By Phil Hecken & James Huening
Back with my wingman, and UW pollster, James Huening again today, to bring you our nine finalists in the “Worst. Uni. Ever.” poll. You selected the nominees, and you voted (oh, boy did you vote), and now we’ve narrowed it down to the nine worst. One last round of voting will decide the winner of perhaps the most inauspicious title in all uniformity: Worst Ever.
Not much else for me to say, so I’ll turn it over to James who’ll take you through the final piece of the process. Here’s James:
Last weekend, we presented our candidates for worst uniform in the history of ever (or at least in the history of North American team sports). We asked you to vote in a survey to determine the finalists. More than 2,600 responses were received, which means this was our most successful survey to date.
The field has been narrowed down. We’ve got our nine finalists. Now it’s up to you to decide what is the worst (North American) uniform ever.
So without further ado, let’s meet the finalists.
In the Major League Baseball category: the 1978 San Diego Padres.
From the National Basketball Association, the expansion Toronto Raptors.
Representing the National Football League, we have the Seattle Seahawks‘ lime/electric/snot/neon green alternate.
The National Hockey League gave us our only truly close race. Only a handful of votes separated our top vote-getter from the second place finisher. And that top vote-getter is the “Flying V” of the Vancouver Canucks.
The next category is for Short-lived Uniforms. These are the ones that lasted a handful of games at most. It seems fitting that the 1976 Chicago White Sox get that “honor.”
Next, the Minor Leagues. This one wasn’t even close. The Tucson Toros absolutely ran away with this vote. Is it any wonder?
The University of Oregon Ducks and their mix & match “diamondplate“ look are representing the NCAA in our poll.
Our soccer representative is another runaway winner. The Caribous of Colorado got nearly triple the votes that the other two contestants did.
Last up, we have the Orlando Thunder of the WLAF representing the Miscellaneous Pro Football category.
Full results are here, here and here.
Now that you’ve met the contestants, please tell us which is the worst of the worst. There are more pictures in the poll. You can click on them to see the full-size versions.
The poll can be found here. Time to vote!
Awesome work, James. Big round of applause to Mr. Huening for undertaking the monumental task of tallying more than 2,600 votes. But our work here is not quite done. We still need to pick a “winner.” So follow the link provided above and cast your final vote for the “Worst. Uni. Ever.” The future of the world is depending on you We’ll have the results next week. And may the worst uniform win.
OK, I’ve been receiving a LOT of NFL uniform tweaks from you guys (thanks!)…so many that if I don’t start running a few with each post, well…there will be a couple of weekends of JUST uniform tweaks (and we really don’t want that, do we?). I kid, I kid. But many of these are really good, and so, today I will begin to mete out the first buhch I received.
Our first set of tweaks comes from John Mattson, who writes:
Here’s my shot at
Bengals (also here and here), Vikings, Falcons, and Cardinals.It am not a graphic designer and it is done on the simple Paint application on all windows PCs.
Thanks for all your great work. Let me know your thoughts.
Next up is Andrew Greenwood (“Greenie”), who sent me the following just as we were beginning our polling:
In anticipation of the news that the Buffalo Bills were the lowest scoring team in UniWatch’s first ever jersey poll ranking, I’ve come up with this new design. Simply put, the Bills need yellow. There is no yellow in the AFC East, and there are already enough teams that wear red and blue. Since the Rams dumped this color pairing when they switched to the metallic gold, it’s a team identity up for grabs. Also, this color scheme compliments the only other Big 4 team that Buffalo has, the Sabres. Simple helmet logo (someone on UniWatch had the idea to get rid of the red line on the logo, and I believe you did your quick and dirty best to show it), classic NFL helmet striping blue-fat white-blue, two fat shoulder stripes for contrast, and a UNIFORM stripe pattern on all three pants. Two more fat stripes on the sack finishes the look. Can’t wait for the poll results.
(I actually voted the Jags and Cards lowest, but I think the Bills will edge them out. Go Pack!)
Next up is Shaun Tunick, who sent me a few different concepts, in a couple of different e-mails (so this may sound somewhat ‘cut and pastish’). We’ll look his tweaks for the Broncos, Patriots, Falcons and Giants now:
Tweaks for the Broncos and Pats, for the Broncos i took out the weird side to chest stripe/panel, and changed the color scheme back to the royal blue and orange, and then switched the jersey back to orange… i mean they have never had a blue jersey before, so why should they? i also replaced the horn stripe thing on the pants with the striping from the 1977 orange crush uniforms. also, i got rid of the weird helmet stripe. for the patriots, all i really wanted to do was get rid of the really frickin annoying blue side panel on the away jersey, and i ended up taking it off and also the piping from the home jersey. edited the pants stripes a little.
[PH here – Shaun did two Falcons mockups — an original and a revised edition, which he describes below — his first version is here]
i wanted to change the pants piping, i hate how it flares out at the bottom but i just didnt want it to look like complete garbage. i really like the striping that you guys did on the bengals, cant remember what it is called… but i meant to get rid of the piping on the pants. something like what they wore 97-02 would look great too. and on the jerseys the one thing i was thinking about was getting rid of the black, i dont really mind the piping there.
And about the helmets, i just wanted to see what a red mockup of the current helmet would look like, and i just threw the mid 80s helmet in there for kicks because that is IMO the best set theyve had… the one with the logo resting on the shoulder stripes, something that would never work today.. On the pants, it is silver, something that they started in 78 and then decided to ditch with the new uniforms.
Hey sorry forgot to throw in the giants, i edited the away jersey just a bit… anyway thanks a bunch for checking this out!
Moving on, we have a submission from Ed Westfield, Jr. (“Eddie Atari”), who wanted to fix the Giants. Here’s Ed:
I liked Phil & Ricks’ NFL uni tweaks, and I have another one for the
Giants. I’ve said before that there is not enough blue in the road
kit, so how about… BLUE PANTS?!I’m usually a Giants purist, but I actually like this, especially with
the red/grey/blue stripe in tact. Note: It should ONLY be worn with
white jerseys…
Last up for today is a first batch from Uni Watch’s #1 Broncos fan, a man who simply goes by Denver Gregg. He first sent me a batch, of (surprisingly) Denver Broncos mockups. We’ll look at those today. Here’s Gregg:
Hiya Phil
You do a great job with the weekend site!
I’ve been a Broncos fan as long as I can remember, and there has always been something that’s bothered me about the unis. I remember doing a copper and silver redesign in 1973 (long since mercifully lost). Anyway I decided to do a 2010 re-design, incorporating elements of current and past unis. I’ve kept the elements I like in the current set – especially the number and letter typefaces, the colors and matching the helmet color to the principal jersey color. I know my MS paint skills aren’t that great, so there are a few things that look a bit off (like the hue of the orange). There’s something in this set from each of the five generations of Bronco uniforms.
I did four variations on the socks. Denver2010 is probably a bit too out there. Denver2010a may look too similar to another team’s 75th anniversary throwback attire. I don’t really like Denver2010c, but it’s needed to balance out Denver2010b.
I also took the liberty of changing the helmet logo. The first one I remember is the horse coming through the ‘D’. I thought that was too busy and had the drawback of a horse facing the wrong way on one side of the helmet. When I saw the “amoeba horse” of the 1960s in old pictures, I was horrified – regardless of its eye color. I don’t like all the swooshes on the cyberhorse. So I took the best past element and isolated it. It probably needs work, but the idea could be worth pursuing.
I fully understand if (1) you have other stuff on deck; and (2) this isn’t up to snuff from a craftsmanship standpoint. If you have time to give me feedback, though, that would be great.
That’s gonna do it for today on the NFL tweaks. I’ve got LOTS more in store for you in the coming weeks, so if you sent me something and it’s not in this batch — don’t despair — it’s coming. For anyone else interested in sending in mockups, gimme a shout.

Our man in the street, Jim Vilk (taken at the Kent State/Akron game) brings you his “Top 5” Best and one WORST college football uni matchup from yesterday:
5. Oklahoma/Nebraska: I miss seeing this every Thanksgiving weekend.
4. Furman/Auburn: Tigers are back, and bringing some snazzy Paladins with them.
3. LSU/Alabama: Best conference with another of the best uni-matchups.
2. Washington/UCLA: Even without the Bruins throwing back, this is a Top-Fiver.
1. Duke/UNC: It’s awesome, baby!
And the worst matchup: Navy/Notre Dame: It’s like going to a dance with your twin – it just ain’t right.
And as a special bonus pick, Jim awards “UW Honorable Mention to” Tulsa/Houston: Now Leon’s not the only one seeing red when it comes to Tulsa unis

Guess The Game From The Scoreboard: OK — back to football today. Not sure if you guys like these, but this one may be interesting. You should be able to determine the location and the teams with ease. So it’s just a date and a final score that’s needed. Ready? Guess The Game From The Scoreboard. Place a link to the answer from pro football reference. And if you want to keep this going through the fall, please send me some new scoreboards! Drop me a line and help a fella out, k? Thanks!

UW #1 Seahawks Fan Michael Princip has been tracking the Oregon Ducks and all of their 2,456 possible uniform combinations this season. He’ll be updating it after each game. Unfortunately, the Ducks winning streak came to a screaching halt yesterday, as they were upset down in Palo Alto by the Cardinal. In their second loss of the season (a possible derailment of their bullet train to the Rose Bowl), one stark fact emerges: White unis=bad. Might be safe to say this is the last time they’ll be outfitted in both white pants and jerseys in 2009. Here’s Your Updated Ducktracker.

You knew the Boys of Benchies liked football and baseball, but today we find they also have an affinity for a non-major sport. They’re up to their usual hilarity and hijinx when one of the Original Six makes an appearance in their hometown. That Mick…he kills me. On that note, Enjoy Your Benchies for today.
Couple last things: Pacific Rim Correspondent Jeremy Brahm reports that even Japan is doing the Olde Tyme Baseball thing — check out that catchers’ mask! … Yesterday, both Oregon/Stanford and USC/ASU featured games where the officials were wearing one blue sleeve (sorry, no screen grabs) — it could best be described as a “long” blue sleeve worn on the right arm, underneath their regular official’s jersey (sort of like Jacoby Ellsbury in reverse). Anyone know what was up with that? … No Legacy Games today in the NFL, but we can all look forward to the Buccaneers busting out Bucco Bruce and the creamsicles in the Battle of the Bays (and that’s the early FOX game).
That’ll do it for today. Everyone have a great Sunday, and don’t forget to cast your vote for the WORST UNIFORM EVER.
Poor neon green. Such a hated color apparently. What did it ever do to us? Why do we hate it so much as to allow 2 teams using it to end up in the finals?
We should be ashamed of ourselves.
Aw, c’mon people- those padres unis are awesome! And how on earth did the V win the worst uni over wildwing in the NHL?
Actually, I can see that one as it was a regular uni for years, not just an alt. Gives it an edge in a tie, I suppose.
As for worst of all time, I give it to the Sox. Caribou (By the way, Caribou is it’s own plural- caribous is erroneous. Blame the team, it’s a minor mistake compared to the fringe) is a close second. Those are horrendous, but I would prefer to take a uni from a major sports league.
And I won’t go into the Seahawks unis. Suffice to say I stand by my previous rants on complaints about how colors in pro sports have gotten darker and less interesting while the same people criticize teams that actually do bright and interesting.
Caribou! Fringe FTW(L?)!
I’ll bet they looked just faaabulous on the pitch.
I love those Padres’ ‘taco’ jerseys. They’re definitely in the ‘so bad they’re good’ category instead of just being bad, along with the White Sox’ ‘beach towel,’ Astros’ ‘tequila sunrise,’ and Indians’ all-reds.
“Suffice to say I stand by my previous rants on complaints about how colors in pro sports have gotten darker and less interesting while the same people criticize teams that actually do bright and interesting.”
Ditto. Absolutely.
Again Friday I stood in front of a wall of NFL baseball hats at MOA, and the Seahawks’ lime green is no brighter (on the light-to-dark scale) than hats in athletic gold or Broncos-Browns-Bengals orange.
Definitely hard to believe the Seahawks’ neon placed higher in a poll of worst NFL uni designs than the Bills, which appear actually to have no design theme whatsoever (unless “bucket of fabric scraps” is a design theme).
And, not to (cough-cough) quibble, but hasn’t the Seahawks lime been worn only once to date? Shouldn’t it maybe be in, oh, say, another category?
This is looking to be as much about “colors we hate” as it is “worst uni designs.” Or, “I’d better rip neon green so I can be with the majority.”
Another thing, the White Sox wore the collared, tails-out, stirrupless unis for six full seasons, wearing the shorts for four games at most during that time. Let’s see, that’s makes the highest possible pants-to-shorts tally 958 games to 4 (as a ratio, 239 to 1)…yet somehow the shorts define the uniform, and are the basis for how it’s judged. How does that work? At least we have the shorts in the, um, “short”-lived category where they belong.
[quote comment=”358983″]http://twitpic.com/ojfgk
Apparently, Oklahoma is one of these 10 teams…[/quote]
So what graphic do they put on the pants? A Conestoga wagon?
Should probably say, that was a reprint from yesterday’s late comments.
With apologies to the dark and/or shiny pants haters, I really like link. And I think it would look really good with a shiny fabric because of the glittery helmet.
[quote comment=”358988″]how on earth did the V win the worst uni over wildwing in the NHL?
I think Burger King and Wild Wing kind of split the votes. If only one of those two had been nominated, I think the V would have finished a distant second.
I was tempted to push Phil for a one-day “runoff” poll between the Kings and the Canucks because link.
[quote comment=”358994″]With apologies to the dark and/or shiny pants haters, I really like link. And I think it would look really good with a shiny fabric because of the glittery helmet.[/quote]
I’d change the stripe pattern a bit, but yes. The Giants look good in blue pants. Plus it would make the stupid red numbers look less stupid. I really wish they’d have stayed with the 2000 version of the white jersey. At least that had a blue online on the numbers.
Just picked up the “Greatest Jerseys” issue of The Hockey News — a worthy followup to last year’s goalie mask issue — in which one Paul Lukas allies with THN writer Ken Campbell on the proper use of “sweater” regarding hockey gear. (Did Lukas request placement of his appearance just before the Cooperall article?) Good stuff throughout.
