By Phil Hecken
Well, for my last weekday offering, as we close out the month of August, I bring you the nine EIGHTEEN “Design-A-Baseball-Jersey Contest” finalists, complete with voting (below). “Eighteen?” you say? Weren’t there only supposed to be NINE?
Well, there were. But the man who will be making the winner’s jersey and the great proprietor of Classic Old School, Alain Nana-Sinkham has a message:
I’ve agonized over this all weekend, and I continue to find myself trying to think on behalf of the readership, who should really be the ones choosing the best design. So I’ve taken some “sponsorial license” and chosen nine finalists — for each league.
So, it being Alain’s final decision, here then, are your 18 finalists (along with the descriptions of each). Please remember the voting is FOR THE JERSEY only:
Mike Duncan: (Seattle Mariners) Our goal was to create a clean and simple retro upgrade for the Mariners. We reinstate the blue/gold color scheme, but use the darker blue they currently feature. The stripes on the sleeves and socks reference the original Pilots uniform. And, of course, the trident is back! Thanks!
Mike and Brandi Duncan
Danny Finocchio: (New York Yankees) My concept is a New York Yankees pullover road jersey. It has a retro 80’s feel to it, and I feel as though a concept like this could have been a completely viable option in that era.
Chris Gough: (Baltimore Orioles — WHITE jersey) I wanted to do a team where I could do a new script so I chose Baltimore. Then I realized to change the script would mean I had to change everything. My favorite would be the home white but the gray one is cool too.
Mike Hass: ** (Milwaukee Brewers) My entry is for the Milwaukee Brewers. This uniform has sparked much debate in the UW community, so I used a yin-yang approach to make both sides happy. The logotype contains elements of old and new. Barrel Man, the Wisconsin silhouette, and cream color palette felt very appropriate for Milwaukee.
**According to Alain, “I know they’re in the NL now, but Hass’ design harkens to their Junior Circuit days”.
Patrick Lange: (Minnesota Twins) My entry is for the Minnesota Twins. I drew inspiration from the Negro League for the center blue stripe. I darkened the cream color and used the primary TC logo on the front of the jersey for the first time in Twins history.
Michael Ivall: (Toronto Blue Jays — WHITE jersey) For this design, I wanted to bring the Blue Jays back to the best years, and create something “Classic Old School” if you will with a up to date feel. Staying with “Jays” as opposed to “Blue Jays” and using a similar look to the Blue Jays of the early 90s. I think it taps into the popularity of today’s marketing of the team. The logo itself is all new again taking elements from the past, and coming away from the newer cartoony logo.
Robert Marshall: (Chicago White Sox) sure this is what the sox should be wearing, but that is not the contest. for corn’s sake somebody should be wearing this 40”²s look, and for the sox, more white, on a charcoal jersey, with the 70”²s font. my image isn’t perfect, but i give you the white sox.
Mark Rabinowitz: (Detroit Tigers) Tigers road jersey with “Detroit” in Old English. Numbers on right sleeve pay tribute to 1960s Tigers teams (who also had these on their road unis). Excessive white outlining is gone. Logo on left sleeve based on 2005 All Star Game logo.
Rich Stromwall: (Minnesota Twins) I’m a Twinkies follower who’s always felt that their classic TC mark should be more prominently featured. Mix in some powder blue and…voila! A new road getup.
Jon Allison: (Philadelphia Phillies) In designing a jersey for the Phillies, I looked at their three previous eras and intertwined. I went back to the maroon of 1970-91, to differentiate the Phils from the Cardinals, Angels, Reds, Nats. Founded in 1883, this gives them a classic look akin to the older franchises in MLB.
Patrick Cummings: (St. Louis Cardinals) Mashup of eras featuring my favorite Cardinals components. You’ve got the modern logos and numbers, 1940’s era striping, and the 80’s STL from the batting practice jerseys. Plus it uses “St. Louis” in place of “Cardinals” on the front. Love the flannel look so it’d be great to replicate that!
Mason Fiske: (Houston Astros) We all know many people want to see the Astros to return to its glory days with the 1970s color-splashed uniforms. BUT I think the organization wants to maintain its current traditional mindset, sooo I don’t foresee that happening. With that in mind, I wanted to create a more traditional design with current script and logos as well as eliminating the NOB, but return to its original color palette to give some distinction to the roots of the organization.
JR Gain: (Chicago Cubs) The Cubs’ home pinstripes are a signature style. However, they’ve never had a signature style for the road. This alternate design hopes to fix that. It takes influences from the juggernauts of the 1900s, NL champs of the 30s and 40s, and a team that broke a 39-year post-season drought.
Scott Rogers: (Washington Nationals) This Washington Nationals design adapts the iconic 1930s Homestead Grays jersey. Light cream jersey with navy placket/shoulder/sleeve piping. “Nats” lettering based on the ’35 Grays with light outlines for readability. Numbers based on the 1976-81 White Sox, an anachronism the Nats used to good effect on a 2007 Grays fauxback.
Mark Peterson: (San Diego Padres) The Padres back to their unique roots of brown & Athletic Gold. Home jersey, 1″; sleeve trim with 3 stripes, ¾” collar, re-colored & modified Swinging Friar alternate logo sleeve patch. Vertically arched NOB with standard block numbers. Modified primary logo.
Danny Corbalis: (New York Mets) My concept is to “refresh” the look of the New York Mets home uniform. I used a more modern typeface and added a deeper blue to the color scheme. I also wanted to use the name “Metropolitans”. I kept the elements of the logo but I made them a little more dynamic. And I updated our beloved Mr. Met.
Devin Curry: (Colorado Rockies) The “ROCKIES” wordmark forms a mountain range below. Did my best to make numbers and nameplates similar to the front.
Jeffrey Lewis: (Colorado Rockies) New colors — blue and green, the old Denver Zephyrs color scheme — replace the hideous black and purple. A ‘fancy’ font (Oklahoma) reveals a modern depiction of the Rocky Mountains. A sleeve patch features the Colorado state fossil ”“ a stegosaurus ”“ as a mascot.
OK, those are the 18 jerseys upon which you will be voting. But Alain wanted to give two more quick shouts out: “and bringing out the lineup cards – unable to play due to injury (injury being I’ve got no shot a finding the material to make these).” So, honorable mention goes to:
Jarae Thurmond: San Diego Padres
Nat O.: Boston Red Sox
There you have it folks, now it’s your turn. Prepare to cast your vote below. We’ll keep this open for about 10 days or so, and the winner will be revealed during my next weekend post (September 11 or 12). Thanks again to everyone who participated, and good luck to the finalists.

And now, a quick word from Paul:
First and foremost, let’s have a big hand for Phil, who’s wrapping up a kick-ass month of content. I’m grateful to him for keeping the site running while I was on blogcation, and I’m looking forward to giving him a well-earned rest tomorrow.
Meanwhile: I’ll be talking about college football uniforms today on the Dan Dakich Show, which runs on ESPN 1070 in Indianapolis. I’m scheduled for a 10-minute spot beginning at 1:17pm. If you’re interested, you can stream the audio live on the station’s web site. Unfortunately, the interview has just been canceled.

And finally…a word from me:
I just wanted to thank each and every reader for their indulgence, patience (especially patience) and good humor over the past month while I filled in for Paul.
No one could ever really fill his shoes. It is an infinitely wonderful feeling to consider myself a “Uni Watcher” and just one member of a truly extraordinary community. What Paul has come to produce on a daily basis is absolutely incredible, and the amount of support from the entire UW blogosphere is nothing short of amazing. I can’t praise highly enough all those who assisted me this past month in helping to bring forth a modicum of uniformity in this universe. UW is unique, for sure.
