By Phil Hecken, with Rob Holecko
Well, Uni Watch readers — we’ve made it (almost). We’re now to reveal the final sets of contestants for the UWFFL — today’s final two teams are coastal teams, one from the east and one from the left — the Tampa Terror and the San Francisco Reign Fire. I know I’m really excited to reveal the final team (the Reign Fire) because of the possibilities of the helmet art — we also have a very special treat from Rob. More on that below.
Once again, I want to thank Rob Holecko for all his work on this, and all the great submitters for taking such an interest in this contest. And now, I will turn this over to Rob, who’ll take you through the final two groups of entries, complete with polls (so be sure to view all of the entries for each team and then be prepared to vote — write down your favorite if you have to, so you can easily vote on it after each of the sections). Click on each graphic to enlarge.
Ready? OK — here’s Rob:
Hello again from the UWFFL. We are back with the results from last week’s voting and the submissions for the final two teams. Next week we’ll have (barring any further run-off votes being necessary) the results for these final two teams as well as laying out what the future holds for the UWFFL when we pick it back up in July or so.
First off, here are last week’s winners. In the second run-off for the New York Sharks voting, Robert Kramer defeated Adam Cain and claimed his first victory.

In the competition for the Seattle Superbeasts, it was a runaway and Wes Peters notched his fifth victory.

And for the San Diego Storm, Brett Callero defeated Wes for his third win.

That brings us to the last batch of teams to vote on: Tampa and San Francisco.
First the Tampa Terror. Here are the ten entries, with voting below:

Brady Ivie

Brendan Jang

Brett Callero

Brian in NOLA

Dan Hutcheson

Jeff Provo

Robert Kramer

Design Sheet

Ryan Liszewski

Trent Daniel

Wes Peters

And finally the twelfth team, the San Francisco Reign Fire.
For the Reign Fire, we had a little help from 970 KDSF in San Francisco, the official broadcast partner of the Reign Fire. They co-sponsored with us this portion of the contest and their afternoon drive program, The Dick Schaefer Show (no relation to the GUD’s Bill Schaefer) interviewed some of the entrants and gave them a chance to talk about their submissions. We gave all of the entrants the opportunity to be on their program, but it was totally optional, and when making your voting selections you shouldn’t hold it against those that chose not to take part. But for those that did, we have included the audio of their interview with their submissions and you can listen to it below and let it give you just a little more insight into the designers’ processes.
We thank 970 KDSF for their interest in the contest and look forward to their continuing coverage of the San Francisco Reign Fire as they compete in the UWFFL this fall.
Andrew Seagraves

Brady Ivie

Brendan Jang
Brett Callero

Curtis Peddle

Dan Hutcheson

Elizabeth Eicher
Robert Kramer

Trent Daniel

Wes Peters

Unfortunately, not every contestant was available for interview purposes. But, just to wrap things up, give one last listen here:
Well, there you have it, good luck to the Tampa and San Francisco entries, congrats to Robert, Wes, and Brett for their wins, and to the rest of you be sure to vote and discuss in the comments your favorite designs. We’ll see you next week!
Thanks, Rob (and nice interviews!). OK readers — unless there is a run-off, this is the last you’ll be voting on the UWFFL (at least for a while, I promise), so lets send them out in a blaze of glory OK? And make sure you thank all the contestants and also Rob for helping to organize this. And of course, let the submitters know how they did. Back with the results next weekend.

Uni Tweaks Concepts
We have another new set of tweaks, er…concepts today. After discussion with a number of readers, it’s probably more apropos to call most of the reader submissions “concepts” rather than tweaks. So that’s that.
So if you’ve concept for any sport, or just a tweak or wholesale revision, send them my way.
Please do try to keep your descriptions to ~50 words (give or take) per image — if you have three uniform concepts in one image, then obviously, you can go a little over, but no novels, OK? OK!. You guys have usually been good with keeping the descriptions pretty short, and I thank you for that.
Like the colorizations, I’m going to run these as inline pics — click on each one to enlarge.
And so, lets begin:
We begin today with Bryan Ross, with a Penn State University redo:

Hey Phil,
I was looking at Penn State’s uniforms and felt they needed an update. With the home uniform, the major change I made wwas adding the logo to the side of the helmet and a blue back plate with PennState font added. Another change was keeping the simple helmet stripe and tying it into the side of the pant leg giving the socks the same look to bring it all together.
Basically the thought throughout was to give some subtile updates while keeping with the classic look. See what you think.
Bryan Ross,
Graphic Designer
Next up is Brian F (from NOLA), who has retrofitted the Rays:

I hope this is the right place to send these to. I want to like the Rays, I lived in Tampa for a while and generally like the area, but everything about the team just seems generic. Everyone uses the navy blue now-a-days and I think there needs more green in baseball. The Rays were close a few years ago with their road grey’s, but the green and blue were too dark. I don’t love the wordmark they used, but it’s better that the current one. The other is using the wordmark from the throwback the clock, which is very Floride like.
Brian from NOLA
We close today with Brett Knowles some logos for the St. Louis Metro football club:

Love reading your stuff. Been following logos/uni’s most of my life and always thought I was odd for that. It turns out, there is quite the following.
With the upcoming Chelsea/ Man. City game being played here at Busch Stadium next month, talk has resurfaced about the possibility of MLS in St. Louis.
I came up with a logo about two years ago and have attached it. In case it wasn’t obvious, no photoshop was used, just good old MS Paint!
Let me know what you think if you get a chance. I know it’s not perfect, but I would love to see it incorporated in some way by someone who actually knows graphic design.
Brett Knowles
And that’s it for today. Back with more next time.

Stirrup Fridays…
Because we love the stirrup here at Uni Watch, this section is devoted to those of us who sport the beautiful hose on Fridays — a trend popularized many years ago by Robert P. Marshall, III. For many of us, it’s become a bit of an obsession, but a harmless one — a reflection of our times. Where we once had Friday ties, which has been replaced by Casual Friday — we now have Stirrup Fridays. It’s an endearingly simple concept — no matter where you work (or even if you don’t) — break out a fresh pair of rups to compliment (or clash with) your Friday attire.
Smaller set than normal today.

James Poisso:
I’ve never been able to identify these stirrups, but they look nice.
James Poisso

Joaquin Jang:
Hi Phil,
I graduated from grad school on Thursday so I figured I would celebrate Stirrup Friday a day early. I’m clicking my heels, not just because I graduated, because I got to wear some sweet stirrups too!

John K.:
Broke out the classic Orioles look to celebrate their great run in the ESPN uni bracket. Going back to “Baltimore” on the away jerseys a few years ago was a great (and seriously overdue) move. They just need to add the classic socks/stirrups, and get rid of the white panel on the hat.
I was in meetings all day yesterday and did not get a chance to vote. Not sure if I will be able to vote today, either. A difficult decision: Vote partisan for the very good looking Os, or the truly iconic and beautiful Cards. The Cards could almost win on stirrups/socks alone.

Robert Brashear:
I have joined the revolution
Bucco stirrups in the big apple
Robert Brashear
And that ends today’s look at Stirrup Friday — all of you who participate, send me your pics and a brief (~50 words) description of their relevance, and I’ll run ’em here on Saturday (and sometimes Sunday too!). Be sure to visit Robert’s House of Hose for news on rups.
And now…here’s …

Comrade Marshall’s Rupdate:
First off, my apologies for not being part of the post last week, I dropped the ball in coordinating with Phil. That being said I was also busy all week defending the stirrup revolution. Apparently there is a snake in the revolutionary grasses phishng the stirrup movement. Clearly this thief has intimate knowledge of what we do here, and to be honest, I was really hurt that someone would try to rip-off an operation that is set up to benefit rather the gouge Uni Watch readers. I was close to saying fine, I’ll raise prices blah blah blah, but I came to my senses and realized that just because there is one weasel out there, the rest of us shouldn’t suffer. Besides, there is 92 bucks in the revolutionary accounts, let him do his worst. The bottom line is after reflection, everything is all systems normal except one thing, the Stirrup Friday Image winner now gets a buy one/ get one prize. I hope that prize is okay with everyone.
Let’s get on with the Stirrup Friday shots, and begin with last week since the pixtures were so great. On top of Phil’s killer Met’s game shot, there was great stuff all around, and I will talk to Soukie about what I will do for him and his usual Gem, but let’s award Nathan Stewart with the shot of the week for those killer chops that go so well with the 70’s orioles look. As for this week, clearly Joaquin Jang’s graduation shot might be the shot of the year, that was super sweet Joaquin, you were a hands down choice.
As for actual hosiery, The Cardinals and Braves are back in stock, and I expect the 1959 “beer shower” World Series Go-Go Sox sometime this week, but since they are not here yet I will run the 69 Padres and 48 Senators as “new” this week even though they are in stock and there will be no waiting. If the beer showers get here as expected, I will have another new stirrup for everyone based on the feedback I have gotten next weekend.
From each according his stirrvp, to each according his strype