I was messin around on the Nike Combat site and saw that this was added:
Make sure to click on either the video or sound link (both are the same, just visuals with the video). Pretty funny stuff…
Also, this look at the “Ohio State bows down to Nike” uniform:
[quote comment=”358990″]
And, not to (cough-cough) quibble, but hasn’t the Seahawks lime been worn only once to date? Shouldn’t it maybe be in, oh, say, another category?[/quote]
I considered that. But to my knowledge, there has been no word about those jerseys being of the “one-and-done” variety. They’re intended to be permanent alts, no?
I suppose time will tell.
OK, the TCU version is waaayyyy better:
[quote comment=”359001″]OK, the TCU version is waaayyyy better:
And by “better” I mean “funnier”
[quote comment=”359001″]OK, the TCU version is waaayyyy better:
Oh, and did I mention the blood out of the eyes thing?
[quote comment=”359001″]OK, the TCU version is waaayyyy better:
Man, I wish I could shoot blood out of my eyes.
Dark pants with white jerseys (meaning “throw color at it”) isn’t automatically the way to make a uniform better. It isn’t the solution to everything. It’s an easy suggestion, yes, but not necessarily a good one. That Giants thing is far too mindful of the Joe Pisarcik years, hardly the apex of Giants’ history.
That approach certainly hasn’t improved the Browns’ look. Unless, of course, you like NFL looking like a bunch of junior colleges.
And we really need to be clear that there’s a difference between a total redesign and a “tweak”. Removing the pins from the Twins’ road grays is a tweak. Changing the Bills to royal and yellow is not.
If I hired a designer for ideas to “clean up” my team’s current unis and he/she came back with different colors and a completely new look, my first thought would be, “Had a little trouble understanding the assignment, didn’t you. Now, if you’d like to be paid, go back and start over, and stay inside the parameters of the project.”
Bills Blue and Yellow – No
[quote comment=”358996″][quote comment=”358994″]With apologies to the dark and/or shiny pants haters, I really like link. And I think it would look really good with a shiny fabric because of the glittery helmet.[/quote]
I’d change the stripe pattern a bit, but yes. The Giants look good in blue pants. Plus it would make the stupid red numbers look less stupid. I really wish they’d have stayed with the 2000 version of the white jersey. At least that had a blue online on the numbers.[/quote]
The Giants are in “throwback” mode. And it’s accurate, one of the few that is. If they changed things, then someone would complain that they screwed it up.
Can’t win around here.
[quote comment=”359002″][quote comment=”359001″]OK, the TCU version is waaayyyy better:
And by “better” I mean “funnier”[/quote]
I must say “Well done Nike.” That was one of the funnier spots I have seen in a while.
[quote comment=”358990″]”Suffice to say I stand by my previous rants on complaints about how colors in pro sports have gotten darker and less interesting while the same people criticize teams that actually do bright and interesting.”
Ditto. Absolutely.
Again Friday I stood in front of a wall of NFL baseball hats at MOA, and the Seahawks’ lime green is no brighter (on the light-to-dark scale) than hats in athletic gold or Broncos-Browns-Bengals orange.
Definitely hard to believe the Seahawks’ neon placed higher in a poll of worst NFL uni designs than the Bills, which appear actually to have no design theme whatsoever (unless “bucket of fabric scraps” is a design theme).
And, not to (cough-cough) quibble, but hasn’t the Seahawks lime been worn only once to date? Shouldn’t it maybe be in, oh, say, another category?
This is looking to be as much about “colors we hate” as it is “worst uni designs.” Or, “I’d better rip neon green so I can be with the majority.”
Another thing, the White Sox wore the collared, tails-out, stirrupless unis for six full seasons, wearing the shorts for four games at most during that time. Let’s see, that’s makes the highest possible pants-to-shorts tally 958 games to 4 (as a ratio, 239 to 1)…yet somehow the shorts define the uniform, and are the basis for how it’s judged. How does that work? At least we have the shorts in the, um, “short”-lived category where they belong.
I agree with Ricko that the Seahawks snot/neon green should have been in the short lived category. That said, I’m really not going to quibble much, as horrific the Bills current unis are, they probably wouldn’t win this poll. Maybe we can give them a dishonorable mention. They are top 10 bad.
[quote comment=”359003″][quote comment=”359001″]OK, the TCU version is waaayyyy better:
Oh, and did I mention the blood out of the eyes thing?[/quote]
Yeah, that’s kind of an odd choice…
[quote comment=”359007″][quote comment=”358996″][quote comment=”358994″]With apologies to the dark and/or shiny pants haters, I really like link. And I think it would look really good with a shiny fabric because of the glittery helmet.[/quote]
I’d change the stripe pattern a bit, but yes. The Giants look good in blue pants. Plus it would make the stupid red numbers look less stupid. I really wish they’d have stayed with the 2000 version of the white jersey. At least that had a blue online on the numbers.[/quote]
The Giants are in “throwback” mode. And it’s accurate, one of the few that is. If they changed things, then someone would complain that they screwed it up.
Can’t win around here.
That being said, the Giants in white jerseys with no sleeve stripes and red numbers edged in royal (with red socks) WAS a great “vintage-inspired” look.
And sparkly helmets are, generally speaking, dumb. Nice for riding your Huffy, but not so much for playing football at the highest level. We’re supposed to outgrow such nonsense. Aren’t we?
I mean, we hate the Caribou fringe, cuz it does look like an “offical cowboy shirt”. Sparkly helmets, same thing.
I voted for the Tucson Toros.
Holy sh*t, talk about a lack of design theme. Absolute clown suits. What the hell are/were that team’s colors? Can’t really say, because every single color in the Crayola box is! And the sad thing is, if that’s a minor league team, those sets probably cost a lot of money. You’d think less would be less expensive in this case. I KNOW less would have been more.
Most epic FAIL I’ve ever seen in uniform design. “Thanks” for “brightening” my horizons.
[quote comment=”359006″]Bills Blue and Yellow – No[/quote]
What he said.
Also, the first thing to do when tweaking the Patriots jersey is lose the flying Elvis. Period. One of the worst logos of all-time. The side panels would even be paletteable with out him.
Orange Broncos jerseys…meh. I wasn’t a fan before. Not a fan of orange jerseys in general though. Especially as an alternate, see Bears, Chicago. I’ve actually grown to like the current Broncos logo.
To be a viable critic, we have to be able to set aside personal opinions on certain things.
Hating orange or purple or brown or neon green destroys our credibility.
Like the moron who did that “10 worst” NFL unis and included the Chiefs because “I don’t like red uniforms.”
Would you trust a movie critic who said, “Generally not a fan of ‘coming of age’ comedies”? Oh, then how could he/she ever objectively review one? You have to be able to not like a movie and still appreciate that it’s well made.
I once told a client I didn’t give a damn about her personal opinion, but I valued her professional opinion. I explained that she may hate kelly green, but if we’re doing a St. Patrick’s Day ad it just might need some kelly green in it.
Get it?
Quick question. When is Nike doing this ‘Rivalry’ weekend with their uniforms? I think someone on here said it was to happen on November 21st, but I’m not sure that can be the case, or at least not all the uniforms leaked will be worn. The reason I say this is that Virginia Tech plays at home against NC State on the 21st. Hardly a rivalry game, but whats more interesting is that the leaked jersey (its on the side of the Ohio State one… you can see the maroon and orange on the sleeve) is white. We never wear white at home unless its a ‘White-Out’ game, where we hype it up, sell t-shirts, and give all the proceeds to help illiteracy of children in the area. It would make more sense if they did it the weekend after for the Virginia game at Virginia.
However, the little picture I saw from the tOSU leak leads me to believe they’re legit. From what I had heard, they were going to be white jerseys, white helmets, all incorporating some kind of checkerboard pattern. If you look on the sleeve stripes, you can make out the checkerboard fade on the sleeves.
RE: Worst. Uniform. Ever.
A couple of other “my eyes hurt” have to go to the road version of the 1979 Charleston Charlies (imagine Rainbow Guts with lots of neon yellow), the 1989-1990 New Jersey Nets (happy clouds), and the 1980 Tacoma Tigers, which had a ton of features that people hated — thick brown pinstripes, too!
[quote comment=”359012″]I voted for the Tucson Toros.
Holy sh*t, talk about a lack of design theme. Absolute clown suits. What the hell are/were that team’s colors? Can’t really say, because every single color in the Crayola box is! And the sad thing is, if that’s a minor league team, those sets probably cost a lot of money. You’d think less would be less expensive in this case. I KNOW less would have been more.
Most epic FAIL I’ve ever seen in uniform design. “Thanks” for “brightening” my horizons.[/quote]
Remember: in 1980, the Toros were the minor-league farm team of the Houston Astros.
It could have been worse.
Not uni-related other than we so often discuss how different the new helmets look in football and baseball, but…
Jahvid Best’s “second concussion in eight days”?!?! What the hell was he doing even playing?
For a high ankle sprain generally it’s automatically at least two weeks out.
But your brain can, literally, get slammed around inside your skull cavity and you’re okay to get right back in there?
Jesus, football really needs to clean up its act.
[quote comment=”359018″]Not uni-related other than we so often discuss how different the new helmets look in football and baseball, but…
Jahvid Best’s “second concussion in eight days”?!?! What the hell was he doing even playing?
For a high ankle sprain generally it’s automatically at least two weeks out.
But your brain can, literally, get slammed around inside your skull cavity and you’re okay to get right back in there?
Jesus, football really needs to clean up its act.
Out of pure curiosity, any idea if Boxing has any kind of enforced time limit between fights?
[quote comment=”359011″][quote comment=”359007″][quote comment=”358996″][quote comment=”358994″]With apologies to the dark and/or shiny pants haters, I really like link. And I think it would look really good with a shiny fabric because of the glittery helmet.[/quote]
I’d change the stripe pattern a bit, but yes. The Giants look good in blue pants. Plus it would make the stupid red numbers look less stupid. I really wish they’d have stayed with the 2000 version of the white jersey. At least that had a blue online on the numbers.[/quote]
The Giants are in “throwback” mode. And it’s accurate, one of the few that is. If they changed things, then someone would complain that they screwed it up.
Can’t win around here.
That being said, the Giants in white jerseys with no sleeve stripes and red numbers edged in royal (with red socks) WAS a great “vintage-inspired” look.
And sparkly helmets are, generally speaking, dumb. Nice for riding your Huffy, but not so much for playing football at the highest level. We’re supposed to outgrow such nonsense. Aren’t we?
I mean, we hate the Caribou fringe, cuz it does look like an “offical cowboy shirt”. Sparkly helmets, same thing.
I really have no problem with the sparkly helmets whether it be the Giants or the Packers or any other team that hasn’t traditionally worn them and does now.
See, the Giants aren’t wearing a throwback. We’re discussing their current uniform set, to which they’ve already made some tweaks. For example, they designated the pants that were previously only worn with the white jerseys as their official road pants to be worn with the blue or white jerseys.
Plus, the not only is the helmet sparkly, it’s royal blue rather than navy. The jerseys have the “ny” logo below the collar. These are elements that a true throwback should not incorporate.
“BLUE REFS: The Pac-10’s referees will wear blue sleeve covers during the league’s five games this weekend to raise awareness of prostate cancer.”
Taken from link
[quote comment=”359019″][quote comment=”359018″]Not uni-related other than we so often discuss how different the new helmets look in football and baseball, but…
Jahvid Best’s “second concussion in eight days”?!?! What the hell was he doing even playing?
For a high ankle sprain generally it’s automatically at least two weeks out.
But your brain can, literally, get slammed around inside your skull cavity and you’re okay to get right back in there?
Jesus, football really needs to clean up its act.
Out of pure curiosity, any idea if Boxing has any kind of enforced time limit between fights?[/quote]
It really is insane that there’s still this “he just got his bell rung” attitude in football. Jonathan Toews has been out of the Blackhawks’ lineup for close to three weeks with a concussion or, ahem, “concussion-like symptoms” and I don’t think anybody’s really questioning it. And an NHL center gets hit a lot less often than a Pac 10 running back.
[quote comment=”359020″][quote comment=”359011″][quote comment=”359007″][quote comment=”358996″][quote comment=”358994″]With apologies to the dark and/or shiny pants haters, I really like link. And I think it would look really good with a shiny fabric because of the glittery helmet.[/quote]
I’d change the stripe pattern a bit, but yes. The Giants look good in blue pants. Plus it would make the stupid red numbers look less stupid. I really wish they’d have stayed with the 2000 version of the white jersey. At least that had a blue online on the numbers.[/quote]
The Giants are in “throwback” mode. And it’s accurate, one of the few that is. If they changed things, then someone would complain that they screwed it up.
Can’t win around here.
That being said, the Giants in white jerseys with no sleeve stripes and red numbers edged in royal (with red socks) WAS a great “vintage-inspired” look.
And sparkly helmets are, generally speaking, dumb. Nice for riding your Huffy, but not so much for playing football at the highest level. We’re supposed to outgrow such nonsense. Aren’t we?
I mean, we hate the Caribou fringe, cuz it does look like an “offical cowboy shirt”. Sparkly helmets, same thing.
I really have no problem with the sparkly helmets whether it be the Giants or the Packers or any other team that hasn’t traditionally worn them and does now.
See, the Giants aren’t wearing a throwback. We’re discussing their current uniform set, to which they’ve already made some tweaks. For example, they designated the pants that were previously only worn with the white jerseys as their official road pants to be worn with the blue or white jerseys.
Plus, the not only is the helmet sparkly, it’s royal blue rather than navy. The jerseys have the “ny” logo below the collar. These are elements that a true throwback should not incorporate.[/quote]
Still, I like sparkly cheerleaders, not sparkly helmets.