Everyone — you’ve been great. And, trust me…there is probably no one MORE excited to have Paul back where he belongs, starting tomorrow, on the bridge of the UW ship…than yours truly.
Welcome back, buddy. We ALL missed you.

First up today is Jason Hillyer who noticed that these OSU helmet trailer hitch covers have wrong-colored facemasks (who knew they sell trailer hitch covers at TJ Maxx?); also from Jason: a Reds uni displayed prominently on this BIZ (“official stainfighter of the Cincinnati Reds!”) ad. … Joel Mathwig notes Valparaiso University had a total re-branding of their university marketing, including a new athletics logo. This photo shows the new floor design as well, which will be dedicated as Homer Drew Court sometime this fall. … Dennis Butenschoen “was laughing so hard at some of these baseball cards. The comments are priceless. … Terrific spot by Aaron McHargue, who noticed that during the Seahawks/Vikings preseason game, the network used the 1st and 10 line technology to put the Mall of America Field logo on the field. … Tim Lofton points out the Ansonia, (OH) tigers just finished the scrimmage season and (from what he understands,) is going to attempt to play as many color-on-color games as they possibly can this season. Ansonia is in orange. Says Tim, “the Bengals could learn a thing or two from that uniform.” … Chris Bisbee says, “I don’t care about the Secretary of the VA or any of the dudes but you gotta love the young lady with the Red Sox uniform!!”. Anyone says “what uniform” gets banned. … Eric Bunnell provides some nifty some links on the Cleveland Browns behind-the-scenes: Grounds Crew: Video and Article; Cafeteria; Video Room; and another Video Room. … Tom Adjemian asks, “Take a look at this W. Think it was an M in a past life?” … Paul Bielewicz notes that this past weekend the Rochester Red Wings continued their annual tradition of wearing single-game jerseys which are auctioned for charity. Some recent examples included camo jerseys (8/28/10) for military appreciation, “Snow Leopard” jerseys (8/27/10) for Rochester’s Seneca Park Zoo, and tie-dye jerseys (8/14/10) for “Meals on Wheels“. I’m guessing Jim Vilk would wear 2 out of those 3. … Doug Simpson says the trailer for this film, Nick Saban: Gamechanger, Bill Belichick is interviewed and the logo on his pullover has been covered up by a black piece of fabric.
Once again, I had some problems with the linking in the ticker, so stuff sent my way that didn’t make it into today’s ticker will hopefully be included in tomorrow’s.
Each and every one of us is lucky to have them both, and I wouldn’t trade either one of them ”¦ unless a dancing, singing monkey became available. — Jim Walaitis
Damn – it’s gonna be tough to pick a winner. And that’s with, imo, several worthy entrants not making the cut.
to anyone who posted a comment earlier — which is now missing — apologies —
i had a coding problem with the main post which has now been fixed; didn’t notice it on my computer because i use IE8 for a browser — but macs were coming up screwy (at least according to paul)
the problem *should* be fixed now — but i had to reload the post; so we lost the 7 comments that had already been made
feel free to repost them
apologies to all … i need sleep
Go to bed Phil. It was a great month. Be proud. Now when you wake up, go get a PC.
Great job, Phil!
agreed phil, you had a great month, you should be proud.
Lot’s of great entries to pick from. Had to give the nod to Devin Curry though. There’s something about that “Rockies” with the mountains that I just fell in love with. To me, it’s the biggest upgrade to any team’s uniform on the list.
Great job, Phil. The site didn’t miss a beat.
As disappointed as I am that Nat O.’s “Plaid Sox” design is not a finalist, I appreciate all of the hard work that everyone has done on these designs. That being said, Patrick Lange, that Twins design is a winner in my book (and on my ballot!)
“As disappointed as I am that Nat O.’s “Plaid Sox” design is not a finalist…”
You might want to take another look at the list of finalists. ;-)
Echoing those before & no doubt after me – tough choice. But I made it. UW actually makes my day – also extends it but that’s my dial up’s doing…
AS for the Red Sox Fox – best use of a Red Sox uni I can think of; she’s smart too, standing next to Bubba makes her go all the way to 11 ;-)
Red Sox Fox gets 1/2 style point deduction for the cap. Other than that . . .
At least she wore the uni the right way – no bagginess there.
so sick of Red Sox fans (and non-fans…john kerry *cough*) wearing the pre-frayed, pre-faded caps.
FWIW, I picked JR Gains’ Cubs entry. Kudos to the rest of the finalists and the entries that didn’t make it.
If Marshall wins I reserve the right to splatter paint on the finished product.
it’s a date my friend, but as much as i would love to have a little chicago UW memento as i move to the great state of missouri, i ain’t winnin’. i was true to my word and voted for cumming’s cardinals.
by the way, congrats to everyone who entered, every day there were fantastic entries. and even though i was tough on everyone with my BS last week, in reality everyone really did do a bang~up job, and really stepped up. there really are a lot of solid choices.
by the way trax, after kate leaves for kc, i will take my mind off that fact by colourizing your concept on an actual photo so we can see it “in action”
Better show it to me first so I can be sure you get it right. And I didn’t vote for mine either. Oh wait….
After a strong consideration of voting for jimvilk….my choice, as I stated a few days ago, was for the spunky Rabinowitz. His enthusiasm (along with the solid performance) sealed the deal.
that is a solid solid choice.
Thanks to everyone who’s given me their feedback so far on my design, either here on this blog or via the survey I set up (link). Thanks especially to Alain for opening up the finals to 18, myself included (Alain, if you’re reading this, I’m honored and I thank you).
If you didn’t see my entry before and are wondering what I was thinking when I designed mine the way I did, check out link.
Thanks again, everyone!
It was extremely tough to decide between Gain’s Cubs, Lange’s Twins, RPM’s White Sox and Hass’ Brewers.. In the end, I went with Lange’s Twins. The combination of appropriate pin striping,m the solid plaquet and old school feel pushed it over the edge…. Gaine’s Cubs gave me the same feel, but ended up literally flipping a coin… it was tails.
btw, GREAT JOB to all that submitted their work. Congrats to all the finalists, any one of these jerseys I would be proud to wear and the big clubs would do well to consider a change.
Yeah, I’m deciding between Gain’s Cubs and Lange’s Twins also, must be something about that front placket look that works for me.
But really, this is a very difficult decision because every one of these unis is top notch and in most cases I would prefer to see ANY of these on the field now in place of what teams are currently wearing!!!!!
Call me a homer, but I’m going with Hass’ Brewers. Great design, would love to see the team adopt it.
Rather disappointed in these entries… I can’t imagine teams wearing the vast majority of these designs.
That said… I really like Marshall/White Sox and Cummings/Cardinals, which is funny because two of the teams that I think are LEAST in need of a uniform change are CWS and STL. You both really pulled it off – good work.
Some of the uniforms in the contest are fantastic. I mean, truly great. Teams should trot out some of these tomorrow.
I really like the Cubs road uni. Excellent and almost got my vote.
I am a big fan of both the Twins’ current pinstripe home unis, both the white and cream. The proposed pinstriped one though with the TC logo is excellent as well.
The 2nd place finisher for me was the Cards road uni. Love the flannel look, and the red hat (they should wear the red hat on the road now anyway, you are the Cardinals after all), and I like the St. Louis script.
