Just back from another trip to Pittsburgh, where I was working on two ESPN stories (more on that later). No time for a Uni Watch party this time around, although I did manage to meet up with Doug Keklak and Ryan Connelly for a sausage and pepperoni pie at the very wonderful Vincent’s Pizza Park (where they don’t exactly skimp on the toppings).
Anyway, when I got back home yesterday evening, I found that my worst fears had been realized: The worst alternate jersey in NFL history has become public knowledge. I’ve been sitting on this one for months and was hoping maybe I’d get run over by a truck or something like before the official unveiling so I wouldn’t have to write about it. But no such luck, as it leaked last night on Michael Princip’s Seahawks-centric Greenglare blog (and in our comments section). So now I have to deal with it. Sigh.
The timing couldn’t be worse, because I know you’re all looking at the calendar and thinking, “Yeah, right, nice try.” And yes, smart guy, I know what day today is, but it’s my sad duty to confirm that this one is no joke. It’s one of several NFL uni updates that will be officially unveiled during the draft (others, which I can’t show you, include the Jags, Dolphins, and Niners; the Lions have already leaked), and by far the worst of the bunch.
There’s not a whole lot to say here, except that this jersey takes the Seahawks’ infatuation with lime green neon snot to its logical, awful conclusion. The color’s inclusion in their uni set makes no more sense to me now than it did when the set was introduced in 2002. I hate it in their collar stripe, I hate it in their sleeve stripe, I hate it in their pants stripe, plus I hate it in all the team’s ancillary gear, like sideline caps, “fashion” caps, gloves, ski caps, and even adhesive tape and confetti. And now I’ll get to hate it in a truly dreadful alternate jersey.
The worst part about this is that it’s taking place in the same season as all those great AFL throwbacks. Could anything be more diametrically opposed to those beauties than this eyesore? Fortunately, there’s still time to get run over by a truck before the season starts.
Update: ESPN surprised me by running my MLB season-preview column today (instead of tomorrow, when it was originally slated to run). Here ’tis.
Welcome aboard: As you can see on the right, we have a new advertiser: Birdland Philadelphia, which specializes in Philly-themed T-shirts (I’m particularly fond of this one, and I’ll try to ignore this one). Check out their stuff, and please continue giving consideration to all our ad partners. Thanks.
Uni Watch News Ticker (a joint effort by Phil and Paul today): Our latest DIY cornhole set comes from Jim Ransdell, who created a Spurs-themed set for himself. ”¦ Last Wednesday’s Isles/Wild game featured a fight between John Scott and Joel Rechlicz. As you can sort of see toward the end of the video, Scott ended up with a rip extending down from the tip of his V-neck jersey collar. What isn’t shown in the video — but is explained in this article — is that the jersey was damaged so badly that Scott removed the jersey and “sat in the penalty box in only his pads from the waist up while his jersey received treatment” (with thanks to Brian Schulz). ”¦ If you can fight your way through all the advertising nonsense, there’s something pretty unique in this photo: uni-numbered socks! (Nice find by AJ Brandt.) ”¦ The expansion Gold Coast FC Australian Rules Football Club was granted a license to start play in 2011, writes Drew Douglas. The “Gold Coast” is the Surfers Paradise area south of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Think Tampa Bay/Jacksonville, Fla. in American terms … Brig Slaughter knows how much we love stirrups, so here is a shot of Auburn pitcher Dexter Price. Gotta love the old school uni they’re wearing this year, and the stirrups are a nice compliment … John Muir has found some fascinating things about championship rings … Brad Keppler enjoyed the weekend column “in which Phil and Teebz broke down the Frozen Four Hockey Uniforms.” He was stunned when he noticed that ND doesnt use green in their Alternate Uni Set, so he came up with this set which, “I think has a ‘throwback’ or ‘vintage’ feel to it. Thought u would like to see. I think these would look sweet on the ice!” … Steve Cadger came across something that he’d never seen before — a sign that takes up almost the whole back (and in one case, the front) of the sweater. It’s an undated photo from the City of Edmonton archives, of a pretty slick-looking hockey team with players that have such awesome names as Dead-Eye Dawson, Ace Armitage, and Peerless Porter. … Mark Kluczynski notes that Shorpy strikes again … “My buddies and I took a vacation to some spring training games in Florida,” says Cork Gaines. “To commemorate the event, one guy made beer bottle koozies for the trip. If you look closely, you’ll see that the logo has a Rollie Fingers mustache, since one requirement for Man-cation is unruly facial hair.” ”¦ Is it possible that those two new NYC stadia might not be God’s gift to sporting venues after all? … Nice find here: Looks like Joe Sakic was wearing a cover-up patch over his captain’s “C” (good spot by Mike Engle). … B. Cheng has started a new blog about Chinese soccer, and yesterday’s post was all about uniforms. ”¦ Tremendous 1974 Atlanta Hawks uniform available here (good find by Daniel Puglisi).
Brad Keppler enjoyed the weekend column “in which Phil and Teebz broke down the Frozen Four Hockey Uniforms.” He was stunned when he noticed that ND doesnt use green in their Alternate Uni Set, so he came up with this set which, “I think has a ‘throwback’ or ‘vintage’ feel to it.
Notre Dame does have a green alternate uniform, which they wear for the last home game of the regular season:
Gadzooks…the train wreck which is going to be that green Seahawks jersey with the blue pants, may just be too much for these peepers to bear.
An old “Do Not Adjust Your Set” crawl during Seattle games may be required in 2009…
Shame on Paul for omitting these snot colred beauties:
Seems convincing enough, but I think Im going to call (more like I am hoping) April fools on the green Seahawks jersey. If I am wrong, I am sorry for doubting Paul and the uniwatch staff. On any other day I would be convinced, but this of all days, I can not accept a neon green NFL jersey.
Looks like Seattle is trying to do the whole ‘Pittsburgh’ thing in having all sports teams have the same or similar colors. This one is very similar to the Seattle Sounders green jersey.
I don’t like the Seahawks uniform, but i really like the Sounders one.
can i get a hint on the miami uni change? is it dramatic or subtle like the last change. i would prefer they just go back to the original logo.
[quote comment=”320687″]can i get a hint on the miami uni change? is it dramatic or subtle like the last change. i would prefer they just go back to the original logo.[/quote]
I’m willing to say this much: No change to the logo.
All right, all together now:
Glad I got it out of my system.
I give credit to the Seahawks for trying something fun and doing something different … even if it is “Buffalo Bills uniform” not so good.
Reminds me of one of the greatest unis in football history: your world famous Orlando Thunder, coached by that ninny Lee Corso …
Regarding the championship ring story, what ring did Brendan Stai earn? The Steelers lost SBXXX his rookie year (thanks again O’Donnell).
Does anyone know if they award AFC/NFC rings? Perhaps this was a college ring? (I believe he went to Nebraska and I’m pretty sure they were national champs around that time)
Paul, have you seen this beauty
It’s this year’s Seahawks draft hat, in the green glare of course.
Well, at least the Seattle jersey may represent an openness to returning to brightly colored sports gear after a couple decades of constant pushing to the dark side. But even if that’s true, yikes it’s ugyouley.
Seahawks “Bright Green” as an accent color sure it’s awesome, as a full jersey color not exactly I mean I thought I hated the Jets 3rd jersey.
god i am scared. i wish my wife were here to hold me. if they change colors that means i’m gonna have to repaint my basement. cinderblock sucks to paint.
Isn’t that Seahawks’ alternate jersey just lime green for lime green’s sake?
Boom. Roasted.
(Sorry Teebz!!!!)
[quote comment=”320692″]Regarding the championship ring story, what ring did Brendan Stai earn? The Steelers lost SBXXX his rookie year (thanks again O’Donnell).
Does anyone know if they award AFC/NFC rings? Perhaps this was a college ring? (I believe he went to Nebraska and I’m pretty sure they were national champs around that time)[/quote]
super bowl losers get rings too… for real. there’s just no great ceramony for finishing 2nd.
Not that anyone here can do anything about it, but on that championship ring story the first rings were made for the NY (baseball) Giants, not the NFL version. The giveaway is the ring itself, thats a baseball diamond outlining the inserted diamond.
[quote comment=”320692″]Regarding the championship ring story, what ring did Brendan Stai earn? The Steelers lost SBXXX his rookie year (thanks again O’Donnell).
Does anyone know if they award AFC/NFC rings? Perhaps this was a college ring? (I believe he went to Nebraska and I’m pretty sure they were national champs around that time)[/quote]
I used to work for Jostens and yes, they do award AFC/NFC Championship rings.
My question about this story is why is Matt Birk (Minnesota Vikings, now Baltimore Ravens) shown on the TV screen capture??
Add a little purple and they could be the Seattle Contusions.
Dramamine should be taken before viewing the Seahawks’ 3rd jersey. I like using the green as an accent color, but not the whole shebang. Yeesh. . .
I heard Paul Allen was a big fan of this movie growing up link
Oh my. That Seahawks alternate is terrible! It would be really funny if they wore it with a logoless helmet like the helmet they used in their first season – although I guess that would get rid of the neon green eyeball that would match the jersey.
Wonder if consumer fraud charges could be brought against the Mets and Yank-mees if they didn’t disclose that certain sections contain obstructed view seats?
[quote comment=”320704″]Oh my. That Seahawks alternate is terrible! It would be really funny if they wore it with a logoless helmet like the helmet they used in their first season – although I guess that would get rid of the neon green eyeball that would match the jersey.[/quote]
Again with logoless helmet in Year One. Not so. A Topps-created myth. If you go by those cards NO teams had helmet ID that season.
Perhaps the Seahawks are trolling, trying to sell jersey ad space to H&R Block?
Better not go to helmets that color, though, how would anyone see the green dot.
“If you can fight your way through all the advertising nonsense, there’s something pretty unique in this photo: uni-numbered socks!”
One day, Firefox and Ad-Block Plus will turn those into cleaner-looking uniforms.
I like the neon green on the trim but as a primary color…GOD HELP US ALL!!!
[quote comment=”320697″]Isn’t that Seahawks’ alternate jersey just lime green for lime green’s sake?
Boom. Roasted.
(Sorry Teebz!!!!)[/quote]
Don’t be sorry. That’s entirely appropriate! LOL
Shouldn’t one of those Seahawks jerseys in the slick be the road? :p
[quote comment=”320681″]Brad Keppler enjoyed the weekend column “in which Phil and Teebz broke down the Frozen Four Hockey Uniforms.” He was stunned when he noticed that ND doesnt use green in their Alternate Uni Set, so he came up with this set which, “I think has a ‘throwback’ or ‘vintage’ feel to it.
Notre Dame does have a green alternate uniform, which they wear for the last home game of the regular season:
Please change the story to say Notre Dame. As a fan of the WCHA, I thought you were talking about North Dakota. I was getting ready to say that the Fightin’ Sioux use green in their alts.
It is easy to understand why Seattle has such awful and random additions in their uniforms…they are only ~300 miles from Eugene, OR. And let’s all remember that every Saturday is Halloween in Eugene.
honestly, about the seahawks new alts… why hate a team that went and did something different for a change? at least it’s not black? they used a color in their color scheme, and they stand out, not only on the football field, but you’ll see their fans in the stands now. i think it’s great really. plus they match the sounders! and is lime green SUCH an awful color? good for seattle, i say! quit hating change people!
… ok, so ONE april fools comment never hurt anybody ;-) happy april fools day everyone!
[quote comment=”320706″][quote comment=”320704″]Oh my. That Seahawks alternate is terrible! It would be really funny if they wore it with a logoless helmet like the helmet they used in their first season – although I guess that would get rid of the neon green eyeball that would match the jersey.[/quote]
Again with logoless helmet in Year One. Not so. A Topps-created myth. If you go by those cards NO teams had helmet ID that season.
