By Phil Hecken, with Rob Holecko
After last weekend’s successful debut, the second batch of Uni Watch Fantasy Football League are ready for your perusal and voting. We received over 100 separate entries, and we’ll display them for each team and allow you, the readers, to vote on your favorite. Our next sets are for the Miami Cougars, Detroit Demons and New York Sharks (these teams received the second most sets of entries). We’ll have the final two sets over the next couple of weekends until we’re all done.
I want to thank Rob Holecko for all his work on this, and all the great submitters for taking such an interest in this contest. And now, I will turn this over to Rob, who’ll take you through the next three groups of entries, complete with polls (so be sure to view all of the entries for each team and then be prepared to vote — write down your favorite if you have to, so you can easily vote on it after each of the sections). We’ll do these alphabetically, and some submitters sent in more than one graphic. Click on each graphic to enlarge.
Ready? OK — here’s Rob:
Well we are back again for round two of the voting on the UWFFL Submissions. Last week, with over a thousand voters, you chose George Ciervo’s Atlanta Flying Fleet entry and Wes Peters’ St. Louis Slaughter. Here are the results of the voting:

Here is George Ciervo’s winning Atlanta Flying Fleet design:

Wes Peters was tied for second in the Atlanta competition, however, he won the St. Louis entry:

Some people, like Wes, submitted for all twelve teams, while others, like George, only entered for one team. Congratulations to the first two winners!
Today we will introduce you to three more teams’ entries to vote on, the Detroit Demons, Miami Cougars and the New York Sharks. That means that for at least another week we will still be accepting entries for the remaining seven teams: Chicago, Minnesota, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Tampa and Texas. You can see more about these teams here.
You can vote for each of these three teams below the submissions.
Here are the entries for the Detroit Demons:

Brett Callero

Dan Hutcheson

Brady Ivie

Brendan Jang

Robert Kramer
Design Sheet

Ryan Liszewski

Wes Peters

Jeff Provo

Colin Wesiloff
Here are the entries for the Miami Cougars:

Brett Callero

Dan Hutcheson

Brady Ivie

Brendan Jang

Robert Kramer

Design Sheet

Roger Morrow

Curtis Peddle

Wes Peters

Jeff Provo

Andrew Seagraves

Here are the entries for the New York Sharks:

Adam Cain

Tommy Colliton

Dan Hutcheson

Brady Ivie

Brendan Jang

Robert Kramer

Design Sheet

Wes Peters

Jeff Provo

Johnny Woods

Good luck to all of the entrants, and to the rest of you, happy voting!
Thanks Rob. OK readers, you know what to do. And how about a nice round of virtual applause for all of today’s concepters (let ’em know down below). So, who do YOU think should win each of the three teams? Why or why not? Give us (and them) your thoughts, critiques and suggestions.

Uni Tweaks Concepts
We have another new set of tweaks, er…concepts today. After discussion with a number of readers, it’s probably more apropos to call most of the reader submissions “concepts” rather than tweaks. So that’s that.
So if you’ve concept for any sport, or just a tweak or wholesale revision, send them my way.
Please do try to keep your descriptions to ~50 words (give or take) per image — if you have three uniform concepts in one image, then obviously, you can go a little over, but no novels, OK? OK!. You guys have usually been good with keeping the descriptions pretty short, and I thank you for that.
Like the colorizations, I’m going to run these as inline pics — click on each one to enlarge.
And so, lets begin:
We begin today with Brendan Jang, with a different look for the Winter Classic:

Hi Phil:
Here’s a different take on the throwback concept. The idea is to render both teams’ uniforms in black and white or sepia tone, to give the effect of watching an old game on TV, or looking at an old photo. The rest of the playing surface, ads, refs, fans, etc. of course are still full colour but the players themselves look like an old photo has come alive.
The key to the execution, which is hard to get across in the photo as we are all used to seeing doctored 2D images, would be to photographically reproduce the colours and graininess so it doesn’t just look like a gray, black, white uniform. This could be achieved through using the dye sublimation process, which would allow the photographic details to be printed on the entire jersey. Sublimated uniforms are common in hockey which is why I’ve chosen this Winter Classic image.
In addition, equipment manufacturers could apply similar colours on helmets, gloves, etc, to complete the look. I have left the goalie with his equipment in the usual colours to see what it would look like with normal gear.
It would be hard to pull off but would be an incredible effect if successful.
Brendan Jang
Next up is Parks McLeod, with some Bulldog Hoops:

As a lifelong Georgia Bulldogs fan, its hard enough to watch our basketball team constantly struggle to put it together on the hardwood, but we also have some of the worst uniforms in the SEC. I think its time the Dawgs go to a more retro look back to the Dominique Wilkins days of the 80’s. I will remind you that while teams today seem to be following the all-black or gray/silver look, the University of Georgia has always used these colors, and in no way are we adopting these colors for a special occasion or game. I will attach a picture of some 80’s era unis as well as our current ones that looks like we stole them from the women’s team. I will have a redesign of the football team coming soon too. Thanks and I enjoy the site.
We close today with Tom Bierbaum who a new look for the Sonics:

Phil — I was a fan of the Seattle Sonics all the way back in their first season and loved their early uniforms, so wanted to agitate for the following home and away uniforms for the relocated Sacramento Kings based on the phenomenal Sonics design of the early 1970s…
The opposing teams are pretty radical takes on the Clippers and the Pacers. Note that the checkered flag on the Indy jersey spells out “Pacers.” More details on these concepts at https://tombierbaum.livejournal.com/#post-tombierbaum-11144.
Many thanks,
Tom “Tenz” Bierbaum
And that’s it for today. Back with more next time.

Stirrup Fridays…
Because we love the stirrup here at Uni Watch, this section is devoted to those of us who sport the beautiful hose on Fridays — a trend popularized many years ago by Robert P. Marshall, III. For many of us, it’s become a bit of an obsession, but a harmless one — a reflection of our times. Where we once had Friday ties, which has been replaced by Casual Friday — we now have Stirrup Fridays. It’s an endearingly simple concept — no matter where you work (or even if you don’t) — break out a fresh pair of rups to compliment (or clash with) your Friday attire.
Only a few submissions this week, and we’ll get to those in a sec. I wanted to wish a belated Happy Birthday to the founder of the Stirrup Revolution, Robert P. Marshall, III, himself, who turned 65 43 yesterday. Happy B-day Comrade!…

Terence Kearns:
Mets rups NOW with orange sanis, for this Saturday’s Mets / Gnats game!
Sweet Tea Emm Que

Cary O’Reilly:
Heading to Nationals Park tonight to watch beloved Reds take on my beloved Nats. Couldn’t decide which I love more so am sporting both team’s hose today: Reds from the 1930s (right) and Senators circa1945.
Cary O’Reilly

Jim Vilk:
Birthday Boy & Phil,
So you want to buy some stirrups, but does all this talk of revolution sound a little too subversive for you? Well, here’s your chance to be a true American by joining Generalissimo Madrevilker’s Two-In-One Contra Revolucion!
Our other offering is the Toronto Blue Jays…wait, that’s Canadian…oh well, it’s North American, so I suppose that’s American enough.
Viva la Contra Revolucion!

James Poisso:
Today’s stirrups are Houston Colt .45 stirrups.
James Poisso

Joaquin Jang:
Hi Phil,
I’ve been a UniWatch reader for some time now which raised my pre-existing appreciation for stirrups. I’ve picked up several pairs on eBay and am finally joining Stirrup Friday! I must admit, white Rod Lavers were not the ideal shoe with these green wool striped stirrups. I’ll try harder next week. My contribution contains my reminder to myself because it’s pretty easy to just get dressed and go in the morning.
Joaquin J.
And that ends today’s look at Stirrup Friday — all of you who participate, send me your pics and a brief (~50 words) description of their relevance, and I’ll run ’em here on Saturday (and sometimes Sunday too!). Be sure to visit Robert’s House of Hose for news on rups.
And now…here’s …

