The sports media world, Uni Watch included, doesn’t pay much attention to women’s sports. And that was even more true in 1974, when Billie Jean King helped launch womenSports magazine (which was later renamed Women’s Sports; you can read about its history here). I don’t think I’ve ever seen an issue of the magazine, but I can appreciate that it was an important undertaking 35 years ago. And now an anonymous reader has sent me a bunch of uni-notable photos culled from the magazine’s pages. Let’s take a look:
• We often talk about how basketball shorts used to have belts. The same was apparently true for softball shorts.
• Something else softball used to have: satin uniforms for night games.
• Speaking of softball, there’s a lot to like in this shot. I’m particularly intrigued by the wearing of white stirrups over white sannies — seems counterintuitive, but apparently it wasn’t unheard of. Still, why not just wear tube socks?
• I was already thinking “That’s a great uniform” before I noticed that the two-digit uni numbers are spaced waaaaay far apart at the bottom of the jersey. Very odd.
• Did you know ABC Sports had its own brand of sports socks? I sure didn’t. (This one obviously had nothing to do with women, but the ad ran in the magazine.)
• Untucked basketball jerseys were a very modern, forward-looking style in the 1970s, so it’s a little jarring to see one of those newfangled jerseys with such old-style typography. Not a good match.
• I really like the logo in this basketball camp ad.
• Speaking of logos, the old Women’s Basketball Association had a good one.
• Then there was the WBL — the Women’s Pro Basketball League — which featured the unfortunately named Chicago Hustle. Note how the side trim wraps around the small, rounded armhole and then goes up the shoulder — nice.
• This shot shows a female Little League pitcher who got to hang out in the Mets’ dugout in 1977. Note to the Wilpons: Look which color she isn’t wearing.
• Good one to go out on: If Sports Illustrated gets to devote one issue per year to chicks in bikinis, it figures that Women’s Sports had some fun with that same concept. I doubt they would have put Wilt on the cover if they’d known about the “20,000 women” claim, but that was still six years away at the time of this issue’s publication.
Oh, and that button at the top of the page? I didn’t run that to be snarky or anything like that. Like everything else here, it ran in womenSports.
(Want to see some earlier pics of female athletes? Look here.)
Uni Watch News Ticker: Here’s one of the most unusual eBay finds I’ve come across: a long roll of (wrapping?) paper featuring the Campbell Kids celebrating 50 years of pro football. The listing is riddled with typos, and the seller apparently doesn’t even realize that the characters are the Campbell Kids, but whatever — great illustrations, plus it’s rare to see the AFL and NFL logos being used together on the same product. And hey, they’re playing color vs. color! Super-cool item, although I must say that I’ve always found the Campbell Kids just a little bit creepy. ”¦ Here’s an unusually brazen bit of logo thievery: Edgewater High School in Orlando, Florida, has put the Philly Eagles’ wordmark on their basketball court (with thanks to Jon Solomonson). ”¦ Notre Dame, which usually goes NNOB, has added NOBs for the Sun Bowl (with thanks to P.J. Mallardi). ”¦ Can anyone identify this font? “It is a banana box from my family’s business,” explains Morris Levin. ”¦ A few days ago I ran a photo of this vintage jersey I recently won on eBay. It turns out Rachel Askin has another version of the same exact jersey. “My dad wore it while playing in an adult softball league in Philadelphia, probably in the late ’70s,” she says. “The team was formed by my uncle and his friends. They were economists, so they named their team the Invisible Hands, after Adam Smith’s famous phrase.” ”¦ Reprinted from yesterday’s comments: Corey Wimberly, the Great Hosiery Hope, has been traded to the Pirates. ”¦ How did Ricky Williams’s nose bumper decal end up over there? (Big thanks to Make Mameli.) ”¦ Temple student Jeff McDevitt has made an excellent little video report about the school’s inconsistent shades of red. Highly recommended. ”¦ Antoine Winfield has been fined $10,000 for his all-white socks the other night. Oh, and another $7500 for a helmet-to-head hit. I’m glad the league has its priorities straight (and I’m not sure if I mean that