[quote comment=”359020″][quote comment=”359011″][quote comment=”359007″][quote comment=”358996″][quote comment=”358994″]With apologies to the dark and/or shiny pants haters, I really like link. And I think it would look really good with a shiny fabric because of the glittery helmet.[/quote]
I’d change the stripe pattern a bit, but yes. The Giants look good in blue pants. Plus it would make the stupid red numbers look less stupid. I really wish they’d have stayed with the 2000 version of the white jersey. At least that had a blue online on the numbers.[/quote]
The Giants are in “throwback” mode. And it’s accurate, one of the few that is. If they changed things, then someone would complain that they screwed it up.
Can’t win around here.
That being said, the Giants in white jerseys with no sleeve stripes and red numbers edged in royal (with red socks) WAS a great “vintage-inspired” look.
And sparkly helmets are, generally speaking, dumb. Nice for riding your Huffy, but not so much for playing football at the highest level. We’re supposed to outgrow such nonsense. Aren’t we?
I mean, we hate the Caribou fringe, cuz it does look like an “offical cowboy shirt”. Sparkly helmets, same thing.
I really have no problem with the sparkly helmets whether it be the Giants or the Packers or any other team that hasn’t traditionally worn them and does now.
See, the Giants aren’t wearing a throwback. We’re discussing their current uniform set, to which they’ve already made some tweaks. For example, they designated the pants that were previously only worn with the white jerseys as their official road pants to be worn with the blue or white jerseys.
Plus, the not only is the helmet sparkly, it’s royal blue rather than navy. The jerseys have the “ny” logo below the collar. These are elements that a true throwback should not incorporate.[/quote]
Okay, once again, that pesky business of reality rears its head. Any throwback will incorporate current techonology. There always will be differences because of changes in equipment design, fabric, material, league requirements for logo placement, etc. By your logic, many of the 1994 throwbacks (Packers, Cardinals, Bears, Steelers, to name four) were bogus because the helmets weren’t leather.
Your pants point doesn’t hold up, btw. Giants wore both those pants at different times with that uni. Beginning in mid-50s was the three narrow stripes with gray in-between. Starting in about ’60 or ’61 they went to the “pro stripe” look (royal-red-royal adjacent). When they wore them both (until recently) they were harking back to both elements of that era, using the roads to wear one and homes to wear the other. In fact, if you look closely at late 50’s photos, you’ll spot a few players wearing oddball pants that had two red stripes and no blue whatsoever. So inconsistency actually IS accurate.
And the helmet back then was navy because, as discussed at great lengths here, apparently the manufacturers just didn’t supply a true royal…for anyone in the league.
So without “they’re really not throwbacks”, we’re back to the core issue for you regarding the Giants…you simply don’t like them. So just be straight up and say that, and stop looking for some kind of ojbective backup.
You guys are killing me with some of these ideas for our uni’s…I do like the blue paints though and Shaun’s idea. Wish you could see some of the ideas I have put together in the past, they are not far off what you guys are doing.
[quote comment=”359014″]To be a viable critic, we have to be able to set aside personal opinions on certain things.
Hating orange or purple or brown or neon green destroys our credibility.
Like the moron who did that “10 worst” NFL unis and included the Chiefs because “I don’t like red uniforms.”
Would you trust a movie critic who said, “Generally not a fan of ‘coming of age’ comedies”? Oh, then how could he/she ever objectively review one? You have to be able to not like a movie and still appreciate that it’s well made.
I once told a client I didn’t give a damn about her personal opinion, but I valued her professional opinion. I explained that she may hate kelly green, but if we’re doing a St. Patrick’s Day ad it just might need some kelly green in it.
Get it?
Yep, point well taken.
However, isn’t the vast majority of content on this blog one’s personal opinion?
Aren’t we critiquing the designs based upon how it appeals to us individually. I personally like the color purple in a uniform. I think the Vikings uniforms, up until the latest change were a classic. There obviously are a lot of people who comment on this blog that feel otherwise.
My son’s high school colors are black and orange. Occasionally they break out an orange jersey. Do I care for it, no not particularly. My opinion doesn’t matter.
All of the uniforms passed the look test from someone. They all had to get the thumbs up or thumbs down. I don’t believe for a second that the Tuscon Toros uniforms just showed up one day hanging in the lockers. Somebody in the organization gave that design the thumbs up prior to the order being placed. Somebody liked that design. Obviously the vast majority of people who comment here hate them. Same with fringe on a jersey.
Uni watch blog is not omnipotent. Nike, adidas, Under Armour and the like can give a shit what we think about their designs. Frankly, I’m glad that they don’t. What would we have to bitch about if all the uniforms were the same.
Ricko is 100% correct, I have pictures here from the late 50’s where players wore all different stripe patterns in each game…
[quote comment=”359006″]Bills Blue and Yellow – No[/quote]
Your lips say no, but your eyes say yes.
Oh wait, that’s my eyes. I wasn’t sure before I clicked on it, but yes, yes, YES! I like the Bills in blue and yellow.
I also like the John’s Cardinals (especially the combination of new and old logos) and Shaun’s red-helmeted Falcons. Anyone else intrigued by John’s yellow Vikes jersey?
And how did the Seahawks neon beat out the current Bills as worst NFL uni? Boo.
Ooops… this…
So without “they’re really not throwbacks”, we’re back to the core issue for you regarding the Giants…you simply don’t like them. So just be straight up and say that, and stop looking for some kind of ojbective backup.
…Sounds like aimed at one person.
Better THIS…
So without “they’re really not throwbacks”, we’re back to the core issue for MANY regarding the Giants UNIS…you simply don’t like them. So just be straight up and say that, and stop looking for some kind of ojbective backup.
here’s a little known fact…in ’99 when we were sampling the 2000 away uniform we were actually sent Atlanta’s road jersey at the time to look at…I couldn’t wait to get out of that uni…
I gotta get back to work now…
Oh and speaking of old Vick Cleats from the other day: Ahmad Bradshaw #44 will be wearing the ’07 model today…had a pair lying around…
[quote comment=”359022″][quote comment=”359019″][quote comment=”359018″]Not uni-related other than we so often discuss how different the new helmets look in football and baseball, but…
Jahvid Best’s “second concussion in eight days”?!?! What the hell was he doing even playing?
For a high ankle sprain generally it’s automatically at least two weeks out.
But your brain can, literally, get slammed around inside your skull cavity and you’re okay to get right back in there?
Jesus, football really needs to clean up its act.
Out of pure curiosity, any idea if Boxing has any kind of enforced time limit between fights?[/quote]
It really is insane that there’s still this “he just got his bell rung” attitude in football. Jonathan Toews has been out of the Blackhawks’ lineup for close to three weeks with a concussion or, ahem, “concussion-like symptoms” and I don’t think anybody’s really questioning it. And an NHL center gets hit a lot less often than a Pac 10 running back.[/quote]
MMA doles out mandatory suspensions after a fight; win, lose or draw. The length of time depends on injuries (or lack thereof). I believe it ranges from a couple weeks to a couple months…
[quote comment=”359026″][quote comment=”359014″]To be a viable critic, we have to be able to set aside personal opinions on certain things.
Hating orange or purple or brown or neon green destroys our credibility.
Like the moron who did that “10 worst” NFL unis and included the Chiefs because “I don’t like red uniforms.”
Would you trust a movie critic who said, “Generally not a fan of ‘coming of age’ comedies”? Oh, then how could he/she ever objectively review one? You have to be able to not like a movie and still appreciate that it’s well made.
I once told a client I didn’t give a damn about her personal opinion, but I valued her professional opinion. I explained that she may hate kelly green, but if we’re doing a St. Patrick’s Day ad it just might need some kelly green in it.
Get it?
Yep, point well taken.
However, isn’t the vast majority of content on this blog one’s personal opinion?
Aren’t we critiquing the designs based upon how it appeals to us individually. I personally like the color purple in a uniform. I think the Vikings uniforms, up until the latest change were a classic. There obviously are a lot of people who comment on this blog that feel otherwise.
My son’s high school colors are black and orange. Occasionally they break out an orange jersey. Do I care for it, no not particularly. My opinion doesn’t matter.
All of the uniforms passed the look test from someone. They all had to get the thumbs up or thumbs down. I don’t believe for a second that the Tuscon Toros uniforms just showed up one day hanging in the lockers. Somebody in the organization gave that design the thumbs up prior to the order being placed. Somebody liked that design. Obviously the vast majority of people who comment here hate them. Same with fringe on a jersey.
Uni watch blog is not omnipotent. Nike, adidas, Under Armour and the like can give a shit what we think about their designs. Frankly, I’m glad that they don’t. What would we have to bitch about if all the uniforms were the same.[/quote]
Of course it’s personal opinion. But it should be personal opinion based on the finished product, not a preconceived opinion about the elements of of it.
We can say “The colors don’t work.” But to come to the table with an admitted prejudice against one color or another, or combinations of colors, is to undermine credibility.
How long would a movie critic last if he/she loudly proclaimed, “I hate everything about Clint Eastwood”? Or Quentin Tarantino? Or “any movies with kids in them”?
Is it just me, or is this year setting a record for the most chipped paint on Notre Dame helmets? I haven’t even seen them play that much, but every time I do I see the chipped paint. Don’t think I’ve ever noticed it in the past.
Speaking of Navy Dame…I mean, Notre Dame, allow me a little pre-emptive defensive strike. That game made the worst matchup not because either team’s unis were bad. On the contrary, they’re both great. But together, it doesn’t work. People were commenting yesterday on how it looked like an intrasquad game, and they had a point.
Sure, UConn and Cincy have worse unis, but the black/white matchup looked better from a distance than Navy Dame.
For those of us in the 90-100 year-old demographic, you may remember when a young Paul was standing on the street corner yelling “Extra, extra, read all about it! Navy plays Notre Dame and no one can tell the difference!” while selling his early UniWatch penny papers. Or years later, when movies were invented and we got our news and sports highlights at the theatre (that’s right kids, we haven’t had TV forever, don’tcha know), you’d see Navy and Notre Dame on the newsreel footage and have to depend on the announcer to tell you which team had the ball. My point is, bad uni-matchups aren’t a new thing. Sometimes those newfangled innovations like white unis and logos and expanded color palettes come in handy.
Tucson Toros: Taste the Rainbow.
I can’t wait for the Pack/Bucs game today. Finally, the return of the creamsicles! I am fine tuning my HDTV, and gettin’ my popcorn ready!
Also, how did Ohio St. and Penn St. not make it into the top 5 uni match ups yesterday?
[quote comment=”359011″][quote comment=”359007″][quote comment=”358996″][quote comment=”358994″]With apologies to the dark and/or shiny pants haters, I really like link. And I think it would look really good with a shiny fabric because of the glittery helmet.[/quote]
I’d change the stripe pattern a bit, but yes. The Giants look good in blue pants. Plus it would make the stupid red numbers look less stupid. I really wish they’d have stayed with the 2000 version of the white jersey. At least that had a blue online on the numbers.[/quote]
The Giants are in “throwback” mode. And it’s accurate, one of the few that is. If they changed things, then someone would complain that they screwed it up.
Can’t win around here.
That being said, the Giants in white jerseys with no sleeve stripes and red numbers edged in royal (with red socks) WAS a great “vintage-inspired” look.
And sparkly helmets are, generally speaking, dumb. Nice for riding your Huffy, but not so much for playing football at the highest level. We’re supposed to outgrow such nonsense. Aren’t we?
I mean, we hate the Caribou fringe, cuz it does look like an “offical cowboy shirt”. Sparkly helmets, same thing.
Admittedly, I’m one of the dark pants (but not necessarily shiny pants) haters, but the more I look at the blue pants the more I like them. Nevertheless, I would be reluctant to replace the grays. While the blue pants look fine when displayed on one player, I suspect I would not be as impressed viewing the entire team on the field in those dark pants. The gray pants are a wonderful subtle look, whereas the blue pants worn en masse would be too overwhelming — especially on huge linemen.
[quote comment=”359036″]I can’t wait for the Pack/Bucs game today. Finally, the return of the creamsicles! I am fine tuning my HDTV, and gettin’ my popcorn ready!
Also, how did Ohio St. and Penn St. not make it into the top 5 uni match ups yesterday?[/quote]
Because it was a good week for matchups. The last few have been slim pickings, but there were a lot to choose from yesterday, I seriously considered them, but I think the Bucks’ red jerseys are better. Now if it were a color vs. color matchup, I’d have voted them #1.
OK, this has nothing to do with today’s main topic but just a mini-survey:
Gentlemen, when you wear a button-up shirt do you start from the bottom and go up or start at the top and work your way down?
Ladies, same question. (Admittedly, there are few women that read this blog but I need to ask them too.)
I’ll be gone for most of the day, will check back this evening for any replies.
P.S: To keep this uni-related, I LOVED those Japanese old-timey baseball unis. They even got the shoes right, seemingly! And the umpire…wow!
Seeing as how the Giants are only my 4th favorite team, I might have a different mindset on their unis. As much as I like the 50s look for them, I also like the idea of blue road pants.
Real Giants fans may cringe, but I like the ’76 unis. link
Maybe keep the grays, but have the blues for a couple of games a year?
[quote comment=”359038″][quote comment=”359036″]I can’t wait for the Pack/Bucs game today. Finally, the return of the creamsicles! I am fine tuning my HDTV, and gettin’ my popcorn ready!
Also, how did Ohio St. and Penn St. not make it into the top 5 uni match ups yesterday?[/quote]
Because it was a good week for matchups. The last few have been slim pickings, but there were a lot to choose from yesterday, I seriously considered them, but I think the Bucks’ red jerseys are better. Now if it were a color vs. color matchup, I’d have voted them #1.[/quote]
Not to mention that so many of the Buckeyes—wearing white tights under their pants and having their ankles taped high with black tape—resembled guys in long underwear and black socks escaping into the night cuz their log cabin was on fire.
But, of course, that doesn’t look dumb or anything.
re: shirt buttoning:
I start at second from top and go down. I only button the top button of a collared shirt if wearing a tie. If a buttoned baseball jersey – top down all the way.
[quote comment=”359038″][quote comment=”359036″]I can’t wait for the Pack/Bucs game today. Finally, the return of the creamsicles! I am fine tuning my HDTV, and gettin’ my popcorn ready!
