s shot of Astros catcher Ron Brand wearing a very un-MLB-like helmet. Crazy!
• Here’s something I’ve never seen before: Jackie Robinson wearing a batting glove (or is it a golf glove?), circa 1952.
• Bizarre sight: The 1943 Cubs having a spring training cookout — in their uniforms!

’Skins Watch: NFL Network host Rich Eisen appeared on Dan Patrick’s radio show yesterday, and the two of them spent some time discussing the ’Skins issue and the media’s handling of it. You can hear the audio here (from Patrick O’Neill). … Meanwhile, former ’Skins beat reporter Christine Brennan, who’s now a columnist for USA Today, is the latest journalist to boycott the team’s name. … But Josh Sipple of the aptly named RantSports.com thinks the name is fine. … Remember how I said yesterday that the softening of Roger Goodelll’s tone would probably be a game-changer on this topic? Keith Olbermann made a similar point on his show last night:

Baseball News: Yesterday I wondered who was the last Yankee to wear stirrups. Christopher LaBella says it was Ian Kennedy. … Wladimir Balentien, who just tied the Japanese single-season home run record, is usually a pajamist. But he went high-cuffed the other day as a show of respect to longtime record-holder Sandaharu Oh (from Yusuke Toyoda). … Samuel Lam wants to know if the American flag caps from Sept. were new caps or old caps with the flag patches slapped on. … Earlier this week I mentioned that Ebbets Field Flannels might start making their own stirrups. Now they’re saying they might also get into sweaters, which would be awesome (from Rand Martin).

NFL News: One of the Jets had his swoosh facing the wrong way (which many of you still think is the right way) last night (screen shot by Dan Medina). ”¦ New team-branded backplates — those are the padded plates that extend down off the back of the shoulder pads — for the Giants (thanks, Phil). … Andrew Greenwood saw this Ravens soda display at a Walmart in Baltimore. “Surprisingly, it’s made of blue Pepsi and Orange Crush, instead of anything black and purple,” he says. … This Panthers soda display is better, although (a) they used the old logo and (b) they totally cheated with the whiskers! (From Evan Sadler.) … PTI Photoshopped Texans colors onto a Ravens photo of Ed Reed yesterday. “I know he hasn’t been on the field, but there has to be a media photo out there somewhere,” says Jason Christie. … New cheerleading uniforms for the Eagles (from Kurt Esposito). … Brinke just about shit when he found these NFL marching song audio files. … J. Fletcher attended ’Skins training camp last month and spotted Niles Paul wearing a Spider-Man shirt under his practice jersey.

College Football News: Texas Tech wore really ugly gray uniforms last night. ”¦ Here’s a better look at the Florida outline with the star to mark Miami’s location on the Hurricanes’ helmets (big thanks to Chris Yandle). … Good behind-the-scenes video tour of the Nebraska equipment room. Also: The alternate helmet that the ’Huskers will be wearing this weekend has a center stripe, but this T-shirt promoting the game shows no stripe (all this from David Westfall). … Here’s Alabama coach Nick Saban talking about the Tide’s traditional uniforms. “His point at the end about the uniform representing something larger than the individual or marketing is pretty great,” says Erik Porth. … Cool helmet chairs at the Ohio State athletics facility (from Britton Thomas). … Louisiana Tech has two players that wear No. 6. Nothing unusual about that, except that the No. 6 on the left has last year’s number font, while the one on the right has this year’s (good spot by JJ Sledge). … Ryan Perkins was at an Ole Miss memorabilia shop and spotted these three old helmets on display. ”¦ The Longhorns are telling a small Texas high school to change its logo. ”¦ Here’s a weird one: TCU QB Trevone Boykin has been wearing a Kansas State arm sleeve, complete with the K-State sweatback pattern (from Coleman Mullins).

Hockey News: Boy howdy, eggplant throwbacks on tap for the Ducks! Now they just need to bring back the Wild Wing design for a night. … “Dallas and Fort Worth are two cities that have never really gotten along,” says Mark Louis Rybczyk, “so it’s interesting to note that the downtown Dallas Stars moved their training camp to Fort Worth to try to increase their fan base. They’ve added this patch to their practice jerseys to commemorate the new facility.” … The Chicago Wolves’ new schedule includes a 20th-season logo (from Steve Johnston). … The Islanders will reportedly keep their team colors when moving to Brooklyn but will add a patch and a Brooklyn-themed third jersey (from Asher Smith). … Meanwhile, the Isles will be wearing a patch for — get this — their first preseason game in Brooklyn. More info about the Barclays Center’s hockey configuration here. … New zombie-themed mask for Steve Mason. Further details here (from Chris Flinn). … Reprinted from yesterday’s comments: New masks for Chicago’s goalie prospects, too. …

Soccer News: One-off home kit for Lazio. “I like how it’s understated,” says Trevor Williams. … New all-orange kit for Real Madrid. “It will be worn in Champions League matches,” says Yusuke Toyoda.