Perhaps the Seahawks are trolling, trying to sell jersey ad space to H&R Block?
Better not go to helmets that color, though, how would anyone see the green dot.
correct me if I’m wrong please, but the last non-Browns pro team to sport a helmetless logo in the regular season were the 1967 Denver Broncos.
[quote comment=”320691″]Reminds me of one of the greatest unis in football history: your world famous Orlando Thunder[/quote]
Orlando Thunder notwithstanding, there were some lovely uni’s in the WLAF worthy of a column of their own, I adored the London Monarch’s royal blue, gold and red affairs with the stylised ‘M’
crown, and the Birmingham Fire uni’s with flames on the helmet and sleeves were delicious. Barcelona Dragons and Frankfurt Galaxy had smooth designs too, not so much Orlando, Raleigh/Durham, Sacramento and San Antonio.
[quote comment=”320699″]Not that anyone here can do anything about it, but on that championship ring story the first rings were made for the NY (baseball) Giants, not the NFL version. The giveaway is the ring itself, thats a baseball diamond outlining the inserted diamond.[/quote]
The other dead giveaway is that the Football Giants didn’t win the NFL crown in 1922, due to their not being in existence at the time.
At first I thought this was going to be an article on H&R Block. Little did I know what horrors awaited me…
[quote comment=”320714″][quote comment=”320706″][quote comment=”320704″]Oh my. That Seahawks alternate is terrible! It would be really funny if they wore it with a logoless helmet like the helmet they used in their first season – although I guess that would get rid of the neon green eyeball that would match the jersey.[/quote]
Again with logoless helmet in Year One. Not so. A Topps-created myth. If you go by those cards NO teams had helmet ID that season.
Perhaps the Seahawks are trolling, trying to sell jersey ad space to H&R Block?
Better not go to helmets that color, though, how would anyone see the green dot.
correct me if I’m wrong please, but the last non-Browns pro team to sport a helmetless logo in the regular season were the 1967 Denver Broncos.[/quote]
of the “non-throwback” variety? i believe you are correct, sir
obviously, several teams went logoless for their “special” unis, but as far as plain old regular season? think you are correct (at least as far as a very cursory glance at FUPP goes)
As a Phil’s fan, I love the new sponsor – I’ll probably end up getting at least one Phillies shirt, and the one Flyers shirt they have is great too. I’m sure the whole sponsoring part of the agreement helps, but kudos to a Met fan accepting a Philly establishment.
That Giants ring would have to be the baseball Giants, seeing as the football Giants didn’t come into existence until 1925, and the baseball Giants won the World Series in ’22, beating Ruth\’s Yankees for the second straight October.
Then there’s also the matter of the baseball diamond on the face of the ring … ;-)
shit timmy, i just reread what you wrote — did you mean “helmetless logo” or “logoless helmet”?
You mean logoless helmet.
[quote comment=”320697″]Isn’t that Seahawks’ alternate jersey just lime green for lime green’s sake?
Boom. Roasted.
(Sorry Teebz!!!!)[/quote]
Bwaaahahahaha!!! Outstanding! I tip my hat to you Good Sir.
Broncos were logoless in ’67? Don’t think so. Unless I slept through that season.
Nope, didn’t. I have distinct memories of 1967.
If that was first year of blue helmets, they have may have played an early-seaon game or two without the new logo. It that case, it’s true. But they sure didn’t go an entire season without a helmet logo.
Ah, chance got in 3 minutes ahead of me …
[quote comment=”320719″]As a Phil’s fan, I love the new sponsor – I’ll probably end up getting at least one Phillies shirt, and the one Flyers shirt they have is great too. I’m sure the whole sponsoring part of the agreement helps, but kudos to a Met fan accepting a Philly establishment.[/quote]
Now if anyone asks me why I hate Philly I can just send them that link.
During yesterday’s Chicago Blackhawks vs. Montreal Canadiens game on Versus, the announcers were talking about the retro centennial sweaters and mentioned that they will wear even more retro unis next year. I hadn’t heard anything about it other than that.
[quote comment=”320724″]Broncos were logoless in ’67? Don’t think so. Unless I slept through that season.
Nope, didn’t. I have distinct memories of 1967.
If that was first year of blue helmets, they have may have played an early-seaon game or two without the new logo. It that case, it’s true. But they sure didn’t go an entire season without a helmet logo.
so this is wrong then rick?
like the brown bronco
Paul, in regards to that bogus Seahawks’ jersey sheet – if you’re going to pull an April Fool’s prank, you need to try harder… ;)
That is a completely different teams’ color information in the bottom half of that sheet.
You think I wouldn’t notice?…!
The seahawks green looks very much like Chroma Key Green…so maybe…just maybe…this is going to start “Green Screening” advertisers onto the Jersey’s for the TV viewing audience?
[quote comment=”320724″]Broncos were logoless in ’67? Don’t think so. Unless I slept through that season.
Nope, didn’t. I have distinct memories of 1967.
If that was first year of blue helmets, they have may have played an early-seaon game or two without the new logo. It that case, it’s true. But they sure didn’t go an entire season without a helmet logo.
This is contrary to everything I’ve heard or seen. Can you give us some visual evidence Ricko?? Pa-lease
“it’s my sad duty to confirm that this one is no joke”
Not buying it. My money is on “we’re being had”.
True to my word, here are the pics of the Canes mascot with the black jersey and red pants…
Personally, I don’t like it…
And from here on out, I shall call the new Seahawks jerseys the Nikelodeon Slime
[quote comment=”320727″]During yesterday’s Chicago Blackhawks vs. Montreal Canadiens game on Versus, the announcers were talking about the retro centennial sweaters and mentioned that they will wear even more retro unis next year. I hadn’t heard anything about it other than that.[/quote]
I think it was mentioned when the retros were first introduced, there were two(?) additional designs that would show up next season.
[quote comment=”320719″]As a Phil’s fan, I love the new sponsor – I’ll probably end up getting at least one Phillies shirt, and the one Flyers shirt they have is great too. I’m sure the whole sponsoring part of the agreement helps, but kudos to a Met fan accepting a Philly establishment.[/quote]
I like and respect the Phils. Good team, interesting team, fun group of players. I still want to beat them, natch, and I enjoy the rivalry, but I don’t actually hate the Phils.
More importantly, I’m happy to work with any advertiser who’s peddling fun, well-executed products, and Birdland certainly fits that description.
[quote comment=”320733″]True to my word, here are the pics of the Canes mascot with the black jersey and red pants…
Personally, I don’t like it…
And from here on out, I shall call the new Seahawks jerseys the Nikelodeon Slime[/quote]
Not to mention, no laces on those skates?! What a bad example for the kids…
This also falls into the category that it sounds more like an April’s Fools joke, than anything else, but the Canadian government is planning to announce in the next couple of weeks – a “supplemental flag” – i.e. the equivalent of a third jersey. The new “supplemental flag” is believed to be mostly black with a red maple leaf outline in gold. This flag will be launched as part of a kickoff of the 200 day countdown to the Winter Olympics. Our Finance Minister believes this added revenue stream will help pay for some of the cost over runs Vancouver is incurring.
This guy has quite a career in the federal government ahead of him. He’s going to go far.
“Whenever you bring seating closer to the action, and put seating in fair territory, there will be certain angles where you lose a sightline here or there,” said Dave Howard, the Mets’ vice president for business operations. “That’s typical in new ballparks, but a little different for our customers because Shea didn’t have much of anything like that.”
Howard admitted that the seats in Section 533 are angled in such a way that fans will be unable to see the warning track and some of the field. He said the team has no plans to lower its ticket prices or label the seats in question as having obscured views.
I see. Apparently Shea was never a new stadium.
Of course obstructed view seats are typical today, given how architects are constrained by being forced to use computer programs. Way back when during the era when they still had the freedom to use pencil and paper, they just zipped right thru and were forced to deal with unobstructed seats when the construction dust cleared.
This all reminds me of some mockups I did a while back; when I used to spend more time at Chris Creamer’s site:
[quote comment=”320734″]I think it was mentioned when the retros were first introduced, there were two(?) additional designs that would show up next season.[/quote]
I think one of the comments here yesterday mentioned the idea that the Canadiens coach chose NOT to use their full barberpole uni’s last night; he didn’t want to distract his team.
Mission accomplished. :-(
[quote comment=”320711″][quote comment=”320681″]Brad Keppler enjoyed the weekend column “in which Phil and Teebz broke down the Frozen Four Hockey Uniforms.” He was stunned when he noticed that ND doesnt use green in their Alternate Uni Set, so he came up with this set which, “I think has a ‘throwback’ or ‘vintage’ feel to it.
Notre Dame does have a green alternate uniform, which they wear for the last home game of the regular season:
Please change the story to say Notre Dame. As a fan of the WCHA, I thought you were talking about North Dakota. I was getting ready to say that the Fightin’ Sioux use green in their alts.[/quote]
ND = Notre Dame
UND = North Dakota
I’ve never heard North Dakota referenced as “ND”. It’s always UND.
With Paul Allens ties to Microsoft I think the Hawks’s and the Sounders uni’s are the most subtle yet the most audacious attempt at logo creep yet…
[quote comment=”320740″][quote comment=”320734″]I think it was mentioned when the retros were first introduced, there were two(?) additional designs that would show up next season.[/quote]
I think one of the comments here yesterday mentioned the idea that the Canadiens coach chose NOT to use their full barberpole uni’s last night; he didn’t want to distract his team.
Mission accomplished. :-([/quote]
They lost Robert Lang and Guillaume Latendresse to injury the last time they wore the barber pole jerseys. Just to prove you can’t keep a good curse down, the Habs lost Roman Hamrlik and Sergei Kostitsyn to injury last night when they were supposed to be wearing the barber pole jerseys.
And they will bring out two more jerseys next season, including an all-blue jersey.
[quote comment=”320741″][quote comment=”320711″][quote comment=”320681″]Brad Keppler enjoyed the weekend column “in which Phil and Teebz broke down the Frozen Four Hockey Uniforms.” He was stunned when he noticed that ND doesnt use green in their Alternate Uni Set, so he came up with this set which, “I think has a ‘throwback’ or ‘vintage’ feel to it.
Notre Dame does have a green alternate uniform, which they wear for the last home game of the regular season:
Please change the story to say Notre Dame. As a fan of the WCHA, I thought you were talking about North Dakota. I was getting ready to say that the Fightin’ Sioux use green in their alts.[/quote]
ND = Notre Dame
UND = North Dakota
I’ve never heard North Dakota referenced as “ND”. It’s always UND.[/quote]
Also confusing that they use the exact same logo…
Think about this nugget. If the Seasquawks put the snot green into their helmet scheme, how would the NFL be able to spot the “radio” dots on the field?
[quote comment=”320745″]Think about this nugget. If the Seasquawks put the snot green into their helmet scheme, how would the NFL be able to spot the “radio” dots on the field?[/quote]
Judging by their play last season, did they even use radio contact between the bench and the QB? LOL
[quote comment=”320688″][quote comment=”320687″]can i get a hint on the miami uni change? is it dramatic or subtle like the last change. i would prefer they just go back to the original logo.[/quote]
I’m willing to say this much: No change to the logo.[/quote]
Can I play “20 Questions” with the Niners’ new unis as well? Like, perhaps, ditching the dark red for the traditional cardinal? Or eliminating black as an accent color?
[quote comment=”320747″][quote comment=”320688″][quote comment=”320687″]can i get a hint on the miami uni change? is it dramatic or subtle like the last change. i would prefer they just go back to the original logo.[/quote]
I’m willing to say this much: No change to the logo.[/quote]
Can I play “20 Questions” with the Niners’ new unis as well? Like, perhaps, ditching the dark red for the traditional cardinal? Or eliminating black as an accent color?[/quote]
I can answer all 20 for you!!