literally or sarcastically). … Jake Doyle sent in another one of his great photo bundles, including shots of a Bruin in yellow pants; some awesome sweaters; a Chicago Cougars goalie with a killer mask design; the 1979 WHA all-star jersey, as worn by Gordie and Gretz; and a group portrait of the 1963 All-Americans, with eye-popping colors. ”¦ Latest minor league hockey team with a kitchsy holiday-themed jersey: the Law Vegas Wranglers. But I think their jersey is sort of brilliant, or at least pretty clever (with thanks to Adam Ramanan). ”¦ Here we have what must surely be the most National League Golden Jubilee jersey patches ever lined up for one photo (big thanks to BSmile). ”¦ Not uni-related, but a sort of scary DIY project: Matt Bellner drank enough 5-Hour Energy to fill an ocean and turned all the empty bottles into a homemade Christmas tree. “The people at 5-Hour Energy stumbled across the clip and they’re sending me a year’s supply to share with my baseball team,” he says. ”¦ Dan Bly spotted something weird: Looks like Freddie Dean got an aftermarket first initial in 1982. At first I thought, “Oh, they must have acquired a second Dean midway through the season and then they added the initial to Fred Dean’s NOB.” But the other Dean in question was actually rookie Vernon Dean, who was a second-round draft choice and a starter, so was presumably was with the team all season long. So now I’m thinking maybe Fred Dean was using a jersey carried over from the previous season, or else they just forgot to give him an initial, realized their mistake, and added it after the fact.

Holiday schedule: Phil is taking a well-earned break this weekend, so I’ll be in tomorrow with the list of reader-appreciation giveaway winners. Not sure what I’ll have for Sunday — maybe a full-fledged entry, maybe just a quick hello. Either way, comments will be open for both days.
Incidentally, I’ll be on the radio tomorrow, partying in the WFMU booth during my friend Rex’s holiday-themed “Fool’s Paradise” show from 1-3pm Eastern. (Lots of other good people will be on hand as well, including Jon and Karen of Grade “A” Fancy.) Dealing with your relatives will probably have you wanting to slit your wrists lock yourself in the bathroom by then anyway, so take your laptop with you to the john and tune in here.
The Chicago Cougar goalie is Dave Dryden, known to some as Ken’s brother, but to equipment nerds as the first North American goaltender to wear a fibreglass mask that incorporated a wire cage, thus melding the North American and Russian/European traditions in mask design.
As the Latin-named “Grizzly Bear” stated, Dryden is a pioneer in the hockey world with his hybrid mask design. Dryden is probably famously known for this aspect, but he’s in NHL history for another reason as well.
Dave and Ken Dryden are the only brothers in NHL history to square off as opposing goaltenders. It happened March 20, 1971 as Dave’s Buffalo Sabres faced off against Ken’s Montreal Canadiens.
Number 10 of the Chicago Hustle is Janie Fincher, the sex symbol of the league. The uniform she’s wearing is the second version of that weird shoulder treatment. This uni was made out of stretch nylon by Betlin Mfg. of Columbus, Ohio. The first season’s uniforms were made by Athletic Sewing of Chicago and were polyester knit. We sold for both companies. They both said that they had to tailor Janie’s shorts so that a maximum amount of leg could be visible. We actually sold a couple of sets of the “Hustle style” uniforms, minus the special tailoring of course. Hey, it was the Disco Era, you had to be there.
Merry Christmas to everyone out there.
Believe it or not, the Hustle were kind of a big deal. They got a lot of coverage in the Chicago media — far more than the Bulls. (Perhaps because the Bulls were so dreadful. Or maybe their seasons didn’t overlap?)
I don’t recall their games being televised, but they were definitely on the radio.
Janie Fincher had plenty of male fans…..Fincher’s Pinchers is what they were known as.
I like how Fincher is wearing her uniform number as a necklace.
Janie Fincher.
Jennie Finch.
Say what?
Hmmm. Wikipedia says they played a 34-game season starting on December 9, 1978, and in 1980 finals ending on April 9.
I don’t think the numerals on those GRADS unis are two-digit.
It looks to me that the shot on the very right … both sides look like “8.” The others we can’t really confirm but there likely wasn’t an 88.