Grab Bag: Reader Justin Kadis was nice enough to send along over 70 photos from his uncle’s memorabilia collection. All sorts of good stuff there — have fun poking around in it. … Interesting story about Canadian military uniforms (from Kevin Esmond). … Wade Pink spotted this truck with a tequila sunrise-esque paint job in rural Ontario the other day. … Speaking of trucks, could this logo have inspired (or been inspired by) the new Dolphins logo? (From Jon Solomonson.) … Someone in DC has gotten the city’s subway system map tattooed onto his arm. Gotta say, that looks pretty cool (from William Yurasko, who has also written a comparison of the city’s old and new subway maps). … Here’s a good series of videos showing the evolution of Pixar’s logo animation (from Kurt Esposito). … Here’s more about Davidson Day High School’s ridiculous flag-desecration uniforms (thanks, Phil). … “The Brisbane Lions of AFL are a merger of the Fitzroy Lions and the Brisbane Bears,” says Leo Strawn Jr. “A few years ago they changed the lion from the more traditional lion of Fitzroy to a new logo called the ‘paddlepop lion,’ which is displayed prominently on their jumper. Members hated it and tried to force the club to change it back in 2009. Now the club is asking supporters what they think, and apparently will change back if the members choose it.” ”¦ For those who are observing Yom Kippur, I wish you all an easy fast.
Tick-tock: Last weekend we tried an experiment: In addition to all of Phil’s other weekend content, we also had him do Tickers (broken up by sport, as is our current format) on Saturday and Sunday. We’re doing that again this weekend. How do you folks feel about that? Do you like your daily dose of Ticker, even on the weekends? Or maybe you don’t read the site on the weekends and therefore prefer that the Ticker be restricted to weekdays? Let us know:
Here’s a shot I haven’t seen before of the Bears’ 1930s throwbacks from 1994.
Also worth noting is the Jets’ awesome, but totally inaccurate helmet.
…and the very first link isn’t working. I’m getting a photo icon instead of the intended image.
Thanks — now fixed.
Said it before, and I’ll say it again. Much prefer the Jets’ sleeve stripe in this pic.
I don’t think they could do that today and still have room for the numbers.
The beat me to it on the first link. Also the penultimate link didn’t format right.
It makes sense that a movie studio could do great team unis: they had both graphic designers and costumers in house.
That Lazio jersey is outstanding!
Also fixed. Thanks.
Oddly enough I was watching the Mighty Ducks 3 movie last night and in that movie they wore the white NHL uniforms of the time. I wasn’t a huge fan of them in the 90’s but when I saw them yesterday I thought they looked fantastic! Classic lines, color scheme that oddly works and it all came together in a way most Away NHL uni’s don’t. I think it;s a matter of time, but somewhere in the future the “Ducks” will rebrand themselves back.
I’m not so sure that that’s an L on Dale Berra’s jacket.
The high school that Texas made change the logo is in Indiana not Texas.
Here’s that Pirates hat in color:
(scroll a little down to 1941)
What’s that called when there is a band around the base of the ballcap? I believe the Dodgers also sported a similar cap in the 1930s or 1940s. It’s an interesting style that would be nice to see worn in a turn-back-the-clock game.
The colors are probably right on the reproduction you link to, but the band is different. The B&W photo shows a narrow band – probably red – in the center of the white rim. (I’m calling it a “rim” in honor of the ring of salt you put on a margarita glass.) Gives it the appearance of being three stripes of white-red-white. But possibly either a thin braid of red piping, or just stitching, bisecting a single piece of white fabric at the rim.
Philadelphia Flyers goalie Steve Mason’s zombie Ben Franklin mask for this year
Love he ’43 Cubs cookout photo. The Cubs actually had the coolest location for a spring training facility from 1921-51, Catalina Island!
“Coolest location” is right. The Wrigley family pretty much owned the island, right?