Also, how did Ohio St. and Penn St. not make it into the top 5 uni match ups yesterday?[/quote]
Because it was a good week for matchups. The last few have been slim pickings, but there were a lot to choose from yesterday, I seriously considered them, but I think the Bucks’ red jerseys are better. Now if it were a color vs. color matchup, I’d have voted them #1.[/quote]
Nice response Jim. I am gonna go ahead and agree with you.
[quote comment=”359041″][quote comment=”359038″][quote comment=”359036″]I can’t wait for the Pack/Bucs game today. Finally, the return of the creamsicles! I am fine tuning my HDTV, and gettin’ my popcorn ready!
Also, how did Ohio St. and Penn St. not make it into the top 5 uni match ups yesterday?[/quote]
Because it was a good week for matchups. The last few have been slim pickings, but there were a lot to choose from yesterday, I seriously considered them, but I think the Bucks’ red jerseys are better. Now if it were a color vs. color matchup, I’d have voted them #1.[/quote]
Not to mention that so many of the Buckeyes—wearing white tights under their pants and having their ankles taped high with black tape—resembled guys in long underwear and black socks escaping into the night cuz their log cabin was on fire.
But, of course, that doesn’t look dumb or anything.
For example: link
I’m tired of hearing the Patriots unis need to be tweaked. Are they less than aesthetically pleasing? Yes. Should they have ever been created? No. But the bottom line is they won all 3 of their championships in those uniforms. This makes them the uniform attached to the most significant time in their history. This is the uniform that Brady, and Bruschi wore, and Bellechick watched from the sidelines. They aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. So save the tweaking for teams that really need them (and most likely will be getting them soon) like the bills and falcons.
[quote comment=”359044″][quote comment=”359041″][quote comment=”359038″][quote comment=”359036″]I can’t wait for the Pack/Bucs game today. Finally, the return of the creamsicles! I am fine tuning my HDTV, and gettin’ my popcorn ready!
Also, how did Ohio St. and Penn St. not make it into the top 5 uni match ups yesterday?[/quote]
Because it was a good week for matchups. The last few have been slim pickings, but there were a lot to choose from yesterday, I seriously considered them, but I think the Bucks’ red jerseys are better. Now if it were a color vs. color matchup, I’d have voted them #1.[/quote]
Not to mention that so many of the Buckeyes—wearing white tights under their pants and having their ankles taped high with black tape—resembled guys in long underwear and black socks escaping into the night cuz their log cabin was on fire.
But, of course, that doesn’t look dumb or anything.
For example: link
Damn. Someone tell those fools to use red tights and white tape.
Really like the Bengals and Cards concepts and the last of Shaun’s Falcons concepts. Not sure I agree with the sentiment that the Bills need yellow. I think they’re just a team that would benefit from going to a throwback look fulltime.
Even when trying to put together a worst of list, the UniWatchBlog site misses the mark by a mile. No all-time worst uni list is legit without:
Tthe Houston Astros multi-stripped pullover.
And no mention of the Phillies all-burgundy?
The New York Islanders “Fish and Sticks”… not on here? Again this list has no teeth. Or diagonal; numbers.
The Washington Wizards alternate gold didn’t make it? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? How soon we forget.
No mention of any of the NFL Europe League unis like the Barcelona Dragons for instance?
Kings Alternate?
Canadiens Heirtage?
Preds? Come on? NOTHING?
Can you have a worst of worst uni’s list. I think I found it.
[quote comment=”359042″]re: shirt buttoning:
I start at second from top and go down. I only button the top button of a collared shirt if wearing a tie. If a buttoned baseball jersey – top down all the way.[/quote]
Ditto. Although depending on the shirt, I may let the tie cover up the unbuttoned top button. I hate anything touching my neck – man, I miss V-neck t-shirts.
[quote comment=”359045″]I’m tired of hearing the Patriots unis need to be tweaked. Are they less than aesthetically pleasing? Yes. Should they have ever been created? No. But the bottom line is they won all 3 of their championships in those uniforms. This makes them the uniform attached to the most significant time in their history. This is the uniform that Brady, and Bruschi wore, and Bellechick watched from the sidelines. They aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. So save the tweaking for teams that really need them (and most likely will be getting them soon) like the bills and falcons.[/quote]
The Rams changed uniforms the season after winning the Superbowl. The Giants won two Superbowls while wearing the GIANTS helmet.
Winning doesn’t always make a uniform sacred. A bad uniform is a bad uniform, and we can and will talk about changing it if we want to.
[quote comment=”359015″]Quick question. When is Nike doing this ‘Rivalry’ weekend with their uniforms? I think someone on here said it was to happen on November 21st, but I’m not sure that can be the case, or at least not all the uniforms leaked will be worn. The reason I say this is that Virginia Tech plays at home against NC State on the 21st. Hardly a rivalry game, but whats more interesting is that the leaked jersey (its on the side of the Ohio State one… you can see the maroon and orange on the sleeve) is white. We never wear white at home unless its a ‘White-Out’ game, where we hype it up, sell t-shirts, and give all the proceeds to help illiteracy of children in the area. It would make more sense if they did it the weekend after for the Virginia game at Virginia.
However, the little picture I saw from the tOSU leak leads me to believe they’re legit. From what I had heard, they were going to be white jerseys, white helmets, all incorporating some kind of checkerboard pattern. If you look on the sleeve stripes, you can make out the checkerboard fade on the sleeves.[/quote]
I think Tech will wear their uniforms next weekend against Maryland. If you go to the link I put up towards the beginning of the thread and listen to the commercial it mentions something about turtles. “A turtle is no match for our dominant speed…” something along those lines.
[quote comment=”359043″][quote comment=”359038″][quote comment=”359036″]I can’t wait for the Pack/Bucs game today. Finally, the return of the creamsicles! I am fine tuning my HDTV, and gettin’ my popcorn ready!
Also, how did Ohio St. and Penn St. not make it into the top 5 uni match ups yesterday?[/quote]
Because it was a good week for matchups. The last few have been slim pickings, but there were a lot to choose from yesterday, I seriously considered them, but I think the Bucks’ red jerseys are better. Now if it were a color vs. color matchup, I’d have voted them #1.[/quote]
Nice response Jim. I am gonna go ahead and agree with you.[/quote]
Wonder if Mrs. V will ever say that someday…
I’m with david re: The Pats.
My only thing with them—and it really IS the only thing—is that I’d like to see the silver pants with the white jerseys once in a while. It’s a classy look.
They’ve only worn it, like, once, maybe?
Nice classic vs. innovative-ish matchup yesterday, Wofford vs. The Citadel:
[quote comment=”359029″]Ooops… this…
So without “they’re really not throwbacks”, we’re back to the core issue for you regarding the Giants…you simply don’t like them. So just be straight up and say that, and stop looking for some kind of ojbective backup.
…Sounds like aimed at one person.
Better THIS…
So without “they’re really not throwbacks”, we’re back to the core issue for MANY regarding the Giants UNIS…you simply don’t like them. So just be straight up and say that, and stop looking for some kind of ojbective backup.
I love the Giants’ uniforms (as I do those of the Bears, Packers, etc.), but I think there are things that can be done with all of them that might improve their respective looks. Adding more blue to the Giants’ road unis is one of those things.
It’s not a criticism of them for not going with a strict throwback look. I’m just saying that they aren’t throwbacks. They are the everyday uniforms of the New York Giants. Sure, they’re inspired by their classic look, but they didn’t exactly stick to the script, did they? There was some room for improvisation (improvement), like using a royal helmet now that they have that option.
As I look at the nine finalists for the Worst. Uni. Ever., I see 8 uniforms that at least 1 good thing can be said about. Then I see the Tucson Toros. Goodness, that is awful. HANDS DOWN the Worst. Uni. Ever.
The TCU and VT threads, err “yarns” are up on the Nike website.
to the jeff:
i think the rams and giants are different circumstances then the pats. the rams have been wearing the royal and yellow uniforms for years when they were bad and i think for the most part they became associated with losing. and after they won the super bowl they scrapped them because it was kind of like a new era. the giants on the other hand are a team of rich tradition and they went old school to honor winning teams of the past. the pats were looking for an identity and were never looked at as a winning franchise. when they started wearing these uniforms they started winning and are now looked at as an elite nfl franchise. i love the tweaks you guys do and i think theyre fun. i was just saying i dont think the pats are going to or should change their unis. tweak on!
and i agree with ricko… i’ve been waiting to see the pats wear their silver pants with white jerseys for years. i think it would look great.. or at least better than the navy pants.
as far as tweaks go. being a die hard eagles fan i have been wishing the eagles would replace their white pants with a metalic silver set. kind of a modernization of their old uniforms. i don’t have photoshop but i know you guys are really good with it. could someone do me a favor and play around with a picture so i could see how it would look once and for all? that would be awesome.
The Bills were robbed in this poll. And given that the Vancouver V is one of my guilty favorites, I feel that the LA Burger Kings were robbed as well.
re: San Diego ’78, didn’t Gary Coleman wear that uni in a movie? I remember as an adolescent spying that set & thinking the 1970s equivalent of “WTF LOLZ!!”
I button from bottom to top; that way you can see that your shirt is lining up properly from the start
[quote comment=”359055″][quote comment=”359029″]Ooops… this…
So without “they’re really not throwbacks”, we’re back to the core issue for you regarding the Giants…you simply don’t like them. So just be straight up and say that, and stop looking for some kind of ojbective backup.
…Sounds like aimed at one person.
Better THIS…
So without “they’re really not throwbacks”, we’re back to the core issue for MANY regarding the Giants UNIS…you simply don’t like them. So just be straight up and say that, and stop looking for some kind of ojbective backup.
I love the Giants’ uniforms (as I do those of the Bears, Packers, etc.), but I think there are things that can be done with all of them that might improve their respective looks. Adding more blue to the Giants’ road unis is one of those things.
It’s not a criticism of them for not going with a strict throwback look. I’m just saying that they aren’t throwbacks. They are the everyday uniforms of the New York Giants. Sure, they’re inspired by their classic look, but they didn’t exactly stick to the script, did they? There was some room for improvisation (improvement), like using a royal helmet now that they have that option.[/quote]
You’re assuming they NEED improvement.
As to Giants, other than the helmet color, alts dictated by physical changes in equipment (such as TVs on shoulders instead of sleeves), and league requirements for logos, etc….the jerseys, pants and socks are spot-on as throwbacks, about as accurate as they could possibly be.
Check old photos if you don’t believe me.
So, adding blue pants wouldn’t be a tweak. It would be a complete departure from their current design platform, which is, quite obviously, “50s-60s colors and design applied to uniforms of today.”
In the spirit of the Green Party and write-in candidates, I have provided a list of nominees not list on the UWB Official All-Time Worst Uniforms list. The current list lacks some obvious choices that need their voice.
Add as you will.
Houston Astros A treadmaker and long lifed mess.
Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Again, how can this be overlooked?
Mighty Ducks Alternate. The list creator must have been born in 2004?
St. Louis Blues. Seriously. Diagonal numbers? This is an auto entry,, IMO.
Phoenix Coyotes Alternate. Come on. Not on the list?
Golden State Warriors. This is just plain stupid. It gets a lot of love on this site. That doesn’t make it awful…
It’s hard to knock an NFL jersey. I mean it 12″ numbers front and back with some trim. It’s less a “jersey” and more front. back and side numerals. But here are a few.
Cleveland Browns. No need for visual cues. Orange and brown.
Chicago Bears alternates. A great uniform destroyed.
Other write-in candidtes?
I believe the Bucs are even doing special end zone treatment today. Hopefully this picture links correctly.
Giants stripes…
Tittle in two red…
Tittle in three narrow…
Title in red-royal-red…
[quote comment=”359066″]I believe the Bucs are even doing special end zone treatment today. Hopefully this picture links correctly.
Confirmed on the broadcast. The Bucs even have an old school helmet with Bucco Bruce on it at mid field. My camera is charging, but I will try and get screen grabs ASAP. Cheerleaders are, of course, in retro creamsicle as well.
[quote comment=”359064″]In the spirit of the Green Party and write-in candidates, I have provided a list of nominees not list on the UWB Official All-Time Worst Uniforms list. The current list lacks some obvious choices that need their voice.
Add as you will.
Houston Astros A treadmaker and long lifed mess.
Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Again, how can this be overlooked?
Mighty Ducks Alternate. The list creator must have been born in 2004?
St. Louis Blues. Seriously. Diagonal numbers? This is an auto entry,, IMO.
Phoenix Coyotes Alternate. Come on. Not on the list?
Golden State Warriors. This is just plain stupid. It gets a lot of love on this site. That doesn’t make it awful…
It’s hard to knock an NFL jersey. I mean it 12″ numbers front and back with some trim. It’s less a “jersey” and more front. back and side numerals. But here are a few.
Cleveland Browns. No need for visual cues. Orange and brown.
Chicago Bears alternates. A great uniform destroyed.
Other write-in candidtes?[/quote]
Most of those were included in the first round poll. Some of those weren’t, because they weren’t nominated in the first place.
You really missed out on the entire process. Step one was nominations. Step two was a preliminary vote to get the worst in each division. That’s even linked in the article today. Step three is today’s final vote taking the winners from each division. You’re two weeks too late for nominations, and a week late for the prelim vote where you could have voted for several of the unis on your list.
The blue sleeve thing for Pac 10 officials was evidently a prostate-cancer awareness thing.
[quote comment=”359064″]In the spirit of the Green Party and write-in candidates, I have provided a list of nominees not list on the UWB Official All-Time Worst Uniforms list. The current list lacks some obvious choices that need their voice.
Add as you will.
Houston Astros A treadmaker and long lifed mess.
Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Again, how can this be overlooked?
Mighty Ducks Alternate. The list creator must have been born in 2004?
St. Louis Blues. Seriously. Diagonal numbers? This is an auto entry,, IMO.
Phoenix Coyotes Alternate. Come on. Not on the list?
Golden State Warriors. This is just plain stupid. It gets a lot of love on this site. That doesn’t make it awful…
It’s hard to knock an NFL jersey. I mean it 12″ numbers front and back with some trim. It’s less a “jersey” and more front. back and side numerals. But here are a few.