In the end, I voted for the Brewers. And let me state that I am a HUGE fan of the current Brewer uniforms, I think they are the most underrated in the league. But his design is really cool, the cream color fits the BrewCity well, and I just like it a ton. Add the old MB logo to the cap, and it’s a complete winner!
Kudos to all who send entries.
agree about the Cardinals wearing red caps – always. I also like the Brewers re-do, but especially love the Cardinals road. Nicely done Cummings, and being a Cardinal fan, i don’t like tinkering, but that is solid.
Apostrophe fail on the BIZ ad.
For me, it came down to the Cardinals, Brewers and surprisingly the Phillies (that one grew on me). In the end, Cummings Cardinals design was my favorite, just as it was on day one. Rather than looking at which design was the biggest upgrade, or most radically different, I just voted on which one was the best looking baseball jersey if you compared them all side by side. Great job, Mr. Cummings! And congrats to all the finalists.
And Phil, thanks for all your great work this month. Thanks to you, the site didn’t miss a beat and I had something to look forward to in the mornings besides work.
oh yeah – thanks Phil for keeping us all entertained the last month! whether or not you “like” phil’s entries, it is sure better than the alternative – having the “store closed” sign on here for a month!
also wanted to add a another quick, but huge, thanks to Alain Nana-Sinkham for the prize — and for narrowing down the 94 contestants into 18 finalists…glad i didn’t have a say, because i probably would have picked about 9 or 10 different ones…which is really an indication of the quality of all of the submissions
in the end, my vote went to patrick cummings, but it was oh so close — i vascillated between robert marshall, scott rogers and jr gain as well — because i really like the idea of bringing back the jersey piping a la the mid-century cardinals…really could have gone with any of those
thanks alain…
I LOVED many of these…my top 3 were Seattle, Milwaukee and Minnesota (Lange).
In the end I voted for Seattle. I think it was a little simpler and cleaner than MN, which was my runner up.
Honorable mention to the Cubs. Remove the “Chicago” running down the front, which makes it too busy, and it could have been the best of the lot.
Great job to these and the other entrants.
Honorable mention to that Cubs jersey indeed, but it’s the name that needs to go, not the “CHICAGO”.
My choice was between that and the Homestead Grays-style NATS jersey, and I went with the Nats. That number font is just too awesome.
“… it’s the name that needs to go, not the ‘CHICAGO'”
Agreed. The old-school-ness of the name on the placket is what makes this one a stand-out in my eyes. I’m actually kind of surprised this feature didn’t happen more often.
Girl in the Red Sox uni is one of the ball girls. She’s just doing her pre-game ceremonial pitch duties… and she’s a licensed attorney to boot.
You would think an attorney wouldn’t need a side gig…
Not all lawyers make big bucks. That said, I’d guess that she does it for the fun.
I change my vote, Padres Navy camouflage!!!!
As a born-and-raised San Diegan and life-long Padre fan (since 1969), I do not like the camos at all–and I wish the team would ditch the ones worn on Sundays. I love the military and think camo should only be worn by those who serve.
I do like the other Padre design, though…
Watched the Phils-Pads game on Sunday and not a fan of the camo. If the organization wants to honor the military one day a week, there should be a better way (I sort of recall various postings on this subject.) Even the material for the uni looked bad in camo.
Phil (and everyone), I’m happy to be a part of this site, and was really impressed at the design work that everyone did. So creative!
Looking forward to seeing who ends up at the top of the list and turn concept into reality.
Re: Reds BIZ ad.
“PRO’s?” And why is the “s” super-scripted? What the?!?
Wow… those entries really suck.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wow, that’s really funny, dude! You thought of that all by yourself? Saying something derogatory without explaining why you feel that way or offering any constructive criticism? Wow, that’s really freakin’ funny. I’m talkin’ Carlos Mencia funny! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh man, my sides are still splitting!!!!
It’s okay. He’s probably a professional.
My vote (and the only one so far) went to Ivall’s Jays. Its possible the current state of their uniforms influenced my vote, but I think the overall styling got me. The blue is refreshing and the nameplate on the back even gives a nod to hockey in a puck-driven city (ala Flyers). Plus the logo is so much better than their current one. Great work by all of the finalists.
For me, I had a hard time choosing because there were concepts on each that I did not like.
As a Seattle fan, I did not care for the Mariner redesign. Although I want to see them bring the trident back, I thought the Pilot striping was hideous and the uniform seemed like something they would wear on a turn back the clock night, not something every day. This also went for the Nationals,Cubs and Stromwall’s Twinkies uniforms. The Lange’s Twins, the Cards and White Sox uniforms had the retro feel too, but didn’t sell it to me as well as I would have hoped.
Then there was the one that didnt deserved to be messed with. Yankees greys? Shame on you. For me that is one of the most iconic uniforms in the league (and one of my favorite greys).
Detroit grey was somewhat nice. The font just didn’t draw me in. Same with Milwaukee. Change the font a little and that could have been my pick. Curry’s Rockies was way too plain and again, the font wasn’t doing it for me.
Liked the Blue Jays concept, but the different color name plate threw me off. I think I would have voted for it if the nameplate wouldnt have been a different color on the uniforms.
Phillies, Padres, Houston all got a thumbs down from me because there is a reason why those three cities got rid of those colors. Although I am HUGE on nostalgia, my eyes began to burn when I looked at all three.
Which brings me to my three finalists. Lewis’s Rockies, Orioles and the Mets. All three of these had great fonts, the color schemes were well used, and all three looked very realistic.
The Rockies finished third. I like the idea of reverting to the Zephyrs colors, however, purple is not a common sports color. The uniqueness of it is a reason to keep it. Make the same uniform with purple/black – you win my vote. Awesome redesign.
The Mets finished second. I love the concept. Love Mr. Met on the sleeve. The ‘Metropolitans’ on the chest is a wonderful touch. However, the Mets font to me is iconic, like the Yankees. Write out ‘Metropolitans’ in the Mets font – you win.
Lastly, my choice was Baltimore. Although the Orange uniform with the side logo and number almost lost the vote immediately until I saw the “white uniform” put into the description. This is the most realistic change that any team could/would make. I like the large font. I like the font change. You kept the uniform simple and didn’t change too much – but at the same time changed a lot. It to me felt like enough of a subtle change but a drastic one – that you won my vote.
Todd K said:
Phillies, Padres, Houston all got a thumbs down from me because there is a reason why those three cities got rid of those colors. Although I am HUGE on nostalgia, my eyes began to burn when I looked at all three.
— seriously? Those colors gave those teams identity. As Ricko says, there was a time you could flip on the TV and instantly know which two teams were on the field, even if the first camera shot you saw was a long-range shot where you couldn’t see the lettering or logos on the uniform.
Iconic doesn’t = good. If the Yankees never existed, and a new expansion franchise started in New York next season, wearing those uniforms when the went on the road, I really don’t think they’d be well accepted.
Look at the uniform for what it is, not what it represents. Otherwise the Cubs would change their uniforms every one of the last 102 years.
Also, these are not being pitched to the respective teams as what they “should” be wearing. This is fan fiction, pure and simple. You want to do a Yankees concept in turquoise and magenta with a Bedazzledâ„¢ logo? Go right ahead.
Wow – great job! I like the AL entries a little more on the whole, though my vote went to the Astros redesign. I like the orange and the incorpration of the old rainbow . . .
Bleccckkkkkk. Astros design gets a major thumbs down from me. “H” on top of the star is not a good look. Front number on the player’s right side is not a good look. Front patch on the player’s left is completely unnecessary. Texas logo on the back is unnecessary, and would not go with the league-mandated MLB logo already in that spot. Plus, the colors are atrocious. Easily my least favorite of the finalists, which is saying something.