And who — having heard it — can remove from memory that wonderful/awful song about the place?
“Twenty-six miles across the sea —
Santa Catalina is a-waitin’ for me.
Santa Catalina,
The island of romance!
Romance, romance, romance, romance.
Romance, romance, romance, romance.
Connie, are you the 5th Prep?
Hearing that song and peers such as “A White Sport Coat and Pink Carnation” takes me right back to early childhood.
Wait, so the Cubs began each season in Avalon? That’s so perfect.
And never stayed for long. That’s the best part.
That Nebraska Red Zone logo is totally stolen from the one for Super Bowl XLIII.
Nah. I’m sure it’s a coincidence.
The weekend edition of this site is very content heavy…instead of polling on the ticker…why don’t you poll if any other content be dropped, or at least rotated / broken up…it’s a little much to devote the time need to take it all in on the weekend…
(sometimes, I really miss the old real short entries)
If you don’t like 5+1 or the colorization thing, or any other content Phil puts together on the weekend, what’s so hard about scrolling past it?
You probably don’t read every single section of the Sunday newspaper either (I know, I know, cue the “What’s a newspaper?” wisecracks) — you read the sections that interest you and toss the ones that don’t. What’s so hard about treating Phil’s weekend posts the same way?
To be fair…I do take my time with the Sunday NY Times (it usually takes me a full work-week commute to read it)…as for the weekend, I try to stay off-line as much as possible…
as for the weekend, I try to stay off-line as much as possible…
I totally respect and even admire that.
But in that case, you shouldn’t care what we do on the weekends, because you won’t be online to read it!
There’s always room for colorization!
“The weekend edition of this site is very content heavy…instead of polling on the ticker…why don’t you poll if any other content be dropped, or at least rotated / broken up…it’s a little much to devote the time need to take it all in on the weekend…
(sometimes, I really miss the old real short entries)”
Noted, and I appreciate your feedback. But you almost make it sound like reading UW is a homework assignment or something. You don’t have to read every bit. And while I will fully admit I try to make the weekends chock full of uni stuff, it can seem a bit daunting.
However, like Paul says, just read what interests you — the sections are pretty clearly demarcated, and if you don’t like something, skip it! You won’t be tested Monday morning on the weekend’s content, we promise!
The poll today is simply to see if folks would like a weekend ticker. Believe me, it’s a LOT easier for me if you guys DON’T want it, but I’m willing to do it if the interest is there. With the new sectioned ticker format (which I didn’t think I’d like but I admit now is a real hit), it even makes culling the ticker easier for all.
Anyway, thanks for your thoughts and I appreciate the feedback.
I don’t really understand how ANYONE makes any money on the Internet, particularly people running a site like this. I just assume you’re sort of electronic Johnny Appleseeds, wandering around with a tin pot cap, barefoot and rope-belted, spreading your uniform seed (wait, that doesn’t sound right) across the land.
So my concern about the weekend ticker is, Don’t you fellas need fresh air? Human contact? Intellectual stimulation that doesn’t involve piping and facemasks?
It seems like a lot of work, doing the weekend ticker.
I see that the Eagles cheerleader uniforms were inspired by Girls Gone Wild.
/cue steel drums
As an Eagles fan, I’m not really a fan of whatever you call that lack of a shirt with long sleeves.. It gives off a look of not being able to get the clothes off before getting laid.
Also, in DC, it’s “Metro”, not “subway”. And I’m guessing he’ll have to add the Silver Line in early 2014, and then extend it in 2018.
Also also, it’s worth noting that Wladimir Balentien tied the record in the game he went high-cuffed.
Finally, re: Saban’s “uniform representing something larger than the individual or marketing” comment – isn’t branding oneself as “representing something larger than marketing” marketing in itself? If it weren’t for their success over the last half decade, we’d be seeing Tide in BFBS and white-out, or worse.
Catch of the Day! Click it, folks.
Paul, be honest, did you look at every single one yet?
Not yet. But I will….
Good call, Coleman. It’s the stupidest and the best thing ever.
Laura Petrie — bathtub faucet.
I have a pair of scissors that fit perfectly in my wall outlet. Pictures coming soon!
A metal implement … a wall outlet … what could go wrong?
Looking forward to this shocking photo.
I predict a surge in pageviews.
Dale Berra’s middle name is still Anthony.
“Dale Berra’s middle name was Anthony, so why was his wearing a jacket with “Dale L.”?”