Cleveland Browns. No need for visual cues. Orange and brown.
Chicago Bears alternates. A great uniform destroyed.
Other write-in candidtes?[/quote]
Check the list of nominees from last Sunday.
The Redskins are wearing all white today, but with the white striped socks that usually go with the red pants. I’m pretty certain they’ve never wore this combo before.
Dolphins in white over aqua, too.
[quote comment=”359072″]The Redskins are wearing all white today, but with the white striped socks that usually go with the red pants. I’m pretty certain they’ve never wore this combo before.[/quote]
Think you’re right on that.
interesting piece on npr this morning.
Dresses made out of jerseys
Bucs did clockwork orange beautifully, complete with the 0-7 record – too bad FOX doesn’t get on board and shows the normal colors/logos…
[quote comment=”359058″]to the jeff:
i think the rams and giants are different circumstances then the pats. the rams have been wearing the royal and yellow uniforms for years when they were bad and i think for the most part they became associated with losing. and after they won the super bowl they scrapped them because it was kind of like a new era. the giants on the other hand are a team of rich tradition and they went old school to honor winning teams of the past. the pats were looking for an identity and were never looked at as a winning franchise. when they started wearing these uniforms they started winning and are now looked at as an elite nfl franchise. i love the tweaks you guys do and i think theyre fun. i was just saying i dont think the pats are going to or should change their unis. tweak on!
and i agree with ricko… i’ve been waiting to see the pats wear their silver pants with white jerseys for years. i think it would look great.. or at least better than the navy pants.
as far as tweaks go. being a die hard eagles fan i have been wishing the eagles would replace their white pants with a metalic silver set. kind of a modernization of their old uniforms. i don’t have photoshop but i know you guys are really good with it. could someone do me a favor and play around with a picture so i could see how it would look once and for all? that would be awesome.[/quote]
Will this work?
Nick Barnett’s TV numbers appear smaller and his nameplate looks stretched out Giants-style…
If you will, allow me to be the voice of dissent: the Bucs’ creamsicle looks awful. It looks like you left some orange jerseys out in the sun to fade. Never mind how dumb Bucco Bruce is as a logo.
the jeff … that looks beautiful. i’m drooling; they really need to make that change. thanks so much for doing that i appreciate it.
[quote comment=”358992″][quote comment=”358983″]http://twitpic.com/ojfgk
Apparently, Oklahoma is one of these 10 teams…[/quote]
So what graphic do they put on the pants? A Conestoga wagon?[/quote]
They’ve gotta be doing something with the Sooner Schooner in some sort. I just hope they don’t make the helmet all white (Texas, O-State) or white with a red facemask (Nebraska).
What is the silver logo on the Patriots field?
[quote comment=”359079″]If you will, allow me to be the voice of dissent: the Bucs’ creamsicle looks awful. It looks like you left some orange jerseys out in the sun to fade. Never mind how dumb Bucco Bruce is as a logo.[/quote]
What you think of Tennessee’s home unis?
Is same color.
[quote comment=”359058″]as far as tweaks go. being a die hard eagles fan i have been wishing the eagles would replace their white pants with a metalic silver set. kind of a modernization of their old uniforms. i don’t have photoshop but i know you guys are really good with it. could someone do me a favor and play around with a picture so i could see how it would look once and for all? that would be awesome.[/quote]
david…i’ve done (and posted several different template “tweaks” on UW already) of every team, but spared posting them all for you guys..
the eagles happen to match up (in one of my combos) on what you’re looking for…but i’ll just post a few of those i did
eagles tweaks 1
eagles tweaks 2
the second set contains the silver pants with both the green and the white tops…also messed around with black pants (for shits and giggles) and silver jerseys…also for shits ang giggles
and when buttoning a dress shirt, it’s the collar button first, then each button beneath it
Eli-Rivers, Eli-Rivers, Eli-Rivers…
Everybody forget the Chargers already had a quarterback at the time? Guy named Brees.
[quote comment=”359005″]Dark pants with white jerseys (meaning “throw color at it”) isn’t automatically the way to make a uniform better. It isn’t the solution to everything. It’s an easy suggestion, yes, but not necessarily a good one. That Giants thing is far too mindful of the Joe Pisarcik years, hardly the apex of Giants’ history.
That approach certainly hasn’t improved the Browns’ look. Unless, of course, you like NFL looking like a bunch of junior colleges.
And we really need to be clear that there’s a difference between a total redesign and a “tweak”. Removing the pins from the Twins’ road grays is a tweak. Changing the Bills to royal and yellow is not.
If I hired a designer for ideas to “clean up” my team’s current unis and he/she came back with different colors and a completely new look, my first thought would be, “Had a little trouble understanding the assignment, didn’t you. Now, if you’d like to be paid, go back and start over, and stay inside the parameters of the project.”
Hey, I called it a new design, Phil called it a tweak.
[quote comment=”359086″][quote comment=”359005″]Dark pants with white jerseys (meaning “throw color at it”) isn’t automatically the way to make a uniform better. It isn’t the solution to everything. It’s an easy suggestion, yes, but not necessarily a good one. That Giants thing is far too mindful of the Joe Pisarcik years, hardly the apex of Giants’ history.
That approach certainly hasn’t improved the Browns’ look. Unless, of course, you like NFL looking like a bunch of junior colleges.
And we really need to be clear that there’s a difference between a total redesign and a “tweak”. Removing the pins from the Twins’ road grays is a tweak. Changing the Bills to royal and yellow is not.
If I hired a designer for ideas to “clean up” my team’s current unis and he/she came back with different colors and a completely new look, my first thought would be, “Had a little trouble understanding the assignment, didn’t you. Now, if you’d like to be paid, go back and start over, and stay inside the parameters of the project.”
Hey, I called it a new design, Phil called it a tweak.
Point taken. Wasn’t aimed at you. Just a general observation about UW terminology.
[quote comment=”359086″]
Hey, I called it a new design, Phil called it a tweak.[/quote]
indeed i did … today
i usually (check yesterday’s post) refer to them by several names —
[quote]Tomorrow I hope to begin featuring some of the MANY NFL uniform tweaks, upgrades and concepts you folks have been sending my way for the past several weeks.[/quote]
andrew’s is most certainly not a tweak…i apologize if i intimated that all of today’s “concepts” were all just tweaks
[quote comment=”359060″]
You’re assuming they NEED improvement.
Nope. I’m assuming nothing. I know for a fact that I’d like to see a few changes.
[quote comment=”359060″]
As to Giants, other than the helmet color, alts dictated by physical changes in equipment (such as TVs on shoulders instead of sleeves), and league requirements for logos, etc….the jerseys, pants and socks are spot-on as throwbacks, about as accurate as they could possibly be.
[quote comment=”359060″]
OK, their current unis look a lot like the ones you grew up with. That means they should NEVER be changed?[/quote]
[quote comment=”359060″]
Check old photos if you don’t believe me.
It’s not that I don’t believe you; it’s just that I don’t care.
[quote comment=”359060″]
So, adding blue pants wouldn’t be a tweak. It would be a complete departure from their current design platform, which is, quite obviously, “50s-60s colors and design applied to uniforms of today.”
And your point is…
Dammit. I knew that was going to happen with the quote tags.
[quote comment=”359039″]OK, this has nothing to do with today’s main topic but just a mini-survey:
Gentlemen, when you wear a button-up shirt do you start from the bottom and go up or start at the top and work your way down?
Ladies, same question. (Admittedly, there are few women that read this blog but I need to ask them too.)
I’ll be gone for most of the day, will check back this evening for any replies.
P.S: To keep this uni-related, I LOVED those Japanese old-timey baseball unis. They even got the shoes right, seemingly! And the umpire…wow![/quote]
Top Down.
What was up with the blue sleeve the officials were wearing in that Tulsa v Houston Game… that made the worst matchup of the day even worse.
Well, hell, someone mentions “tweaky” and I start looking for a little yellow bird saying something about a “puddy tat”.
Okay, now here’s a REAL debate that, to be knowledge, has never been resolved.
Is Tweety male or female?
(and Tweety’s yellow, not athletic gold)
[quote comment=\”359075\”]interesting piece on npr this morning.
Dresses made out of jerseys
According to that story, the Packers were the team that first introduced pink women\’s versions of jerseys and stuff. Yeah, I know it was for Deanna Favre\’s Breast Cancer support, but it still doesn\’t sit well in my stomach that the Packers started it.
[quote comment=”359048″]Even when trying to put together a worst of list, the UniWatchBlog site misses the mark by a mile. No all-time worst uni list is legit without:
Tthe Houston Astros multi-stripped pullover.
And no mention of the Phillies all-burgundy?
The New York Islanders “Fish and Sticks”… not on here? Again this list has no teeth. Or diagonal; numbers.
The Washington Wizards alternate gold didn’t make it? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? How soon we forget.
No mention of any of the NFL Europe League unis like the Barcelona Dragons for instance?
Kings Alternate?
Canadiens Heirtage?
Preds? Come on? NOTHING?
Can you have a worst of worst uni’s list. I think I found it.[/quote]
this post got caught in the spam filter, but i see in post #74, you basically reposted it and it was responded to, so i’ll be brief
basically, this “poll” started by soliciting nominations (and all of yours would have been considered at the time) after which, we created 9 categories comprising dozens of “worst ever” nominees; those were all voted upon during the week to create this “final” list of the 9 worst of the worst…the end result is today’s voting…which will result in the WORST EVER
we wanted to take all reader nominations rather than starting with our own pre-conceived ‘worst ever’ uniforms, and have simply begun narrowing a very wide field down…next week, we’ll have our “winner”
[quote comment=”359088″][quote comment=”359086″]
Hey, I called it a new design, Phil called it a tweak.[/quote]
indeed i did … today
i usually (check yesterday’s post) refer to them by several names —
[quote]Tomorrow I hope to begin featuring some of the MANY NFL uniform tweaks, upgrades and concepts you folks have been sending my way for the past several weeks.[/quote]
andrew’s is most certainly not a tweak…i apologize if i intimated that all of today’s “concepts” were all just tweaks
It’s all good Phil, I just felt the need to respond to my redesign. I don’t submit much and it’s fun to see my stuff on the site.
And Jim V likes it, sweet.
[quote comment=”359089″][quote comment=”359060″]
You’re assuming they NEED improvement.
Nope. I’m assuming nothing. I know for a fact that I’d like to see a few changes.
[quote comment=”359060″]
As to Giants, other than the helmet color, alts dictated by physical changes in equipment (such as TVs on shoulders instead of sleeves), and league requirements for logos, etc….the jerseys, pants and socks are spot-on as throwbacks, about as accurate as they could possibly be.
[quote comment=”359060″]
OK, their current unis look a lot like the ones you grew up with. That means they should NEVER be changed?[/quote]
[quote comment=”359060″]
Check old photos if you don’t believe me.
It’s not that I don’t believe you; it’s just that I don’t care.
[quote comment=”359060″]
So, adding blue pants wouldn’t be a tweak. It would be a complete departure from their current design platform, which is, quite obviously, “50s-60s colors and design applied to uniforms of today.”
And your point is…[/quote]
That the Giants should throw out the “throwback” platform and go for a redesign, not that the addition of blue pants would improve the existing design.
Might please some here but, all things considered, that’s a notion I don’t imagine the Giants are about to embrace right now.
i agree the eagles should ditch the 2 stripe redskins look on their pants in favor of the 3 stripe. Those designs are really interesting i would be intrigued to see how the black pants would look as well now…
I think we can drop the whole rivalry part of this Nike program going on. They don’t mention rivalry anywhere on their own website. The only time rivalry was brought up was on the FSU website unveiling their new Pro Combat unis and a twitpic of the Ohio State ones where someone said they’d be wearing them in the rivalry game against Michigan.
I don’t think ‘rivalry’ is anything official with this program coming from Nike.
Nevermind. On the football specific Nike site they don’t talk about rivalry, but on the site where you can buy stuff Nike mentions the ‘rivalry collection.’
At least with the unveiling of the Virginia Tech jersey for the Pro Combat rivalry thing we know not everyone of them is going to have those spirograph yarn patterns on the shoulders.
Random thoughts after skimming today:
skins have worn white over white a handful of times before (you probably already knew that), but i can’t attest to the socks at this time. Not helping much, at this point.
Tulsa’s “real” colors are blue and gold. The black and red comes from the hurricane warning flag. During my time there, they had a different uniform every year (it was only 4 years, honest).
and that was when Nixon ruled, so i’m not surprised they do all this diferent shit in this day and age (get off my lawn). If i were king, they would wear primarily blue, gold (not yellow) and white. The helmet would be gold, with “tulsa” in block letters (much like lsu) and hurricane on the front of the jersey (or whatever the glossary calls that) also in block letters, much like yesterday’s reds. The little warning flag logo on the pants could stay. (and black high-tops, right?)
finally tweety is obviously a male, as they are always the more colorful gender of the species. a female would be brown, gray or olive drab.
sorry if i repeated somebody’s point from earlier or missed out on something. haven’t been able to give the site the attention it deserves as of yet today to comment intelligently so this all i got.
[quote comment=”359075″]interesting piece on npr this morning.
Dresses made out of jerseys
At the very end of the article:
“But perhaps the most exciting news of all this season is that the NFL’s latest merchandising partner is none other than Victoria’s Secret. Now, female fans will have more support than ever on Game Day.”
[quote comment=”359097″]Phil-
i agree the eagles should ditch the 2 stripe redskins look on their pants in favor of the 3 stripe. Those designs are really interesting i would be intrigued to see how the black pants would look as well now…[/quote]
Uh-huh. And when every team has a least three different pants people start to love the “uniqueness” of teams that wear the same pants, home and road.
See, this here is what “trendy” means, people. If you do what everyone else is doing you aren’t being original. You’re just following, and congratulating yourself on being updated and on top of things.
Like the trend back toward black cleats. Nothing inherently good about black or white…just what’s “in”. At the moment.
How dull would NFLNCAA football be if every team wore dark pants with their white jerseys? Ho-hum. Zzzzz….
Some teams’ character is to change with the wind. Others are to maintain. Thankfully, there’s both. Would be seriously boring if only one or the other.