Meanwhile, I never understand the (large) segment of male society that’s either unimpressed, uninterested or utterly disgusted with women’s sports. I’d read that magazine if it was on my coffee table.
Women athletes in swimming, volleyball, hoops, etc? Absolutely cool in my book.
Think you’re right about the Grads – who are fairly well known up in Canada, if you’re into sports history – they were the dominant female basketball team of their era – 502-20 between 1915-1940.
Wikilink (with another uni shot that will impress) – link
Merry Christmas, everyone.
Merry Christmas to you Ricko and the rest of the UniWatchers!
Just wish he…
…didn’t favor the ’80s geek style.
Did the gold on Navy’s shoulder stripes start getting a little pink when they got wet last night? I’m pretty fussy how my TV is tuned, so I don’t think that was the issue.
I thought the same thing as well and I have HD. I have also noticed that some of the New York Giants pants stripes look a little pink as well.
I know I’m waaaaaaaaaay out of touch w/the No Fun League. But fining Antoine Winfield for white socks, rule or no rule, is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard in my life since the last stupid thing. Seasonal wishes the asshole responsible for levying it gets coal in both his “stockings,” which I’m sure he wears. Hot live coals.
And Jennie Finch? best looking, best pitcher ever ;-)
I think Greg Coleman is the NFL uni cop at Viking home games.
Used to be, anyway.
Interesting dual role if he is. Sideline reporter for the radio broadcasts, too. “I know I just fined you 10-grand, Antoine, but how ’bout a comment?”
That money still goes to NFL Charities, right, so the player can take it as tax deduction?
can’t argue that point. got a Jennie Finch/SF Giants bobblehead doll coming from Santa this time tomorrow.
Women’s softball was a big deal in my hometown. The local semi-pro team, the Shamrocks, played at a little city-run stadium called Felton Field. In the mid-70’s, the legendary Raybestos Brakettes came in for an exhibition game: there must have been 4,000 spectators, which was hundreds more than Felton Field was designed to handle.
The Brakettes are still around — they’re called the Connecticut Brakettes now, which takes some of the charm out of it. “Raybestos Brakettes” is like “Nippon Ham Fighters”, one of those strangely sublime team names that just sort of sticks in your head.
May all your pants be properly bloused, may your stirrups show proudly, and may your uniforms be free of black (unless it serves some essential historical or aesthetic purpose).
Merry Christmas!
The hockey players in the “awesome sweaters” are a pretty awesome trio. From left to right, you’ve got Edouard “Newsy” Lalonde, Frank Patrick and Fred “Cyclone” Taylor, all three of whom are members of the Hockey Hall of Fame.
The photo would have been taken in 1909-10, when all three played for the Renfrew Hockey Club, known alternately as the Renfrew Creamery Kings and the Renfrew Millionaires.
Good spot! I recognized the Renfrew logo, but I wouldn’t have gotten the players right away.
Renfrew??? LOVED the Renfrew movies on TV during kidhood. Have three or four on dvd now.
Sing along, gang.
“We’re mounted men…”
“… so I’ll be in tomorrow with the list of reader-appreciation giveaway winners.”
Sweet! Fingers crossed…
Merry Christmas Uni Watchers!
nice photo of the 1963 all america team. that’s Dick Butkus 2nd from left in row 2. all those unis are gorgeous…some great throwback opportunities!
Been trying to show how many I recognize.
QB (#18) is Tom Myers of Northwestern.
#19 is USC Flanker Hal Bedsole. “Prince Hal”. Stellar career at USC; NFL bust with Viking and Rams.
Front row left is Pitt running back Clements, Cox or Cunninghan, not sure which.
#40 is Marv Woodson of Indiana, maybe?
The USC lineman may be a guy named Damon Bame (great name, huh).
Far right front is an old Florida Gators uni, I think.
Back row left uni got me stumped a bit. Mississippi State, maybe?
Jeez. Not SHOW how many, SEE how many.
Who IS that Notre Dame guy??? He’s the tight end, because Bedsole would be the split end.
Jim Kelly, maybe?
Oh, and obviously the coach is Ara.