Paul will not answer anything!! and as he has said in the past: Don’t Bother!! :)
As a follow up on the Nats/O’s mashup from yesterday, Joe H., Czabe was talking this morning about all the logos he received and yours was the first he mentioned. Good stuff.
They said that the logos will be up on their website later today.
I’ve never heard North Dakota referenced as “ND”. It’s always UND.
Also confusing that they use the exact same logo…
Not quite; North Dakota incorporates “Sioux” into the logo, either above the block ND, or along the diagonal of the “N.” Should be humorous next season, when Notre Dame and North Dakota are tentatively scheduled to play each other in hockey.
[quote comment=”320742″]With Paul Allens ties to Microsoft I think the Hawks’s and the Sounders uni’s are the most subtle yet the most audacious attempt at logo creep yet…
well isn’t the sounders shirt sponsor xbox? so at least that one kind of makes sense.
[quote comment=”320748″][quote comment=”320747″][quote comment=”320688″][quote comment=”320687″]can i get a hint on the miami uni change? is it dramatic or subtle like the last change. i would prefer they just go back to the original logo.[/quote]
I’m willing to say this much: No change to the logo.[/quote]
Can I play “20 Questions” with the Niners’ new unis as well? Like, perhaps, ditching the dark red for the traditional cardinal? Or eliminating black as an accent color?[/quote]
I can answer all 20 for you!!
Paul will not answer anything!! and as he has said in the past: Don’t Bother!! :)[/quote]
I know, I know, but the Dolphins question got a hint, so I was just taking a shot in the dark that today might be my lucky day!
These will be the new alternates the Canadiens will wear next year:
[quote comment=”320753″]These will be the new alternates the Canadiens will wear next year:
you know some smartass is gonna schedule the canadians to wear the second one when they play the wild. wait, or would i just do that? probably
Photo of the G-20 protests currently on the front page of CNN.com:
I don’t mean to belabor this, but there’s something about that color that just does NOT connote authority or respect or anything “official.” Yeah, it’s highly visible, but it reduces everything it touches to a cartoon.
[quote comment=”320731″][quote comment=”320724″]Broncos were logoless in ’67? Don’t think so. Unless I slept through that season.
Nope, didn’t. I have distinct memories of 1967.
If that was first year of blue helmets, they have may have played an early-seaon game or two without the new logo. It that case, it’s true. But they sure didn’t go an entire season without a helmet logo.
This is contrary to everything I’ve heard or seen. Can you give us some visual evidence Ricko?? Pa-lease[/quote]
Now I’m lost. I’m saying the Broncos HAD a logo that season…but I suppose if it WAS the first year of a new uni (blue helmet, orange pants on road), they could have played their first regular-season game or two without the new snorting horse D, and that’s why people might think they were logoless all of ’67.
Or it may be that I flat-out forgot they played the season with blue helmet bearing nothing but orange and white stripes…but I would think I’d remember something like that. Might have to do some digging in my files tonight, just to so see if I’m messing up.
[quote comment=”320755″]Photo of the G-20 protests currently on the front page of CNN.com:
I don’t mean to belabor this, but there’s something about that color that just does NOT connote authority or respect or anything “official.” Yeah, it’s highly visible, but it reduces everything it touches to a cartoon.[/quote]
Re: green alts. True, not the most traditional, but like another reader said, at least it’s not black. Also, I rather like lime green, although not necessarily on a uniform, but it’s a good color. It’s appropriate for Seattle too. In the mountains and by the beaches you can find this color all over the place. Yes, it occurs in nature, mostly on moss. Much better than the teal explosions we’ve seen in my opinion. I’m all for maintaining a sense of tasteful aesthetics, but hating colors is sometimes more ridiculous than the colors are themselves.
[quote comment=”320729″]Paul, in regards to that bogus Seahawks’ jersey sheet – if you’re going to pull an April Fool’s prank, you need to try harder… ;)
That is a completely different teams’ color information in the bottom half of that sheet.
You think I wouldn’t notice?…![/quote]
First thing I noticed wrong was the fonts. Impact? For official NFL documents?
I remember two friends going to Vincent’s and ordering a veggie pizza. Vincent himself came over and asked if they didn’t want pepperoni. They explained that it was Friday during Lent so they couldn’t eat meat. Vincent seemed OK with that, but I think it’s about the only reason he would have accepted.
According to link, the Gold Coast guernsey will be gold with a white GC logo on a red oval. The red unis are the alternative class colors. The red socks with gold trim are the same for both unis. The mascot is a lifeguard (or as they put it, lifesaver.)
Rumors in the bay area are the 49ers are going back to the Montana era look.
Seahawks alternate jersey instantly reminded me of the San Antonio Gunslingers from the USFL.
I imagine Clinton Manges has already contacted his attorney.
[quote comment=”320761″]Rumors in the bay area are the 49ers are going back to the Montana era look.[/quote]
I’ve heard that rumor a lot, but what does it really mean? Will they go back to those exact uniforms, or will they use those as a base and “modernize” them a little? I’m hoping they are the exact unis, but how often do we ever get what we wish for from “professional” sports teams these days…
Those Seahawks alt jerseys have fan- and player-backlash written all over them.
If they don’t win in them the first time they wear them, you’ll never see them again.
[quote comment=”320755″]Photo of the G-20 protests currently on the front page of CNN.com:
I don’t mean to belabor this, but there’s something about that color that just does NOT connote authority or respect or anything “official.” Yeah, it’s highly visible, but it reduces everything it touches to a cartoon.[/quote]
I couldn’t disagree more. In context, there’s something very official about the safety yellow. It’s on the police cars, it’s on their vests, it’s on the construction crews, it just connotes municipal. Of course, delivery guys wear the same color, but still.
But maybe I’ve been conditioned to feel that way – in the Milwaukee suburb of my youth, the fire trucks link.
[quote comment=”320690″]All right, all together now:
Glad I got it out of my system.[/quote]
Now here is a green and blue uniform for you.
[quote comment=”320765″]In context, there’s something very official about the safety yellow.[/quote]
Yeah, but the cops in that photo aren’t wearing yellow (like a school bus or “yield” sign) — they’re wearing neon snot green, same as the Seahawks!
[quote comment=”320758″]Re: green alts. True, not the most traditional, but like another reader said, at least it’s not black. Also, I rather like lime green, although not necessarily on a uniform, but it’s a good color. It’s appropriate for Seattle too. In the mountains and by the beaches you can find this color all over the place. Yes, it occurs in nature, mostly on moss. Much better than the teal explosions we’ve seen in my opinion. I’m all for maintaining a sense of tasteful aesthetics, but hating colors is sometimes more ridiculous than the colors are themselves.[/quote]
Yeah, seems odd to unilaterally declare a color bad. Like neon green or not like it, I always thought in the case of the Seahawks the judicious use of it kept a drab uni from being egregiously and unforgivably dull…and virtually unusable.
Now, given the options shown us today, wearing the neon jersey with white parts is marginally tolerable and, as someone mentioned, a welcome moment of “bright” in an ever-darkening uni world. With the dark pants, though…not so good. Looks like the nuclear waste that spawned the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Come to think of it, that combo LOOKS like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Who knows, maybe that’s what they’re after, a bizarre, genetically altered Puget Sound marine life look. What that has to with an avian, I don’t know…except maybe as prey.
[quote comment=”320764″]Those Seahawks alt jerseys have fan- and player-backlash written all over them.
If they don’t win in them the first time they wear them, you’ll never see them again.[/quote]
Unfortunately I believe NFL rules state that if you have alternates you are required to wear them twice in a season…somebody correct me if I’m wrong.
[quote comment=”320765″][quote comment=”320755″]Photo of the G-20 protests currently on the front page of CNN.com:
I don’t mean to belabor this, but there’s something about that color that just does NOT connote authority or respect or anything “official.” Yeah, it’s highly visible, but it reduces everything it touches to a cartoon.[/quote]
I couldn’t disagree more. In context, there’s something very official about the safety yellow. It’s on the police cars, it’s on their vests, it’s on the construction crews, it just connotes municipal.
Of course, delivery guys wear the same color, but still.
But maybe I’ve been conditioned to feel that way – in the Milwaukee suburb of my youth, the fire trucks link.[/quote]
Aargh. Bad link.
Try this one – in the link of my youth, the fire trucks link.
For those who love NASCAR, or are just interested in the paint schemes, there is a new blog here…
The first week or so has been somewhat interesting, but the author doesn’t offer up much more than generic opinions in most of the posts.
Maybe I am just spoiled by the detail and obsessive nature of uniwatch.
[quote comment=”320771″]For those who love NASCAR, or are just interested in the paint schemes, there is a new blog here…
The first week or so has been somewhat interesting, but the author doesn’t offer up much more than generic opinions in most of the posts.
Maybe I am just spoiled by the detail and obsessive nature of uniwatch.[/quote]
Seems to me we saw that sort of look here today in this photo, too.
Oh man, how great would it be if the NFL cancelled its rule where one team had to wear white and allowed my dream matchup of the Miami Dolphins, Denver Broncos, or Chicago Bears in orange vs the Seattle Seahawks in green…
I’d pay money to see that…
OOH, maybe Seattle can have a scrimmage with the Oregon Ducks and wear their green while the Ducks wear their yellow. That would be totally fab
[quote comment=”320767″][quote comment=”320765″]In context, there’s something very official about the safety yellow.[/quote]
Yeah, but the cops in that photo aren’t wearing yellow (like a school bus or “yield” sign) — they’re wearing neon snot green, same as the Seahawks![/quote]
No, in person it’s actually much closer to yellow. A greenish yellow, to be sure, but nowhere near Seahawk Snot. The link is link you find a link.
FWIW, I’d call school buses “gold” – far too much orange in that color for “yellow”. :p
Hope the Seattle WhineHawks actually roll out those horrible jerseys this year. It’s yet another example how this franchise has gone downhill after classless comments by their organization and fans after Super Bowl 40.
[quote comment=”320769″][quote comment=”320764″]Those Seahawks alt jerseys have fan- and player-backlash written all over them.
If they don’t win in them the first time they wear them, you’ll never see them again.[/quote]
Unfortunately I believe NFL rules state that if you have alternates you are required to wear them twice in a season…somebody correct me if I’m wrong.[/quote]
There’s a maximum of two wearings, but no minimum. The Giants have never worn their red alternates more than once in a season, e.g.
you might enjoy this:
[quote comment=”320684″]Seems convincing enough, but I think Im going to call (more like I am hoping) April fools on the green Seahawks jersey. If I am wrong, I am sorry for doubting Paul and the uniwatch staff. On any other day I would be convinced, but this of all days, I can not accept a neon green NFL jersey.[/quote]
I was wondering this myself. I certainly hope this is an april fools joke. that thing is HIDEOUS
the seahawks uniforms will give the them an advantage: the opponent will be blinded by its ugliness so they can win more:
Thanks to LI Phil and Mr. Soto, the Met alternates from yesterday’s post have been successfully posted to my Mets blog, Bleeding orange and blue
( link )
i really hope this whole seahawks jersey thing is an april fools joke.
the joke is that it isn’t a joke. everything about the hags uniform, standard, and now alternate, is a comedy of errors.
Anyone looking to add some baseball clothing to the closet… today’s Amazon Gold Box Deal of the Day is 25% off of all MLB Majestic apparel. Over 700 items listed here:
[quote comment=”320708″]SAY IT ISN’T SO!!!!
I like the neon green on the trim but as a primary color…GOD HELP US ALL!!![/quote]
I agree, I think the green as a trim color is very sharp and unique. But as a primary jersey color??? Disaster!!
Let’s hope the inevitable negative reaction to the Seahawks alts will push them back to the old blue and silver look.