[quote comment=”359100″]At least with the unveiling of the Virginia Tech jersey for the Pro Combat rivalry thing we know not everyone of them is going to have those spirograph yarn patterns on the shoulders.[/quote]
Actually, I suspect they all will have the spirograph stitching, but some will have contrasting colors and some will not. The FSU slideshow gave me the impression that the spirograph was necessary for strengthening the lighter-weight fabric around the shoulder pads rather than just an aesthetic element.
Virginia Tech revealed in a large photo here!!!
There are still spyrograph things on the shoulders.
[quote comment=”359083″][quote comment=”359079″]If you will, allow me to be the voice of dissent: the Bucs’ creamsicle looks awful. It looks like you left some orange jerseys out in the sun to fade. Never mind how dumb Bucco Bruce is as a logo.[/quote]
What you think of Tennessee’s home unis?
Is same color.[/quote]
And they’re both fantastic. Granted, I could see the new logo with the old colors, but that’s as far as I would go. It’s Florida – let ’em look like tangerines.
I’m sensing an anti-citrus sentiment on this site. Orange, lime…what’s next, lemon? You wanna pick on citrus, pick on grapefruit, but leave the others alone.
[quote comment=”359103″][quote comment=”359097″]Phil-
i agree the eagles should ditch the 2 stripe redskins look on their pants in favor of the 3 stripe. Those designs are really interesting i would be intrigued to see how the black pants would look as well now…[/quote]
Uh-huh. And when every team has a least three different pants people start to love the “uniqueness” of teams that wear the same pants, home and road.
See, this here is what “trendy” means, people. If you do what everyone else is doing you aren’t being original. You’re just following, and congratulating yourself on being updated and on top of things.
Like the trend back toward black cleats. Nothing inherently good about black or white…just what’s “in”. At the moment.
How dull would NFLNCAA football be if every team wore dark pants with their white jerseys? Ho-hum. Zzzzz….
Some teams’ character is to change with the wind. Others are to maintain. Thankfully, there’s both. Would be seriously boring if only one or the other.
i love ya buddy, but aren’t you one who said you’re a fan of the eagles “black over green” look they wore at least once?
im just having fun with using the colors the eagles have in their colorscheme (and while i generally do not like black pants, i only added them because the eagles now do have black as an official color)
i would never advocate for them adding black pants — i simply wanted to show, visually, what the black pants could do if they were to consider them as an option
likewise, i wouldn’t advocate a return to the gray/silver they once wore, since it’s really only a VERY SMALL part of their color scheme now (being present as an accent color on the wings on their helmets)
all i was doing was having a little fun with their colorscheme — and i did it with all 32 teams, (and which i’ve shown to you but haven’t posted on UW)
food for thought is all…creating a design and advocating for it are two different things
peace and i’m outta here till this evening
[quote comment=”359105″]Virginia Tech revealed in a large photo here!!!
There are still spyrograph things on the shoulders.[/quote]
What a disgusting uniform.
(And that has nothing to do with the colors.)
Final regular-season game of the CFL going on today, as Hamilton visits Winnipeg. No pics yet.
Ever go to the CFL.CA Live Play site? They use an old photo of the Skydome (now Rogers Centre) field for their field position chart: link Think they coulda used a nicer looking field?
Speaking of CFL, it looked like some CFL play in Chicago as the Cards returned a tipped Bears field goal eight yards back in the endzone. After some nifty moves at the 2-yard line, it turned into a 59-yard return. Brought down by the kicker, by the way.
Some college-looking stuff, too, as Pat White of the Dolphins ran the option pitching to Ricky Williams for a score. At least the No Fun League is showing some signs of fun today.
And the Pack/Bucs highlights looked seriously sweet.
Bad thing about that poll, I love most the uniforms in it, quit dissing my San Diego Padres and Vancouver Canucks!!!
[quote comment=”359107″][quote comment=”359103″][quote comment=”359097″]Phil-
i agree the eagles should ditch the 2 stripe redskins look on their pants in favor of the 3 stripe. Those designs are really interesting i would be intrigued to see how the black pants would look as well now…[/quote]
Uh-huh. And when every team has a least three different pants people start to love the “uniqueness” of teams that wear the same pants, home and road.
See, this here is what “trendy” means, people. If you do what everyone else is doing you aren’t being original. You’re just following, and congratulating yourself on being updated and on top of things.
Like the trend back toward black cleats. Nothing inherently good about black or white…just what’s “in”. At the moment.
How dull would NFLNCAA football be if every team wore dark pants with their white jerseys? Ho-hum. Zzzzz….
Some teams’ character is to change with the wind. Others are to maintain. Thankfully, there’s both. Would be seriously boring if only one or the other.
i love ya buddy, but aren’t you one who said you’re a fan of the eagles “black over green” look they wore at least once?
im just having fun with using the colors the eagles have in their colorscheme (and while i generally do not like black pants, i only added them because the eagles now do have black as an official color)
i would never advocate for them adding black pants — i simply wanted to show, visually, what the black pants could do if they were to consider them as an option
likewise, i wouldn’t advocate a return to the gray/silver they once wore, since it’s really only a VERY SMALL part of their color scheme now (being present as an accent color on the wings on their helmets)
all i was doing was having a little fun with their colorscheme — and i did it with all 32 teams, (and which i’ve shown to you but haven’t posted on UW)
food for thought is all…creating a design and advocating for it are two different things
peace and i’m outta here till this evening[/quote]
Yup, I said the Eagles were one of the few who didn’t look half bad, largely because they went double-dark, but not mono.
I also like the original Ravens purple over black, for the same reason.
In both instances, because the colors are almost variations on a theme…realtively close together in the spectrum…it became almost a “tonal” difference rather than a full-on color difference.
I was just saying the universal solution isn’t…everybody should wear dark pants with white.
There are no rules. Gotta judge things on a case-by-case business.
[quote comment=”359096″][quote comment=”359089″]
And your point is…[/quote]
That the Giants should throw out the “throwback” platform and go for a redesign, not that the addition of blue pants would improve the existing design.
Might please some here but, all things considered, that’s a notion I don’t imagine the Giants are about to embrace right now.
A different pair of trousers worn with one of the jerseys is a full-on redesign? Really?
OK, how about if they bring back the white jerseys that were worn the first part of this decade? I get the Giants with more blue on the road; you get them in a throwback platform.
And of course the Giants aren’t going to embrace this change because if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But just cuz it ain’t broke don’t mean it’s perfect.
[quote comment=”359102″][quote comment=”359075″]interesting piece on npr this morning.
Dresses made out of jerseys
At the very end of the article:
“But perhaps the most exciting news of all this season is that the NFL’s latest merchandising partner is none other than Victoria’s Secret. Now, female fans will have more support than ever on Game Day.”[/quote]
Comment Of The Day
Stumbled upon this on Wikipedia earlier
That is really freakin’ cool. I wonder how hard it would be to do something similar with the other NFL teams out there.
So why in 1993 did the Tampa Bay Bucs have “Mr. C.” on their left sleeve in the striping? Lynch, from NFL FOX just held up his game worn uniform with that on it. So I looked it up on google and found this:
I am just a little confused by the Mitchell and Ness description. Any help?
[quote comment=”359115″]So why in 1993 did the Tampa Bay Bucs have “Mr. C.” on their left sleeve in the striping? Lynch, from NFL FOX just held up his game worn uniform with that on it. So I looked it up on google and found this:
I am just a little confused by the Mitchell and Ness description. Any help?[/quote]
Edit: Mr. C is on the right sleeve.
[quote comment=”359082″]What is the silver logo on the Patriots field?[/quote]
It’s the silhouette of Gilette Stadium
[quote comment=”359116″][quote comment=”359115″]So why in 1993 did the Tampa Bay Bucs have “Mr. C.” on their left sleeve in the striping? Lynch, from NFL FOX just held up his game worn uniform with that on it. So I looked it up on google and found this:
I am just a little confused by the Mitchell and Ness description. Any help?[/quote]
Edit: Mr. C is on the right sleeve.[/quote]
*sigh* I should be ashamed at myself. It is right there on wiki:
Hugh Culverhouse died, and for the 1993 season, in response to Culverhouse’s passing, the Buccaneers added a commemorative patch to the right sleeve of their orange, away uniforms, which read, “Mr C” in cursive script.
i am also a fan of the eagle’s black over green… at least over the black over white (which i hope they don’t wear tonight by the way).
and im sorry but the old bucs uniforms look effing SWEET!
[quote comment=”359048″]Even when trying to put together a worst of list, the UniWatchBlog site misses the mark by a mile. No all-time worst uni list is legit without:
Tthe Houston Astros multi-stripped pullover.
And no mention of the Phillies all-burgundy?
The New York Islanders “Fish and Sticks”… not on here? Again this list has no teeth. Or diagonal; numbers.
The Washington Wizards alternate gold didn’t make it? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? How soon we forget.
No mention of any of the NFL Europe League unis like the Barcelona Dragons for instance?
Kings Alternate?
Canadiens Heirtage?
Preds? Come on? NOTHING?
Can you have a worst of worst uni’s list. I think I found it.[/quote]
Check the archives before you try to criticize the site. The Astros’ ‘tequila sunrise,’ Wizards’ gold alts, Islanders’ ‘Gorton’s fisherman,’ and Kings’ ‘burger king’ unis were all in the prelims but got voted out in before the finals. These are the finalists from each group.
[quote comment=”359085″]Eli-Rivers, Eli-Rivers, Eli-Rivers…
Everybody forget the Chargers already had a quarterback at the time? Guy named Brees.
Yeah, but everyone knows he’s too short to do anything at the NFL level. I mean seriously, what’s Drew Brees done since?
“A different pair of trousers worn with one of the jerseys is a full-on redesign? Really?”
Of course it is, if the existing design platform is the unis from a precise time period (in this case Late 50s-Early 60s), which the Giants’ clearly is. They didn’t wear blue pants during those years. Period. Can’t argue that. The Giants currently are unique in that respect…having a regular uni designed based on returning to the look of a specific era. So we have to look at them a bit differently.
“But just cuz it ain’t broke don’t mean it’s perfect.”
“Perfect” being defined by the viewer and, more importantly for this discussion, by the platform. As “50s-60s”, they’ve got it about as correct as they can. Blue pants in a “Late 50s-Early 60s” platform would be anything BUT perfect because the specific time period defines the parameters.
Mixed message?
Michael Vick Dog fighting and dog torturing. Horrible.
Commercial in NFL game where guy’s dog eats lady’s pet bird in vet’s waiting room. Hysterically funny.
(Did I mention I think that spot is incredibly smart-ass, insensitive and in bad taste?)
A non-player on the Bucs bench is wearing a Doug Williams throwback, much darker shade of orange than the players…
[quote comment=”359123″]Mixed message?
Michael Vick Dog fighting and dog torturing. Horrible.
Commercial in NFL game where guy’s dog eats lady’s pet bird in vet’s waiting room. Hysterically funny.
(Did I mention I think that spot is incredibly smart-ass, insensitive and in bad taste?)
In other words, “It’s just a damn bird” is an okay attitude.
But, “they were just dogs” is wrong.
I mean seriously, who decides?
They just showed a flashback from last time Pack won it Tampa in 2003, the end zone said ‘World Champions’ above ‘Buccaneers’ – don’t remember that…
[quote comment=”359126″]They just showed a flashback from last time Pack won it Tampa in 2003, the end zone said ‘World Champions’ above ‘Buccaneers’ – don’t remember that…[/quote]
Really? They beat the Raiders.
(ohhh….just kidding. We know what you meant).
Odds ‘n ends.
The animated 49er uni history is outstanding!
The GB/TB game had a flashback to 1979 and those jerseys looked darker than today’s tributes.
What was the deal with Dickety-Cinco and the dollar bill?
Guess the game: link
The game isn’t on pro football reference.
Whoops, my fault, that was the wrong game. Here’s the right game. link
Love those Creamsicles today. I bet if they win today, they’ll wear em the rest of the year.
Is it just me or do the numbers on the Tampa throwbacks look weird?
It’s like they aren’t wide enough?
Is it just me or do the numbers on the Tampa throwbacks look weird?
It’s like they aren’t wide enough?
Sorry, left a word out. I meant to say that it looks like the numbers on the jerseys aren’t wide enough.
not sure if youve posted…but here is Ohio State’s Nike system of dress unis
The person that was worried about a white OU helmet…well sorry…get ready for Sooner Magic
[quote comment=”359132″]Is it just me or do the numbers on the Tampa throwbacks look weird?
It’s like they aren’t wide enough?[/quote]
re: Color. I wondered if that was due to a difference in fabric.
Numbers might have been a bit narrower.
One thing sure, though, the white centerstripe on the sleeves and socks was close to twice as wide on the originals. But that seems likely to have been dictated by today’s shorter sleeves, and they simply matched it on the socks for consistency.
The originals (well, the whites they wore at home most of ’76, but the configuration was the same)…
Whatever, was fun to see them again.
I know that isn’t your typical tOSU uniform, but as far as these SOD uniforms, I like it. FSU’s are ugly, VT’s are weird, but these look decent. I like the gray pants and the helmet is ACE!
Tampa sure did it right for the throwbacks – the helmet at the middle of the field, the endzones, all of the padding around the stadiu, the ring of honour. A lot better than a lot of the half-assed jobs other teams have tried to pull off – they did the whole package. And it seemed like an awful lot of the crowd was into it as well, with the creamsicle colours.
Oh, and after typing the anti-spam word I suddenly feel the need for a cheap but practical bookcase.
[quote comment=”359135″]The person that was worried about a white OU helmet…well sorry…get ready for Sooner Magic
Whoa, when was the last time Oklahoma wore a plain white helmet? The late ’40s? Had a single crimson stripe as far back as I can rememeber.
1951 Sugar Bowl (1950 unis)…
[quote comment=”359139″][quote comment=”359135″]The person that was worried about a white OU helmet…well sorry…get ready for Sooner Magic
Whoa, when was the last time Oklahoma wore a plain white helmet? The late ’40s? Had a single crimson stripe as far back as I can rememeber.