I don’t necessarily like when someone hates everything, but I have great respect for you explaining your feelings, unlike some of the other blanket haters.
Who is Steve Naismith anyway?
He invented basketball
Chris Bisbee says, “I don’t care about the Secretary of the VA or any of the dudes but you gotta love the young lady with the Red Sox uniform!!”. Anyone says “what uniform” gets banned.
Complete honesty here: The first thing I saw was the cute little girl in the pink Sox shirt and cap. I thought, “Wait, that’s not a uniform… what’s the deal?” before I saw the right side of the photo. So… yeah. Maybe I fail as a uni-watcher, or maybe I’m just spending a lot of time with my two-year-old daughter.
Maybe it’s because I’m a decent Uni-watcher, or maybe it’s because I’m your typical 20-something guy (and a Yankees fan), my first thought was “Finally something decent in a Boston uniform” My next thought was something that doesn’t need to be repeated on the website..
also from Jason: a Reds uni displayed prominently on this BIZ (“official stainfighter of the Cincinnati Reds!”) ad.
Aside from the unmentioned Apostrophe Catastrophe, I’d like to add that BIZ sponsored Reds Re-Usable Grocery Bags to the first 20,000 fans at the Reds’ game this past Sat, Aug 28th.
Stepping up onto soapbox.
Maybe it’s just me, but it’s getting really agravating how some folks are making negative comments about the uniform designs. Don’t get me wrong, constructive criticism is fine (personally, I welcome constructive criticism), but to post something like “the designs suck,” or “these are disappointing” really gets on my nerves. May I remind you that these designs were not commissioned by MLB nor were they all designed by professionals. It doesn’t matter if the uniform needed it or not. It doesn’t matter if the teams would never in a million years wear that particular design. The submissions were the work of fans who thought it’d be fun to take a stab at designing/redesigning a favorite or desperately-in-need-of-help uniform. Simple as that.
Stepping down from soapbox.
I’m not saying we need to give trophies to each participant. I’m not even saying “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it at all.” I’m just saying if you don’t like something and can’t or won’t explain why in a constructive and diplomatic manner, why bother?
End sidebar,/i>
some people just don’t like to have fun, i think that is it plain and simple marc, or maybe they just like to feel big by making others look small. whatever, screw ’em.
I agree. Hell, I am a professional designer and mine didn’t even make the final 20! It shows that it takes passion for the game and the great history of MLB unis as much as anything else to come up with a worthy design. Kudos to all entrants.
which one were you kev? they really were all solid in their own way. i know i offered a lot of crit last week, but you have to be critical too to get to a winner.
Callahan’s Rockies. A team in need of change, if there was one.
You were one of MY finalists, Kevin. I would have worn that jersey proudly.
And you’re right – kudos to all entrants.
Thanks! Can’t wait to see the winner’s jersey. And the next contest.
oh! you were the green and red rockie! i loved that design, in my top 9 friday if you didn’t see that. the colour choice, the interlocking cr that looked straight out of 1917, the font in the crest, it was fabulous. the ONLY thing that held yours back was the use of the mountain range. it seemed like everybody struggled with that who did the colorados. it is a difficult design element, and you want to, neigh, have to use it. you must have agonised over trying to make it successful. but kudos, i loved yours.
I did agonise over it. Oddly enough, I am using a mountain motif as we speak in my day job. Hopefully, I can work it a little better this time!
Totally agree. You can be critical without coming across as mean-spirited.
One question — if Alain is going to make one of the jerseys for the winner, can he make additional copies for us Uni Watchers? Because I’d happily pay for quite a few of the designs here; they’re that good. And I’d love to financially support a contest like this if it means getting to wear the actual jersey.
Went with the Padres return to brown and gold. Beautiful design, and I love the old colors.
Close second for me was the Brewers one.
Thanks to Phil for keeping the beat while Fearless Leader stepped away, and thanks also to Paul for trusting Phil to fill in. A great month, and a job well done!
As to the jerseys, I’ve found that my thoughts have changed markedly on some of them. (Thanks to Alain for the honor of having my humble “Homestead Nats” concept selected as a finalist. But I’m from Iowa, and was taught to doff my cap to a lady and not to vote for myself.)
Chris Gough’s O’s grew on me immensely. At first, I thought that was the best all-around total team redesign entered, but none of the individual jerseys spoke to me. On further review, one of his jerseys has really grabbed my imagination and would easily have been one of my final two. Unfortunately, that’s the road jersey, and Gough says he’s entering the homie. The home jersey is good, and I like it. The road jersey is great, and I love it. So honorable mention here.
Patrick Cummings’ Cards uni is terrific, and it’s what the Redbirds should have worn all along and should wear still. But there’s a lack of freshness that pulls this out of the running for me for this contest just a length before the finish line. Best repurposing of existing team elements in the contest, hands down, but that’s not quite enough to get my vote. Fourth place.
Comrade Marshall’s Pale Hose were originally my second-favorite of the contest, and another fine example of something the team in question should wear and wear right now. And like Gough’s O’s, this is a jersey where I hate the team and love what they already wear and yet I’d wear this. But then I noticed that the shoulder stripe crosses the placket stripe and extends all the way to the neckline, and now that’s all I see when I look at this jersey, and at this level of excellence a missed detail like that is enough to derail a jersey. Third place.
I think the Rockies by and large brought out the best in the entrants; I saw more creativity and quality in the many Rox jerseys than for any other single team. Devin Curry and Jeffrey Lewis were hands-down my favorite Rockies jerseys, outstanding treatments of a common “script-that-makes-the-shape-of-the-mountains” idea. Curry’s courageously simple road jersey, with its bold, flat lines and almost monochromatic look spoke to me, child of the 1970s that I am. There’s something solid here, like a design that’s been around so long it’s a classic. Lewis’ Rox homie went another direction, with terrific colors and a western aesthetic. Any player wearing this jersey would always look like he was having fun out there. I was hoping Alain would pick only one of these and make the choice for me. I still can’t, so I’m copping out and calling them a tie for second place.
Where things didn’t change for me was at the top. The thing is, Mike Hass’ Brewers jersey isn’t just my favorite in the contest. It’s not just the best jersey concept I’ve ever seen. It is hands-down my favorite baseball jersey of all time. A few weeks back I wound up voting for the Dodgers as the best home unis in baseball even though they’re not actually my favorite, because the Dodgers come closest to resembling my Platonic ideal of “baseball jersey.” Hass’ Brew Crew jersey is even closer to my Platonic ideal of what the perfect baseball jersey would look like. I entered my own design in the contest because the Homestead-style Nats jersey is something I’ve wanted to have and wear for a couple of years now, ever since I first got the idea. Hass’ Brewers jersey is the only one in the contest that I want to buy and own and wear more than my own idea. (With number 4, natch.) If this wins, and I expect it will, I dearly hope Mike and Alain will let the rest of us buy one too. Hands down the Cream City cream of an excellent crop. First place, and my vote.
you the man, rsr. no sammy hops, we will both sleep better for going that way. had you written out nationals, i might have voted your way instead of cummings, i love the idea of paying homage to the negro league rather then an old mlb team.
so pineapple is finishing up her packing to move off to the city of fountains ahead of me, as i notice my voting had popped up again(i gave you a nod with my second vote if it takes). anyway i mention to her that the voting is finally here. “oh good,” as she opens up her computer,”i dooo like that twins, i’m voting stromwell.” i can’t even get the pineapple vote:)
she did know you entered, right?