Good one. Fixed.
You must have been thinking of Rod Scurry. LOOOOOOOTA coke through that Pirates locker room in the 80s
Ravens soda display: Super Bowl is 2 words
So is Uni Watch, but nobody ever gets that right either….
So is Base Ball (right?).
Super Bowl as one word always sticks out to me, as well as “a lot” so many people seem to think alot is a word….it’s not.
I wonder if uni watch as one word stems from the internet and web addresses not having spaces, I know you use a hyphen but most folks probably just type in uniwatch to find the site, then continue to write/type it as one word, never noticing it’s actually two.
They probably had it as two words, but then the Super Bowl trademark committee came around and told them if they didn’t change it (so as not to confuse people that the soda display is not the actual Super Bowl) they’d have to take it down, or be sued into oblivion.
According to Wikipedia, Dale Berra was named in reference to Dale Mitchell, who made the final out in Don Larsen’s perfect game two months before Berra’s birth.
Dale Mitchell’s full name was Loren Dale Mitchell. The University of Oklahoma’s baseball stadium is named after him (L. Dale Mitchell Baseball Park).
Perhaps “Dale L.” is a nod to him or a joke/prank by the equipment manager?
Or just a mistake?
My favorite “uniform” for the cheerleaders is the one with the black sleeves. It’s not even subtle. They look like lingerie football league uniforms. “Hey, look, everyone! I have boobs! I framed them for you so you can see them!”
It might be the browser I’m using (Comodo Dragon), but the American flag patches link in the Baseball Ticker is giving me a Secure DNS warning.
That’s my site in which you’re referring to. I’ve had one friend he gets the same message too. However he also uses a browser that isn’t IE, FF or Chrome.
That Ravens soda display is for the ’85 Bears.
List is completely invalid by including the original Ravens helmet.
Whoops… that was meant to reply to terriblehuman’s worst helmet link below.
Justin Kadis’ gallery is “Cool Stuff” indeed.
I’ve seen ’76 Stanley Cup tickets before and only today noticed that the ‘colors of the Spectrum’ are out of order (should be, from left to right: red, orange, green, blue).
I miss “America’s Showplace”.
The first thing I thought of when I saw the DC Metro tattoo was the map is still a nice piece of design out of context, but the gentleman is going to have to update it when the Silver Line is added in 2014 and 2018.
in the replies, somebody noted he’d have to add the Silver Line and his response indicated he had no interest
That’s going to be hard to do. WMATA just released the new system map, and they’ve jammed the Silver Line between the Blue and Orange lines for most of its run. He’d need like skin grafts to add that to the tattoo.
Also, the tattoo is missing the Rush Plus Yellow Line extensions, but that’s probably all for the best. That extra Yellow Line service at Franconia-Springfield every morning has absolutely destroyed my commute.
I am glad that the Islanders aren’t going to abandon their colours. But they are nuts if they don’t tweek the logo just a little, in order to include all of geographical Long Island with Brooklyn and Queens added.
Their current logo shows only Nassau and Suffolk Counties, which makes sense, as that’s typically what the term “Long Island” means.
But, to have a logo that specifically excludes their home location is madness. They need to embrace the geographical sense of the term “Long Island”, especially as their building is also home to the Long Island University teams, and is served by the Long Island Rail Road.
the current logo:
a version with Brooklyn and Queens added, as done by a regular at the Chris Creamer board named Discogod:
Note that the letter I in the current logo points to the approximate location of the Nassau Coliseum; and this feature is retained in the modified logo, in which the letter I points to the approximate location of the Barclays Center.
As an added bonus, the top of the S is framed by Jamaica Bay.
Even though they have said that they won’t change their logo at all, I can’t help but think that a tweak like this is possible.
Will they? Doubtful.
But by Discogod, that’s *exactly* what they should do.
One minor clarification – that’s not the current Islanders logo. That one was replaced in 2010 in favor of a brighter, simpler version closer to the original. Four stripes on the stick, commemorating four championships, are the easiest way to recognize the current.
link is the current, and link is Discogod’s Brooklyn update.
Thanks for posting that – I’d forgotten I’d even made that mod. It’s such a simple modification (took me about 5 minutes in Paint Shop Pro) that the Isles’d be mad not to do it…
You’re the Discogod? I bow down, sir.
Somebody ought to start a Twitter campaign over that mod.
I’d like to see the Rockaway Peninsula represented in the logo. LI looks kind of strange without it.