[quote comment=”320758″]Re: green alts. True, not the most traditional, but like another reader said, at least it’s not black. Also, I rather like lime green, although not necessarily on a uniform, but it’s a good color. It’s appropriate for Seattle too. In the mountains and by the beaches you can find this color all over the place. Yes, it occurs in nature, mostly on moss. Much better than the teal explosions we’ve seen in my opinion. I’m all for maintaining a sense of tasteful aesthetics, but hating colors is sometimes more ridiculous than the colors are themselves.[/quote]
my comment was an april fools joke by the way… i TOTALLY hate those jerseys…
I do not remember the Broncos going logoless in 1967. From my recollection, since logos became the norm on NFL helmets the only teams to go without a logo are the Browns and the 1976 Seahawks.
Re the ND green hockey mockup: I love the pants. Seeing the football colors made me realize why I’ve always hated the green alts. They just didn’t look good with the blue bottoms. I’d love to see what the regular home and aways would look like with the football color bottoms.
On another note, it’s good to have Paul back.
Apologies to Fred, but I hadn’t looked at his work until just now.
This is gonna get me killed probably, but seeing this I have to ponder that it might actually be better looking than the dark monochrome they wear now. Certainly a helluva lot more colorful.
[quote comment=”320786″]I do not remember the Broncos going logoless in 1967. From my recollection, since logos became the norm on NFL helmets the only teams to go without a logo are the Browns and the 1976 Seahawks.[/quote]
No, the Seahawks have always had the birdhead helmet logo.
No regular season plain helmet for the Seahawks. Ever.
The marketing and merchandising people in Montreal, not to mention the retailers, must not be too happy with Bob Gainey ditching the plans to wear the 1912 striped jerseys in favor of the much more sedate 1915 jerseys yesterday.
[quote comment=”320782″]Anyone looking to add some baseball clothing to the closet… today’s Amazon Gold Box Deal of the Day is 25% off of all MLB Majestic apparel. Over 700 items listed here:
Nice…anyone else looking for a great Cincinnati Reds t-shirt? Check the bottom right t-shirt. link It’s corrected when you actually click on the t-shirt.
[quote comment=”320789″][quote comment=”320786″]I do not remember the Broncos going logoless in 1967. From my recollection, since logos became the norm on NFL helmets the only teams to go without a logo are the Browns and the 1976 Seahawks.[/quote]
No, the Seahawks have always had the birdhead helmet logo.
No regular season plain helmet for the Seahawks. Ever.
–I think he may be remembering the pre-season where some of the ‘hawks DID go logo-less
Let me first say that I have no ties to the Seattle area or any of their sports team. Also, I consider my self a uni-traditionalist. I like simplified designs and hate the looks of the AZ Cardinals and ATL Falcons.
With that said…
I don’t think new Seahawks’ uni looks all that bad. It is unique to the team and will only be worn a maximum of two games a year. This isn’t the end of the world people. It is an alternate, and the NFL has the brains to limit teams from wearing them all year.
I did not like the Seahawks choice of helmets when they decided to change. I have been apart of a few uniform meetings when I was an equipment manager. Ugh. I would not vote for any of that. I am grossed out as an artist and a former equipment guy!
searching for a pic of the plain helmet that a few of the seahwaks had to wear fro the first pre-season game of 1976…I know that I have seen it ….
but I found this …wierd totem bird thing
Found a pic !
Without question, the 1976 Seahawks DID have the Seahawk logo on the helmet. 1000% sure on this.
99% sure the 1967 Broncos did NOT have a logo for the full season. I did come across a game account in the 12/4/67 NY Times that showed Steve Tensi tossing a pass over Gerry Philbin. Tensi’s helmet was in a roughly 30% side view, and the helmet (save for the stripes) was blank.
Trying to link to this scan is very difficult, sorry to say.
[quote comment=”320772″][quote comment=”320771″]For those who love NASCAR, or are just interested in the paint schemes, there is a new blog here…
The first week or so has been somewhat interesting, but the author doesn’t offer up much more than generic opinions in most of the posts.
Maybe I am just spoiled by the detail and obsessive nature of uniwatch.[/quote]
Seems to me we saw that sort of look here today in this photo, too.
This is true, and I hear a lot of criticism of NASCAR for being so sponsor driven, but from a purely design aspect I think it is much different that having a “stick and ball” sports uniform that dons ads.
Most of the teams who carry major sponsors in NASCAR make an effort to have a sponsor-themed paint scheme, where the car is painted the color of the sponsor and usually details a mascot or logo (for the best example, look at Carl Edward’s Aflack car here: link (notice the duck wings).
In contrast, professional sports teams tend to still use team colors with a sponsor patch or decal that often clashes with the uniform itself.
I think NASCAR actually comes pretty close to getting the whole sponsorship thing right, really branding the entire car with the sponsor’s theme rather than hastily slapping something on the side that says “these guys paid us for this space”.
was it just Herman Weaver without the Seahawks Logo on the helmet for the first game?
um the football card link.
Baseball and football cards both used to remove the logos.
I believe it was Topps. I had a Tony Franklin card-the barefoot kicker with the Eagles who played for the University of Texas.
[quote comment=”320771″]For those who love NASCAR, or are just interested in the paint schemes, there is a new blog here…
The first week or so has been somewhat interesting, but the author doesn’t offer up much more than generic opinions in most of the posts.
Maybe I am just spoiled by the detail and obsessive nature of uniwatch.[/quote]
Thanks for the heads up. Since there is little out there on this subject aside from what a person can find on Jayski, I will be sure to make it a regular stop.
[quote comment=”320800″]um the football card link.
Baseball and football cards both used to remove the logos.
I believe it was Topps. I had a Tony Franklin card-the barefoot kicker with the Eagles who played for the University of Texas.
-That would explain that…but I am 100% sure that not all the seahwaks had logo’s on thier helmets for the very first preseason game..
you guys are killin’ me with this seahawks logo-less helmet stuff. Somewhere north of here Ricko’s head is exploding!!!
It seems that with your success you have gained access to uniform designs and specs before the general public (i.e. everyone on this blog). I know that you can’t give away information on the uniforms themselves with gag orders (with great power comes great responsibility) and all that, but I was hoping you could shed some light on the process.
Are you contacted directly by leagues, teams etc. when new uniforms will be introduced? Or are you given advanced copies of style guides and look for the changes yourself? Is the process more formal or informal? How much fun is it to see supposed “leaks” or rumors circulate while knowing they couldn’t be more wrong?
Regardless of how you acquire the information it seems to be a good indicator of your success that you are given such information in advanced. I enjoy your site and your opinions and keep the new information coming.
-Beats in Buffalo
no team would do that.
There is a possibility during the pre season.
But highly doubtful.
But no Equipment Manager is not going to outfit his team with a half-assed look.
Trust me. I did it over ten years.
[quote comment=”320797″]Without question, the 1976 Seahawks DID have the Seahawk logo on the helmet. 1000% sure on this.
99% sure the 1967 Broncos did NOT have a logo for the full season. I did come across a game account in the 12/4/67 NY Times that showed Steve Tensi tossing a pass over Gerry Philbin. Tensi’s helmet was in a roughly 30% side view, and the helmet (save for the stripes) was blank.
Trying to link to this scan is very difficult, sorry to say.[/quote]
Timmy, I found this…not sure how reliable but the Broncos helmet sure looks vacant of a logo.
[quote comment=”320776″]
There’s a maximum of two wearings, but no minimum. The Giants have never worn their red alternates more than once in a season, e.g.[/quote]
Plus, if I’m not mistaken, they can wear their alts once in the preseason and once in the postseason, right?
You CAN see the logo on the side of that Broncos helmet.
Look closely I know the light and the angle are weird. But it is there.
[quote comment=”320807″][quote comment=”320797″]Without question, the 1976 Seahawks DID have the Seahawk logo on the helmet. 1000% sure on this.
99% sure the 1967 Broncos did NOT have a logo for the full season. I did come across a game account in the 12/4/67 NY Times that showed Steve Tensi tossing a pass over Gerry Philbin. Tensi’s helmet was in a roughly 30% side view, and the helmet (save for the stripes) was blank.
Trying to link to this scan is very difficult, sorry to say.[/quote]
Timmy, I found this…not sure how reliable but the Broncos helmet sure looks vacant of a logo.
You talking about link?
Look again.
[quote comment=”320810″][quote comment=”320807″][quote comment=”320797″]Without question, the 1976 Seahawks DID have the Seahawk logo on the helmet. 1000% sure on this.
99% sure the 1967 Broncos did NOT have a logo for the full season. I did come across a game account in the 12/4/67 NY Times that showed Steve Tensi tossing a pass over Gerry Philbin. Tensi’s helmet was in a roughly 30% side view, and the helmet (save for the stripes) was blank.
Trying to link to this scan is very difficult, sorry to say.[/quote]
Timmy, I found this…not sure how reliable but the Broncos helmet sure looks vacant of a logo.
You talking about link?
Look again.[/quote]
No, No, NO! Scroll down to the bottom…sheesh
[quote comment=”320801″][quote comment=”320771″]For those who love NASCAR, or are just interested in the paint schemes, there is a new blog here…
The first week or so has been somewhat interesting, but the author doesn’t offer up much more than generic opinions in most of the posts.
Maybe I am just spoiled by the detail and obsessive nature of uniwatch.[/quote]
Thanks for the heads up. Since there is little out there on this subject aside from what a person can find on Jayski, I will be sure to make it a regular stop.[/quote]
It certainly leaves room for improvement, you won’t see any breaking paint scheme news here, but its at least acknowledging that someone other than myself cares what the car looks like out there…
[quote comment=”320802″][quote comment=”320800″]um the football card link.
Baseball and football cards both used to remove the logos.
I believe it was Topps. I had a Tony Franklin card-the barefoot kicker with the Eagles who played for the University of Texas.
-That would explain that…but I am 100% sure that not all the seahwaks had logo’s on thier helmets for the very first preseason game..[/quote]
Topps did not have an NFL license until 1982 IIRC, it was only licensed by the PA.
The Tigers have all swapped jerseys with one another for today’s spring training game in Lakeland vs. the Braves. Probably an April Fool’s thing. For example, Josh Anderson is wearing Curtis Granderson’s jersey, and Justin Verlander is wearing Gerald Laird’s jersey. Hopefully some pics will be available soon.
[quote comment=”320811″]
No, No, NO! Scroll down to the bottom…sheesh[/quote]
That warrants a “sheesh”? Really?
Can’t believe I’m just noticing this, but the Steelers only have the logo on one side of their helmet. My question is this: how can an NFL equipment manager be so negligent as to not put logos on both sides of the helmet? Unforgivable if you ask me.
[quote comment=”320816″]Can’t believe I’m just noticing this, but the Steelers only have the logo on one side of their helmet. My question is this: how can an NFL equipment manager be so negligent as to not put logos on both sides of the helmet? Unforgivable if you ask me.[/quote]
But you gotta admit that it is kinda cool the way the offense wears the logo on the right side and the defense wears it on the left.
Denver Broncos blue helmet white stripe and no logo
#136 was captioned 1967
Here is Denver in 1962 preseason with no logo on orange helmet
[quote comment=”320815″][quote comment=”320811″]
No, No, NO! Scroll down to the bottom…sheesh[/quote]
That warrants a “sheesh”? Really?[/quote]
Sorry, didn’t sleep well last night ;)
[quote comment=”320816″]Can’t believe I’m just noticing this, but the Steelers only have the logo on one side of their helmet. My question is this: how can an NFL equipment manager be so negligent as to not put logos on both sides of the helmet? Unforgivable if you ask me.[/quote]
This has to be an April Fools “ha ha, I’m just kidding” post.