Even if you don’t win the contest, Robert, I vote for your “spoonful of head soup” description of Lange’s Twins jersey as the best new addition to the UW glossary.
And maybe because of said description, that’s the jersey I voted for. You, Lewis, Rabinowitz, Hass, Fiske and Cummings were close runners-up, though.
you can’t go wrong with any of them. everybody has positives and negatives when you boil them down. that’s why it is easy to not vote for myself on top of the obvious reasons of why i shouldn’t. the corn mother hates vanity, and she has a wicked come get your just desserts streak.
i think she knew, she went through every day and analyzed them as i did. but she tended to comment more on the radical ones because of their creativity, and she knows i have no ego to stroke. she likes a traditional look, but when it came to this, she was more impressed with thinking outside the box, we are alike in that way. what can i say, she liked stromwell, and that is a solid choice, i had it top 9.
Just saw the highlights … Zambrano pitched as a starter at home and the Cubs wore pinstripes. Other than the year the softball jerseys were put away, when’s the last time THAT happened???
I don’t think they’ve worn the blue jerseys at home at all this year.
So your answer is: his last home start.
…which was link.
(slaps own wrist) Bad Cub fan! Bad, bad Cub fan!!!
Really thought I’d seen him in blue at home recently, but looking through some game archives of Z-started Wrigley games, and you appear to be very much correct!!!
This is what I get for moving 300 miles away and not getting any package to watch games … throw in a season where I don’t WANT to see most of the highlights, and I’m like Fonzie jumping to a conclusion.
I’ll join the appreciative chorus thanking Phil for keeping the site rolling during August. Solid, solid work, probably too much. You know, every now and then a simple open forum is acceptable. But then, this is a site devoted to the obsessive study. But there’s no need to knock one’s self out. Phil went beyond the call.
Yes, there were some solid entries. My favorites were Gough’s Orioles, Marshall’s ChiSox, Rogers’ Nationals, Person’s Padres, Curry and Lewis’ Rockies. I admit to being influenced by the current unis that I wouldn’t want to see replaced. But when it came to make a decision, I had to go with Curry’s Rockies uniform, especially if it added the white detail Ricko suggested. Again, much of this goes to replace Colorado’s current set. As far as something I’d like to wear, it doesn’t get much better than Marshall’s ChiSox charcoal gray.
Congratulations to all who submitted entries. At some point it’d be interesting for Paul to get an interview with a GM to see how they make the uniform determination, what they do with fan submissions (I’d think a gallery at respective stadiums would be a good p.r. move) and how they deal with the atrocious uniform fabric restrictions.
FYI: My radio interview, referred to in today’s post, has just been canceled.
Did you cancel it or did Dakich? I listen to his show every day, and it would’ve been a real treat to have gotten that surprise at lunch. I might have to call in an berate Dan if he cancelled on you.
Got an email from a producer telling me they had to postpone it. Not sure why, but presumably someone “more important” became available.
LI Phil?
Was that producer Kyle? Dakich really talks him up on the show for what a great job he does, but I’m going to have to second guess his judgement. Though when I listened today, they spent an awful lot of time talking to Mark Boyle, the radio voice of the Pacers. He’s an established “friend of the show” and has filled in hosting on several occasions. He’s also doing some sort of walk for charity (my reception was kind of cutting out at that point). I wonder if that’s who bumped you.
Just wanted to say thanks to Phil. It’s been a great month.
Wanted to add my huzzahs for Phil’s work. It’s just amazing how much material there is to discuss in the Uni-verse.
I guess I’ll second (third? twenty-fifth?…whatever) the thanks for Phil and his hard work keeping this place going over the past month.
…but now that Fearless Leader is returning, maybe we can finally catch moose and squirrel.
Voted for Jeffrey Lewis’s Rockies design (also because I’ve always thought the Rockies’ uniforms are particularly bad), though I don’t think purple needs to be deleted from the teams’ color scheme. Also liked Hass’s Brewers design, and the Cubs’ design with the “Chicago” written vertically. The plaid Sox design is mind-warping (in good way), but I don’t think that could be a full-time uniform. The best would have been the mid-70’s Indians’ design, but that wasn’t a finalist (and it wasn’t a re-design obviously). Cleveland should bring that back full-time (the blaring red jersey is fun) if only to get rid of Wahoo (I know, I know). They won’t though, since too much marketing revenue is locked up in the logo. “Spiders” would actually look quite nice and appropriate in that ‘crooked’ font! :)
No-one did an Athletics re-design that I remember, but I really like the uniforms from the mid-70s with the Kelly green (“A’s” not “Athletics”), so I vainly hope they bring those back. The darker (Hunter?) green of today is pretty blah. The tops can be green, white or gold, but the pants do need to be white. Colored pants — hard to pull off (so to speak).
Ever since the first time Phil took over the weekend entries, I’ve had a great admiration for his work. I really enjoy the content he puts together. I remember first reading some of his weekend stuff and thinking “Wow, this guy is a really good.” About a year ago, I had the pleasure of working with him on a Saturday column and it was also an outstanding experience. I got to witness firsthand how hard he works on this stuff, and his efforts certainly don’t go unappreciated. While Uni Watch is obviously Paul’s creation, Phil has certainly added a ton of value to the blog and put his own spin on things. I now think of this blog as a Paul/Phil thing. Phil’s done a great job whenever he’s stepped in for Paul on the weekdays too.
Keep up the good work, Phil. You’ve made a very positive impact at Uni Watch.
While my favorite uni of the bunch come from Cummings (Cardinals), I applaud each and every individual that provided a new option for their team.
I am very much of the “team name at home”, “city name on the road” persuasion, and while I know this could get old and/or redundant quickly, I’ve always felt the best home uniforms always seem to have pinstripes or piping. Otherwise I feel like I’m just looking at a t-shirt. Also, while it was intentional or not, Cummins jersey coloring — either flannel grey or muted powder blue, depending on the wrinkle — greatly intrigues me. It feels like it’s going with the modern powder blue trend, but in a much more subtle way and on a significantly more old-style uniform than I’ve ever seen it tried on before.
2 cool Notre Dame football programs from 1970. link
sigh. should’ve gone with tweed…
anyhoo, thanks guys!
Tweed with suede patches on the elbows and knees would be nice. They’d give baseball the intellectual look they’ve been seeking for so long.
Add a nice ascot under the jersey and you’re on to something.
Great job this month, Phil. Thank you.
I like that Alain increased the finalists to 18. That’s the spirit!
The one jersey that truly spoke to me was Scott Rogers’ Nationals. I love the nod to the Negro Leagues and the design is so, so clean. I didn’t have to linger over it to see details. It just jumps out: pow!
It’s audacious. N A T S. Just: N A T S. I love that. The letter and number style is anachronistic, but that is its great strength. Just blue and white. Well placed stripes. Utterly beautiful.
Am I the only one that sees more beaver than cougar…
on a different blog the link that followed that intro would be very different
Yes, the LOGO looks more like a beaver to me than it does a cougar. The LOGO.
The logo has an unusual angle of orientation, which could cause you to not think of a cougar.
At times, when I look at that logo, Pete Puma from the Looney Tunes cartoons comes to mind:
Looks like roadkill to me. Poor mammal never had a shot against that 18-wheeler…
If I were an alumnus, I’d suspend all contributions until they got a new logo.
Wouldn’t be the first time alumni withholding donations would cause the school to backtrack on a decision. Just look at CWRU(D-3 school in Cleveland) a few years ago. Case Institute of Tech joined with Western Reserve University in the 60’s. Went by Case Western Reserve Univ until the 00’s when they decided to just go by Case. WRU alums got pissed and stopped donating. The school then started to go by Case Western to please them. So glad my tuition could go to a rebranding process 3 years after the previous one.
