By Phil Hecken
As I wind down a week filling in for Paul, I wanted to take a moment to express my thanks to all the great Uni Watch readers out there for making this a really great week. Despite being up until about 2:00 or 3:00 every morning putting on the finishing touches on the next days’ post, I really enjoyed the honor and privilege bestowed upon me by Paul and the fantastic readership for your support. From the bottom of my heart, I say “Thank You.”
Uni Watch celebrated a couple of milestones this month — on May 17th, the Uni Watch Blog celebrated its Fourth Anniversary (here’s Paul’s First Pitch) — and just two days ago, May 26, 2010, “Uni Watch” itself celebrated its Eleventh Anniversary (and here’s that first salvo). As Paul said Wednesday, “the column’s decade-plus run is a testament to all the help and support I’ve gotten from you folks ”” cheers, mates.” Indeed, Paul steers the ship, but it’s the crazy uniform-loving folks who visit every day that make Uni Watch what it is. Since Paul’s anniversary was kind of buried after the main article, I wanted to reiterate it. Eleven years of Uni Watch genius. Congrats Paul. Here’s to eleventeen more.
I wasn’t “here” (the blog) at the beginning, but I remember reading Paul’s work almost from the beginning. A shared love of uniforms, stirrups and the Mets made it a perfect fit. Paul’s talents are myriad (for example, aside from the book he’s currently researching, did you know he’s been published in the New York Times and other major media, appeared on Conan O’Brien and penned a book?) I read the Voice and Paul’s ESPN columns with fervor, but it took me a while to make it over to the blog.
Like many of you, I started out just reading the columns. Then, I gradually got up the courage to click on the green “Post A Comment” link at the bottom of each article. For months, I just read, becoming mesmerized by the depth and breadth of the knowledge of the readership. Finally, I got up the courage to actually leave a comment myself, fearing I might be ridiculed for asking a “stupid” question (fortunately I never asked “what’s the green dot for?” or the results may have been different). But I wasn’t. Any questions I had were handled with aplomb and not only was I amazed at the group’s ability to so honestly and thoroughly assist, but with the genuine professionalism and civility exhibited on these boards. More than three years later, that kindness and true shared knowledge still exists, stronger than ever (and so sorely lacking on so many other boards). When Paul tapped me for “Bench Coach” in November of 2008, I never dreamed I would get as much enjoyment and satisfaction out of the “job” that I have, and for that, I’m eternally grateful (again) to Paul and to all you guys. You’ve really made it my great pleasure to try and bring the best I can to the weekends and the occasional fill-in spots.
To those of you who may still be “readers” and not commenters, or who may not be familiar with what we’re all about, I direct your attention to the upper right-hand corner. Click on the About link…the Archives contain every article ever hosted on Uni Watch. The FAQ will (hopefully) answer some of the most frequently asked questions on UW (such as “What’s with the green dot on the back of NFL quarterbacks’ helmets?”). If you’re a frequent reader, there’s the Membership section — if you haven’t signed up, consider it. This blog will always be free and the membership program is one of the ways to help Paul keep it that way. No obligation, of course, but membership has it’s benefits. Paul’s “Mothership Columns” (ESPN) can also be searched in the upper right corner.
Just below those links (and a couple ads) is the “search” feature. If you remember a conversation (or a column) on UW, but you can’t for the life of you remember when it was, like any google search, type in a few key words and make sure you check the “Uni Watch” button — to this day I still do that at least once a day. Beneath that are the Paul’s most recent ESPN columns and Research Projects. Those are followed by “subject” links — if you look at the top of any column, there are several subjects (usually) listed (our version of “tags”) — anytime one of those is used, the column in which it was used will appear in it’s subject. Want to know how many times a post has been filed under “Cricket”? Just click that link. Finally, and very importantly, beneath the subject tags are the “Links.” Take some time to explore those — many of them belong to frequent posters who’d love your traffic, others are just absolutely essential for any good Uni Watcher.
As I have now babbled far too long, I wanted to hear from you guys. How did you find Uni Watch? What brought you here? What makes you a Uni Watcher? I’d been reading and posting for a while before I clicked the “Membership” link, but when I did, I was immediately struck by Paul’s words:
I hear it again and again. “Thank god I found Uni Watch,” people tell me. “Until now, I thought I was the only one who looked at sports this way.”
As you’ve no doubt discovered by now, you’re not the only one. But if your friends still look at you a bit funny when you point out a player’s sleeve length, or the wife rolls her eyes when you wax rhapsodic about the pleasures of a well-tailored set of stirrups, salvation is finally at hand. Now you can show your solidarity with other uniform obsessives and proclaim your citizenship in the larger uni-related community.
I could not have ever imagined there were others out there like me, but obviously our numbers are in the thousands. We may not always agree (and frequently don’t), but we share a common bond. One which I am glad exists. If you’ve read any of my weekend columns, I’ve probably mentioned a half-dozen times how I got this way. From my first set of stirrups before I was even in little league I discovered my love of all things uniform. What made you this way?
Even if you’ve never posted a comment before, today’s a great day to start. And if you comment a little, a lot or every day, tell us what brings you to UW. When did you first find that you Get ItTM?
Thanks again, all, for making this community the great place it is.

Brinke’s Corner: (That’s Brinke with “Red Racer” which ended up plowing thru some freshly poured blacktop. Ahem. Notice the hand-lettered name on the side. Louisville, approximately 1963.) And now for the e-Bay finds:
• A “Booster Pack” bobblehead set? From the “Merger Series?” Outstanding.
• NY Football Giants book covers from the 60’s.
• An AJD Astros cap, woo hoo.
• A Coca-Cola mini-helmet promo set.
• Check out these Expos patches.
• Like MLB would let a current player put his name on a gin ad. Bench got away with it.
• These helmets remind me of the backdrop from the Summeral/Brookshier NFL show from way back.
• Staying with the school theme, here’s an early 60’s NFL schoolbook cover.
• Here’s another great bobble. The Rams didn’t use blue and yellow in the early 60’s, did they?
• We’ve all seen NFL helmet plaques. But a skate plaque?
• Nothing says “Tennessee Titans” like a plain navy cap with plain white letters.
• One of my favorite logos; the old Cincinnati Royals.
• Feel the Power of the NFL.
• I always thought that they could do a better job with the touch-up work, even back then. Clyde Wright deserved better.
• Pro Keds with the NFL logo.
• Ever woke up one morning and thought, “I want my own baseball button vending machine.” You’re in luck.
• Maybe someone could’ve suggested contact lenses for Steve Blass.
• What’s this little NFL shield patch for?
• NHL “Puffy Stickers.” Like a Puffy Shirt?
• There are two things I am looking for. Just want a photo. An NFL poncho from the late 60’s — this was white on the outside with full color logos that weren’t terribly detailed. The inside lining was aluminum type material, the idea being it reflected your body heat in the cold weather. (I think I have mentioned this before.) The other thing is an early 70’s NFL chest. Made of durable double-walled fiberboard, it had all the period teams in either red or blue. A big storage chest thing, flip top lid, that you kept toys or athletic gear in. Anyone seen either of these?

As we end the work week here at UW, we’re treated to the fourth installment of Benchies. Could Mick’s rups be any longer? Here’s Rick:
Ready for all the new adventures to begin? Great, grab your gear and reach back for a bit of your youth. Yeah, that’s exactly what’ll it’ll feel like, alright.
Here’s your very special Friday Benchies.
[Benchies appears every Saturday and Sunday on Uni Watch.]