[quote comment=”320808″][quote comment=”320776″]
There’s a maximum of two wearings, but no minimum. The Giants have never worn their red alternates more than once in a season, e.g.[/quote]
Plus, if I’m not mistaken, they can wear their alts once in the preseason and once in the postseason, right?[/quote]
To my surprise, this week’s ESPN column — which was supposed to run tomorrow — is up now:
No foolin’.
The only people who confuse “ND” for North Dakota are the select group of North Dakotans who also never caught on to their school using “UND.”
And if I’m correct, ND (Irish) allows UND (Sioux) to use the interlocking monogram ND.
I was in training camp as a kicker for the ’76 Seahawks, and they kept me around for the first game as a backup because the starter had a strained groin.
We did not have logos on our hats for the first game. Logos were available, but the equipment manager hadn’t ordered enough of them, so in order to conform to NFL uniform regulations, none of us could were our helmet logos. The second order came in the following Tuesday (?) and we all had a big party getting our birds pasted on our hats.
[quote comment=”320815″][quote comment=”320811″]
No, No, NO! Scroll down to the bottom…sheesh[/quote]
That warrants a “sheesh”? Really?[/quote]
Remember that game well. And, as it plainly says in story, it was an exhibition game. So even if the logos aren’t there, doesn’t say anything about reg. season. In those days teams often went sans helmet logos in preseason. Wasn’t worth farting around replacing ones that chipped or peeled until reg. season. Patriots and Jets were two teams that did that routinely.
Not arguing, just pointing out that we are talking about the ’67 regular season as it applies to logoless or not logoless.
[quote comment=”320820″][quote comment=”320815″][quote comment=”320811″]
No, No, NO! Scroll down to the bottom…sheesh[/quote]
That warrants a “sheesh”? Really?[/quote]
Sorry, didn’t sleep well last night ;)[/quote]
S’aight — I was just messing witcha.
And I’m right there with you on the lack of sleep thing.
I think I noticed during the Superb Bowl about how the Steelers move there logo from one side to the other each quarter so they always face the television camera. Does the equipment manager do this or is each player responsible.
[quote comment=”320818″]http://vhmhelmetclub.com/broncos1967nologo.jpg
Denver Broncos blue helmet white stripe and no logo[/quote]
That would be the uni we’re talking about and, as I said, maybe they did go all season sans logo, or maybe it was just the first reg. season game or two. Oddly, I don’t remember them being without a logo all year. And usually my memory is pretty good.
Well, reg. season Bronco-Charger game in Denver wasn’t til October 22 that year, so maybe they didn’t have logos. Or maybe the photo is from a preseason game. Do we know which?
[quote comment=”320828″]I think I noticed during the Superb Bowl about how the Steelers move there logo from one side to the other each quarter so they always face the television camera. Does the equipment manager do this or is each player responsible.[/quote]
No, they actually move the cameras to the other side of the field.
[quote comment=”320691″]“Your world famous Orlando Thunder, coached by that ninny Lee Corso.”[/quote]
Quoth Coach Corso, “Not so fast my friend!”
He coached the Orlando Renegades, the relocated Washington Federals of the USFL in 1985.
[quote comment=”320817″][quote comment=”320816″]Can’t believe I’m just noticing this, but the Steelers only have the logo on one side of their helmet. My question is this: how can an NFL equipment manager be so negligent as to not put logos on both sides of the helmet? Unforgivable if you ask me.[/quote]
But you gotta admit that it is kinda cool the way the offense wears the logo on the right side and the defense wears it on the left.[/quote]
It is weird seeing the defense line up and you see the logo and then the next quarter POOF! it’s gone! I bet those equipment managers hate life having to take that logo off and put it back on every other quarter!
[quote comment=”320828″]I think I noticed during the Superb Bowl about how the Steelers move there logo from one side to the other each quarter so they always face the television camera. Does the equipment manager do this or is each player responsible.[/quote]
Well, if you go to their website and scroll way, way down on “staff” page, there’s a position listed as “Team Stripper”. I assume that refers to removing the helmet logos. Oh, wait, I’m sorry. I was looking at the Vikings website.
[quote comment=”320823″]“To my surprise, this week’s ESPN column — which was supposed to run tomorrow — is up now:
“No foolin’.”[/quote]
And they’ve even given it the Meat Bracket treatment as well with Red Sox lettering, too!
[quote comment=”320832″][quote comment=”320817″][quote comment=”320816″]Can’t believe I’m just noticing this, but the Steelers only have the logo on one side of their helmet. My question is this: how can an NFL equipment manager be so negligent as to not put logos on both sides of the helmet? Unforgivable if you ask me.[/quote]
But you gotta admit that it is kinda cool the way the offense wears the logo on the right side and the defense wears it on the left.[/quote]
It is weird seeing the defense line up and you see the logo and then the next quarter POOF! it’s gone! I bet those equipment managers hate life having to take that logo off and put it back on every other quarter![/quote]
You guys are killin me…absolutely killin me!!!
It was nice to hear from the dude who was the kicker with the Seahawks talk about playing a game with no logo on the helmet.
I know all about the Topps airbrush deal – but I am positive I saw a picture of the Seahawks in the newspaper in 1976 without a logo and it really struck me as odd. The kicker story might have confirmed what I saw.
[quote comment=”320833″]Oh, wait, I’m sorry. I was looking at the Vikings website.[/quote]As a Bears’ fan, there’s nothing I enjoy more than abusing the Vikes and their Party Boat.
But I’d say there’s a loooooong list of teams in the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB and professional indoor Lacrosse where there would be a “team stripper” listed.
Now the Pack might have some issues with their team stripper being underaged: but that’s another post for another day….
[quote comment=”320829″][quote comment=”320818″]http://vhmhelmetclub.com/broncos1967nologo.jpg
Denver Broncos blue helmet white stripe and no logo[/quote]
That would be the uni we’re talking about and, as I said, maybe they did go all season sans logo, or maybe it was just the first reg. season game or two. Oddly, I don’t remember them being without a logo all year. And usually my memory is pretty good.
Well, reg. season Bronco-Charger game in Denver wasn’t til October 22 that year, so maybe they didn’t have logos. Or maybe the photo is from a preseason game. Do we know which?
Hey, we heard from a ′76 Seahawk today. Maybe if we’re lucky, the former Bronco who confirmed the brown logo on the orange helmets the other day will check in again today about the logo-free blue helmets.
[quote comment=”320745″]“Think about this nugget. If the Seasquawks put the snot green into their helmet scheme, how would the NFL be able to spot the ‘radio’ dots on the field?”[/quote]
Kinda like finding the gold “CL” in UCLA when they get to 150 NCAA Titles overall? Or the commando USC Song Girl?
[quote comment=”320836″]It was nice to hear from the dude who was the kicker with the Seahawks talk about playing a game with no logo on the helmet.
I know all about the Topps airbrush deal – but I am positive I saw a picture of the Seahawks in the newspaper in 1976 without a logo and it really struck me as odd. The kicker story might have confirmed what I saw.[/quote]
He said he was in training camp with them. I figured he was talking about the first two exhibition games. Human nature being what it is, seems to me if someone had been rostered for a regular season game, he’d have said he was “with the Seahawks for their first game”…not limited it to saying he was in camp with them.
I may have it wrong, just saying the phrasing suggested preseason.
[quote comment=”320838″][quote comment=”320829″][quote comment=”320818″]http://vhmhelmetclub.com/broncos1967nologo.jpg
Denver Broncos blue helmet white stripe and no logo[/quote]
That would be the uni we’re talking about and, as I said, maybe they did go all season sans logo, or maybe it was just the first reg. season game or two. Oddly, I don’t remember them being without a logo all year. And usually my memory is pretty good.
Well, reg. season Bronco-Charger game in Denver wasn’t til October 22 that year, so maybe they didn’t have logos. Or maybe the photo is from a preseason game. Do we know which?
Hey, we heard from a ′76 Seahawk today. Maybe if we’re lucky, the former Bronco who confirmed the brown logo on the orange helmets the other day will check in again today about the logo-free blue helmets.[/quote]
What former Bronco was that?
This is asinine! Do you people know how difficult it would be to remove the entire team’s stickers twice a game?
The defense and offense have their stickers on opposite sides. Then when the quarter change comes, the offensive players trade helmets with a defensive players who have the same hat size.
It’s not that complicated.
[quote comment=”320817″]But you gotta admit that it is kinda cool the way the offense wears the logo on the right side and the defense wears it on the left.[/quote]
Somewhere, somehow (either on the web or in one of those NFL film pieces) I remember seeing or hearing someone talk about the idea that the Steelers wore only one sticker because… when US Steel stamped their trademark on an I-beam they only did it on that one side, and the Steelers football team followed this tradition.
Now I have nothing to back up either my memories of the legend, or the reality of what US Steel did (or maybe still does) with their I-beams: just thought I’d throw it out there.
[quote comment=”320842″]This is asinine! Do you people know how difficult it would be to remove the entire team’s stickers twice a game?
The defense and offense have their stickers on opposite sides. Then when the quarter change comes, the offensive players trade helmets with a defensive players who have the same hat size.
It’s not that complicated.[/quote]
AAAAAAAAH! Stop it! Stop it! As a Stillers fan you’re driving me MAD!!!
[quote comment=”320814″]The Tigers have all swapped jerseys with one another for today’s spring training game in Lakeland vs. the Braves. Probably an April Fool’s thing. For example, Josh Anderson is wearing Curtis Granderson’s jersey, and Justin Verlander is wearing Gerald Laird’s jersey.[/quote]
Somewhere in here there’s a joke about the guy who wears Dontrelle Willis’ jersey coming down with a sore arm, or the guy who wears Leland’s jersey starting to chain-smoke; but I won’t be the one to say it.
[quote comment=”320829″][quote comment=”320818″]http://vhmhelmetclub.com/broncos1967nologo.jpg
Denver Broncos blue helmet white stripe and no logo[/quote]
That would be the uni we’re talking about and, as I said, maybe they did go all season sans logo, or maybe it was just the first reg. season game or two. Oddly, I don’t remember them being without a logo all year. And usually my memory is pretty good.
Well, reg. season Bronco-Charger game in Denver wasn’t til October 22 that year, so maybe they didn’t have logos. Or maybe the photo is from a preseason game. Do we know which?
True I have no idea if that was for a game or so and I trust your memory. You seem to have good recall for a lot of things.
[quote comment=”320843″][quote comment=”320817″]But you gotta admit that it is kinda cool the way the offense wears the logo on the right side and the defense wears it on the left.[/quote]
Somewhere, somehow (either on the web or in one of those NFL film pieces) I remember seeing or hearing someone talk about the idea that the Steelers wore only one sticker because… when US Steel stamped their trademark on an I-beam they only did it on that one side, and the Steelers football team followed this tradition.
Now I have nothing to back up either my memories of the legend, or the reality of what US Steel did (or maybe still does) with their I-beams: just thought I’d throw it out there.[/quote]
Let’s give that on an A+ for plausbility. Beats hell out of “they didn’t have enough stickers to go around”…which is what we’ve heard before about those original “Steel” stickers on the yellow-gold helmets.
LOL. Makes a lot more sense that believing a team that made a huge deal out of changing its colors to orange and blue would order orange helmets with a brown horsey.
i think i felt ricko’s head explode all the way over here
/on a related note, does anyone know how to remove the fork i stabbed into my eye?
[quote comment=”320841″][quote comment=”320838″][quote comment=”320829″][quote comment=”320818″]http://vhmhelmetclub.com/broncos1967nologo.jpg
Denver Broncos blue helmet white stripe and no logo[/quote]
That would be the uni we’re talking about and, as I said, maybe they did go all season sans logo, or maybe it was just the first reg. season game or two. Oddly, I don’t remember them being without a logo all year. And usually my memory is pretty good.
Well, reg. season Bronco-Charger game in Denver wasn’t til October 22 that year, so maybe they didn’t have logos. Or maybe the photo is from a preseason game. Do we know which?