And you know how well that Case thing turned out. link
Miami has inadvertently leaked all the Pro Combat descriptions (but not images):
Yes, because nothing says “WWII tribute” like a camo print.
i meant to comment yesterday on paul’s column.
1)while the msu uni is a total fail, i liked the helmet stripe. had it been truncated, i would hate it, but it sort of resembles sparty’s plum, and it gives it a retro feel. anyway, i really like the helmet.
2) so in the last year of college football before it is destroyed(if you like the big 1(1)), in the last year of the scUM~Tosu game meaning something, we are trotting out new craptacular uniforms? dang it all to corn. and now you tell me there are going to be flags, and tribute nonsense?! ohio stinks, screw that state, go wolverines. i can’t believe this horse sh*t. i am p*ssed! way to go Tosu. idiots.
– West Virginia: A headlamp-like line running front-to-back on the helmet and smudged Black pattern on the uniform pay respect to the region’s coal mining industry.
I think I can get behind a headlamp stripe. A “smudged black pattern”… I need to see.
I just read that and was going to post it here. If that means they will have the cool 1940’s era numbers, then good for that part. The rest I am leery about.
OK, now that I’ve finally gotten over not being chosen as a finalist and I can see clearly because my eyes are no longer full of tears, I’ve done some careful consideration of the 18 jerseys presented here.
There are so many I could — and almost did — choose, and it usually came down to one (nit-picky?) detail as to why I didn’t.
In no particular order, here are the ones I eliminated from consideration and the reasons why.
– Hass, Lewis & Curry – Great jerseys, but the number and/or NOB fonts kill them for me.
– Lange & Rabinowitz – number OR logo on sleeve — not both
– Peterson – I love the brown and gold, but I don’t care for the current Padres wordmark.
– Cummings – This is fantastic but the red piping running through the red logo on the sleeve clutters it up a bit too much for my taste.
– Ivall – why the blue nameplate?
– Allison – The maroon is great, but the blue’s too dark
– Gough – Gah! Why didn’t you submit the road jersey for consideration? I love that script.
– Gain – A little too much red. Go with the early-60s thru mid-70s sleeve patch and that’s a winner.
– Fiske – I like the orange, but there’s just a little too much going on.
– Duncan – Nice, but that trident is just a little too rounded or something.
– Marshall – this gets my vote if you reverse the colors on the piping (black with white trim) and use the cap logo for a sleeve patch.
– Finocchio – I like that you went away from the button-front, but I’ve never been a fan of pullovers. Maybe if it had a zipper, instead…
– Corbalis – they’re the Mets, not the Metropolitans and only one sleeve patch, please.
So that leaves two that are still in the running — one from the NL (Rogers) and one from the AL (Stromwell).
My gut reaction is to disqualify Rogers because the jersey says “Nats” and not “Nationals” but if the White Sox can just go with “Sox” on their jerseys, why can’t the Nationals use “Nats”? This design uses the Sox’ 70s number font to boot…
So at this point, I’m leaning toward Stromwall’s design, but I might need to sleep on it.
It might even come down to the flip of a coin.
FYI, I’m still partial to Hass’s Brewers design.
There were 5 jersey finalists for me that were SO close, but one thing kind of ruined it. My “if only” list…
If only that Detroit wordmark were arched instead of tilted.
If only the Brewers jersey had a better number font.
If only the Cubs road had omitted the vertical “Chicago”.
If only the Padres design didn’t use the current wordmark.
If only Marshall’s Sox had been flannel gray instead of charcoal.
That’s pretty harsh, pflava. To be fair, a lot of people recycled wordmarks & logos.
I shouldn’t have used the word “ruined”, because I really like all 5 of those a lot. Maybe I should have said there was one thing that, to me, kept them from being perfect.
Key design details from the uniforms include:
– Miami: Tonal Fir palm-frond print emblematic of South Florida incorporated into the jersey numbers, pant and footwear.
– Alabama: Houndstooth check pattern incorporated into the uniform in tribute to legendary coach Paul “Bear” Bryant.
– Boise State: Reflective, Game Royal Bronco head on the uniform echoes the famed blue turf of Bronco stadium.
– Florida: Alligator-skin motif used in the jersey numbers, pant, gloves and footwear inspired by menacing Gator mascot.
– Ohio State: Stylized script numbers, a replica U.S. flag on the jersey sleeve and the camouflage-print base layer honor the WWII-bound Buckeyes, National Champions of 1942.
– Oregon State: Retro design revives a look worn by the victorious 1967 “Giant Killers.”
– Pittsburgh: Notched Team Gold jersey numbers and stencil stripe on the helmet evoke steel I-beams in reference to Pittsburgh’s steel industry.
– TCU: Icy lizard-skin pattern used throughout the uniform inspired by the scaly body armor of TCU’s horned frog mascot and a memorable quote from celebrated coach Leo “Dutch” Meyer.
– Virginia Tech: All-black uniform references the cadet gray-and-black regalia worn by Virginia Tech’s original football team and honors the school’s current Corps of Cadets.
– West Virginia: A headlamp-like line running front-to-back on the helmet and smudged Black pattern on the uniform pay respect to the region’s coal mining industry.
what they didn’t say about miama is that the unis are going to be monochrome orange
More football costumes.
Oh, MY, they’ll be just to DIE FOR, won’t they.
(If you asked most players to wear something like that on stage in a play they’d scream bloody murder).
Regarding the sleeve stripes on the undershirt on the sleeves and the throw backs. It looks like Bill Willis in this 1942 pic is sporting the sleeves on the undershirt, with his jersey fitting tightly on his shoulder pads.
Ohio State used my colorized Bill Willis picture in the media guide online last year.
No surprise, great job with that colorized pic. of Bill Willis Larry. Hope you got some credit for the work.
Sadly I didn’t
Great Job to LI Phil for keeping the site up and running during Pauls vacation. Still the best way to waste an hour a day…
Excellent contest, too close to call. My vote went to the Mariners design by Duncan. Like the mix of old and new. Also like the Fiskes Astros design…
wanted to also add my thanks to Phil for a great month- and to Ek for his weekend coverage. I voted for Cumming’s Cards, but easily could have picked 5-6 others. loved all the entries-even the hand-drawn ones, might inspire my 10 year old to enter the next contest.
“I’m guessing Jim Vilk would wear 2 out of those 3.”
Wrongo, Phil. You knew I wouldn’t like Rochester’s tie-dye jerseys, but I disliked the other two for the same reason – they all make me queasy. I wish teams would stop trying to resurrect the 1990s soccer jersey look.
As for the jerseys in today’s contest, I’ve noticed a few comments against the number font on Hass and Lewis’ submissions. Actually, that was the first thing that drew me to them. While I usually stick to simple block numbering, I like the rounded fonts just as much. Beats the Pirates font, for sure.
Oh, and back to you, Phil – thanks for a great month. You could have given us half the content and it still would have been great. Get some well-deserved rest and get ready for those weekend posts.
Thanks to all that have considered my design (vertical Chicago Cubs roadie).
To address some of the “if onlys” and “what ifs”, please don’t take this as defensive, because it isn’t. I appreciate all feedback and comments, but I just want to give a little background on the choices I made, because our 50-word limit write-up didn’t really give me a chance to do it.
My drive behind this jersey initially was to associate the Cubs with winning. Everything about it relates to eras or years when the Cubs were more than also-rans.