Comrade Marshall’s Rupdate:
As you are reading this I am in the middle of a ping-pong 10 hour ref/ump softball and hockey shift that starts an hours bike ride away at 8:30. But as I write, that is another story, it is finally a beautiful day in Chicago, and I have moved a table to the back porch to drink coffee with the Pineapple for the last few hours before I go record shopping and some friends take me to dinner in Greektown. Still, on my to do list for today is standing in line at the post office, as I do every Friday, to ship 5 envelopes of stirrups. That’s right, I’m freaking dedicated to the revolution. Then again, only to a point, I am not taking the 2 hours to change the image on the site, so be aware the Cardinals are on backorder for about 2 weeks, the Giants are in stock, and what the heck, the 1959 world series White Sox are still on sale at the “new” price. And since I wont be around to pick a winner in the stirrup Friday contest, let’s let comrade Phil pick the winner, whose name he will insert right after this …get in touch with me for your free pair, congrats.
from each according his strype,
to each according his stirrvp.
Wow — in what will be a first, and undoubtedly a last, our founder has allowed me to pick this week’s winner. And it is a difficult choice, but in the end it comes down to Terence, with his dedication to advancing the Mets cause (it’s hopeless, buddy), and our newcomer, Joaquin. It would almost be a lock for TK, but it looks like he actually is wearing the rups backwards, which is strictly verboten in the Revo. However, I cannot 100% be sure, and those orange sanis w/Mets rups (as I’ve been known to sport) are devine. Joaquin’s presentation is simply awesome, what with the “Stirrup Friday” reminder, but we know the rookie will be back and will “try harder next week.” So we can expect him to blow this week’s effort away, and he’ll be in the running for next time. So — Terence Kearns, get in touch with Comrade Marshall, and collect your booty. Thanks Robert — hope your birthday was a great one!

That’s going to do it for today, folks — a lot to digest — so make sure you’ve had your breakfast before voting.
Big thanks to all the concepters — let them know what you think of their work.
You guys have a great Saturday, and I will catch you on the morrow.