>>Who IS that Notre Dame guy??? He’s the tight end, because Bedsole would be the split end.
Jim Kelly, maybe?
Jim Kelly was a QB, fool. :P
wasn’t bledsoe a QB too?
Probably should link to the photo, make things easier.
Back row shows the last regular green Notre Dame jersey.
The blue and white next to Notre Dame is either Penn State (yes, they wore royal back then) or Kentucky.
And Butkus is the center.
But Ricko: Notre Dame wore green jerseys exclusively from the USC game in 1977 through the 1980 season. So wouldn’t that be the last regular green Irish jersey?
Oh, yeah, forgot about that. The DAve Huffman era.
Of course, I was newly single during those years so I was kinda preoccupied. Not necessarily real GOOD at it, but refocused at any rate.
Can I rephase it? Only regular green jersey between the Hornung and Montana eras?
Did not know that Penn State wore royal blue. What year was that photo taken?
I fell in love with Notre Dame during that era, when I was a kid. That same year, 1977, that the football team won the national championship in green and gold, the basketball team went to the Final Four and along the way Digger broke out green socks. The next year, Digger switched the basketball uniforms from blue and gold to green and gold. I saw the Irish up close a few times during those years when they played Davidson at the Charlotte Coliseum.
That’s ’63. Here’s Ted Kwalick from 1968.
Stripe on pants and helmet TV numbes, too.
I guess the current Penn State uniforms are not so traditional after all. Though I would never change them.
The Digger Special? Unbelievably garish, but I always like it, just because it WAS so over the top…
I have seen those Playboy All American pictures. The color is so eye popping. They do have the players names on them too or most of the pictures did so.
Had internet problems the past few days. Glad to be back online. And Merry Christmas to all the great UW readers and contributors.
Top row, left to right: Ken Kortas, Tackle — Louisville; Jim Kelly, End — Notre Dame; Harrison Rosdahl, Tackle — Penn State; Hal Bedsole, End — Southern Cal. Middle Row, left to right: Jack Cvercko, Guard — Northwestern; Dick Butkus, Center — Illinois; Damon Bame, Guard — Southern Cal; Ara Parseghian, Coach of the Year — Northwestern. Bottom Row, left to right: Rick Leeson, Fullback — Pittsburgh; Marv Woodson, Halfback — Indiana; Tom Myers, Quarterback — Northwestern; Larry Dupree, Halfback — Florida.
Were there no facemasks in ’63 or did they remove them for the picture?
According to the Hockey Uniform Database, the Bruins tried the gold pants for just one season – 1958-59, which matches the gold jersey design. link
The Levin & Co. font is a tough one. It is a definitely a condensed cut, but could very well be vernacular lettering(created by hand/non-standard) and not a typeface.
Kicking around a few ideas. Scout Condensed Light could be a good fit. link
Or Nova Extra Condensed Light.
As for free options, I dunno the weight. My favorite free condensed typeface is League Gothic. You could use that for the same “feel” but not necessarily the exact font.
Hope that helps!
I just assumed it was a custom hand-created face.
When did facemasks come into use in college football?
Early to mid ’50s to some extent. Widely by ’59 or so.
Interesting that they’d remove all the facemasks for the All-American photo shoot (at least I’m assuming that’s what was done).
Did anyone else notice that on the football All-America picture, #18 on the front row is wearing #48 on his shoulder? Was this picture colorized (thus erroneously turning the 4 to a 1 on the chest)?
what is the name of the lone ranger’s nephew’s horse?
No, What’s on second.
What’s the name of the Lone Ranger’s nephew’s SON?
(This actually is quite timely in a movie biz sense)
Dan Reid, the nephew, grew up to become publisher of The Daily Sentinel.
His son, Britt Reid, was (wait for it)…
The Green Hornet.
Honest. You could look it up. Both radio shows were created by George W. Trendle for radio station WXYZ in Detroit.
But, boy does the new The Green Hornet look like crap, huh?