I didn’t remove the “Chicago” because I felt that without it, it’s basically just a re-warming of a look they had in the 30s, and therefore not “new”, and there wouldn’t be any association to the Tinkers, Evers, Chance Cubs.
Second, the sleeve patch I chose represents the 1984 team that won the NL East. Respectfully, to my friends that encouraged me to go with the ‘1960s – 70s cub head, while I too think it’s the best one, I didn’t choose it because while there were some “good” teams in that stretch of time, they didn’t win anything.
Thanks again for your consideration, everyone!
I like it. At first glance I really liked it. Your concept is fun, but it’s hard to mesh era styles seamlessly. I would have liked the 1970 bear on the sleeve best and gone away from the NOB. But that would have killed the concept, thus killing the jersey. You have to have a good theory behind what you are designing or it rarely works. Ocasionally it hits (Ruby Tuesday by the Stones for instance), but kudos for having an idea and sticking with it.
I completely agree it’s hard to mesh styles, but the Cubs have always been pretty consistent. So in that case it wasn’t impossible.
I was talked into the NOB, because of a comment on a post here on Uniwatch. I don’t remember who said it, but it was in relation to a story about how the NL teams had crazy unis back in the 70s and 80s and the AL was pretty traditional.
The commenter said that the NL made it a rule that road jerseys (and only road) had to have a NOB. Which would make sense, because very traditional teams like the Cubs, Dodgers and Giants have had names on the back of their road jerseys for as long as I can remember, while they went nameless on their home ones off and on.
So, I went against my desires, included the name, but of course it was vertically arched, because it looks better, and because that’s the way they did it in 1984.
Check out these Navy beauties of yore.
That is a great looking Navy uniform. I also liked that all gold look they had
…and a slightly different link throwback
(Berries for berries sake)
“- Alabama: Houndstooth check pattern incorporated into the uniform in tribute to legendary coach Paul “Bear” Bryant.”
I hope when they say ‘houndstooth’ they really mean gingham plaid, because the Bear’s famous hat was (as far as I know) gingham plaid. In fact, I can’t find a picture of him in a houndstooth hat anywhere. They are all gingham plaids.
Here’s a rare wire pic of the White Sox in their 1976 white road caps:
“April 14, 1976 Brohammer is desparate to make a play, the Sox wore white hats for road games but had to change as the hats would become yellow from the sun.”
Never heard that explanation before, but how sweaty could the caps get in April at Minnesota? So there’s pics from MIN & BOS, and NYY was the only other 04/76 road series.
Not so sure about the accuracy of that caption from the Associated Press about those white Chisox hats in ’76. I think one issue with white hats would be keeping them white, especially with the infield positions. Obviously, dirt and grass stains would be a problem, requiring fresh hats at some point. Interesting to see in the earlier part of that century white hats were worn by a number of teams.
Also, what the hell is going on behind Brohammer? Looks like someone wearing jeans or something is on the field.
i think it’s one of these fuckers
Looks to me like another player in the same uniform (also wearing a fielding glove). Dark, loose (by 1970s standards) pants can fool you into thinking they’re jeans!
I don’t think so, Jim.
Yes, there’s a glove on the left hand, but those pants look like they go all the way down to the ankles.
I always hear those pants the Sox wore referred to as “clamdiggers” so, unless that’s just a misnomer, they would not have been able to have been worn that low.
fortunately … or not
the resolution allows for magnification…
still doesn’t significantly show what, exactly, makes those pants look long…
they kinda sorta look like sweat pants, actually…
I said it before, I’ll say it again. It looks like a pair of jeans to me. Starting from the brim of the cap and going to the left, I see a shoe, an ankle and then what appears to be the cuff of a pair of long pants.
lessee…in 1976, wouldn’t jeans have looked a bit more like this?
that is, bell=bottomed and long — almost like manram, except not so baggy?
i don’t recall seeing ‘floods’ and that narrow a bottom a way back then
but they could be jeans
I think it’s the middle infield umpire. Tho part of the top corner is colored out, you can clearly see it’s a light-colored shirt. I think the glove part is actually the ump’s hand.
I suppose that could be the umpire. That seems to be the most plausible explanation. But I still think that looks like a fielding glove.
I guess the shortstop could be just out of frame and it’s his glove.
Anyway, I think I liked the way those white caps looked with the all-navy unis and white sleeves and socks. Too bad they didn’t last.
Might not have been taken during a game? Hence an oddball touring the field?
Several of the 1977 Topps White Sox cards show the white hat.
The white hats didn’t last much longer than their first road trip.
Thank you and great job to Phil for his hard work this past month.
Hear, hear!
In the words of Mr. Horse: “No sir, I don’t like it.”
At least 16 of them. Too many attempts to be novel and daring by bringing back 1920s or 1970s lettering and striping (usually, too much striping; we’re decorating a shirt, not a birthday cake). I was hoping for good design and didn’t see it from most of the examples.
Not to tip my vote, but the Detroit shirt was the closest to what I was looking for: a nice re-do of the road shirt with a nod to the tradition. (The sleeve patch isn’t bad, but I don’t think it’s needed.) The Blue Jays one wasn’t bad either, but that number font has got to go. The least I need from a jersey is that the numbers be readable from the stands, and most of these fail in that regard. I liked the Brewers one except for the team name lettering; it looks like a 1930’s advertisement.
You know who had a really good Brewers uni design that he actually made up? Frosty’s that was featured on UWB:
I wouldn’t mind paying & wearing that one. Probably the best DIY one I’ve ever seen anywhere.
Awe, thanks, Phil!!!
(can’t believe my favorite part of Phil’s tenure has been reading the poster quotes each day, and it took me until 3:30 to see I was the one featured today!!!!)
Win – Hass
Place – Marshall
Show – Stromwall
Apologies if mentioned in a prior discussion, but both these Rockies concepts remind me too much of link.
Does anyone want to take a stab on the 10 Pro Combat uniforms based on this pic?
My guess:
1.TCU 2.Alabama 3.Miami 4.Boise 5.Florida 6.Oregon State 7.Ohio State 8.Pitt 9.WVU 10.Virginia Tech
That seems close to me. I know 7 is Ohio State due to the number. I do not see sleeve stripes on it and it would be great if they had none since that was what the 42 era scarlet jerseys were like.
I had the number printed for me and tweaked them to look like the 1942 era Buckeyes
I have shown this long ago here.
Here are your Buckeye uniforms according to some random site.
Bell-bottoms, boot cut, whatever …
Actually, I just noticed what you said about them looking like sweats. Yes, maybe sweatpants.
At any rate, not Bill Veeck’s clamdiggers.
Clamdiggers — is that the word the spam filter hates?
Don’t know if this was mentioned previous, but as much as it pains this Tiger fan to say it, I had to vote for the pinstriped Twins jersey. Classic look…
Now, if the Tigers jersey was made to look like grey flannel, with the white and dark weave showing, instead of just solid gray, I’d be sold.
This is a great site that does a lot of good around the world with donations.
alright benrax, i realised i was photoshopping a rays player playing against the sox about half way through, so i worked the whole image. anyway link are your rays playing agin my white stockings. i used the city name as the team name, it took long enough without trying to make a name out of few letters i had. i did your rays with blue and white pants, either way, um, you decide trax.
Leaning towards the blue pants.