Uni Watch News Ticker: Slightly old news comes from Kurt Esposito, who noticed some mask shenanigans from Phillies’ catcher Carlos Ruiz, who switched mid-game from a hockey-style mask to the traditional one. Click on “watch highlights.” In the first clip from the second inning Ruiz is clearly wearing the hockey style mask, but in the next clip from the fifth inning he’s wearing the regular style. … Jordan Wiley brings us some more time-killing Sporkle quizzes: These have been floating around the site for a while — NFL by number; NHL by number; and NBA by number (this is not for those with heart conditions or those who are pregnant). … Everyone’s favorite yinzer, Ryan Connelly thought we might like this non-uni related item (“just really clever” muses RyCo40) … JK Chaney brings us this look at the new Celtic FC kit … It’s a good thing Paul is still in Scotland, because the next item may not have made the ticker. Matthew Windsor writes, “I know it goes against every fabric of your being to give accolades to anything purple clad, but I can’t help but love my alma mater! Attached are some pictures of the ECU Softball team who are wearing two different sets of purple, but Mighty Fine striped stirrups. The pictures may not be the best, so here is a link to the gallery.” … John Muir retweets this asking fans to help Devils goalie Mike McKenna choose his 2010-11 gear. … Also from John: Joe Maddon might think the Rays could make a better hockey team than the Lightning? … Brian Schulz plays for a semi-pro football team in St. Paul; after winning the 2009 North American Football League National Championship, they brought on some new investors to sponsor their uniforms for 2010. Brian adds, “A big name sponsor who shall go nameless here, mainly because they asked not to be named (lets just say they are a pretty big music mogul here in the Twin Cities who happens to love football), stepped up and purchased our uniforms for 2010, with one condition. They wanted all black uniforms and requested that we put his nickname for us on the front of the jersey (P-UNIT)…and alas, the cardinal and black Pioneers became the all-black (BFBS) Pioneers…shameful, I know, but I thought you might be interested in our BFBS NNOF jerseys and uniforms…maybe a first to UniWatch?” Also, their past weekend’s opponents, the Twin Ports Stampede, had a SSOB (Sponsor slogan on back)…Miller Light sponsored their jerseys and they had the catch phrase “Good Call” with the Miller Light logo on the back of their jerseys. … Reader Phil Primato is looking for some help from the Uni Watch faithful: “I am planning on painting my wall in honor of Citi Field. I have the colors all set. The wall itself is Soot, the Orange which will run along one side and the top is PMD 1655 (RGB 249/86/2, I hope Home Depot can match…) I am planning on making my own stencils to add the outfield distance number 371, I also have a graphic design friend of mine creating the Tom Seaver #41 retired logo, which I will have printed on a Fathead type material to add. What I am hoping to get some help with is the actual font name that is used for the 371. Dont know if you or one of your readers could help.” Here is the wall awaiting paint. Anyone able to help? … Chad Todd sends this cool boating themed tshirt design. … Not sure if this was ever listed on UW, but just in case, Trevor Grigsby writes, on Opening Night, last month, the Lexington Legends, Houston’s single-A squad, wore tuxedo jerseys. “The might be the worst idea, in the long, sad history of bad jersey ideas. But, as far as uniqueness and originality go, they’re the first of their kind that I’ve seen.” … File this next one under “zee goggles, zhey do nossing:” Paul Stave sent along an E-mail with the subject: “WOW this hurts my eyes” so I was a bit trepedatious when I clicked on this link. He wasn’t kidding. Says Paul, “Glad they don’t play under a black light. Or do they? When did they change their team name from the Seattle XBox 360 Lives, to just the Seattle XBox 360s? God help us if MLB does this.” … Ryan Henke knows of Paul’s fondness for Milwaukee, bowling and photography, and thought this might interest us. Carl Corey currently is exhibiting part of a series called Wisconsin Tavern League at Ryan’s local museum in Madison, WI. Set #1 has a couple of fantastic shots of a bowling alley bar. … *Sigh* … The Padres partied like it was 1978 yesterday. Lots more photos here. Can’t teams, just for ONE DAY, go with a period appropriate look (read: visible brown stirrups with gold sanis) instead of pajamas? Don’t want to suck the fun out of the throwbacks, but really, is that too much to ask? … Steeltown Correspondent and everybody’s second favorite yinzer Douggie Keklak sends us an article about Babe Ruth’s final appearance at Forbes Field and his final three home runs, including a great shot of a beautiful Braves’ uni.
That’ll do it for today, Uni Watchers. Everyone have a safe Memorial Day Weekend. I’ll be back tomorrow, Sunday and Monday, and gladly turn this fine ship back over to Paul for Tuesday.
Get home safe, buddy! We all miss you. Looks like Jerry will still be here when you return. 27 goose eggs will do that.
Today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of this earth. — Henry Louis Gehrig
Congrats to Paul and everyone at UW!
I’ve been reading the entire life of the blog and the ESPN articles for a good time before that.
My love of Detroit sports brought me here, when I was younger and the Pistons changed to those god awful teal uniforms, I loved them. I was also a child who didn’t know better. As I got older, I realized how hideous they were and how amazing the simplicity of the Red Wings and Tigers uniforms are.
I don’t comment a lot, if I do, its usually based on Central Michigan University stuff or maybe on the topic of the day, but I mostly just lurk and read, but I love reading the comments and being proud to be part of this community. I’m always amazed at the knowledge as a collective of this community.
Congrats again Paul. Maybe one of these days we can get a UniWatch get together down in my neck of the woods in North Carolina.
I vote the green underbill as the best part of the Padre throwbacks…
No idea how I found Uni Watch, but I remember when Marc Okkonen’s book on baseball uniforms came out, I went right to the local bookstore to buy it.
The Rams used the Blue & Gold through 1965. In 1966 they went to Royal & White. Those are the uniforms most people associate with the “Fearsome Foursome” defensive line of Rosy Grier, Merlin Olsen, Deacon Jones and Lamar Lundy. The Royal & Gold returned in 1973 with the introduction of the “Rams Horn” jersey.
I read Paul’s work over on the worldwide leader’s Internet site and would then read his older works through all the great links. I was here for the first day of the blog and haven’t missed a day since. Thanks for all the hard work!
As a kid, I enjoyed simplicity in design – and it has carried over to today (as some may recall from my rants about the Bengals going back to their original unis). When people ask me why I like the Celtics, Bulls, and Flyers when I live in Cincinnati – I tell them it is because I liked the design of their uniforms as a kid. There is something warm and fuzzy about those uniforms that take me back to my childhood.
Paul, if you ever make it to Cincinnati for a UW gathering – the first drink is on me.
Can’t recall exactly what brought me to uniwatch, but I’m glad I found it. Great way to pass the day at the office when work is a drag.
Count me in with those who get annoyed with the semi-throwback look. Geez, the teams have at least a year to get it right, and still blow it.
“As I have now babbled far too long, I wanted to hear from you guys. How did you find Uni Watch?”
I did not find Uni Watch, Uni Watch found me….and then I was complete.
Thank you Paul!!!!
Continuous congrats for all the work you & Paul do. Thanks & thanks a lot.
BTW Phil- You’re not taking fun out of anything re: throwbacks. You’re speaking for most of us here.
I’m calling Phil Primato’s wall Shea.
Reply to JasonAxel… FIRE UP CHIPS! I hate to agree with you, but I enjoyed the teal Pistons jerseys in my youth in MI as well, boy were we out there!
Just about two years ago, I was looking for a place online to buy baseball stirrups.
UW came up when I googled “stirrup socks”…or some such thing.
My reaction was Mel Allenesque, I suppose.
“How about that”…I’m not the only one suffering from this affliction/addiction/preoccupation/fixation/obsession.
I can’t remember how I first came across UniWatch, but I sure am glad I did.
re: Padres throwbacks.
Not to mention white cleats were sort of a trademark of those Padre teams…the Ozzie Smith, Dave Winfield, Randy Jones era.
Ah, well, as I’ve said, rarely are these games true throwback events anymore.
(sigh) Nostalgia just ain’t what it used to be.
[quote comment=”391952″]I’m calling Phil Primato’s wall Shea.[/quote]
there’s my vote for quote of the day! hahaha
Familial congrats to DannyBoy for yesterday’s mention.
You do realize that this goes on your permanent record.
Kent in Atlanta
(but this weekend in Newnan)
Brinke likes this logo…
As a kid I was kinda partial to the uni that went with it, too. Especially the jersey, loved those broad, sweeping color panels at the armholes. No NBA team had anything quite like it…at the time.
I like Joe Hilseberg’s comment, “I did not find Uni Watch, Uni Watch found me….and then I was complete.” Describes my experience with perfect pitch.
I’m an Internet search geek, and no doubt I stumbled across the site either looking for an old player or, yes, an old uniform.
Thought I was pretty shallow growing up when I’d sometimes root for the team on television that was more aesthetically draped, which meant the MLB All-Star game was like an orgy. Growing up outside Wichita, Kan., and attending the annual National Baseball Congress exposed me to all kinds of uniforms with funky sponsorships on them. Longtime Ray Dumont surely “got it.” He had a trophy presented at the end of the tournament for the “best dressed team.”
I loved the old Blue-Gray game and other post-season football games because I loved seeing the various helmets and decals.
Guess I wasn’t alone.
Paul is a gifted writer. If he wrote books, I imagine picking one up. Who knows what it’d be about, he heas such a broad range of interests. Who, afterall, is enamored with a Brannock Device? <a href="link His interests in design extend beyond simple games.
As a good organization man, Mr. Lukas assembled a good bench. I’ve appreciated the contributions from Vince, Bryan and now Phil. Each brought their own particular strengths and surprises. For example, I know more about Cleveland sports than I ever really wanted. Bryan – for all the flak he received – was a pleasant surprise each weekend. And Phil, well, Phil is nothing if he’s not thorough. Is posts are illuminating and insightful. His comments are witty.
I appreciate all the commenters, especially Ricko. I’m a “Benchies” fan, too.
All in all, I love UniWatch. Unfortunately, there’s too much to do at the office, so when I climb on, it’s usually when I get home. (Boy there must be a bunch of people with time on their hands at the office!) By then, there are a bunch of comments that reinforce the notion that I’m not alone. The Internet certainly has redefined the notion of “community.”
Thanks, and don’t forget that other recent milestone: A purple membership card!
Great work this past week, Phil, and congrats to Paul on yet another Uni-Milestone reached!
I’ve explained the various stages of my downward uni spiral several times, but I think if I had to pinpoint what got me hooked at the VERY beginning, it was probably one of Paul’s college football preview columns on espn.com. That kind of talk (what’s NEW this year, good or bad) continues to be one of my favorite things about this blog.
Of course, chatting with all you crazy f’ers is pretty good too. ;)
[quote comment=”391956″]re: Padres throwbacks.
Not to mention white cleats were sort of a trademark of those Padre teams…the Ozzie Smith, Dave Winfield, Randy Jones era.
Ah, well, as I’ve said, rarely are these games true throwback events anymore.