WXYZ-AM, which spawned the current WXYZ-TV (channel 7, ABC affiliate), while WXYZ-AM is now WXYT-AM 1270, which rebroadcasts the current WXYT-FM 97.1 (“The Ticket”), except when there are multiple teams playing, in which case the priority is Lions or Tigers on 97.1, then Red Wings on 1270, then Pistons on WWJ-AM 950 (if it’s just Wings and Pistons, the Pistons will always be on WWJ while the Wings will be on 97.1).
And WXYZ-TV is also one of the many stations featuring the classic Circle-7 logo, although they resisted using the ABC logo in conjunction with it until just a few years ago.
If Mrs. Parker is right, Victor.
Merry Christmas, everybody.
Want to wish all the uniwatchers out there a Merry Christmas. – Mike
Does anyone know what helmet Aaron Rodgers switched to this week?
Found a rather interesting modern history of hockey skates with this eBay auction. I’d always wondered where the “Tacks” name came from. link
Just found this, 2nd to last day of the 1976 white road White Sox caps;(game 04/20/76) Yankee Stadium, found on ebay:
And this:
1961 Press Photo Of White Sox Equip Mgr Sharkey Colledg:
Hmmm. Never noticed this before: an incorrect early version of the 1985 Padres batting helmet decal with the wrong logo; dated 05/04/85 from ebay:
Other color examples:
Another example on Uni Watch 05/17/07 but no mention of the incorrect logo:
Why did they stop wearing the white caps so soon?
Allegedly it distracted the batters & had a difficult time picking up the ball from the pitcher’s hand. White caps ended up being banned in the A.L. but not the N.L., and I don’t think the rule still exists today; especially after this past season’s version of the Stars & Stripes caps & the Red Sox briefly wore white caps in the late 1990s.
The Arizona Diamondbacks also wore those cream-coloured hats in the early 2000s, didn’t they?
1998 only I think. Mets & Red Sox in 1997, Reds 1993-98. I think all wore them at home only. BFSB was almost in full-force by then.
No volleyball pictures? That and curling are my two favorite women’s sports. Let me rephrase that…volleyball and curling are sports that I enjoy watching regardless of gender.
NOB for the Irish? Must you sully my Sun Bowl experience even more? Although all will (mostly) be forgiven if Miami comes out in the Toy Combat unis.
Anyway, in case I don’t check back in later, a very Merry Christmas to all, and if you don’t celebrate that, just have a wonderful day anyway. Peace.
Sun Bowl? Did you lose a bet?
Just kidding Merry Christmas Mr. Vilk.
Merry Christmas to all UWers!
And here’s a little something for PL:
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
Now get off the computer and go spend time with your families!
Did anyone else catch the helmet stripe on Tulsa’s helmets? Looks to have a snowflake motif.
No but I did notice the QB is wearing what looks to be an NFL style captain patch.
They’ve been wearing that all season. I’ve written about it a few times here on the site.
Found a picture.
Upon further examination, the motif looks to be on the “Tulsa” script as well.
Yes, I see it now.
Are they snowflakes or hibiscus blooms?
I found a pictures from tonights game and blew it up 300 percent and couldn’t tell.
My best guess is the TU logo.
strange, isn’t it?
each man’s life touches so many other lives…when he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?
merry christmas to all my fellow uni watchers
“You used up all the GLUE on PURPOSE!!!”
Time for bed now. The kiddies will be up early.
Well, not at my place, but somewhere.
Mascot Edge: Golden Hurricanes v Warriors. Too bad they’re not the Rainbow Warriors anymore because then they’d win because after the Hurricane was gone a Rainbow would be what was left over. Instead a Warrior would definitely lose to nature’s Hurricane.
Uni Edge: both aren’t good but Tulsa’s are just atrocious. How in the world is a team in Oklahoma named Hurricanes instead of Tornadoes.
I spoke with a Tulsa player and he said those were hawaiian symbols on the helmets.
The beloved Golden State Warriors new/retro logo was ranked the second worst new logo of the year – link
Kinda weird if you ask me.
Merry Christmas from the left coast, Uni Watch.
When you wrote of Fred Dean, I only knew of the Fred Dean who played DE for San Diego and traded to San Francisco middle of ’81 season. I’ve only been an Eagles fan since 1980 and don’t remember Dean of D.C. Somehow, I doubt that I was alone in not knowing that.