Sammy, I couldn’t find a way to get all the little sticky-out bits (technical term) on the logo without it looking messy – the whole island is heavily simplified as it is.
The arena setup for ice hockey at the Barclays Center doesn’t look too bad. Think it’ll actually be unique to have the tables by the rink. I could see other NHL teams copying that in the future.
The configuration looks a whole lot better in Brooklyn than it did at the link when it hosted the Phoenix Coyotes.
Speaking of (cleverly tweaked) logos featuring the outline of Long Island, Greenport Harbor Brewing Company really nails it.
Tough for me to ever compliment the Philllies, but the font work on link is awesome. Nested letters, curled serifs almost 40 years ahead of Nike’s custom NFL fonts.
Couldn’t resist:
Totally forgot P was a Phil.
Interesting fact:
Girard Bank was purchased by Mellon who then sold their retail banking operations to…Citizens Bank!
The La-Tech photo on the left is from last year, check numbers 11 and 23 as well. 23 in shorts and hat in one and pads and shell in the other as well.
After watching the Nebraska equipment room video, it made me wonder if anyone had seen the brilliantly awful tour of the Cleveland Browns’ facility by their new GM Joe Banner. Pretty much sums up the competency of the Browns. No matter where he points, the camera stays on his face. I defy anyone to make it through the whole thing.
I find it ironic that the Ravens soda display – instead of in the Ravens colors as the comment says – is in the colors of the team that got to host their opening night game because of the conflict with the Orioles.
Yahoo!’s Shutdown Corner looks at the link.
As I accidentally said above… invalid list for including the Ravens original helmet. I’m also really surprised to see Pat the Patriot on there.
”Can you tell me why in the world the Jags spray painted the front of their helmets? Looks really stupid and cheap.”
Stupid and Cheap?! Sounds like the Jags alright!!
I thought it would be cooler if the Jags went Gold to Black from side to side. So they’d be black from one side and gold from the other (nor front/back).
I’ve always thought how odd it was for Pat the Patriot to have a blue shirt and then the jersey was red…
Guns Up was purdy last night. That’s how you do it!!!
That can’t be Jackie Robinson. Must be Hawk Harrelson.
LOL… Hawk broke the color barrier first!
Regarding TT’s unis… your opinion.
Had a friend that is AD a school that’s colors are scarlett and gray, he was like “I need to get us a uniform like that”
Beauty is in the eye…. gray is the new black….
Hot rumor in PA high school talk is that my Johnstown Trojans have a gray alt they’re waiting to bring out.
gray is the new black….
I think you mean GFGS is the new BFBS!
Seriously: As I’ve explained before, I don’t get the gray thing at all. Leaves me totally cold. I never liked the black thing, but I *understood* it. The gray thing, I don’t understand it at all.
” I never liked the black thing, but I *understood* it. The gray thing, I don’t understand it at all.”
I’m not saying I understand it either, but my guess is that both “gray” and “black” could (at least in the minds of Nike, adidas, UnderArmour, etc. designers) be considered a “neutral” color (as gray is in baseball). So, you can create a whole new look, while still “keeping” your school’s colors in tact, by substituting gray or black for white.
I don’t agree with this notion, but that’s how I understand it. But I could be completely missing the boat with this.
Especially in Colleges, where there are schools whose colors are actually “black” and/or “gray” — those aren’t neutral colors (in baseball, at least, there is no team whose official colors are gray or white — at least not for practicality’s sake). But in NCAA games? Would, for example, UM ever have a gray uni (to replace their white)? Of course not, scarlet & gray are the colors of their rival.
I don’t mind gray (I love it for baseball and for teams, like the Raiders [technically silver] or Spurs) as an “official” color — but to use it as a “neutral” in lieu of white (simply because they can)?
Count me as not a fan.
shocked at both of you (just teasing!)
Also in that game, ESPN focused on that eighth official the Big 12 is experimenting with. He wears “A” on the back of his jersey. Not sure if that was brought up on UW or not. Unfortunately didn’t get a screen cap.
No maker’s mark on the Davidson-Day American flag uniforms – who made them? They look an awful lot like last year’s Under Armour Boston College Wounded Warrior Project Uniforms – link
Kyle-O and the rest of the Isles link to Barclay’s for practice…
Interesting photo of David Hartman. I had to check IMDB because I seemed to remember that he was, like me, also from Rhode Island. I was correct.