Hey, we heard from a ′76 Seahawk today. Maybe if we’re lucky, the former Bronco who confirmed the brown logo on the orange helmets the other day will check in again today about the logo-free blue helmets.[/quote]
What former Bronco was that?[/quote]
I think his name was Paul Lukas
[quote comment=”320844″]The defense and offense have their stickers on opposite sides. Then when the quarter change comes, the offensive players trade helmets with a defensive players who have the same hat size.
It’s not that complicated.[/quote]
Right! This is EXACTLY why they have that little green sticker on the back of the QB’s helmet. It’s the “no trade” sticker.
Making sure that they used a “no-trade” sticker was a clause in the current collective bargaining agreement.
[quote comment=”320848″]i think i felt ricko’s head explode all the way over here
/on a related note, does anyone know how to remove the fork i stabbed into my eye?[/quote]
Just retrace your steps.
[quote comment=”320841″][quote comment=”320838″][quote comment=”320829″][quote comment=”320818″]http://vhmhelmetclub.com/broncos1967nologo.jpg
Denver Broncos blue helmet white stripe and no logo[/quote]
That would be the uni we’re talking about and, as I said, maybe they did go all season sans logo, or maybe it was just the first reg. season game or two. Oddly, I don’t remember them being without a logo all year. And usually my memory is pretty good.
Well, reg. season Bronco-Charger game in Denver wasn’t til October 22 that year, so maybe they didn’t have logos. Or maybe the photo is from a preseason game. Do we know which?
Hey, we heard from a ′76 Seahawk today. Maybe if we’re lucky, the former Bronco who confirmed the brown logo on the orange helmets the other day will check in again today about the logo-free blue helmets.[/quote]
What former Bronco was that?[/quote]
Oops. It wasn’t a former Bronco, it was someone who said he heard it first-hand from 3 former Broncos.
I’m not surprised that you missed it. The comment came in really late on the link last week.
[quote comment=”320847″]Let’s give that on an A+ for plausbility. Beats hell out of “they didn’t have enough stickers to go around”…which is what we’ve heard before about those original “Steel” stickers on the yellow-gold helmets.[/quote]
Right, but I think if you go to the Steelers website they have an entirely different story. I only recently saw that story on the website.
What’s funny is the Seahawks’ supposed green things mimic link. And, of course, you know who owns both teams, right?
[quote comment=”320853″][quote comment=”320847″]Let’s give that on an A+ for plausbility. Beats hell out of “they didn’t have enough stickers to go around”…which is what we’ve heard before about those original “Steel” stickers on the yellow-gold helmets.[/quote]
Right, but I think if you go to the Steelers website they have an entirely different story. I only recently saw that story on the website.[/quote]
Just now read it, and all I can say is…
Oh, please, the fans and the new management hated the brown & gold like they were the colors of the Anti-Christ.
Players? We all know players are really tuned-in to the fans being able to handle a color change. Especially back then, players pondered such things ALL the time. Riiiight. Most players I know from that era couldn’t tell you if the pants had stripes on them or the jerseys had TV numbers (likely response, “What’s a TV number?”).
As far as me finding a color game-action photo to prove it was blue, I’ll say to anyone else: Fine, and you find a color game-action photo proving it was brown. There’s just no 1962-era logic to it being brown.
[quote comment=”320840″][quote comment=”320836″]It was nice to hear from the dude who was the kicker with the Seahawks talk about playing a game with no logo on the helmet.
I know all about the Topps airbrush deal – but I am positive I saw a picture of the Seahawks in the newspaper in 1976 without a logo and it really struck me as odd. The kicker story might have confirmed what I saw.[/quote]
He said he was in training camp with them. I figured he was talking about the first two exhibition games. Human nature being what it is, seems to me if someone had been rostered for a regular season game, he’d have said he was “with the Seahawks for their first game”…not limited it to saying he was in camp with them.
I may have it wrong, just saying the phrasing suggested preseason.[/quote]
Seahawks kicker of 1976? Don Bitterlich at the Uniwatchblog……….wow, who would have thunk it.;o) In any case, let me refresh your memory Don, the Seahawks have always worn their logo on their helmets for both pre-season and regular season for the 1976 season. Here’s a picture of you kicking off a preseason game, Aug.12 1976, against the Bears.
and the Seahawks Don Clune in the 1976 pre-season opener against the 49ers: link
Clearly showing the Seahawks wearing their logo decals.
The only time the Seahawks have not worn their logos were in a couple of scrimmages before the pre-season 1976(at camp), oh, and those Topps cards where their logo were airbrushed off.
[quote comment=”320842″]This is asinine! Do you people know how difficult it would be to remove the entire team’s stickers twice a game?
The defense and offense have their stickers on opposite sides. Then when the quarter change comes, the offensive players trade helmets with a defensive players who have the same hat size.
It’s not that complicated.[/quote]
C’mon guys, it’s a multi-billion dollar industry! You don’t think the team can’t spring for 2 helmets per player do you? Duh, the offense couldn’t switch with the defense cuz they all have the jersey numbers on the front. hello!
[quote comment=”320856″][quote comment=”320840″][quote comment=”320836″]It was nice to hear from the dude who was the kicker with the Seahawks talk about playing a game with no logo on the helmet.
I know all about the Topps airbrush deal – but I am positive I saw a picture of the Seahawks in the newspaper in 1976 without a logo and it really struck me as odd. The kicker story might have confirmed what I saw.[/quote]
He said he was in training camp with them. I figured he was talking about the first two exhibition games. Human nature being what it is, seems to me if someone had been rostered for a regular season game, he’d have said he was “with the Seahawks for their first game”…not limited it to saying he was in camp with them.
I may have it wrong, just saying the phrasing suggested preseason.[/quote]
Seahawks kicker of 1976? Don Bitterlich at the Uniwatchblog……….wow, who would have thunk it.;o) In any case, let me refresh your memory Don, the Seahawks have always worn their logo on their helmets for both pre-season and regular season for the 1976 season. Here’s a picture of you kicking off a preseason game, Aug.12 1976, against the Bears.
and the Seahawks Don Clune in the 1976 pre-season opener against the 49ers: link
Clearly showing the Seahawks wearing their logo decals.
The only time the Seahawks have not worn their logos were in a couple of scrimmages before the pre-season 1976(at camp), oh, and those Topps cards where their logo were airbrushed off.[/quote]
Just to correct and note the dates here:
Aug. 1st 1976 49ers vs. Seahawks
Aug. 7th 1976 Seahawks vs. Bears
Both games the Seahawks were wearing their helmet decals.
And if I’m correct, ND (Irish) allows UND (Sioux) to use the interlocking monogram ND.
[quote comment=”320804″]Paul,
It seems that with your success you have gained access to uniform designs and specs before the general public (i.e. everyone on this blog). I know that you can’t give away information on the uniforms themselves with gag orders (with great power comes great responsibility) and all that, but I was hoping you could shed some light on the process.
Are you contacted directly by leagues, teams etc. when new uniforms will be introduced? Or are you given advanced copies of style guides and look for the changes yourself? Is the process more formal or informal? How much fun is it to see supposed “leaks” or rumors circulate while knowing they couldn’t be more wrong?
Regardless of how you acquire the information it seems to be a good indicator of your success that you are given such information in advanced. I enjoy your site and your opinions and keep the new information coming.
-Beats in Buffalo[/quote]
It varies. One of the major sports leagues is very proactive in terms of dealing with me and showing me their new designs in advance. As for the other leagues, they sometimes show me things, and at other times I’m able to gain access to inside information through back-door sources.
In most cases, I’m shown things on the condition that I not disclose them up until a certain date, and I always respect the terms of any such embargo — if I give my word, my word is good. But if a design is leaked thru other channels, as sometimes happens, then all bets are off. I’m not going to pretend something isn’t in public circulation if it’s rapidly making the rounds of blogs, message boards, etc. That’s what happened with the Lions’ changes — they were leaked in advance of their official scheduled release. Once that happened, I confirmed that the leak was accurate, although I haven’t actually had much to say about the design yet.
Here’s something I wrote about leaks, embargoes, and so on a while back:
North carolina will be wearing special edition Air Jordan 2009’s during this weekend’s Final Four:
[quote comment=”320861″]North carolina will be wearing special edition Air Jordan 2009’s during this weekend’s Final Four:
now i need a fork for the other eye
[quote comment=”320858″][quote comment=”320856″][quote comment=”320840″][quote comment=”320836″]It was nice to hear from the dude who was the kicker with the Seahawks talk about playing a game with no logo on the helmet.
I know all about the Topps airbrush deal – but I am positive I saw a picture of the Seahawks in the newspaper in 1976 without a logo and it really struck me as odd. The kicker story might have confirmed what I saw.[/quote]
He said he was in training camp with them. I figured he was talking about the first two exhibition games. Human nature being what it is, seems to me if someone had been rostered for a regular season game, he’d have said he was “with the Seahawks for their first game”…not limited it to saying he was in camp with them.
I may have it wrong, just saying the phrasing suggested preseason.[/quote]
Seahawks kicker of 1976? Don Bitterlich at the Uniwatchblog……….wow, who would have thunk it.;o) In any case, let me refresh your memory Don, the Seahawks have always worn their logo on their helmets for both pre-season and regular season for the 1976 season. Here’s a picture of you kicking off a preseason game, Aug.12 1976, against the Bears.
and the Seahawks Don Clune in the 1976 pre-season opener against the 49ers: link
Clearly showing the Seahawks wearing their logo decals.
The only time the Seahawks have not worn their logos were in a couple of scrimmages before the pre-season 1976(at camp), oh, and those Topps cards where their logo were airbrushed off.[/quote]
Just to correct and note the dates here:
Aug. 1st 1976 49ers vs. Seahawks
Aug. 7th 1976 Seahawks vs. Bears
Both games the Seahawks were wearing their helmet decals.[/quote]
Looks like they’re outside against the Bears on Aug. 7th. Is that Husky Stadium?
[quote comment=”320848″]i think i felt ricko’s head explode all the way over here
/on a related note, does anyone know how to remove the fork i stabbed into my eye?[/quote]
Ask Jim McMahon.
[quote comment=”320829″][quote comment=”320818″]http://vhmhelmetclub.com/broncos1967nologo.jpg
Denver Broncos blue helmet white stripe and no logo[/quote]
That would be the uni we’re talking about and, as I said, maybe they did go all season sans logo, or maybe it was just the first reg. season game or two. Oddly, I don’t remember them being without a logo all year. And usually my memory is pretty good.
Well, reg. season Bronco-Charger game in Denver wasn’t til October 22 that year, so maybe they didn’t have logos. Or maybe the photo is from a preseason game. Do we know which?
Broncos and Chargers did not meet in preseason in 1967. So this is from the 10/22/67 game.
I am pretty durn certin that the Broncos went logo naked for all of ’67.
As for post #33…had major brain farts when I typed that. Smell got to me. Sorry.
[quote comment=”320862″][quote comment=”320861″]North carolina will be wearing special edition Air Jordan 2009’s during this weekend’s Final Four:
now i need a fork for the other eye[/quote]
Looks like they’re outside against the Bears on Aug. 7th. Is that Husky Stadium?[/quote]
Nope, at Chicago.
I wouldn’t say those new Seahawks alternates are fun, but more like ‘scary-murdering-clown’ scary.
[quote comment=”320864]
Ask Jim McMahon.[/quote]
So uncoordinated he couldn’t even (un)tie his own shoe…
[quote comment=”320867″][/quote]
Looks like they’re outside against the Bears on Aug. 7th. Is that Husky Stadium?[/quote]
Nope, at Chicago.[/quote]
Soldier Field to be exact.
[quote comment=”320867″]
Nope, at Chicago.[/quote]
I’m going to say “negatory” on that one.