“Poor Miami… definitely the worst of the 3 redesigns. It isn’t bad, but they sorta look like an unlicensed video game version of themselves.”
–THE Jeff Provo
The Great White concept was completely brilliant. Well done there.
I wonder if there could be a one off with grey on the back and the yoke with the underbelly white like an actual Great White.
Awesome idea for the Winter Classic.
No, it’s ruined if the rest of the environment is in “natural” color. Reminds me of Pleasantville.
The Niners haven’t had this helmet design for at least three years, but that doesn’t see to be of any concern to the folks at NFL.com!
Well, you can’t blame NFL.com for wanting to use the better looking helmet.
I would’ve voted for Brendan’s Miami Cougars submission, if the 70’s Dude logo had gone on the helmet like Pat Patriot. Love it.
This guy digs Brendan’s Cougars concept:
That guy is clearly a Mopar man.
I love Brendan Jang’s uni idea for the NHL Winter Classic.
PACERS logo in Sonics concept!
The Sonics jerseys are good – just the uniforms from the 70s.
But the Clippers and Pacers jerseys are great. That Pacers wordmark is unbelievable. We need more of those concepts.
Thanks, I was surprised how well the Pacers and Clippers concepts came out. It’s why I like to throw in an opposing team when I do a design. I usually come up with and execute the opposition idea very quickly and that’s led to results that I don’t think I’d have come up with otherwise. It’s liberating to not care so much about whether the concept works or lands with a thud.
Wow! I didn’t even notice that the Pacers wordmark WAS a wordmark at first! Unreal creativity! Love it!
THE Jeff and Mr. Jang had the best uwffl concepts.
How many people are going to rip off other teams logos when making these fantasy teams? I saw 1 BYU cougar and three versions of the St. Francis (IN) Cougar. I love that UniWatch gives us the opportunity to come up with our own designs, but lets make sure they are our own.
So… that’s where that was from. Heh. Note that the St Francis logo is the version that was on the original helmet that we were presented with. It wasn’t an intentional rip-off on our part.
Yeah most of the helmets we got way back then were either directly from the ‘Helmet Depot’ website, or minor tweaks there of. The site is no longer active, but there’s an archived version here:
The helmet logos for the Tampa Terror, Texas Timberwolves, Atlanta Flying Fleet and the original Seattle Superbeasts (the one with the ‘S’) were crudely made by me, but all the rest were pretty much taken right from the depot, and where they got them from, who knows.
Oh, come on! The Miami Cougars were the perfect excuse to put a hot 40 year old on a football helmet!
I had a dream last night that the Cambodian national soccer team wore banana costumes to a game against Honduras on my back lawn. Also there were real bananas and it was my job to destroy them.
Cheese before going to bed is a bad idea
The concepts for the SuperSonics are terrific! I also love the updated logo design. Great work. These really could work.
Jeff Provo’s Sharks concept is a winner. That helmet logo, especially. The whole uniform is efficient, clean and striking. And the secondary logo is really provocative and fun. Nice work!
I like Brendan Jang’s Sharks concept, incorporating a red 11 billiards ball design. Love playing pool…
I really like Robert Kramer’s Detroit Demons helmet concept. He stayed true to the original helmet design and elevated it a couple of notches. I think most of the original helmet designs presented a tough design challenge for the contestants to work with, but Robert turned this one into a classic.
I know I haven’t been posting here often as of late, as it turns out, getting your life together is time consuming… Who knew.
Anyway, I make it here at least once a day and my favorite part of these fantasy contests (selfishly) is how many people use my templates. I’m so glad people have adopted them and used them to produce such great concepts.
That’s why this community is so great.
Congrats to all the designers, all the concepts look great.
Big ups to you for producing them!
Apart from the length of the pants, the Braves/Tigers uniforms are both brutal.
Apart from the length of the pants,The Braves/Tigers uniforms are bothbrutalgorgeous.”(Fixed)
That is how baseball should look like! MAN THOSE STIRRUPS for Atlanta!
or are they long socks?
Nice look on Braves and Tigers today.
Huzzah! Happy to see my Flying Fleet design went over well – there have been so many quality designs that it’s a nice feather in my helmet to have mine recognized. I feel a little bad that I didn’t submit for any other teams, but time (and jockeying for the family computer) just didn’t allow it. I made some headway with the Slaughter, but didn’t feel strong enough about the logo/colors (was going for a Jacksonville Bulls motif, would up with Tampa Bay with blood red instead of orange) to finish. Considered an Etrigan-inspired Demons, but didn’t get anywhere with it.
Oh – I also got a chuckle when I saw that Andrew Seagraves found the same font for Atlanta as I did.
Some of these are really challenging. Cougars and Sharks – there are so many logos for both (I’d already done three treatments in a couple of leagues for Sharks) that it’s tough to come up with something original. Really getting a kick out of Brendan’s takes in that regard. Looking forward to seeing everyone’s ideas for the the rest of the teams.
Hey, MyFonts.com is a great site! Congrats!
Parks McLeod – Instead of designing basketball unis that “look like” 1980s UGA basketball, why not design basketball unis that are EXACTLY LIKE 1980s UGA basketball? 1 set with red tank and shorts with white block GEORGIA trimmed in black, white block numbers trimmed in black, 1 set with white tank and shorts with black block GEORGIA trimmed in red, black block numbers trimmed in red.
Love to see the New York jets get a uniform make over new HD colors new helmet.
ha ha phil. i get home from my shift, and bam, turkey photo. you always use the most flattering shots:)
Oh. My. Goodness. Brewers in their gold jerseys, but on the road. So that means gray pants. Not the worst look in the world, but certainly not the best.
The Brewers look is hideous. The pants and jersey don’t match, and the strip on the pants doesn’t make any sense with the jersey. The blue hat is random but there’s not another option.
Given that they have six official uniform combinations, this seventh option is dumb.
I remember an episode of “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” where they dressed a man in a blue shirt and brown/olive pants. The man argued that the colors didn’t go together but the Queer Eyes insisted they did. The man said “One is an earth color and one is a water color. You can’t mix Aquaman and Mudman.”
It was a great way to say you don’t wear cool and warm colors. Milwaukee’s jersey is warm and those pants are so cool. It really hurts the eyes.
The NBA Playoffs logo taped onto the Rockets’ court doesn’t contain the blue stripe on the bottom like it does on every other team’s court. I wonder if they left it off on purpose so they can just have the red & black fit the team/court color scheme…