That Frank Frisch hat is amazing – I can’t believe it hasn’t been inducted into the Hall of Fame.
There aren’t many pictures of it online – but here’s an even better photo from Uni Watch a few years back (From a very early Wire Service entry):
The Wolves link code is showing up instead of just the hyperlink……
Thanks, fixed.
OMG Catch of the Day! Giving me weird goopy feelings! Every single image makes me want to squeal with glee!
If I’m reading the article correctly, the school being asked by Texas to stop using the Longhorn logo is is LaFayette Indiana not Texas.
I’m not taking sides in the debate at this moment with this comment, but it seems to me that the boycotts surrounding the use of the nickname ‘Redskins’ are primarily coming from journalists. My question for all of you is how much do you think that really means in any real or perceived culture shift? While media plays a major role in our culture, I’d argue that news media – particularly older forms of news media – have played a progressively smaller role as time has gone by.
it seems to me that the boycotts surrounding the use of the nickname ‘Redskins’ are primarily coming from journalists.
I’m not saying you’re wrong, but how exactly would you know whether non-journalists are also boycotting the name? Journalists have a platform to express what they think. I guess regular people can tweet what they think, but the vast, vast majority of tweets just disappear into the ether. Maybe if we established a #ChangeTheName hashtag or something…
Also worth noting: Unless you’re a fan of a particular team, you probably don’t say or write that team’s name very often — unless you’re a journalist. So the whole notion of boycotting the name makes more sense for journalists than for non-journalists.
My question for all of you is how much do you think that really means in any real or perceived culture shift?
Media figures of all kinds, old-school and newfangled, can still drive debate. They’re certainly doing so with this issue.
But let’s take, for example, myself. Let’s say I have zero influence on anyone. Does that mean I should just abandon my principles and do something I think is wrong (like, say, using a certain team’s name)? No — I’ll do what I think is right because I think it’s right. If I can influence the hearts and minds of others along the way, so much the better. If not, at least I was true to myself.
That tequila-sunrise truck has now become my 2nd favorite GMC Sierra Grande…just a notch behind this one:
Here’s a more recognizable shot:
I love all those trucks from the 70’s…
We’ve completely lost every sense of style by making fun of everything – “these trucks are ugly, etc. etc. etc.,” or “that car belongs to a pimp”…
Now all cars look like eggs, and have grey, black or beige interiors. Funny how the classics fetch more $ than the msrp of most new cars.
Whatever happened to vans with airbrushed sci-fi scenes on the sides? I miss those.
Just like a picture she was laying there
Moonlight dancin’ off her hair
She woke up and took me by the hand
We made love in my Chevy van and that’s alright with me.
This is interesting:
I don’t know that we’ve ever discussed the Mardi Gras Indians on this site.
The Indian krewes were formed in response to the Mardi Gras segregation: it gave African-American new Orleanians a chance to enjoy the rituals and pageantry of the celebration (which is a lot more than public lewdness and booze). In Creole country, where nearly everyone has a mix of Black, Native, Spanish and French heritage, the original intent of the Indian krewes was to acknowledge a shared culture, and to show Black solidarity with Native Americans.
So you have African-American guys, rebelling against racism by dressing in outlandish, even flamboyant Indian costumes, and using a ridiculous pidgin — “Me no Humba, You no Humba!” to communicate. They’ve been doing it for more than a century. It’s time-honored. It’s — wait for it — beloved.
So is this racist and offensive, or not? I’m conflicted. Somehow the tailgating bureaucrats dressed as Running Bear and Pocahontas seem way, way, way worse, but I can’t really say why.
Wait, it gets better: Mobile, Alabama — whose Mardi Gras tradition is even older than New Orleans’ — has a segregated Mardi Gras:
Obviously, I didn’t answer your question. I’m just pointing out that the intersection of Mardi Gras and race can be rather complicated.
The intersection of America and race can be rather complicated.
I love how Vera Wang basically told the Lurie’s that midnight green is barf. You don’t minimize your main colour unless it is barf.
These cuties would look so much better in these colours:
No problem Jeff, just pay Vera again to re-design once you realize this yourself.
Mardi Gras in New Orleans is no longer segregated by law custom. While it certainly was for many, many years, that is no longer the case. There are now persons of every race in almost every organization, particularly the more desirable or well known parades, balls, social groups, etc. There may be some smaller, less known groups that have not gotten around to integrating, but that would be a testament to their not being well known. Each year, each Mardi Gras organization MUST file an affidavit of non-discrimination with the City Government. Those groups failing to do so are not allowed to parade or use public streets or facilities.