(sigh) Nostalgia just ain’t what it used to be.
It’s funny how you can forget the association between players and teams. When you mentioned Randy Jones, I recalled Gaylord Perry and Mickey Lolich as Padres. Also, Nate Colbert was pretty good before Ozzie joined the Pods. I think he played the outfield, but his career fizzled out quickly.
Should have posted this yesterday.
But, for those who haven’t seen those unis..
[quote comment=”391964″]Should have posted this yesterday.
But, for those who haven’t seen those unis..
Although the color’s a bit skewed in that. They weren’t quite that green. A bit more gray in real life.
As a follow-up to Dan Byrne’s excellent link yesterday about a large red cross across the chest, check out the following. It seems that not only Muslims can be easily offended.
[quote comment=”391947″]The Rams used the Blue & Gold through 1965. In 1966 they went to Royal & White. Those are the uniforms most people associate with the “Fearsome Foursome” defensive line of Rosy Grier, Merlin Olsen, Deacon Jones and Lamar Lundy. The Royal & Gold returned in 1973 with the introduction of the “Rams Horn” jersey.[/quote]
Actually I believe they went to royal & white in 1964, though I’ve often seen 1965 cited.
I discovered Uni Watch the column in the back of the Village Voice. At first I suspected it might be a hipster joke of some kind, like it was making fun of sports fans, but I was pleased to realize it (and Paul) was serious. In retrospect I’ve recognized the fact that since I’ve had an interest in sports the style aspect of sports has always been an integral part of it. I think if there were no aesthetics in sports I would not be interested in sports at all. I feel lucky that my neighborhood in Brooklyn is the “ground central” of the Uni Watch phenomenon, and yes, I was in attendance at the very first Uni Watch gathering (sort of a panel forum). Back then it was difficult to explain to people what I was going to. Today, thanks to Paul & the Uni Watch community, it would be slightly easier to explain. So, due to everyone’s efforts, I think many more people “get it” these days even if they don’t Get It (with trademark).
They’ve added a drop shadow to the subway lines…
Congrats everyone at Uni-Watch, including all the readers, commentors and contributors. My obsession didn’t begin until I found Uni-Watch through one of the ESPN articles. I don’t remember which article, but I read that and needed more. I noticed the link to the blog at the bottom. I clicked and a light shone down from the heavens and I heard angels sing. aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!
On a separate (though inherently related) note: I had my last night of curling yesterday. We were getting our asses kicked so I had to put the rally stirrups on display.
They didn’t help, but they were a big hit. Obvs. I would never had the courage to do such a thing without knowing that there were others out there like me.
I started reading Paul’s uniwatch columns on Page2 about six or seven years ago? It was always my favorite part of Page 2 and I couldn’t wait to read them when they were posted. Then switched to the uniwatch blog. As soon as he offered memberhsips, I sent my money and got my card. I’ve been a uni nut ever since I was a kid. Used to make sports drawings all the time, and my favorite part was always making the uniforms perfect. I never knew so many people were as strange as me. I love the blog for bringing all of us ocd sports uniform nuts together.
Years ago I remember randomly finding Paul’s columns on “Page 2” over at ESPN.com. It would always feel like a treat when a new one had been posted. Being an Alabama (and college in general) football fan before everything else, we look at uniform changes as being sacrilegious, and as such, I have always been enamored with traditional uniforms of any sport or kind. I am completely on board with the stirrup movement, and wish my Braves would ditch the horrible red and blue alternates. BFBS is an abortion (even as I sit here at my office where a black t-shirt under my polo – oops). Perhaps the only area Paul and eye might not see eye-to-eye on is the love I have for my little D2 alma mater North Alabama, who wear purple (solid purple football unis). Can’t hate it for that reason, but sometimes I’d like to shove Nike’s ridiculous piping and striping on our uniforms where the sun doesn’t shine.
I finally found the blog about a year ago, but had never posted until today. I appreciate everything you guys do – Paul, Phil, and anybody else that contributes. The blog is a workday tradition for me now, and I try to stop by on the weekends as well. Keep fighting the good fight guys, and I’ll keep doing my part by promoting color, defending the right to expose our socks, criticizing corporate douchebaggery, and helping to insure domestic tranquili… um yeah, or something like that.
New York transplant down here in North Carolina, would love to be involved in a UniWatch event down here ( Lake Norman Area ).
Not sure how I found uniwatch, I think it was back when it was justa rumor that Giants would wear RED Alternates. I think I somehow landed here. I have been an avid reader for a while, but only recently have started to comment.
My uni related interests are:
Yankees, Giants, Rutgers, Nets, Devils and Big East Basketball. Negro and Dominican Winter Leagues.
The Rams used the Blue & Gold through 1965.
Actually I believe they went to royal & white in 1964
They did:
They switched back to blue and gold in 1973.
anyone friday ruppin?
bleed cubbie blue today
started following a few years back. The site is a MUST read for me every day. A huge thank you to all the contributers, your efforts do not go unnoticed.
[quote comment=”391974″]http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_ylt=AtOHLPH4HTf.tZMOrWGpyB85nYcB?slug=sh-headinjuries052710[/quote]
USF colors are green and gold, what the hell is that uni?
I found the blog sometime in ’06 after religiously reading Paul’s Page 2 column. I was hooked from the get-go.
I found Uni Watch through Paul’s Page 2 articles. I look forward to the new content each day, though I could use fewer “tweaks.”
I would love to attend a Uni Watch gathering in Atlanta!
[quote comment=”391975″]anyone friday ruppin?
link today[/quote]
Not today, but as I mentioned in my other comment, I rocked them last night.
First off, I have to say fantastic job this week Phil. I discovered the Uniwatch about two and a half to three years ago via some Google search. Then, right about two years ago I did my first write-up, w/Paul’s assistance, on my link I’ve met some fantastic people along the way, and I want to sincerely thank Paul and Phil for giving me the opportunity write and comment about what I geek out on.
i’m pretty sure i found UW in the summer of ’07 when the “rbk edge” jerseys were being leaked. i think the pensblog linked to a sneak peek at the new penguins jerseys here UW. and the rest is history!
over 3 years later i’ve been glued (and stitched) to this site ALMOST everyday!
i remember as a kid being FASCINATED at the weight of an authentic jersey. the double stitching. just how the sleeves of a steelers authentic were light-years different than the screen printed sleeves of a replica. stitched CCM on the hemline, double stitching in the elbows, stitched down front logo, and a fight strap of the authentic hockey jerseys! all the pirates letters were sewn on! and most of all, the ULTIMATE personalization of having a jersey with sewn on names and numbers! i dreamed of having my own jersey. i would go into sport stores in monroeville mall and just study the jerseys, and feel them, and try them on. oh, to try on THE SAME jersey the players were wearing!!! my family couldn’t afford the extra expense of a jersey, so just to be able to see them and get them into my hands even if for one moment was just magic. i remember getting lost in my crazy little mind thinking of somedays and what-ifs! what if this one were mine? or, what if i made it and someone was going to buy MY jersey?!?! my parents hooked me up though, i was a simple kid and never really pestered them for a jersey because i knew they cost a fortune! so i would be JUST as happy when they’d buy me an authentic, or as we called them, on-field hat. i would go to pirates games and think “i’m wearing the exact same hat as those guys!” damn, the memories of something as simple as that…
[quote comment=”391968″]They’ve added a drop shadow to the subway lines…
Better, but still not link.
I don’t remember how I found uniwatch but I followed it from the Village Voice to Slate to espn
I was thoroughly hooked when I send Paul a little offhand joke about William Rehnquist and he quoted me the following week (calling me brilliant and trenchant):
– Last column’s mention of Chief Justice William Rehnquist becoming a Nike billboard inspired a brilliant response from Mike Styczen, who writes: “The most surprising thing is that the Nike cap would seem to run contrary to Rehnquist’s long-standing adidas endorsement on his robes.” Sharp-eyed readers will note that Rehnquist actually wears four stripes on his sleeves, not three, but Styczen’s analysis is so trenchant that Uni Watch is willing to overlook this minor inconsistency.
[quote comment=”391982″][quote comment=”391968″]They’ve added a drop shadow to the subway lines…
Better, but still not link.[/quote]
Couldn’t agree more. Love the striking visual of Vignelli’s map. Always have. It is, however, lacking a certain something in function. KickMap is a great compromise.
You can blame the Seahawks’ green alternate jerseys for bringing me to Uni Watch. A friend of mine who loves the Seahawks (but not the green alts) forwarded me your April Fools article. Been here ever since.
Hey, y’all brought it on yourselves; now you’re stuck with me…and my green jersey. ;)
Thanks, congratulations and many more years!
[quote comment=”391986″]You can blame the Seahawks’ green alternate jerseys for bringing me to Uni Watch. A friend of mine who loves the Seahawks (but not the green alts) forwarded me your April Fools article. Been here ever since.
Hey, y’all brought it on yourselves; now you’re stuck with me…and my green jersey. ;)
Thanks, congratulations and many more years![/quote]
Mr. Vilk, we’re glad to have you. Without you, there would be so many orphaned, unloved jerseys in the universe. When they think they have no hope, you’re there to say, “I’d wear that.” Thanks for being the Uni Watch jersey foster dad or softie.