-That weird wall in the upper right hand corner: not a part of any Soldier Field I’m familar with.
-A total absence of Bears gear in the stands? Not usually the case.
-The retaining wall behind the Bears bench doesn’t look Soldier Field-esque.
“Looks like they’re outside against the Bears on Aug. 7th. Is that Husky Stadium?”
Nope, at Chicago.
Soldier Field to be exact.
Or, at least I think it was Soldier Field? Unless, they played a pre-season game at an alternate site. Regardless, it was on the road for the Seahawks.
Logos removed from baseball cards…
The ONLY time I can remember Topps baseball cards without logos (not counting trades) was in the 1968 and 1969 sets. It involved the Houston Astros. ALL logos were covered over on the Astros cards for 1969, and where the team nickname was on the card, it simply said “HOUSTON”.
In 1969, for the first five series or so, the same as 1968. Once we got into the high numbers, the cap logo (star & H) and the road jersey lettering of Houston was untouched, yet, the team nickname continued to be omitted on the card in favor of “HOUSTON”.
Not sure why the Astros were the lone exception in these two sets.
[quote comment=”320871″][quote comment=”320867″]
Nope, at Chicago.[/quote]
I’m going to say “negatory” on that one.
-That weird wall in the upper right hand corner: not a part of any Soldier Field I’m familar with.
-A total absence of Bears gear in the stands? Not usually the case.
-The retaining wall behind the Bears bench doesn’t look Soldier Field-esque.[/quote]
You’re probably right? It’s listed as an away game, and it’s obviously not the Kingdome.
[quote comment=”320874″][quote comment=”320871″][quote comment=”320867″]
Nope, at Chicago.[/quote]
I’m going to say “negatory” on that one.
-That weird wall in the upper right hand corner: not a part of any Soldier Field I’m familar with.
-A total absence of Bears gear in the stands? Not usually the case.
-The retaining wall behind the Bears bench doesn’t look Soldier Field-esque.[/quote]
You’re probably right? It’s listed as an away game, and it’s obviously not the Kingdome.[/quote]
Yeah, it didn’t look right to me, either. So I looked it up. According to link, the game was in Spokane. (and link backs up the Bears as the visiting team)
Two other things:
The link, and has an interesting mask (no photo, of course – you wonder why newspapers are frigging dying).
“Coyotes rookie goalie Al Montoya will make history Wednesday night when he becomes the first Cuban-American to play in the NHL.
And if he wins, he can symbolically light up — the logo on the back of his helmet features a moon with a Cuban cigar in its mouth.”
Also, United Soccer Leagues announced link, and it has link.
“The FC New York shield is representative of the link, which was adopted June 3, 1913. The blue background with a horizontal white stripe is symbolic of its first Dutch governor William Kielt, who acquired the area from the Native Americans. The area’s first settlers are represented by the two flowers – the tulip, emblematic of the Dutch, and the double red and white rose of the English. The Queen’s crown signifies the name of the county and borough in honor of Queen Catherine of Braganza.”
Doesn’t mean you make a crap clip-art badge out of it.
[quote comment=”320874″][quote comment=”320871″][quote comment=”320867″]
Nope, at Chicago.[/quote]
I’m going to say “negatory” on that one.
-That weird wall in the upper right hand corner: not a part of any Soldier Field I’m familar with.
-A total absence of Bears gear in the stands? Not usually the case.
-The retaining wall behind the Bears bench doesn’t look Soldier Field-esque.[/quote]
You’re probably right? It’s listed as an away game, and it’s obviously not the Kingdome.[/quote]
Yep, it was a home game at Husky Stadium. The first three preseason games were at home.
[quote comment=”320875″]Yeah, it didn’t look right to me, either. So I looked it up. According to link, the game was in Spokane. (and link backs up the Bears as the visiting team)[/quote]
And for that matter, while it can get cold in August in Chicago, those coats looked like a bit too much. :-)
[quote comment=”320875″][quote comment=”320874″][quote comment=”320871″][quote comment=”320867″]
Nope, at Chicago.[/quote]
I’m going to say “negatory” on that one.
-That weird wall in the upper right hand corner: not a part of any Soldier Field I’m familar with.
-A total absence of Bears gear in the stands? Not usually the case.
-The retaining wall behind the Bears bench doesn’t look Soldier Field-esque.[/quote]
You’re probably right? It’s listed as an away game, and it’s obviously not the Kingdome.[/quote]
Yeah, it didn’t look right to me, either. So I looked it up. According to link, the game was in Spokane. (and link backs up the Bears as the visiting team)[/quote]
Thanks, for clarifying.
[quote comment=”320878″][quote comment=”320875″]Yeah, it didn’t look right to me, either. So I looked it up. According to link, the game was in Spokane. (and link backs up the Bears as the visiting team)[/quote]
And for that matter, while it can get cold in August in Chicago, those coats looked like a bit too much. :-)[/quote]
True……true. :o)
The Bears/Seahawks preseason game of 1976 was played in Spokane, people.
[quote comment=”320878″]
And for that matter, while it can get cold in August in Chicago, those coats looked like a bit too much. :-)
Yeah, remember that time last year it got all the way down to 80? Brrrr.
[quote comment=”320883″][quote comment=”320878″]
And for that matter, while it can get cold in August in Chicago, those coats looked like a bit too much. :-)
Yeah, remember that time last year it got all the way down to 80? Brrrr.[/quote]
Trust me. Having lived there for 7 years, I can tell you that it does get below 80 in Chicago in August. You never know what you’re going to get in Chicago.
[quote comment=”320691″]I give credit to the Seahawks for trying something fun and doing something different … even if it is “Buffalo Bills uniform” not so good.
Reminds me of one of the greatest unis in football history: your world famous Orlando Thunder, coached by that ninny Lee Corso …
I loved Thunder Green, and I have to say…I’d probably buy one of these. Of course I have two yellow Eagles jerseys, so…
[quote comment=”320884″][quote comment=”320883″][quote comment=”320878″]
And for that matter, while it can get cold in August in Chicago, those coats looked like a bit too much. :-)
Yeah, remember that time last year it got all the way down to 80? Brrrr.[/quote]
Trust me. Having lived there for 7 years, I can tell you that it does get below 80 in Chicago in August. You never know what you’re going to get in Chicago.[/quote]
Yeah, I’ve lived here for all but about five of my 38 years on Earth. I know about the weather here.
I was more making a reference (not very clearly, I’ll admit) to the insanely cold winter we just had.
[quote comment=”320885″][quote comment=”320691″]I give credit to the Seahawks for trying something fun and doing something different … even if it is “Buffalo Bills uniform” not so good.
Reminds me of one of the greatest unis in football history: your world famous Orlando Thunder, coached by that ninny Lee Corso …
Lee Corso didn’t coach the Thunder. He coached the Orlando Renegades of the USFL.
Don Matthews and Galen Hall coached the Orlando Thunder.
I loved Thunder Green, and I have to say…I’d probably buy one of these. Of course I have two yellow Eagles jerseys, so…[/quote]
I have an Orlando Thunder lime-green #12. Love it.
[quote comment=”320886″]I was more making a reference (not very clearly, I’ll admit) to the insanely cold winter we just had.[/quote]
You want insane? Come spend the summer here in Arizona. :)
[quote comment=”320883″]Yeah, remember that time last year it got all the way down to 80? Brrrr.[/quote]
Well, 80, 70, 60 or even 50 at kickoff: my attitude would be “G%$* D*&@! it, I am NOT wearing a coat to watch the Bears play in AUGUST!”
[quote comment=”320762″]Seahawks alternate jersey instantly reminded me of the San Antonio Gunslingers from the USFL.
I imagine Clinton Manges has already contacted his attorney.[/quote]
“USFL,” “San Antonio Gunslingers,” and “Clinton Manges”? Those are three notorious names from the past, I think.
[quote comment=”320869″][quote comment=”320864]
Ask Jim McMahon.[/quote]
So uncoordinated he couldn’t even (un)tie his own shoe…[/quote]
He was trying to untie a knot in his holster.
[quote comment=”320888″]You want insane? Come spend the summer here in Arizona. :)[/quote]
Spent a week out there in June a few years back. The weather forecasters (verbatim) used the term “…and cooling down Wednesday to 101”.
Two things:
1. Paul, I’m glad you had an opportunity to try Vincent’s, as well as guides who were astute enough to direct you to the pepperoni/sausage combo!
2. I like the Seahawks alternates. There, I said it.
[quote comment=”320886″]…to the insanely cold winter we just had.[/quote]
Had? As in “past tense”?
Did you just romp right outside in shorts when you got up Sunday morning friend?
New Titans 50th anniversary logo released today
The ‘Hawks came out with the “fashion jersey” last year probably to test the market and a lot of fans liked them. I personally am not a huge fan of that much green, but I will wait to completely pass judgment until I see them on the field.
I would have prefered to see a throwback alt from there ’76 days.
yeah, the Seahawks uni sucks, but that pizza looks fantastic!!!!
[quote comment=”320724″]Broncos were logoless in ’67? Don’t think so. Unless I slept through that season.
Nope, didn’t. I have distinct memories of 1967.
If that was first year of blue helmets, they have may have played an early-seaon game or two without the new logo. It that case, it’s true. But they sure didn’t go an entire season without a helmet logo.
I saw the early 1970s Joe Namath Jets play the Saints in preseason in New Orleans where the entire Jets team essentially wore plain practice jerseys and logoless helmets for the preseason game.
My best guess is that the Jets were still wearing durene gamers at that time and did not want to wear then in a 90 degree August night game in N.O. How I wish the charged us practice prices for that and all preseason “games”.
The 1970s 49ers wore mesh jerseys for REGULAR SEASON GAMES with no TV numerals or sleeve stripes, again probably because they did not want to wear durene gamers in the early season heat.
It seems like I rememnber the Jerry Glanville Oilers not using NOB for the entire preseason one year.
The Seahawks DID WEAR a logo on their helmet their first year because I was a HUGE FAN, particularly a huge Jim Zorn fan because I saw him play the year before with the Cowboys in preseason and I could not fathom why they ever let him go. I obsessed over their unis that FIRST YEAR and watched EVERY snipet of a highlight that I could find. And they wore helmet logos from the VERY FIRST GAME.
I would LOVE those seahawks uniforms…unfortunately this is OBVIOUSLY an april fools joke. Paul’s been talking for weeks about the horrible Jag’s unis, w/o a peep of potential change to the Seahawks. At least a mention of an upcoming change would have been admitted.
[quote comment=”320881″]The Bears/Seahawks preseason game of 1976 was played in Spokane, people.[/quote]
And, we’ve had a indication the reliability of players’ recollections, too. Evidently he was thinking of something that happened between the first couple scrimmages (or something like that), not the first two games.
Assuming this ISN’T on April fools’ joke, all I can say is that the Arena League lives on!
[quote comment=”320773″]Oh man, how great would it be if the NFL cancelled its rule where one team had to wear white and allowed my dream matchup of the Miami Dolphins, Denver Broncos, or Chicago Bears in orange vs the Seattle Seahawks in green…
I’d pay money to see that…
OOH, maybe Seattle can have a scrimmage with the Oregon Ducks and wear their green while the Ducks wear their yellow. That would be totally fab[/quote]
As I understand it, the road team in the NFL playoffs could wear their color/dark jersey if it contrasts with the opponents’ jersey. I thought I read that rule on this UW site a couple of months back.
If true, then the Chargers by rule could have worn their Powder Blues in the playoffs on the road at Pittsburgh with their wearing black. Powder Blue vs. Black – is that permissable?
As a longtime Bronco fan and uniform aficionado, I can assure you that, much to my consternation at the time, the Broncos went logo-less on their helmets in 1967. It wasn’t until ’68 that they they changed the striping pattern to white-orange-white and added the D-with-bronco logo. Also, it wasn’t until ’68 that they began wearing the orange pants with the white jerseys.