And finally…
• For reasons that apparently have something to do with today’s Armed Forces day, the Pirates wore camo last night. Looked awful. But not as bad as the way the Astros (their opponents) lost in epic fashion. Game photos are here, if you dare.
• Here’s how Johnny Football looked in that jersey with the Heisman patch on it.
• If you’re not a fan of *instant replay* in baseball, then you’re not going to be happy with what MLB is considering for 2014.
• Meanwhile, the San Diego Padres wore their 1984 throwbacks last night against the Nats. Of all the 20+ year old unis they could throw back to, those are my least favorite. More photos are here.
• In honor of actual Armed Forces day, the Angels will be wearing camo today.
• The Bobcats have begun their conversion to the Hornets.
• And finally, the Preakness Stakes is today. There was some discussion in yesterday’s comments of a horse called Titletown Five, whose name is a reference to Green Bay. Check out the silks! And here’s a photo of the silks (not the same jockey who’ll be riding today, but same silks).
That will do it for today. Quick programming note for tomorrow: I’m scheduled to open the summer place today, which, among other things, means meeting the cable guy to hook up the Interwebs. As with all things, this is not a given. Also, the computer out there was built before some of you were born, so…
I’ve already prepared tomorrow’s post so there will be stuff tomorrow (and a great lede from none other than Chance with another wonderful historical uni/logo look back). But there might not be anything NEW from today (may need to upload the post from my phone), including a QOTD. Just warning you.
Everyone have a great Saturday, and I will catch you tomorrow one way or the other.
Follow me on Twitter @PhilHecken.

“Sweet Mother of Jesus. This is getting scary. Not too long ago ”“ a couple of years? ”“ I asked you in this space about your hometown, and you sent me the same wiki link you just sent this morning. I (now) remember the picture 2nd Street! I need to buy a walker. And maybe a bib.”
–Conn Nugent
There is a slight error — the Tampa Terror voting is showing in both places instead what should be the San Fran voting in the second spot.
I emailed the fix to Phil, but until he fixes it please don’t use vote for the San Fran teams where it still says Tampa. The correct San Fran voting is on the 970 KDSF page at link until it is fixed here at Uni Watch.
Sorry about that, I emailed Phil the wrong code.
Thanks, Rob (and nice interviews!).
Thank you, I will pass it on to the guys at 970 KDSF, they deserve all the praise on that part of it, all I did was send you the audio code. (which luckily that I didn’t screw up)
Everything should (hopefully) be fixed now.
ATTN Brendan Jang: link would make some team a great mascot – Wofford or Boston University, or maybe a Belgian soccer team.
I gotta say, Jang’s ‘A Terror-ble Uniform Mess’ entry was quite creative and refreshing.
My high school wrestling team had a similar screw-up when it came to uniform ordering. Our coach ordered our warm-up sweats, wanting them to have ‘WRESTLING’ written on the butt in red. Instead we got pants with ‘BUTT RED’ scrawled across our behinds. It made for quite a laugh, and the coach ended up keeping a pair for himself anyway.
Also, how can the Bobcats change their name back to the hornets, per that article? The name has always been the Bobcats!
*Hornets. My ire at that article interfered with my ability to capitalize proper nouns!
Well, obviously the NBA will just retroactively declare that the New Orleans Hornets were always called the Pelicans and were an expansion team, while the Charlotte Hornets simply suspended operations much like the Cleveland Browns, then changed their name to the Bobcats,only to change back. Obviously.
In 25 years, only a few will remember the truth, and people will just assume they’re crazy.
The MLB instant replay is in line with subtext I’ve been picking up from other recent league news. My theory: Joe Torre will be the next commissioner.
Thanks for the quote, Phil. Not.
Really dig Brian From NOLA’s blue-and-green for the Rays.
I hate to see your Geezer tendencies immmortalized in a QOTD. Poor guy!
Totally agree.And that font from the “throwbacks looked great too.
God, the Rays current uniforms suck.
New look at the Jaguars new unis on mannequins. Still not a big fan, but better than what they replaced.
That’s not necessarily an endorsement.
That dopey helmet ruins an otherwise sharp look.
I miss the black-to-teal shifter lid already.
The helmet looks like a medical textbook diagram of the impact force in a traumatic brain injury. So I think I might be calling it the concussion helmet.
I actually like how the Angels are celebrating Armed forces day. Its is subtle like the gold trimmed on last year’s championship team but it keeps the overall look of the team as long as they do not do the same for Memorial day.
I’m generally not a fan of the whole GI Joe thing – if any physically fit 20-something men want to dress in military camo, go enlist in the armed forces – but I agree. For what it is, the Angels have done this about as well as any MLB team ever has.
White Sox also wearing camo lettering. Rather hard to see, with the white trim and light gray of the basic uniform. How appropriate.
Bret, I dig your San Francisco Reign Fire design, yet when I first saw it I was reminded of this a Homestar Runner design: Trogdor the Burninator link
I found your comment on the Padres amusing. I was looking at their uniform history just the other day and thought that 1984 uni was the best of the sorry bunch.
New logo and uniforms for the Peoria Rivermen. They were in the AHL this season, but are going to be playing in the SPHL (might as well be the California Penal League because I’ve never heard of it)
There’s a typo in the Penn State redo: “With the home uniform, the major change I made wwas adding the logo to the side of the helmet and a blue back plate with PennState font added. “
Brett (and a few others), Your Tampa Terror designs do the gone-but-not-forgotten tradition of University of Tampa football proud. Thanks from a UT alum.