[quote comment=”391977″][quote comment=”391974″]http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_ylt=AtOHLPH4HTf.tZMOrWGpyB85nYcB?slug=sh-headinjuries052710[/quote]
USF colors are green and gold, what the hell is that uni?[/quote]
Not sure, but my bigger question from that article: instead of banning aluminum bats or making new headger, why can’t they just make an adjustment to the baseball? Seems it would be a lot easier to start using a deader ball.
Nice pre-ticker column, Phil.
Says things quite nicely. I rarely comment, but read and click on the links daily. (so many great photos!)
I’ve been a fan of Paul’s musings from way back in the early Beer Frame days. Lucky enough to work at a record shop at the time that took fliers on “weird” zines like Beer Frame. I’ve still got a ratty Beer Frame T-shirt that I ordered from Paul eons ago.
Keep up the great work Paul and all involved with UniWatch.
Appropriate for a time in which Uni Watch celebrates a birthday, no?
I should also point out that, were it not for Uni Watch, I never would’ve had the great displeasure of meeting, among others, Doug Keklak and Ryan Connelly, my partners in arterial crime. Boys, we’re long overdue for one of these:
Here is debate that my friends and I have around this time every 4 years. Since World Cup teams represent their countries should their uniforms ( kits ) be based on their national flag?
Some teams do not always do so:
Italy: Blue ( flag green and red )
Holland: Orange ( flag blue and red )
Germany: Sometimes Green ( black, red yelow )
Venezuela: Burgundy ( red, yellow and blue )
Japan: Blue ( red and white )
What do you think? It has been discussed numerous times WHY they choose those colors, but SHOULD they?
[quote comment=”391987″][quote comment=”391986″]You can blame the Seahawks’ green alternate jerseys for bringing me to Uni Watch. A friend of mine who loves the Seahawks (but not the green alts) forwarded me your April Fools article. Been here ever since.
Hey, y’all brought it on yourselves; now you’re stuck with me…and my green jersey. ;)
Thanks, congratulations and many more years![/quote]
Mr. Vilk, we’re glad to have you. Without you, there would be so many orphaned, unloved jerseys in the universe. When they think they have no hope, you’re there to say, “I’d wear that.” Thanks for being the Uni Watch jersey foster dad or softie.[/quote]
Why thanks. Yeah, the house is a bit like a halfway home for jerseys and t-shirts at times.
Glad to have you as well, Mike. Thanks for playing an appropriate song for the blog’s 4th anniversary:
I would say it would be up to the Italians, Dutch, Germans, Venezuelans and Japanese to decide whether or not they thought their teams SHOULD change.
I see thousands of Dutch wearing orange to support their team, and there are valid historical reasons for them wearing orange. So who are we to worry about that?
Now, if you ask me if the US team should wear charcoal, I’m going to say “probably not.” But I’m not going to stress about it.
There’s a historical story behind the Azzurri wearing blue, and their people seem okay with it. So why should we get hung up on it?
[quote comment=”391993″]Here is debate that my friends and I have around this time every 4 years. Since World Cup teams represent their countries should their uniforms ( kits ) be based on their national flag?
Some teams do not always do so:
Italy: Blue ( flag green and red )
Holland: Orange ( flag blue and red )
Germany: Sometimes Green ( black, red yelow )
Venezuela: Burgundy ( red, yellow and blue )
Japan: Blue ( red and white )
What do you think? It has been discussed numerous times WHY they choose those colors, but SHOULD they?[/quote]
Sure, it would make sense to do it that way, which is probably why almost all teams do it that way. But, these teams have reasons for wearing the colors that they wear and most of them tie into the history of their homeland, so I don’t mind it. In addition, I like having some unique colors thrown in there (like orange) and I kind of enjoy it when a team has a primary kit that’s one color and a change kit that’s flag-colored, which is why I love the Netherlands’ kits.
BFBS alert in last night’s Suns/Lakers game…from the Laker Girls:
Phil Primato, I’m pretty sure the Citi Field wall is Gigofonts Gf H2O Sans
I know that during Dutch games the staduims are usually a Sea of Orange and the Italian team has always worn azzurro. They all have historical reasons for doing so. Although not sure about Japan and blue, I would think that a “rising sun” pattern makes for great possibilities would probably not be polically correct.
I just think its always interesting to see what each country would do with it’s colors.
I came here a couple of years ago after reading Paul’s ESPN feature. I bookmarked it immediately. The people who post here are top notch. We are all different with different opinions (long pants v stirrups, Old School v New) yet everyone is almost always respectful and thoughtful. Phil, I admire you for stepping up as Bench Coach….you’ve done UW proud. Keep up the good work everyone.
I started coming to this blog probably August of 2006, tho I read Paul’s ESPN stuff years before I realized who he was, and I used to frequent a logo board that was on Fanhome and then Scout probably starting 10 years ago that mentioned Page 2. As a young child, I loved reading the newspaper comics, then in the 3rd grade I started drawing Peanuts cartoons out of a book by hand, and of course I loved the baseball ones, and then soon I started collecting baseball cards, and one day decided I wanted to draw a calender schedule with all of the American League team logos, and a co-existence began from there. I failed at it, but been interested in logos in general since drawing & coloring was my thing (tho I never progressed higher than Charles Schultz-style). I noticed logos and designs because well, baseball plays a very long season! I have to say it took me a good 15 years to develop some sense of taste. This blog certainly broadened my education and knowledge a lot quicker & answered a lot of questions.
[quote comment=”391991″]I should also point out that, were it not for Uni Watch, I never would’ve had the great displeasure of meeting, among others, Doug Keklak and Ryan Connelly, my partners in arterial crime. Boys, we’re long overdue for one of these:
ahhh… that we are! also, well said barnyard! couldn’t agree more…
Add to the list of teams that don’t wear their flag colours: Australia
From the Wikipedia:
Green and gold are the national colours of Australia, as proclaimed by Sir Ninian Stephen, the Governor-General of Australia on 19 April 1984. The exact colours were specified as being Pantone Matching System numbers 116C and 348C, and always referred to as “green and gold”.
Green and gold are the traditional team colours of Australian national sporting teams, and nearly every current Australian national sports teams wears them, although the hues and proportions of the two colours may vary between teams and across eras.
It is widely believed that the colours were chosen because they are the dominant colours of Australia’s floral emblem, Acacia pycnantha (the Golden Wattle).
I believe I found Uni Watch on Page 2, but my internet use was haphazard for many years, so I’m not positive. I’ve been reading this blog since I was in high school, so that puts me at least two and a half years back, if not more. It’s definitely one of my favorite places to comment.
[quote comment=”391993″]
What do you think? It has been discussed numerous times WHY they choose those colors, but SHOULD they?[/quote]
I think nations should be able to wear whatever colors they choose. There’s usually a good historical reason behind why teams where the colors they do, and those stories are generally fascinating to me. Plus, there would be a huge backlog of teams wearing red or blue if that were to happen. Variety is the spice of life.
[quote comment=”391986″]You can blame the Seahawks’ green alternate jerseys for bringing me to Uni Watch. A friend of mine who loves the Seahawks (but not the green alts) forwarded me your April Fools article. Been here ever since.
Hey, y’all brought it on yourselves; now you’re stuck with me…and my green jersey. ;)
Thanks, congratulations and many more years![/quote]
That joke was well worth it simply knowing a guy like you is a part of our community because of it.
[quote comment=”392003″]Add to the list of teams that don’t wear their flag colours: Australia
From the Wikipedia:
Green and gold are the national colours of Australia, as proclaimed by Sir Ninian Stephen, the Governor-General of Australia on 19 April 1984. The exact colours were specified as being Pantone Matching System numbers 116C and 348C, and always referred to as “green and gold”.
Green and gold are the traditional team colours of Australian national sporting teams, and nearly every current Australian national sports teams wears them, although the hues and proportions of the two colours may vary between teams and across eras.
It is widely believed that the colours were chosen because they are the dominant colours of Australia’s floral emblem, Acacia pycnantha (the Golden Wattle).[/quote]
Along the same lines is New Zealand wearing black when it is not the flag color, er colour.
I’ve got a question that’s been nagging at me for some time. I’m sure it’s been asked, and
answered 20 times, so please bear with me. Why is Dressed to the Nines so horribly wrong? I spent literally a minute on there today and found three clear mistakes. I’m not talking a patch on a 1910 jersey, I’m referring to leaving out the Phillies 2008-present home alt. What exactly is the issue? It’s a Baseball HOF site, I at least expect a shred of accuracy given that.
For those not familiar, the address is exhibits.baseballhalloffame.org/dressed_to_the_nines
I hate link.
Cryblack? Seriously? You’re a baseball player, not a clown.
[quote comment=”392007″]I’ve got a question that’s been nagging at me for some time. I’m sure it’s been asked, and
answered 20 times, so please bear with me. Why is Dressed to the Nines so horribly wrong? I spent literally a minute on there today and found three clear mistakes. I’m not talking a patch on a 1910 jersey, I’m referring to leaving out the Phillies 2008-present home alt. What exactly is the issue? It’s a Baseball HOF site, I at least expect a shred of accuracy given that.