1951 Sugar Bowl (1950 unis)…
Or is there a stripe in the wrinkle? Looks like could be.
[quote comment=”359125″][quote comment=”359123″]Mixed message?
Michael Vick Dog fighting and dog torturing. Horrible.
Commercial in NFL game where guy’s dog eats lady’s pet bird in vet’s waiting room. Hysterically funny.
(Did I mention I think that spot is incredibly smart-ass, insensitive and in bad taste?)
In other words, “It’s just a damn bird” is an okay attitude.
But, “they were just dogs” is wrong.
I mean seriously, who decides?[/quote]
No actual birds were harmed in the filming of the commercial. One is satire, the other a disgusting crime.
Stupid Texans come all the way back and then miss a 40 yard field goal to lose? Seriously?
[quote comment=”359141″][quote comment=”359125″][quote comment=”359123″]Mixed message?
Michael Vick Dog fighting and dog torturing. Horrible.
Commercial in NFL game where guy’s dog eats lady’s pet bird in vet’s waiting room. Hysterically funny.
(Did I mention I think that spot is incredibly smart-ass, insensitive and in bad taste?)
In other words, “It’s just a damn bird” is an okay attitude.
But, “they were just dogs” is wrong.
I mean seriously, who decides?[/quote]
No actual birds were harmed in the filming of the commercial. One is satire, the other a disgusting crime.[/quote]
Not the point. It’s the notion that inflicting something like that on someone and their pet is funny…and no big deal. It’s insensitive, cold-hearted and boorish. And the account executive who approved it is an idiot for thinking it was an acceptable human attitude to portray in association with the product or service. In a movie, hey, that’s different. In a commercial, absolutely brain dead. And that’s from someone who’s been in the business almost 45 years.
But what the hell. Anything, as long as it happens to someone else, is funny. Right?
And I’m an old fart who doesn’t get that cruelty to small living things is hilarious.
So when your kid says, “That’s so funny, the dog ate her bird” if you’re any kind of parent at all, you’d best ask, “And how do you think the lady felt about it?”
TCU uni down towards the bottom
[quote comment=”359122″]The Giants currently are unique in that respect…having a regular uni designed based on returning to the look of a specific era. So we have to look at them a bit differently.[/quote]
Not so much. The same can be said of the Jets and 49ers (stupid helmet logo excepted).
Cartoon violence not so funny when replaced with “real-life”. the aforementioned tweetie took his share of lumps (although admittedly not killed-kinda like jonah in the belly of a whale).
[quote comment=”359147″]Cartoon violence not so funny when replaced with “real-life”. the aforementioned tweetie took his share of lumps (although admittedly not killed-kinda like jonah in the belly of a whale).[/quote]
Absolutely. And I’m only speaking of the advisability of doing something like that in a commercial.
And how someone in the NFL office wasn’t preceptive enough to say, “Um, isn’t that spot just a tad contradictory to our stance on the Michael Vick deal?”
[quote comment=”359146″][quote comment=”359122″]The Giants currently are unique in that respect…having a regular uni designed based on returning to the look of a specific era. So we have to look at them a bit differently.[/quote]
Not so much. The same can be said of the Jets and 49ers (stupid helmet logo excepted).[/quote]
Yeah, I was gonna self-correct my statement because I thought about those two teams later.
I’m not a big fan of the Jets’ forest pants…in the sense that they don’t stay true to what aparently is the concept. However, because they changed from kelly to forest, they gave themselves some built-in latitude. That said, I think putting red pants on the Niners (as they presently dress) would be totally dumb, because that design does seem based on a particular time frame (could use three white stripes on the socks, though, for the sake of recapturing the look for most of those years).
I actually liked the green pants on the uni that preceded the Jets’ current set, because they were part of an orginal design concept not based on anything that had gone before.
[quote comment=”359149″][quote comment=”359146″][quote comment=”359122″]The Giants currently are unique in that respect…having a regular uni designed based on returning to the look of a specific era. So we have to look at them a bit differently.[/quote]
Not so much. The same can be said of the Jets and 49ers (stupid helmet logo excepted).[/quote]
Yeah, I was gonna self-correct my statement because I thought about those two teams later.
I’m not a big fan of the Jets’ forest pants…in the sense that they don’t stay true to what aparently is the concept. However, because they changed from kelly to forest, they gave themselves some built-in latitude. That said, I think putting red pants on the Niners (as they presently dress) would be totally dumb, because that design does seem based on a particular time frame (could use three white stripes on the socks, though, for the sake of recapturing the look for most of those years).
I actually liked the green pants on the uni that preceded the Jets’ current set, because they were part of an orginal design concept not based on anything that had gone before.
So the Jets gave themselves latitude but the Giants returned to the look of a specific era?
I say they both gave themselves latitude by taking the essence of a specific era and tweaking it a bit.
So bring on the blue britches.
[quote comment=\”359145\”]http://www.killerfrogs.com/msgboard/index.php?showtopic=103775&st=20
TCU uni down towards the bottom[/quote]
Here’s the pic isolated. The jerseys certainly could have been worse. I hope they’re not planning to wear those heather gray pants with a black and purple jersey though.
[quote comment=”359150″][quote comment=”359149″][quote comment=”359146″][quote comment=”359122″]The Giants currently are unique in that respect…having a regular uni designed based on returning to the look of a specific era. So we have to look at them a bit differently.[/quote]
Not so much. The same can be said of the Jets and 49ers (stupid helmet logo excepted).[/quote]
Yeah, I was gonna self-correct my statement because I thought about those two teams later.
I’m not a big fan of the Jets’ forest pants…in the sense that they don’t stay true to what aparently is the concept. However, because they changed from kelly to forest, they gave themselves some built-in latitude. That said, I think putting red pants on the Niners (as they presently dress) would be totally dumb, because that design does seem based on a particular time frame (could use three white stripes on the socks, though, for the sake of recapturing the look for most of those years).
I actually liked the green pants on the uni that preceded the Jets’ current set, because they were part of an orginal design concept not based on anything that had gone before.
So the Jets gave themselves latitude but the Giants returned to the look of a specific era?
I say they both gave themselves latitude by taking the essence of a specific era and tweaking it a bit.
So bring on the blue britches.[/quote]
Giants took more than the essence. But for technical changes that mean goofed up sleeve stripes, and “flecked” helmets now being virtually standard, they almost precisely replicated a particular era.
Jets changed the team colors. Subtle change, to be sure, but a fundamental change, nevertheless.
Giants didn’t change to powder or navy. And, yes, had they done that, to my mind they WOULD have given themselves more latitude. Why? Obviously because 50’s-60’s Giants team color was neither powder nor navy.
And Jets’ weren’t forest. Certainly no one at a site like this would say the ’60s Jets wore the same color as the Packers. So forest and white IS a new look. Just as navy and white for BYU differs from their royal-white, and why no one claimed they screwed up their pants stripes by going to NW-style. Can’t be a throwback if colors are different, can it? I mean if a logo on the neckline makes something not a throwback, certainly different colors also would disqualify it.
[quote comment=”359140″][quote comment=”359139″][quote comment=”359135″]The person that was worried about a white OU helmet…well sorry…get ready for Sooner Magic
Whoa, when was the last time Oklahoma wore a plain white helmet? The late ’40s? Had a single crimson stripe as far back as I can rememeber.
1951 Sugar Bowl (1950 unis)…
Or is there a stripe in the wrinkle? Looks like could be.[/quote]
That was me who was worried about the white helmet w/ white or a red facemask. I don’t mind that as it looks the same as the ones they wore in 2004 with the red stripe & gray facemask.
Thanks for the pics!
[quote comment=”359153″][quote comment=”359140″][quote comment=”359139″][quote comment=”359135″]The person that was worried about a white OU helmet…well sorry…get ready for Sooner Magic
Whoa, when was the last time Oklahoma wore a plain white helmet? The late ’40s? Had a single crimson stripe as far back as I can rememeber.
1951 Sugar Bowl (1950 unis)…
Or is there a stripe in the wrinkle? Looks like could be.[/quote]
That was me who was worried about the white helmet w/ white or a red facemask. I don’t mind that as it looks the same as the ones they wore in 2004 with the red stripe & gray facemask.
Thanks for the pics![/quote]
Found it!!! Remembered a cover from Collier’s magazine (damn, this here Interweb thing is amazing)…
Does anyone have a blank football uni template, similar the ones used to create the Falcons and Bills tweaks posted today?
Fooey. Had to flickr it.
So, anyone else notice that Oregon’s white leotards = loss thus far? The white jersey is 1-2 but the all-whites are 0-2. Paging Coach Kelly…
[quote comment=”359152″][quote comment=”359150″][quote comment=”359149″][quote comment=”359146″][quote comment=”359122″]The Giants currently are unique in that respect…having a regular uni designed based on returning to the look of a specific era. So we have to look at them a bit differently.[/quote]
Not so much. The same can be said of the Jets and 49ers (stupid helmet logo excepted).[/quote]
Yeah, I was gonna self-correct my statement because I thought about those two teams later.
I’m not a big fan of the Jets’ forest pants…in the sense that they don’t stay true to what aparently is the concept. However, because they changed from kelly to forest, they gave themselves some built-in latitude. That said, I think putting red pants on the Niners (as they presently dress) would be totally dumb, because that design does seem based on a particular time frame (could use three white stripes on the socks, though, for the sake of recapturing the look for most of those years).
I actually liked the green pants on the uni that preceded the Jets’ current set, because they were part of an orginal design concept not based on anything that had gone before.
So the Jets gave themselves latitude but the Giants returned to the look of a specific era?
I say they both gave themselves latitude by taking the essence of a specific era and tweaking it a bit.
So bring on the blue britches.[/quote]
Giants took more than the essence. But for technical changes that mean goofed up sleeve stripes, and “flecked” helmets now being virtually standard, they almost precisely replicated a particular era.
Jets changed the team colors. Subtle change, to be sure, but a fundamental change, nevertheless.
Giants didn’t change to powder or navy. And, yes, had they done that, to my mind they WOULD have given themselves more latitude. Why? Obviously because 50’s-60’s Giants team color was neither powder nor navy.
And Jets’ weren’t forest. Certainly no one at a site like this would say the ’60s Jets wore the same color as the Packers. So forest and white IS a new look. Just as navy and white for BYU differs from their royal-white, and why no one claimed they screwed up their pants stripes by going to NW-style. Can’t be a throwback if colors are different, can it? I mean if a logo on the neckline makes something not a throwback, certainly different colors also would disqualify it.
OK, so they replicated the look. I still don’t see why that means they have to be locked into it for eternity.
So have we resigned ourselves to the permanent “ghosting” of the Giants’ Reebok logs?
I do apologize if it has been mentioned, but have we had any word from Skiba why the G-Men do not have any reebok logos on their sleeves anymore? Are all of them “ghosted”, or are some of them gone completely?
I know earlier in the year there was problems with them falling apart and such, and I remember Skiba saying he was working on something to fix it. Did I miss the answer?
Anyone notice the St. Louis Blues proposed alt. at the bottom of this page:
These would have blown the burger king and wild wing out of the water
[quote comment=”359161″]Anyone notice the St. Louis Blues proposed alt. at the bottom of this page:
These would have blown the burger king and wild wing out of the water[/quote]
That’s a winner right there. Maybe we should have ‘worst prototype’ and ‘best prototype’ polls.
[quote comment=”359158″][quote comment=”359152″][quote comment=”359150″][quote comment=”359149″][quote comment=”359146″][quote comment=”359122″]The Giants currently are unique in that respect…having a regular uni designed based on returning to the look of a specific era. So we have to look at them a bit differently.[/quote]
Not so much. The same can be said of the Jets and 49ers (stupid helmet logo excepted).[/quote]
Yeah, I was gonna self-correct my statement because I thought about those two teams later.
I’m not a big fan of the Jets’ forest pants…in the sense that they don’t stay true to what aparently is the concept. However, because they changed from kelly to forest, they gave themselves some built-in latitude. That said, I think putting red pants on the Niners (as they presently dress) would be totally dumb, because that design does seem based on a particular time frame (could use three white stripes on the socks, though, for the sake of recapturing the look for most of those years).
I actually liked the green pants on the uni that preceded the Jets’ current set, because they were part of an orginal design concept not based on anything that had gone before.
So the Jets gave themselves latitude but the Giants returned to the look of a specific era?
I say they both gave themselves latitude by taking the essence of a specific era and tweaking it a bit.
So bring on the blue britches.[/quote]
Giants took more than the essence. But for technical changes that mean goofed up sleeve stripes, and “flecked” helmets now being virtually standard, they almost precisely replicated a particular era.
Jets changed the team colors. Subtle change, to be sure, but a fundamental change, nevertheless.
Giants didn’t change to powder or navy. And, yes, had they done that, to my mind they WOULD have given themselves more latitude. Why? Obviously because 50’s-60’s Giants team color was neither powder nor navy.
And Jets’ weren’t forest. Certainly no one at a site like this would say the ’60s Jets wore the same color as the Packers. So forest and white IS a new look. Just as navy and white for BYU differs from their royal-white, and why no one claimed they screwed up their pants stripes by going to NW-style. Can’t be a throwback if colors are different, can it? I mean if a logo on the neckline makes something not a throwback, certainly different colors also would disqualify it.
OK, so they replicated the look. I still don’t see why that means they have to be locked into it for eternity.[/quote]
They’re not. Just have to decide to go to a new design platform. The one currently in use wouldn’t support blue pants, though.
When you have a branding plan you’re wise to stick to it. Otherwise such plans mean nothing.
The beauty of it, of course, is that you can say, “new plan”. But for now seems sensible to stay with it.
Think about this: With their Legacy unis, throwbacks and other combinations, the Jets have been all over the place this year and last. Maybe the Giants are intentionally busting their humps to push an opposite image into the NY market? Totally valid–even advisable–stance.
I don’t CARE if they decide to go to blue pants someday. Just don’t think it makes sense inside the current template, that’s all. And I’m guessing they see it that way, too. Because they sure have been sticking to the one they have.