By the way, the Chicago Bears throwbacks worn in 1994 (in conjunction with the NFL’s 75th Anniversary) were I believe supposed to represent the Bears 1925 uniform. By the 1930s, the Bears had moved on from “friction strip” jerseys, though a few teams continued wearing then through the mid-1930s. These 1994 Bears “1925” throwbacks were almost certainly the rarest to find – there seems that there were only “gamers” work by the team, and a very limited run of cheap replica versions made by Logo 7. There were no good replicas sold, as there were for the similarly rare Steelers (“Pirates/1993”) “friction strip” jersey throwbacks worn in 1994, which though hard to find, included Starter “Authentic replicas” and at least two other versions of cheaper replicas for sale.
Now this is how you do a camo baseball hat:
That’s the Twins’ giveaway (first 10,000 fans) tonight. Though I’m not sure if putting a faint brown leafy pattern on blaze orange counts as “camo,” since the whole point of blaze orange is to always be highly visible and not blend in with your surroundings, so that your buddies don’t shoot you.
Interesting rumors rumbling in Twitter land.
Montreal Canadiens writer Dave Stubbs (@Dave_Stubbs) is intimating that Habs will be the first team to dot players’ NOB’s with accent marks, when appropriate. Apparently it is now possible thanks to “new technology,” but I was under the impression that it simply wasn’t allowed by the NHL.
A bit of googling, I found one example (from Teebz) of an NHL player with diacriticals.
Given the complicated relationship between the Habs and Quebec language issues, I can’t believe that they’re just going down this road now.
“Washington Football Team” being featured on Outside the Lines. Won’t be long…
Wait, you mean they’re doing a segment about the name controversy, or they’re just routinely boycotting the name now?
They did a piece about the controversy.
Go Redskins!!! Beat the Packers!!!
Thanks for the wire photos. There are so many uni-watchable things going on in them.
The player in the dark knickers in those Comiskey Park shots appears to have striping at the hem of the pants, in lieu of striped stirrups. How might that have gone over? I hope everyone remembers how extravagantly striped the “beach blanket” Sox stirrups were.
Two white stripes trimmed in navy isn’t that extravagant
No, I meant the 1983 uniforms.
Yes. When the Sox went to the beach blanket uniforms, they wore red stirrups. With two white stripes trimmed in navy. But not for long. A couple of years later, they were solid red.
I hope that no MLB player (Prince Fielder, ie,.)sees that picture of Wladimir Balentien and the gussets in is pajama pants and gets the idea that it looks good.
Because it doesn’t.
“If one person’s offended, we have to listen.”
OK Roger, I’m offended by dreds, no-sleeved-jerseys, Bane-type masks, everybody wearing a visor, black ankle tape and the “look at me!” attitude.
Please fix these or I will be forced to boycott the NFL.
I suggest you just beat the rush and boycott now.
I’m confused about the new NCAA uniform rules. I thought…
A.) there had to be uniform/field contrast. Boise still wearing the blues at home. (And Air Force is wearing blue pants as well. It’s a blue-out!)
B.) Only Arizona was allowed to wear the fading jersey numbers.
The rule about Boise State not wearing their all blue at home was retracted last year.
Arizona got the exception for this year, but must be compliant by next season.
Another number font mismatch at La Tech, they honored Terry Bradshaw and one of the Duck Dynasty guys at halftime with obligatory jerseys and the fonts don’t match
I don’t know, I liked the Texas Tech gray. I’m not a fan of gray for gray sake. But the uniforms themselves were not ugly. The helmets especially were nice. It’s funny, in the modern era of football uniforms (60s forward), there have been many shades of yellow/gold used. But the “gray” color has been limited to silver. In the past 5 years or so, teams have been experimenting with gray, and it looks great. The Giants are the first major team I noticed, with their gray pants. And it was a huge improvement over their old blue/white combo.
That being said, I’m not in favor of GFGS. But I do wish more teams would use gray as an official color, instead of silver or even white.
Regarding the ticker mention of TCU QB wearing a KSU sleeve (or wrap, or whatever it is):
I’ve looked at that image several different times. I’ve gotten up, left the computer, come back and looked again. I’m just not seeing the KSU logo. In fact, I think the logo closer to his wrist looks like the Colorado Rockies.
Am I missing something that is that clear to others?