For those not familiar, the address is exhibits.baseballhalloffame.org/dressed_to_the_nines
i’m not sure i’d call it “horribly wrong” when A) they try to keep track of 100s of jerseys and miss just a few, B) it’s a free resource C) it’s run by humans, who make mistakes dontcha know and D) probably appreiciate our feedback and input when they do make a simple misake.
so next time maybe instead of it “nagging you for sometime”, you could send them out a quick heads up e-mail (probably much quicker than logging onto a completely different blog and bashing them, no?)
Perhaps he’s studying to be a super villain.
[quote comment=”392008″]I hate link.
Cryblack? Seriously? You’re a baseball player, not a clown.[/quote]
Correction – he’s a baseball player who looks like a clown.
[quote comment=”392008″]I hate link.
Cryblack? Seriously? You’re a baseball player, not a clown.[/quote]
I found Uniwatch via the ESPN articles, and have really enjoyed all the other stuff discussed here. I didn’t get to the UW blog when it started, but have enjoyed it for most of the past 4 years. It’s been very informative, and engaging. I’ve always been interested in uniforms, logos, and sports, so this is nice. I’m amazed at all the other details that I’ve missed that the UW faithful notice and contribute. It’s a “good” obsessive! Thanks to everyone, especially Paul.
I was glad to see the Tampa Bay Rays continuing their themed roadtrip attire this year too. Here is a picture of their western-wear for a trip out west!
Nice to see them having fun with it!
[quote comment=”392013″]
I was glad to see the Tampa Bay Rays continuing their themed roadtrip attire this year too. Here is a picture of their western-wear for a trip out west!
Nice to see them having fun with it![/quote]
I’m quoting myself here, but just wanted to clarify that this cowboy trip pic was from a trip during the 2009 season.
[quote comment=”392007″]I’ve got a question that’s been nagging at me for some time. I’m sure it’s been asked, and
answered 20 times, so please bear with me. Why is Dressed to the Nines so horribly wrong? I spent literally a minute on there today and found three clear mistakes. I’m not talking a patch on a 1910 jersey, I’m referring to leaving out the Phillies 2008-present home alt. What exactly is the issue? It’s a Baseball HOF site, I at least expect a shred of accuracy given that.
For those not familiar, the address is exhibits.baseballhalloffame.org/dressed_to_the_nines
not for nothing, but once they started using that specific graphic in 2000, they stopped showing every uniform except the designated “home” and “away”
no alternate jerseys or caps at all…prior to that (1995-2000), they would occasionally show an alternate cap
marc okkonen’s sketches only run through 1994, and he attempted to include every possible alternate;
why they omit is probably because you could have teams like houston or the mets with 9 different possible combinations, so they choose to ONLY list the “official” home and aways
By the way, this is link The packaging is stellar, with that huge NFL shield as the card back. I would love to see all the teams made in this set.
I’m glad some of you guys enjoy Benchies, but I still don’t get it. Perhaps it’s just the corny nature that I can’t seem to appreciate. Reading Benchies reminds me of a line from Seinfeld, when discussing Elaine’s short-lived gig penning comics for the New Yorker:
“You doodle a couple of bears at a cocktail party talking about the stock market, and you think you’re doing comedy.”
That said, I do enjoy the artwork of Benchies – I wish I could draw that well.
[quote comment=”392007″]I’ve got a question that’s been nagging at me for some time. I’m sure it’s been asked, and
answered 20 times, so please bear with me. Why is Dressed to the Nines so horribly wrong? I spent literally a minute on there today and found three clear mistakes. I’m not talking a patch on a 1910 jersey, I’m referring to leaving out the Phillies 2008-present home alt. What exactly is the issue? It’s a Baseball HOF site, I at least expect a shred of accuracy given that.
I would chalk it up due to laziness to who’s ever in charge of it, and probably was told to keep it in the standard file size. I don’t know how long a digital copy of the MLB Style Guide (the post-Okkonen template) has been made, because they have 4 angles of every single uniform there is in MLB.
[quote comment=”391998″]Phil Primato, I’m pretty sure the Citi Field wall is Gigofonts Gf H2O Sans[/quote]
better make sure to get all of the banners correct
I was redirected to uniwatch in May or June of 2006. My first reaction was, “Holy hell! How long has this been going on?” Needless to say it was only a few weeks. I read through the dozen or so entries and I don’t think I have missed one yet.
i don’t post on a regular basis and never got a membership, bu I do appreciate the site that fills my uni obsession. You guys rock.
I definitely don’t go all the way back the full 11 years, but I read the ESPN column off and on for a few years before the blog got started up.
I still have the e-mail announcing the launch of this blog .(I love the “most of the posts will probably be smaller than today’s” part.):
[quote comment=”391027″]Subject: Big Uni Watch News
Date: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 9:33 AM
Hi there …
The long-promised Uni Watch blog is now up and running. I plan to post
material to it pretty much every day (although most of the posts will
probably be smaller than today’s), so I hope people will check back
regularly. Look here: link
Uni Watch will continue to appear every two weeks on ESPN.com, but the blog
will allow me to react to uni-related news while it’s still fresh, and I’m
hoping that the column and blog will cross-pollinate each other in ways I
can’t even anticipate yet.
For now, the people on this mailing list are the only ones who know about
the blog; I’ll announce it to the larger Uni Watch readership in next
week’s ESPN column. The whole thing is very much a work in progress, so
feel free to offer feedback, suggestions, etc.
From there, I checked out the blog and then made my first ticker submission (before there actually was a ticker). I was thrilled when Paul used in the very next post.
I was a daily reader & commenter/occasional ticker contributor for a while and then things got really busy at work so I stopped reading altogether for a long time.
After many months of this self-imposed exile, I’d check back in from time to time and I might read some of the comments, but I didn’t post any of my own.
Fast-forward several more months. I started reading/posting again pretty much daily about a year and a half to two years ago. Was this because things get less busy at work? No, not really…
I’d been reading the Page 2 stuff for years, but it wasn’t until a little later that I connected the dots and realized that I’d been reading Paul’s stuff for well longer than that, in the form of his late great BEER FRAME zine, which I’d been reading since the early 90s. I haven’t looked at toothpick dispensers or dental floss containers the same way since!
On a personal and professional level, you couldn’t meet a nicer guy. Congrats, Paul…and keep the hits coming!
Congrats, Paul ….been a fan since your days at The Village Voice.
Phil, you obviously put a TON of work into your posts. Much appreciated.
[quote comment=”391975″]anyone friday ruppin?
link today[/quote]
I had stirrups on yesterday. Posted it in the comments, but no one saw them. :(
Like a few of you have mentioned, I can’t remember exactly how I found this blog – whether the blog let me to the ESPN column or vice versa, but it’s one of the few blogs that I try to read every day. Because of this blog, I get to be the person at the Super Bowl party who explains the green dot to everybody else.
When I was a kid in the late 60s / early 70s, I was the only girl I knew who paid attention to sports. I made my dad adorn our yellow station wagon with a bumper sticker that said, “I root for Washington and I like Sonny.” (I’d kill for one of those now). Hand-drawn pictures of NFL helmets replaced wall stickers of Disney characters in my bedroom – my dad drew helmet templates and I filled in the details. I had NBA stickers on my notebook and collected Slurpee cups with MLB players.
All of this is to say that I feel like I’ve had the Uni Watch mindset all my life. Although I don’t have any of those old treasures, reading Uni Watch always reminds me of how hard it was to get the details right on Pat Patriot or on Houston’s oil rig…and how my dad would draw another blank helmet for me if I got it wrong.
Thanks to Paul for a fun and informative blog, and thanks to Phil for filling in this week, and thanks to the Uni Watch community for reminding me on a daily basis that I’m not the only one who looks at sports this way.
I found UW a little late. I think it’s been 3 years or so since I started to post. i think my first post dealt with trying to help pinpoint a Redskins ’50’s jersey and what year it was worn.
I don’t make many comments, other than to try and help out with historical issues, in particular with pro football and hockey uni issues. I don’t really offer opinions on what is/was worn. Unis are what they are. We take it from there.
I am incredibly grateful that the Paul has my “NFL White at Home” as a resource. I hope it is helpful to all who are interested. I am also grateful to both Paul and you contributors for keeping in touch to make sure that white at home stays accurate. I am grateful to Phil for his help in a few of the weekend goodies that have featured here. Ricko has been tremendously helpful with the most minute details on football unis, teebz (I STILL owe you an article!) for his hockey genius, tom farley, LarryB, Kekster (for the Pittsburgh stuff). And others that been helpful along the way.
I love it that there are others just like me whose passion is sports unis of all sorts. And thanks to Paul for bringing it all together and Phil for his weekend offerings.
You’re all great!!
Phil said: “Can’t teams, just for ONE DAY, go with a period appropriate look… instead of pajamas? Don’t want to suck the fun out of the throwbacks, but really, is that too much to ask?”
No it’s not Phil, and it’s a disgrace the way they look. I loved ALL of the Padres brown/gold variations back in the day. Those throwbacks look sweet…. from the KNEES UP!!!
A pox on these pajamas…
[quote comment=”392024″][quote comment=”391975″]anyone friday ruppin?
link today[/quote]
I had stirrups on yesterday. Posted it in the comments, but no one saw them. :([/quote]
[quote comment=”392024″][quote comment=”391975″]anyone friday ruppin?
link today[/quote]
I had stirrups on yesterday. Posted it in the comments, but no one saw them. :([/quote]
Oh, yeah…
(We’re supposed to keep the little hologram stickers on there, right?)