[quote comment=”359160″]I do apologize if it has been mentioned, but have we had any word from Skiba why the G-Men do not have any reebok logos on their sleeves anymore? Are all of them “ghosted”, or are some of them gone completely?
I know earlier in the year there was problems with them falling apart and such, and I remember Skiba saying he was working on something to fix it. Did I miss the answer?[/quote]
He dropped by deep in the comment section in the last few days, can’t remember which. Anyway, look for the new ones after the bye week.
Aren’t the Jets’ unis classified as hunter green? Forest green is actually a tad lighter than hunter.
[quote comment=”359159″]So have we resigned ourselves to the permanent “ghosting” of the Giants’ Reebok logs?[/quote]
[quote comment=”359160″]I do apologize if it has been mentioned, but have we had any word from Skiba why the G-Men do not have any reebok logos on their sleeves anymore? Are all of them “ghosted”, or are some of them gone completely?
I know earlier in the year there was problems with them falling apart and such, and I remember Skiba saying he was working on something to fix it. Did I miss the answer?[/quote]
he mentioned it friday
comment #231:
“You’re telling me Phil, I’m on the sidelines for it…the new batch of blues will be worn after the bye vs. Atlanta, sorry it looks like the ghosting vectors will be done with…”
Dammit… And I think I have tickets to the game where VT is wearing those ugly things…
Oh, and a white helmet that I’ve never seen before. Awesome. Can’t wait to see that abortion on the field.
[quote comment=”359167″]Dammit… And I think I have tickets to the game where VT is wearing those ugly things…
Oh, and a white helmet that I’ve never seen before. Awesome. Can’t wait to see that abortion on the field.[/quote]
bring your camera
i had tickets to the mets TATC game in 1999…never thought anything of it, other than hating the whole idea and i think we actually got some crappy cap that resembled the one the players wore
IN RETROSPECT, i wish i’d have taken some pics and held on to the giveaway — pretty sure it tossed the cap in the garbage at games end…who knew then that it was kind of an historical day (albeit not one i wanna remember — i remember this tho: kris benson pitched a GEM for the pirates and i hoped one day he’d become a met — be careful what you wish for)
enjoy the game for what it is…and make sure you take some pics & keep any souveneirs…they may be worth something some day
[quote comment=”359165″]Aren’t the Jets’ unis classified as hunter green? Forest green is actually a tad lighter than hunter.
Probably. The relevant point was that it isn’t kelly. Not the oclor the Namath Jets wore.
Regarding similar color schemes in annual matchups/rivalries:
Love the traditional gold pants on Navy, but they would look good with white jersey over Navy pants when playing Army or Notre Dame.
The best OU – Nebraska uni matchups were when Sooners wore Crimson home jerseys and Huskers wore white over scarlet pants
Very disappointed that the Memphis Mad Dogs didn’t make it out of the first round of the Worst Uni Evah competition. Their kit is so much worse than the Orlando Thunder it’s not even close.
All the Thunder got is a hideous jersey color. The Mad Dogs have an infinitely worse logo and a jersey on which everything is in the wrong place. My kid could design a better uniform.
Ah well….looking on the bright side, this makes my final round vote very easy: Caribou FTW!
Our newest pro correspondent is playing right now.
[quote comment=”359170″]Regarding similar color schemes in annual matchups/rivalries:
Love the traditional gold pants on Navy, but they would look good with white jersey over Navy pants when playing Army or Notre Dame.
The best OU – Nebraska uni matchups were when Sooners wore Crimson home jerseys and Huskers wore white over scarlet pants[/quote]
I agree on both points.
I’m back at my desk…my head hurts…
[quote comment=”359174″]I’m back at my desk…my head hurts…[/quote]
aight…maybe losing the ghosted jerseys isn’t such a bad thing afterall…
tough one today…this will sting for a while
Oh my FUCKING God… Seriously, Nike can go shove a giant pole up its ass. Seriously, I know our Athletic Dept had to sign off on it, but with how much money Nike gives us, we can never afford to say no, but link and link parked on campus to hype their jersey reveal tomorrow is above and beyond in douchebaggery. What makes it worse is that VT has a giant Corps of Cadets. Wonder what those students think when they cross campus and see this advertising shit saying ‘Prepare for Combat’ while hyping a football uniform.
The white jersey with the blue pants(and red/white pro strip) was the outfit we wore for freshmen football; we eventually chose it as our primary that season as our blues were like the current Jints top which we thought was plain jane (and lost our 1st 4 games in.)
[quote comment=”359176″]Oh my FUCKING God… Seriously, Nike can go shove a giant pole up its ass. Seriously, I know our Athletic Dept had to sign off on it, but with how much money Nike gives us, we can never afford to say no, but link and link parked on campus to hype their jersey reveal tomorrow is above and beyond in douchebaggery. What makes it worse is that VT has a giant Corps of Cadets. Wonder what those students think when they cross campus and see this advertising shit saying ‘Prepare for Combat’ while hyping a football uniform.[/quote]
And one more link… just to drive it home…
eagles had to play for a while with peters out.
[quote comment=”359179″]eagles had to play for a while with peters out.[/quote]
Never a good look – home or away
[quote comment=”359180″][quote comment=”359179″]eagles had to play for a while with peters out.[/quote]
Never a good look – home or away[/quote]
From what that hit looked like, they’re lucky he was able to come back in.
[quote comment=”359181″][quote comment=”359180″][quote comment=”359179″]eagles had to play for a while with peters out.[/quote]
Never a good look – home or away[/quote]
From what that hit looked like, they’re lucky he was able to come back in.[/quote]
It looked like he got McGaheed.
[quote comment=\”359057\”]The TCU and VT threads, err \”yarns\” are up on the Nike website.
We Have seen this picture before…perhaps we didnt realize what was in store…it was in Eastbay or something, but we all commented on it.
BTW…OU/Nebraska should have been number 1.
Is Furman\’s F in a hypocycloid?
[quote comment=”359180″][quote comment=”359179″]eagles had to play for a while with peters out.[/quote]
Never a good look – home or away[/quote]
comment of the year!
[quote comment=”359178″][quote comment=”359176″]Oh my FUCKING God… Seriously, Nike can go shove a giant pole up its ass. Seriously, I know our Athletic Dept had to sign off on it, but with how much money Nike gives us, we can never afford to say no, but link and link parked on campus to hype their jersey reveal tomorrow is above and beyond in douchebaggery. What makes it worse is that VT has a giant Corps of Cadets. Wonder what those students think when they cross campus and see this advertising shit saying ‘Prepare for Combat’ while hyping a football uniform.[/quote]
And one more link… just to drive it home…
Really Poor taste, especially in Blacksburg.
[quote comment=”359178″][quote comment=”359176″]Oh my FUCKING God… Seriously, Nike can go shove a giant pole up its ass. Seriously, I know our Athletic Dept had to sign off on it, but with how much money Nike gives us, we can never afford to say no, but link and link parked on campus to hype their jersey reveal tomorrow is above and beyond in douchebaggery. What makes it worse is that VT has a giant Corps of Cadets. Wonder what those students think when they cross campus and see this advertising shit saying ‘Prepare for Combat’ while hyping a football uniform.[/quote]
And one more link… just to drive it home…
I guess we know how “Is it good or is it stupid?” is answered.
[quote comment=”359168″][quote comment=”359167″]Dammit… And I think I have tickets to the game where VT is wearing those ugly things…
Oh, and a white helmet that I’ve never seen before. Awesome. Can’t wait to see that abortion on the field.[/quote]
bring your camera
i had tickets to the mets TATC game in 1999…never thought anything of it, other than hating the whole idea and i think we actually got some crappy cap that resembled the one the players wore
IN RETROSPECT, i wish i’d have taken some pics and held on to the giveaway — pretty sure it tossed the cap in the garbage at games end…who knew then that it was kind of an historical day (albeit not one i wanna remember — i remember this tho: kris benson pitched a GEM for the pirates and i hoped one day he’d become a met — be careful what you wish for)
enjoy the game for what it is…and make sure you take some pics & keep any souveneirs…they may be worth something some day[/quote]
Same thing happened to me at a Mets game…I threw out the tickets instead!
[quote comment=”359169″][quote comment=”359165″]Aren’t the Jets’ unis classified as hunter green? Forest green is actually a tad lighter than hunter.
Probably. The relevant point was that it isn’t kelly. Not the oclor the Namath Jets wore.[/quote]
Where is Donovan Moore when you need him?
I try not to take Al Michaels word for much but he just mentioned that the “official” first down chains are on the near side of the field, for the second half, when they were on the far side for the first half. Does anyone know if this is SOP? And if so, does anyone know why?
[quote comment=”359189″]I try not to take Al Michaels word for much but he just mentioned that the “official” first down chains are on the near side of the field, for the second half, when they were on the far side for the first half. Does anyone know if this is SOP? And if so, does anyone know why?
For HS, the chains are SUPPOSED to be opposite the press box…for visability, I would assume.
Lookie what I found:
Here’s a bunch of em:
[quote comment=”359191″]Here’s a bunch of em:
The LSU ones are actually quite cool.
do we have the 10 schools now?
no oregon or oregon state?
[quote comment=”359183″][quote comment=\”359057\”]The TCU and VT threads, err \”yarns\” are up on the Nike website.
We Have seen this picture before…perhaps we didnt realize what was in store…it was in Eastbay or something, but we all commented on it.
BTW…OU/Nebraska should have been number 1.
Is Furman\’s F in a hypocycloid?
If the unis were reversed, OU/NU would have been #1.
And I do believe that is a hypocycloid on Furman. Not an exact replica of the Stillers, but darn close.
[quote comment=”359193″]so…
do we have the 10 schools now?
no oregon or oregon state?[/quote]
I do think the LSU gloves are pretty awesome. But if they go the route of TCU or VaTech with the unis I may have to boycott the school. Go with a much more traditional, almost throwback look like OU and Texas…PLEASE.
If I did a Top 5 for the NFL, this would be this week’s #1:
[quote comment=”359196″]If I did a Top 5 for the NFL, this would be this week’s #1:
The Bay of Pigs? You truly are a sick man.
[quote comment=”359197″][quote comment=”359196″]If I did a Top 5 for the NFL, this would be this week’s #1:
The Bay of Pigs? You truly are a sick man.[/quote]
By the way, that there was a game that was in desperate need of color-on-color.
[quote comment=”359197″][quote comment=”359196″]If I did a Top 5 for the NFL, this would be this week’s #1:
The Bay of Pigs? You truly are a sick man.[/quote]
Yes I am. I call it the Citrus Bowl, with all the colors. And yes, a color vs. color matchup woulda been awesome.
Hi yo, Silver! Away!
And as another Sunday rides off into the sunset, the townsfolk gather around asking, “Who was that masked man?” “Don’t know, but he left behind a silver…hair. Why that’s the Lone Ricko!”
Liked the Benchies, kemosabe.
wow maybe having that hummer at VT like that after recent events wasn’t a good idea
[quote comment=”359201″]wow maybe having that hummer at VT like that after recent events wasn’t a good idea[/quote]
Understatement of the week.
Is there any way you could show Dwyane Jarrett (Panthers) and his scrambeled Panthers logo on his left shoulderpad? Never seen anything that messed up.
[quote comment=”359026″][quote comment=”359014″]
All of the uniforms passed the look test from someone. They all had to get the thumbs up or thumbs down. I don’t believe for a second that the Tuscon Toros uniforms just showed up one day hanging in the lockers. Somebody in the organization gave that design the thumbs up prior to the order being placed. Somebody liked that design. Obviously the vast majority of people who comment here hate them. Same with fringe on a jersey.
Uni watch blog is not omnipotent. Nike, adidas, Under Armour and the like can give a shit what we think about their designs. Frankly, I’m glad that they don’t. What would we have to bitch about if all the uniforms were the same.[/quote]
No, but for that Tucson Toros uniform to be given the green light by somebody, well, it was the late 70s and there were a lot of drugs going around…
[quote comment=”358987″]Poor neon green. Such a hated color apparently. What did it ever do to us? Why do we hate it so much as to allow 2 teams using it to end up in the finals?
We should be ashamed of ourselves.[/quote]
You wish. Neon green is offensive to the senses. It’s not found anywhere in nature & nobody would ever have their house, walls or floors that color. Neon green is a novelty color that appeals to kids. I used to have a loud neon green shirt back in the early 1990s, only because I was stupid & didn’t know better.
That yellow on the Bills concept is way too bright. Tho I had a feeling it had Packer stink on it. I’d use that look minus the yellow helmet & jersey (too loud) and go to a white helmet, blue numbers on the road & no trim on the blue homes.
You can’t find the box score for the guess the game question from football reference because it was a pre-season game, but here’s the box score from espn
Hi guys!
Pretty good picks for the uggliest uniforms, but it’s too bad you leave out European sports teams. Check this thing worn by the Stade Français rugby club:
This ranks with the best (or should I say worst) of them, right?
[quote comment=”359887″]Hi guys!
Pretty good picks for the uggliest uniforms, but it’s too bad you leave out European sports teams. Check this thing worn by the Stade Français rugby club:
This ranks with the best (or should I say worst) of them, right?[/quote]
That is truly awful.
And we may yet do an international version of the worst uni ever poll.
For the “international …”
The entire history of the Stade de France rugby team
The entire history of Netball in Australia (especially the national team which wears baby dresses that look like a green-eggs-and-ham omelet)
FC Porto a few years ago that had jerseys that looked like hemoglobin molecules
Hull’s 1992 tiger stripes
Mexico’s 1998 alternate jersey with red and green aztec face
Shimizu S-Pulse (japan soccer)
Jokerit (swedish hockey)
2002 Cepestral Keprovetz, a hockey team in Russia which used a black and yellow jersey with yellow and powder blue numbers, and a red and blue logo.
Also, the Cameroon one-piece soccer jersey that was ultimately outlawed (white body and black sleeves!!
Other monstrosities involved irony compared to iconic home kits. One year, Manchester United wore a gray kit that looked like old pavement.
Another year, Celtic wore a special jersey for Champions League that looked like a green and white stock graph.
Chelsea’s orange and gray monstrosities of 1985
Proof positive of the Providence Bruins:
Holy smack, that’s bad.