As for that #2, it reminds me of something else…
super job roberto
what are the chances of a guy playing for the south siders having a last name of ‘chicago’?
pretty slick
you know how long that crap takes without not using the text i already had.
again phil, thanks for the month, great job, i know it was taxing, damn commie liberals.
a’ight james, it isn’t the largest image, but it is ernie in link submission.
i know, comrade, i know…
i just spent 1.5 hours colorizing a TWO color pic…
great job — on james’ as well
now–can ya do up cummings cards and/or scotty’s nats?
That’s it! Except for the stockings which need some work. But that is zzzactly what I had in mind. The water theme really comes off! That’s it. From now on I’m sending my designs to rpm for presentation. So it wasn’t catchy enough to make the finals, or maybe it was too catchy to make the finals, but tell me the Rays wouldn’t look better with that than the drabs they are donning nowadays. I’ll tell you what, jimvilk has style.
i had some trouble with the stripes, that was a real tough one.
You got ’em right. Some thick, some thin. The yellow is supposed to be pale but there ain’t much of it. I’m thinking the sanis should be white now that I see it. Blue pants win.
Also thinking your gutter snows would look good with white lids and undersleeves.
still think this is the best chisox in white caps photo
Colorize it.
Don’t criticize it.
Colorize it.
And I will advertise it.
New centre-ice graphics for the Canucks:
The wacky thing? “ROGERS” (in “ROGERS ARENA”) is in the standard Rogers corporate typeface but “ARENA” isn’t. For that they’ve gone with block letters that look like something you’d find at your local community rink. The typeface is similar to that used in the Rogers Arena wordmark (see link) but the proportions don’t look to be the same and the colour is entirely different. Odd.
(I should have acknowledged link and @iAmitKhanna for the pic of the Rogers Arena ice. Sorry about that.)
Awesome job Phil. Nice to have Paul back, but equally nice to know the bench is strong.
He’s a damn good weekend weather guy, ain’t he. Looks like he’s up from his long winter’s nap now. How’s the new MS compatable PC runnin, eh Phillip?
Wasn’t there something about Michigan State’s uni’s a day or two ago? Can someone post the link or tell me where I saw it?
go to the espn pg 2 article that came out yesterday.
What’s the over/under on how long it takes some goofball to post that pic here and say something about Ernie wearing #7 his rookie year?
For a Cub he sure looks good. I’d like to see him in horizontal pins now.
holy mother of corn! if i am not around when that happens, please tell me when it does!!!
Like this. link
Are the stripes only on the front?
Hey Ek, any chance we can get the posting times changed to that of say, middle america? Yes?
Saw a bit of the 1982 Little League WS on ESPN Classic coupla hours ago. The East team had their sansabelt band blue with white pinstripes. Only on the belt, the pants and shirt right above the belt were white. That was a new one on me.
Possible first look at Ohio State’s combat uniforms.
If so I am slightly surprised it is not too far off from the 1942 era unis.
fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail
you are the scourge of this blog
if you are talking about me, i will take that as a compliment even though you probably didn’t mean it to be.
it would be a fine enough uniform if it wasn’t the michigan game. wear that ensemble when we play double directional sisters of the poor, not when everybody is watching. oddly, that is the exact jersey i think my alma mater should wear for every game, i have said that for 22 years. they should put that with the current helmet and pants and call it perfect. but you know what, that isn’t our jersey, so we are just a bunch of performing clowns to sell nike’s combat pro whatever garbage. i hate it on principle. but robert you don’t understand that money and reality blah blah. f**k that, we shouldn’t let the tail wag the dog, we shouldn’t wear that the last time we play michigan in the last game of the season. fail.
they can wear that uni for the playoffs
are you trying to get me mad? you know kate moved to kc today, i am not in a good mood. by the way, i think kub has me all wrong, i am a total softy. but i also don’t pull punches, you always know where you stand with me, and i never mean offense, nor do i take it if someone tells me what for. if i am blunt with someone here, it is one of two things. i either A, respect you enough to know you can take it, or B, you are the type of person who likes to mean for means sake, and i have zero patience for those weasels. i guess there is a C that is aimed at nobody, like this case, but you know what i mean phil. this combat/last michigan game on the 3rd week of november has me depressed as the season is about to start.
i know what you mean robert
under different circumstances, that would be one sweet fuckin uni…but against that team up north, in the shoe…with a rose bowl bid against princip’s ducks on the line…
they should be wearing something bo and woody would be proud to coach…not…this
/you gotta at least like that there’s almost no white on it tho
there is a ton to like, and yes, sans white is huuuge. and like i said, the jersey is what they should always wear, but they don’t always wear it. it. is. the. michigan. game. what else do i need? what else do i want? it’s michigan week, not nike week.
damn, i thought i had a good shot at making the final 18 (or 20). i might be biased but i think mine was better than some up there. oh well go curry’s rockies, i guess.
Wait. The Boston Red Sleeves have red socks???
What’s interesting is to look at today’s lead graphic and envison what those uni/jerseys would look like from the second deck or higher.
Since that’s where I usually sit, that’s a good point. And Lange and Gain’s “head soup” designs really stand out in that small pic. Another reason I like Mr. Lange for the win.
Now for those who claim it’s too busy, I’d offer this compromise: take the Win Twins logo off the sleeve and put it on the chest in place of the TC logo. I love the interlocking letters, but at least they’re still on the hat.
For those who think the Astros orange is too aggressive (?), how about making that jersey white with an orange placket and blue letters?
Personally, I could go for even more orange, as in monochrome.
i love me a heaping spoonful of head soup right now. wait, i mean bread pudding, that’s what i want.
I should have mentioned this earlier, but rpm’s notion of the White Sox in charcoal on the road is really inspired.
If any team were to give that a shot, they should be the ones because of their overall color scheme. He spread just enough white through the design to give it some sparkle, to keep it from being what could be an awfully nondescript uni.
thank you rick. the idea was for the WHITE sox to use white as a colour since nobody does. maybe it worked, maybe it didn’t, but that was the idea. like i said, they should wear a modified 59, but i liked it as a fantasy job. again, thank you rick.
Just took this image off the nike website and brightened it. Here are the 2010 Nike Pro Combats
told you miama was orange monochrome
I know Alabama’s changes are supposed to be subtle, but I have a really bad feeling right now about them. I’m picturing houndstooth down the pant stripes or a muted houndstooth imprint all over the jersey.
i feel you brother, this is bad news for all of us who are one of these nike schools. any change to bama is too much change.
Rumor is that the Bama jerseys will be the same, just with a faint houndstooth pattern on the numbers, the pants will have a slightly different stripe (like the LSU/Texas/Oklahoma/Ohio St pants last year) with the script A logo on one of the thighs, and the helmet is unchanged
F A I L !!! ! ! !! ! !!!!!
Boise State Pro Combat Unis (drum roll please)…
Jersey: link
Helmet: link
I don’t really have an opinion one way or the other, just nt sure I would want my team to wear them more than once.
Ugh. why is Nike trying the one sleeve thing again?
I also voted for the Rockies redesign. While I think that preserving the current color scheme might have improved the entry, the originality and overall aesthetic appeal of the redesign was simply too dramatic to overlook. Amazing entry.
I was going to vote for the Pirates vest with the stripped undersleeves but it wasn’t chosen. Some of the choices?
No contest for me – those Blue Jays uniforms (and new logo) are outstanding.
If I had the artistic ability, I would have created an updated version of the Phillies 1930’s unis. Very similar to the Tigers “D” only with a “P” and dark red.
The Blue Jays one could be some of the best uniforms in the league if the number font is changed, the name plate thing removed, and if the home hat was the alternative hat with the Jay/Maple leaf logo. Absolutely perfect. Someone needs to mail those to Toronto ASAP.