Oops. Sorry about the double quote.
[quote comment=”392008″]I hate link.
Cryblack? Seriously? You’re a baseball player, not a clown.[/quote]
Maybe trying to bring back the Ultimate Warrior?
I’ve been reading since the pre-blog Page 2 days — it’s great to see people noticing the same stuff that you do, and particularly seeing people who are bothered by the same stuff that you are! (For me, it’s when numbers are positioned too low on the backs of jerseys. That’s my one big issue.)
And I too think Phil Primato should call his wall Shea!
Chargers vs Seahawks. 1977. Age 5. It was on like Donkey Kong. Been designing and drawing uniforms ever since.
I discovered Uniwatch in 2002, through SSUR. When I first read Paul’s work, I was pissed. I thought that I was really something special. I thought I was alone, and I liked it that way. Although pissed, I simply could not resist.
Meeting Paul Lukas in the summer of 2007 was a real treat. I brought my drawings, and Paul had a field day.
Within a few weeks, Paul had sent me a kick ass book (“Blackstock’s Collection”), and featured me on the site.
Despite the beliefs of some people, I do not have a “man crush” on Paul Lukas. However, he is a rad guy with the best internet site in the world.
First, congrats.
Second, Hokies donning their Tequila
SunrisePukes against purple clad Clemson in the ACC Baseball Tourney atFenway ParkGreensboro today.I first read Uni Watch in the Village Voice, and I could not believe there was someone who thought like me! I was hooked from the start!
I forget how I heard about UW. Maybe from somebody talking about the ESPN column.
I love this column and all the fun and interesting information on it. Being a fan of old sports photos, I had saved many old pictures so I contributed some.
Great work by Phil and Paul and all of the contributors who make this such a great site.
Speaking of those Padre unis, here’s a largely forgotten TV movie that might get more attention for a few days…
[quote comment=”392036″]Speaking of those Padre unis, here’s a largely forgotten TV movie that might get more attention for a few days…
I saw that when I was a kid. Besides the unis, the only other thing I remember was thinking, what are the odds of Gary Coleman and Jerry Coleman in the same movie?
Speaking of the brown and yellow, I know a lot of people automatically think of two bodily functions, but does anyone think that when they see a UPS truck?
I tell you, when those trucks are all shiny (I heard they’re real sticklers about keeping them clean), they look classy, not crappy. Same thing when I saw the old Padres, especially the Taco Bell version:
When someone who wore those had a particularly shiny helmet, my first thought was that of a UPS truck.
RIP, Gary.
[quote comment=”392025″]Like a few of you have mentioned, I can’t remember exactly how I found this blog – whether the blog let me to the ESPN column or vice versa, but it’s one of the few blogs that I try to read every day. Because of this blog, I get to be the person at the Super Bowl party who explains the green dot to everybody else.
When I was a kid in the late 60s / early 70s, I was the only girl I knew who paid attention to sports. I made my dad adorn our yellow station wagon with a bumper sticker that said, “I root for Washington and I like Sonny.” (I’d kill for one of those now). Hand-drawn pictures of NFL helmets replaced wall stickers of Disney characters in my bedroom – my dad drew helmet templates and I filled in the details. I had NBA stickers on my notebook and collected Slurpee cups with MLB players.
All of this is to say that I feel like I’ve had the Uni Watch mindset all my life. Although I don’t have any of those old treasures, reading Uni Watch always reminds me of how hard it was to get the details right on Pat Patriot or on Houston’s oil rig…and how my dad would draw another blank helmet for me if I got it wrong.
Thanks to Paul for a fun and informative blog, and thanks to Phil for filling in this week, and thanks to the Uni Watch community for reminding me on a daily basis that I’m not the only one who looks at sports this way.[/quote]
Wish you still had those drawings. Those would be a welcome sight to those of us who have great memories of doing something similar.
Hope you find that “one more bumpersticker.” :)
5pm on the east coast.
For those of you who were asking, like Mike from Benchies, “Are we there yet?” You’ve made it to the holiday weekend.
Hope everyone has safe and memorable time. Say a big thanks to the soldiers who sacrificed everything for us, salute a living soldier, then have a little fun.
[quote comment=”392005″][quote comment=”391986″]You can blame the Seahawks’ green alternate jerseys for bringing me to Uni Watch. A friend of mine who loves the Seahawks (but not the green alts) forwarded me your April Fools article. Been here ever since.
Hey, y’all brought it on yourselves; now you’re stuck with me…and my green jersey. ;)
Thanks, congratulations and many more years![/quote]
That joke was well worth it simply knowing a guy like you is a part of our community because of it.[/quote]
Thanks, not just for the comment, but for all the memories your Illustrated NFL site have brought back for me. Great stuff!
For your sake, I hope Seattle goes back to the original unis…with a green alt, of course.
Winter Classic 2011 – Penguins vs Capitals at Heinz.
The Columbus Blue Jackets have been mentioned as a great example of a stylish, modern hockey uniform. I wonder, however, if that look could be improved by substituting the red accents for old gold (like on real Union Army uniforms) and switching the breezers to navy.
I found Uni Watch in the Village Voice while Googling for information on the first NFL alternate jerseys. I was shocked to see that a column about uniforms was actually in print. I would check the Voice site occasionally for new columns, followed Paul to Slate and ESPN, got the same E-mail that Jimbo did, and have been reading this blog since the beginning. (I know it’s bad when I appreciate getting back the hour on days when there’s no post or comments.)
I can’t stress enough how great it was that when I first saw the green dots in the Hall of Fame Game, I knew that someone was asking what they were on here, and that we’d have an answer by the next day. Thanks, everyone.
[quote comment=”392037″][quote comment=”392036″]Speaking of those Padre unis, here’s a largely forgotten TV movie that might get more attention for a few days…
I saw that when I was a kid. Besides the unis, the only other thing I remember was thinking, what are the odds of Gary Coleman and Jerry Coleman in the same movie?
Speaking of the brown and yellow, I know a lot of people automatically think of two bodily functions, but does anyone think that when they see a UPS truck?
I tell you, when those trucks are all shiny (I heard they’re real sticklers about keeping them clean), they look classy, not crappy. Same thing when I saw the old Padres, especially the Taco Bell version:
When someone who wore those had a particularly shiny helmet, my first thought was that of a UPS truck.
RIP, Gary.[/quote]
I’m not going to lie, I like brown and gold together. I think it makes for a good combination, as the gold keeps the brown palatable.
For me, it started when I was about five or six years-old. My Dad had just bought an Original Playstation for Christmas 1996, and the first game he bought for it was Madden NFL 1997. I was scrolling through the teams one day, and stumbled upon the dynasty section with all the old teams like the ’72 Dolphins, the ’66 Packers, etc. I’m looking at all the old logos, the two-bar facemasks, seeing Brownie Elf the first time, and I’m just astounded by all this. I’ve been hooked on uniforms ever since. Fast forward to the summer of 2008, I saw about 5-8 seconds of the White Sox (American Giants), playing the Tigers (Detroit Stars) and saw Chicago’s Negro League throwbacks, and just had to find out more about them. I google the uniforms the next day, and found what I was looking for.
Not every expression of Blackhawks pride link.
Uniform number changes for the Detroit Tigers.
#Tigers catcher Gerald Laird has changed his jersey number from 8 to 12, for those who notice that. Lloyd McClendon will wear 19.
Also from the Tigers tonight
@MLB: 1st 10,000 fans inside Comerica Park tonight receive 1935 World Champions 75th Anniversary Vintage #Tigers Cap link
[quote comment=”392048″]For me, it started when I was about five or six years-old. My Dad had just bought an Original Playstation for Christmas 1996, and the first game he bought for it was Madden NFL 1997. I was scrolling through the teams one day, and stumbled upon the dynasty section with all the old teams like the ’72 Dolphins, the ’66 Packers, etc. I’m looking at all the old logos, the two-bar facemasks, seeing Brownie Elf the first time, and I’m just astounded by all this. I’ve been hooked on uniforms ever since. Fast forward to the summer of 2008, I saw about 5-8 seconds of the White Sox (American Giants), playing the Tigers (Detroit Stars) and saw Chicago’s Negro League throwbacks, and just had to find out more about them. I google the uniforms the next day, and found what I was looking for.[/quote]
My mistake. I hit the publish button too soon. Anyway, after I had found what I was looking for, I stumbled on an article about white caps in the MLB, and that’s how I discovered Uni Watch. The rest is history. I don’t know how many Uni Watchers there are under the age of 25 (I’m 19), but no matter what your age, we all share the same passion for Athletics Asthetics.
[quote comment=”392049″]Not every expression of Blackhawks pride link.[/quote]
Ha! I just e-mailed another story about that to Phil.
It’s absolutely unconscionable, I tell ya. I demand the firing of the person responsible for pairing that red jersey with the white helmet.
Excellent Kryptonian fashion article here.
Author goes into depth on different artist re-imagining the native garb of Krypton.
Hey Ry Co, wasn’t meaning to send bad vibes on my post. Just a bummer it’s not updated like it could be. I did email the HOF last year on it and never heard back. So I did give it a shot. Oh well…
Also, regarding ECU, it’s nice to finally come across a Women’s Softball team that knows how to wear stirrups.
I was watching the Mets game last night. After leaving the dugout after beating the Phillies they showed the player walking toward the locker rooms I assume. Each player took their hat off and threw in what looked like a large trunk. I hope this is not a stupid question but why would they do that? Is it to clean them? Or was it because they were heading on the road after a home-stand? Anybody have an idea? Thanks
[quote comment=”392044″]The Columbus Blue Jackets have been mentioned as a great example of a stylish, modern hockey uniform. I wonder, however, if that look could be improved by substituting the red accents for old gold (like on real Union Army uniforms) and switching the breezers to navy.[/quote]
No offense intended towards the Blue Jackets organization or fans, but for those of us outside Ohio, the logo is difficult to visualize. The background is a big star, but the Stars and Capitals already use stars. The nickname Blue Jackets just isn’t the easiest name to remember for a newer franchise. The Minnesota Wild kind of fit into this category as well. I remember when the Sharks came into the league, and they were easily identifiable with that logo. If Kansas City ever gets an NHL franchise again, the Blades would be a fitting nickname. If Las Vegas, let’s call them the Blackjacks.
I’ve been reading since getting hooked in from ESPN’s Page 2. I can’t remember what the first article was that drew me in, but as someone who grew up drawing hockey goalies and sports logos on my notebooks, this was heaven (and still is)
[quote comment=”392056″]I was watching the Mets game last night. After leaving the dugout after beating the Phillies they showed the player walking toward the locker rooms I assume. Each player took their hat off and threw in what looked like a large trunk. I hope this is not a stupid question but why would they do that? Is it to clean them? Or was it because they were heading on the road after a home-stand? Anybody have an idea? Thanks[/quote]
not a stupid question at all
couple of us noticed that and commented on it last evening — the “simple” answer is yes, they were going in the equipment trunk to be put on the plane to milwaukee
as to WHY they did that — well, the mets wore their official road caps last evening…had they been wearing the home blue caps, those would simply have been returned to the lockers…why they insist on wearing the black & blue caps (at all, but especially at home) is still unsolved
I found Uniwatch through the espn articles, I think. I really appreciate Paul’s writing: the tone, intelligence and sense of humor and awareness that yes, we’re obsessed by this stuff, but it’s all just fun. That’s reflected, generally, by the commenters, too.
Phil’s thoughtful weekend contributions are like icing on the cake. A real treat.
Sports were part of my upbringing (late ’60’s, early ’70’s), but the obsession with uniforms and logos was all mine. …My imagination was fueled by sports cards depicting those interesting logos and uniforms and the variety of names and cities and faces and expressions and poses. Art and anthropology and athleticism…it was all so rich.
Don’t know if you guys solved the Dontrelle Willis Duquesne shirt thing yet but they just discussed on the Fox Sports Detroit telecast. Apparently the coach of the Duquesne baseball program is the father of one of Willis’ teammates in the Florida system and they got together during a road trip or something.
[quote comment=”392028″][quote comment=”392024″][quote comment=”391975″]anyone friday ruppin?
link today[/quote]
I had stirrups on yesterday. Posted it in the comments, but no one saw them. :([/quote]
[quote comment=”392024″][quote comment=”391975″]anyone friday ruppin?
link today[/quote]
I had stirrups on yesterday. Posted it in the comments, but no one saw them. :([/quote]
Oh, yeah…
(We’re supposed to keep the little hologram stickers on there, right?)[/quote]
It was about this time last year when I raved about that movie to the nth degree. I can’t wait for mine to come in. When are those coming, Robertmarshall?
I first saw Uni-Watch on Slate.com and followed it to ESPN Page 2. Couldn’t get enough of it and was thrilled when the blog started up. Great community, great place to indulge our interests in everything athletic-aesthetic.
[quote comment=”392064″][quote comment=”392028″]Oh, yeah…
(We’re supposed to keep the little hologram stickers on there, right?)[/quote]
It was about this time last year when I raved about that movie to the nth degree. I can’t wait for mine to come in. When are those coming, Robertmarshall?[/quote]
I remember that discussion…and I still haven’t seen it. Someday.
[quote comment=”392053″]Excellent Kryptonian fashion article here.
Author goes into depth on different artist re-imagining the native garb of Krypton.[/quote]
That was super (pun intended). I’d seen about half of those styles – really interesting to see all the tweaks over the years.
[quote comment=”392064″][quote comment=”392028″][quote comment=”392024″][quote comment=”391975″]anyone friday ruppin?
link today[/quote]
I had stirrups on yesterday. Posted it in the comments, but no one saw them. :([/quote]
[quote comment=”392024″][quote comment=”391975″]anyone friday ruppin?
link today[/quote]
I had stirrups on yesterday. Posted it in the comments, but no one saw them. :([/quote]
Oh, yeah…
(We’re supposed to keep the little hologram stickers on there, right?)[/quote]
It was about this time last year when I raved about that movie to the nth degree. I can’t wait for mine to come in. When are those coming, Robertmarshall?[/quote]
You seen this?
Watching the Braves game, and saw Bobby Cox With a red undershirt. Seeing as I don’t want to muff up the home set, how would this look on the road? Especially given the fact that they wear those all-navy caps on the road.
Was looking on lids.com and saw this as listed for a Florida Marlins hat:
That is definitely an M instead of an F! IS this their new cap logo!? i thought they were supposed to change colors from teal and black to a slightly different color?
Can anyone confirm or comment on this?
[quote comment=”392070″]Was looking on lids.com and saw this as listed for a Florida Marlins hat:
That is definitely an M instead of an F! IS this their new cap logo!? i thought they were supposed to change colors from teal and black to a slightly different color?
Can anyone confirm or comment on this?[/quote]
Doubt that’s the new logo,if it was going to be released on a cap, New Era would have first dibs. Also, I don’t think the Fish are showing off the rebrand until the 2012 season, because of new stadium deal.
[quote comment=”392068″]
You seen this?
Not perfect, but a decent facsimile.
Much better than link or link.
As for the latest stirrup order, I know that the High Minister of the Right Proper Aesthetic got them all packed up and ready for shipping but I’m pretty sure he didn’t have a chance to get to the post office before he had to head out of town yesterday morning.
I’m sure that once he’s back, they’ll be mailed out posthaste.
[quote comment=”392071″][quote comment=”392070″]Was looking on lids.com and saw this as listed for a Florida Marlins hat:
That is definitely an M instead of an F! IS this their new cap logo!? i thought they were supposed to change colors from teal and black to a slightly different color?
Can anyone confirm or comment on this?[/quote]
Doubt that’s the new logo,if it was going to be released on a cap, New Era would have first dibs. Also, I don’t think the Fish are showing off the rebrand until the 2012 season, because of new stadium deal.[/quote]
Yes, in another time, the logo on that advertised hat would have been the new design. Just substituting the M for the F seems logical, but we’ll see a more dramatic change for rebranding/merchandise sales purposes. The Florida Marlins inexplicably reduced the teal early in their uniform history, so I don’t expect it to make a comeback.
The first time I heard of Paul was on a sports radio station in San Diego and he was being interviewed by a guy named Chris Ello. Paul went into a little detail about his articles at espn and at some point mentioned the swinging friar logo as a classic logo. Anyone who had something complimentary to say about the logo seemed pretty smart to me so I looked him up. I caught up with all of his previous articles and was immediately hooked.
One problem though, I never took time to read the writing in italics at the bottom that mentioned the blog. So I would wait and wait for a new article on Page 2 wondering why the hell this writer wrote so rarely. So it was awesome to finally see this blog a couple of years ago, and I thank Paul and all of the regular posters for making this blog something I HAVE to read every day.
[quote comment=”392070″]Was looking on lids.com and saw this as listed for a Florida Marlins hat:
That is definitely an M instead of an F! IS this their new cap logo!? i thought they were supposed to change colors from teal and black to a slightly different color?
Can anyone confirm or comment on this?[/quote]
i think that’s their new cap for 2012…better get a screen grab before they yank it
And Phil, you have done a damn fine job this week. I look forward to what you have for the weekend, and I’m glad you’ll finally get some sleep next week.
East Finals Magic Celtics good (uni’s). West/ Lakers good Suns meh.
Gm 1 Sat. night Blackhawks Flyers good, as long as neither team will sport their blacks. Love Phillys’ patchy looking name plates.
[quote comment=”392077″]East Finals Magic Celtics good (uni’s). West/ Lakers good Suns meh.
Gm 1 Sat. night Blackhawks Flyers good, as long as neither team will sport their blacks. Love Phillys’ patchy looking name plates.[/quote]
i don’t think the flyers wear their black alt anymore, do they?
and as far as the hawks…you wouldn’t want to see this?
wouldn’t mind seeing the winter classic at all…can they even wear that, or would they need “permission” from the nhl?
[quote comment=”392070″]Was looking on lids.com and saw this as listed for a Florida Marlins hat:
That is definitely an M instead of an F! IS this their new cap logo!? i thought they were supposed to change colors from teal and black to a slightly different color?
Can anyone confirm or comment on this?[/quote]
Didn’t the Marlins already wear an “M” on one of their spring training/ batting practice caps a few seasons back?
[quote comment=”392078″][quote comment=”392077″]East Finals Magic Celtics good (uni’s). West/ Lakers good Suns meh.
Gm 1 Sat. night Blackhawks Flyers good, as long as neither team will sport their blacks. Love Phillys’ patchy looking name plates.[/quote]
i don’t think the flyers wear their black alt anymore, do they?
and as far as the hawks…you wouldn’t link?
wouldn’t mind seeing the link at all…can they even wear that, or would they need “permission” from the nhl?[/quote]
Neither team would be allowed to wear their alternates as they have not cleared it with the NHL before the playoffs began. Only the Los Angeles Kings did, which is why they wore their alts at home.
How did Teebz find UW?
I was reading a Page 2 article, and noticed the link at the bottom to a blog. Clicking it opened me to a world that I thought would have never existed.
Being that I have a slight passion for hockey, I began to comment on hockey stuff since there weren’t many who did (or cared to). Come to think of it, there still aren’t many who do or care to. LOL
Needless to say, I am proud to part of this community, and I really want to thank Paul and his roster of bench bosses over the years for their tireless work. It makes every day a great read.
For those who comment, you guys keep up the good work too. I find myself laughing at comments more and more as this community grows closer.
Thanks everyone!
[quote comment=”392080″][quote comment=”392078″][quote comment=”392077″]East Finals Magic Celtics good (uni’s). West/ Lakers good Suns meh.
Gm 1 Sat. night Blackhawks Flyers good, as long as neither team will sport their blacks. Love Phillys’ patchy looking name plates.[/quote]
i don’t think the flyers wear their black alt anymore, do they?
and as far as the hawks…you wouldn’t link?
wouldn’t mind seeing the link at all…can they even wear that, or would they need “permission” from the nhl?[/quote]
Neither team would be allowed to wear their alternates as they have not cleared it with the NHL before the playoffs began. Only the Los Angeles Kings did, which is why they wore their alts at home.[/quote]
I think it would take an act of God at this point for the Hawks to even think about wearing anything but the red sweaters at home and white on the road.
That being said, I definitely could handle seeing link once more… ONCE.
[quote comment=”392082″]
That being said, I definitely could handle seeing link once more… ONCE.[/quote]
I’m not against it either, but the marketing people at the NHL want to be sure they have the right players wearing the right jerseys.
If Chicago ever changes its alternate jersey, it better be something historical. Otherwise, this is the best they’ll ever have.
[quote comment=”392079″][quote comment=”392070″]Was looking on lids.com and saw this as listed for a Florida Marlins hat:
That is definitely an M instead of an F! IS this their new cap logo!? i thought they were supposed to change colors from teal and black to a slightly different color?
Can anyone confirm or comment on this?[/quote]
Didn’t the Marlins already wear an “M” on one of their spring training/ batting practice caps a few seasons back?[/quote]
Yes, they did have a black M hat for batting practice for a short time. I can’t find a picture though.
I am really dreading the upcoming name/color/design change for the Marlins. There’s really no need, in my opinion. I love the current name, colors, design.
[quote comment=”392083″][quote comment=”392082″]
That being said, I definitely could handle seeing link once more… ONCE.[/quote]
I’m not against it either, but the marketing people at the NHL want to be sure they have the right players wearing the right jerseys.
If Chicago ever changes its alternate jersey, it better be something historical. Otherwise, this is the best they’ll ever have.[/quote]
I meant I could handle seeing it once more this season. I’m not suggesting that they should dump that as their alt. I’m actually quite fond of it and I hope they stick with it.
[quote comment=”392083″][quote comment=”392082″]
That being said, I definitely could handle seeing link once more… ONCE.[/quote]
I’m not against it either, but the marketing people at the NHL want to be sure they have the right players wearing the right jerseys.
If Chicago ever changes its alternate jersey, it better be something historical. Otherwise, this is the best they’ll ever have.[/quote]
isn’t that BFBS teebz?
The day I became a UniWatcher was the day I mandated that all players on my son’s little league team that I managed all wear the same style pants. I was becoming increasingly frustrated by kids on some teams that refused to wear the league issued gray pants and insisted on wearing their own white pinstriped pants from their select teams. So before the season I sent out my own uniform rules for the team that mandated that they wear the gray pants and blue socks (we were the Braves). We were the only team in the league that had all players in the same uniform. Was it a coinscidence that we went undefeated that year? Ever since then, I’ve been obsessed with uniforms and my life has purpose! Thanks to all for letting me know there are others out there that share my passion!
[quote comment=”392086″][quote comment=”392083″][quote comment=”392082″]
That being said, I definitely could handle seeing link once more… ONCE.[/quote]
I’m not against it either, but the marketing people at the NHL want to be sure they have the right players wearing the right jerseys.
If Chicago ever changes its alternate jersey, it better be something historical. Otherwise, this is the best they’ll ever have.[/quote]
isn’t that BFBS teebz?[/quote]
Nope. The previous jersey was. Do we need to open this wound again? LOL
Two winter classics?
[quote comment=”392066″][quote comment=”392064″][quote comment=”392028″]Oh, yeah…
(We’re supposed to keep the little hologram stickers on there, right?)[/quote]
It was about this time last year when I raved about that movie to the nth degree. I can’t wait for mine to come in. When are those coming, Robertmarshall?[/quote]
I remember that discussion…and I still haven’t seen it. Someday.[/quote]
Don’t get me started.
[quote comment=”392089″]Two winter classics?
Yeah, I think I read about that link.
[quote comment=”392091″][quote comment=”392089″]Two winter classics?
Yeah, I think I read about that link.[/quote]
is any network (that us yanks can get) even gonna bother broadcasting the second game?
because i have absolutely ZERO interest in the 1/1/11 game
[quote comment=”392072″][quote comment=”392068″]
You seen this?
Not perfect, but a decent facsimile.
Much better than link or link.
As for the latest stirrup order, I know that the High Minister of the Right Proper Aesthetic got them all packed up and ready for shipping but I’m pretty sure he didn’t have a chance to get to the post office before he had to head out of town yesterday morning.
I’m sure that once he’s back, they’ll be mailed out posthaste.[/quote]
Good to know. After seeing you wearing them, I thought someone might have ganked mine off of my porch. I bet homeboy is on cloud nine moving his gal back home.
Friday Missive –
– UW was found in this household just like everyone else. Has been a daily must for several years now. Incredible find.
– My shining UW moment? Glad you asked. Waking up, flipping it on, and finding something I sent to Paul just happened to be the main article of the day! That Browns sweater doesn’t get nearly enough use.
– Just watched Eight Men Out with the kids. Of course I wore my black White Sox stirrups.
– Phil, I too am bothered by inaccurate historic alts, but not so much in how they wear them (pajama style). It does bother me, but wouldn’t it be a little awkward to suddenly go to tight short pants for one game? That might effect the actual play of the player, a shock to the system. Maybe? Just a thought.
– It’s sad how overdone the NBA is on ESPN. Since the TV contracts changed, hockey gets about 60 seconds of Barry Melrose and the NBA gets the rest of the hour. Sorry, but never have I felt more disconnected from a major sports league than right now. For many reasons. How long till someone sports a full facial tatoo on the court?
– Hey look, Lockup just came on CNBC. Reminds me of the friggin Olympics.
– Another establishment disagreement I have, I don’t mind the powder alts with white pants. Just because they match a road color of the past, doesn’t mean they have to be paired with powder pants today. I still think alts are rather superfluous but the powder blues look better than most. Powder hats? Yuuuuuk.
– Gooood looking NHL finals getting ready to start. Too bad it’s TV contract sucks so bad.
– Hahahahahahaha! That’s for KU and their ticket office.
– Watched some of the Cards Padres game last night. There was at least one player on SD that was going high cuffed. He either had a brown stripe on his sanis on both sides or had veeerrrry long stirrups on. No top showing at all.
– While I’m not a usual “during the day” poster, I try to catch up in the evenings when time is spared. This Friday thing seems to be working as a good way to get things off my chest. Check back late on Fridays. I’ll try to keep it up.
– I’m the first to rail on soccer. However, I’m kinda looking forward to this FIFA thing I’m hearing about. I think I like watching the fans more than the game though. They always look like they are having a blast!
– Ricko, only two years? Really? I expected more out of you. :) This place wouldn’t be the same without out!
– Phil. PHIL! Go to bed. You deserve it big guy.
[quote comment=”392094″]- Phil. PHIL! Go to bed. You deserve it big guy.[/quote]
sleep is overrated
[quote comment=”392095″][quote comment=”392094″]- Phil. PHIL! Go to bed. You deserve it big guy.[/quote]
sleep is overrated[/quote]
I hear that it’s the cousin of death.
I’ll be at McMahon for the Heritage Classic one way or another.
No real opportunity for throwback uniforms – Calgary has already added their only historic uniform as an alt, and I think Montreal is done with throwbacks for a while.
Rumour is they’re going to add another 10,000 endzone temporary seats like they did for the Grey Cup. All the seats are going to suck (remember the CFL field is huge) but its going to be fun.
Congrats to UW’s Paul & Phil on the Anniversary!
I too discovered UW in the Village Voice. Bought it in N.O. to follow NYC politics, and loved the on-again, off-again VV Sports Section. When UW premiered, it was the equivilent of having that first durene game jersey issued to you at the start of a youth football season.
Thanks for being here!