I know that a lot of people dislike the “drunken donkey” logo, but other than that, the Broncos’ 1965-66 unis were vastly superior, IMHO, to what followed…
[quote comment=”320799″]was it just Herman Weaver without the Seahawks Logo on the helmet for the first game?
If you look carefully at the ALL OF THE CARDS on this site, NONE of the players’ helmets on ANY of the teams have the helmet logos.
Perhaps the card company DID NOT HAVE CLEARANCE to publish cards with the team helmet logos?
Nevertheless, ALL of these teams, less the Browns, had helmet logos, but none of those logos appear on the cards.
DUH, McFly …….
[quote comment=”320894″][quote comment=”320886″]…to the insanely cold winter we just had.[/quote]
Had? As in “past tense”?
Did you just romp right outside in shorts when you got up Sunday morning friend?
Was that the day we got all the snow? I can’t even remember right now. If so, I was going to take a picture of my kids shoveling and e-mail it to my parents in Acapulco with some cheesy message like “Spring is finally here!”
OK, I promise — that’s my last weather-related comment for the day.
Don’t feel like making an ESPN account to post this:
Paul, how could the Nats wear the blue jersey on Halloween? That would require them to make the Series.
[quote comment=”320906″]Don’t feel like making an ESPN account to post this:
Paul, how could the Nats wear the blue jersey on Halloween? That would require them to make the Series.[/quote]
They could all wear their jerseys to a World Series Watching Party? Seriously, I had the same idea, but it made me cry rather than post. Maybe if the jersey is still around in 2020…
Oregon is going with a new helmet, I don’t know if its a joke or not. The article says Enjoy Fools Day at the end, but that could just be the author signing off.
Read the Duck article closely,
There’s more to these protective hats than meets the eye. The Oregon O logo on the sides fades from green to yellow when temperatures go below 55 degrees, and the protective memory gel inside the helmet also reacts to the elements for a warming or cooling effect based on the air temperature.
The one-piece molded shell is constructed of polymers designed by NASA and is 28 percent lighter than the average pro model football helmet. The original concept model was equipped with a USB port for uploading MP3 files, but it did not make it through the vigorous safety testing process.
I’m thinking that the color changing is just like the Code Blue Coors Light ads. And when has NASA started playing football, these are rocket scientists after all.
This is an April Fools joke.
I’m wondering why everyone here is still assuming these Seahawks unis are legit. The discussion at those Creamer boards points out that the pantone values on the Seahawks sheet match up to the new Jacksonville colors, and are not the right numbers for the colors shown.
So Paul, are you saying that even though the sheet is incorrect, the unis are still going to happen? Or is this really just a joke?
Even the nitpickers at the Cramer boards are saying it’s an April Fools Day joke…
I despise the lime green. ALways hated that little stripe on the sleeve. So the curious thing is…I don’t mind these at all for some reason.
What could be wrong with me?
[quote comment=”320908″]Oregon is going with a new helmet, I don’t know if its a joke or not. The article says Enjoy Fools Day at the end, but that could just be the author signing off.
That has to be a hoax because they quoted Sid Finch. It’s too bad he’s not real cuz the mets could use him as their 5th starter
Oh, yeah. Tonight’s Hawks-Blues game is link. I have no idea what exactly that means.
What the fuck is your deal Paul? Everthing has to be plain and simple? I thought homos liked bright colors. I’m not even gay and like what the Seahawks did. You want every team to look like the Raiders? No, forget the helemet logo, that might be too much for you. Really though, I thought gay people liked bright and shiny things?
Guys with names like str8 are usually hiding something. I’m not saying; I’m just saying. Be loud and proud, friend.
gay? i thot paul was just a communist?
Here is some pretty good stirrup action from Kentlake High School in Kent, WA
[quote comment=”320915″]What the fuck is your deal Paul? Everthing has to be plain and simple? I thought homos liked bright colors. I’m not even gay and like what the Seahawks did. You want every team to look like the Raiders? No, forget the helemet logo, that might be too much for you. Really though, I thought gay people liked bright and shiny things?[/quote]
Just ask him if he’d be interested in dating you, or shut the hell up.
“I have mastered the art of the pitch.”
—Sidd Finch.
The angular right-hander with the withering fastball pitched wearing an old brown boot on his right foot, and played the French horn during his solitary moments.
Finch was quite a character, and his place in baseball lore is certainly unique. Those who don’t know his remarkable story really should look into it. I imagine not many know that George Plimpton told things in greater detail (beyond those in his classic Sports Illsutrated article) in a book entitled in “The Curious Case of Sidd Finch (MacMillan Press, 1987). I have a hardover copy sitting on the table right beside me, including the dust jacket.
(Yikes, I just found out its priced as high as $100 in “used-acceptable” condition. Mine is more like “used-very good to excellent”. Well, sumbitch.)
[quote comment=”320916″]Guys with names like str8 are usually hiding something. I’m not saying; I’m just saying. Be loud and proud, friend.[/quote]
Was gonna say, he feels it necessary to tell someone he’s straight? Evidently there’s a reason for people to have doubts.
don’t know if this has been mentioned before, but on wikipedia it says the Jags new unis will be taking a similar approach to the Falcons and Vikings. UH-OH
Paul’s life is a hoax! An April Fool’s Day hoax, mind you, just like the Seahawks uniforms, Oregon helmets, and Broncos not wearing a logo in 67!
Man, you guys are really on top of it today.
P.S. I heard Paul is actually a spy from the former USSR.
[quote comment=”320903″]As a longtime Bronco fan and uniform aficionado, I can assure you that, much to my consternation at the time, the Broncos went logo-less on their helmets in 1967. It wasn’t until ’68 that they they changed the striping pattern to white-orange-white and added the D-with-bronco logo. Also, it wasn’t until ’68 that they began wearing the orange pants with the white jerseys.
I know that a lot of people dislike the “drunken donkey” logo, but other than that, the Broncos’ 1965-66 unis were vastly superior, IMHO, to what followed…[/quote]
I stand corrected. In my defense, I did remember the snorting horse showing up in a previusly empty space. I guess the years run together and I assumed it was one of those “added the decal when the regular season started” things we talked about.
Said it before, and I’m sure I’ll say it again. I love the stuff I learn here, the things I’m reminded of that I’ve forgotten about,
or the corrections to the instances where my memories have become a little scrambled.
(I should never have stopped making those index cards every year, LOL)
Then again, I’ve also heard that Paul is dead.
But, of course, that rumor turned out to be the biggest hoax of all…
paul is the walrus.
i really like the current 49ers unis.
i also really dislike the newer falcons unis.
[quote comment=”320921″][quote comment=”320916″]Guys with names like str8 are usually hiding something. I’m not saying; I’m just saying. Be loud and proud, friend.[/quote]
Was gonna say, he feels it necessary to tell someone he’s straight? Evidently there’s a reason for people to have doubts.[/quote]
Go easy on the boy. He just opted for “str8” because “w0rld’5 m05t 1gn0rant c0ck5ucker” was already taken.
Now, given the options shown us today, wearing the neon jersey with white parts is marginally tolerable and, as someone mentioned, a welcome moment of “bright” in an ever-darkening uni world. With the dark pants, though…not so good. Looks like the nuclear waste that spawned the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Come to think of it, that combo LOOKS like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Who knows, maybe that’s what they’re after, a bizarre, genetically altered Puget Sound marine life look. What that has to with an avian, I don’t know…except maybe as prey.
Agree re: white pants. That color is everywhere just beneath the surface of the water…plants, algae, the guts of prey.
[quote comment=”320926″]paul is the walrus.
i really like the current 49ers unis.
i also really dislike the newer falcons unis.[/quote]
When my MOM first saw the 49ers current (soon-to-be-gone?) unis in 1995 or 1996, with the busy five color numbers and the 19 sleeve stripes and imbeded sleeve logo with drop shadow and – Oh By The Way – let’s trim it all in black just because 20 of the last 23 independent minded and originally thinking teams have added black to their new or “updated” unis, she said,
“THOSE ARE THE 49ers !!! WOW !!!
That’s what I would think he CALL GIRLS would wear if they had a football team”.
Looks like Team Canada can finally focus on winning gold as opposed to what they will wear in 2010.
[quote comment=”320926″]paul is the walrus.
i really like the current 49ers unis.
i also really dislike the newer falcons unis.[/quote]
That said, the Falcons’ 1970s unis, Red Helmet, Red jersey, White pants, without the gray anything but the facemask (my theory, the UGA and Falcons adding the Gray was the predecessor to the now-dreaded “Adding of the Black) were GREAT unis, clean, sharp unis that really never should have been changed.
Adding the Gray pants – a cynical, less-than-lateral move given UGA doing the same around that same time, added a dreariness to them. Adding gray numerals later immensely worseneed the problem. By the time Jerry Glanville went to Black helmets and jerseys, the Red jersey Falcons uni had been fully RUINED for quite awhile.
How nice would it be to see the Falcons bring those Red/Red/White classics back.
[quote comment=”320915″]What the fuck is your deal Paul? Everthing has to be plain and simple? I thought homos liked bright colors. I’m not even gay and like what the Seahawks did. You want every team to look like the Raiders? No, forget the helemet logo, that might be too much for you. Really though, I thought gay people liked bright and shiny things?[/quote]
What’s a helemet logo? Use spell-check, have you heard of it?
[quote comment=”320877″][quote comment=”320874″][quote comment=”320871″][quote comment=”320867″]
Nope, at Chicago.[/quote]
I’m going to say “negatory” on that one.
-That weird wall in the upper right hand corner: not a part of any Soldier Field I’m familar with.
This game was in Spokane at Joe Albi Stadium.
-A total absence of Bears gear in the stands? Not usually the case.
-The retaining wall behind the Bears bench doesn’t look Soldier Field-esque.[/quote]
You’re probably right? It’s listed as an away game, and it’s obviously not the Kingdome.[/quote]
Yep, it was a home game at Husky Stadium. The first three preseason games were at home.[/quote]
[quote comment=”320915″]“What the f*** is your deal Paul? Everthing has to be plain and simple? I thought homos liked bright colors. I’m not even g*y and like what the Seahawks did. You want every team to look like the Raiders? No, forget the helemet logo, that might be too much for you. Really though, I thought g*y people liked bright and shiny things?”[/quote]
Stay Classy, Str8.
[quote comment=”320933″][quote comment=”320877″][quote comment=”320874″][quote comment=”320871″][quote comment=”320867″]
Nope, at Chicago.[/quote]
I’m going to say “negatory” on that one.
-That weird wall in the upper right hand corner: not a part of any Soldier Field I’m familar with.
This game was in Spokane at Joe Albi Stadium.
-A total absence of Bears gear in the stands? Not usually the case.
-The retaining wall behind the Bears bench doesn’t look Soldier Field-esque.[/quote]
You’re probably right? It’s listed as an away game, and it’s obviously not the Kingdome.[/quote]
Yep, it was a home game at Husky Stadium. The first three preseason games were at home.[/quote][/quote]
Ok, no really this time, Spokane.
It must be a Northwest thing. That Seattle jersey immediately reminded me of this uniform from the Portland Storm of the WFL.
I see what you all mean with the possiblity of making a third alternate green, yet, having it go with the white pants as opposed to the blue, or darker blue. Yet, I would have to add that it’d be slicker if they went with the gray pants they had in ’76, and went with a more subtle evergreen for the jerseys. Of course, it would help if the stitch lines were cool too.
you fucking boner biters, paul has to be gay. he just wont admit it. and even worse, hes jewish. yuck.
[quote comment=”320938″]you fucking boner biters, paul has to be gay. he just wont admit it. and even worse, hes jewish. yuck.[/quote]
Aww, the cute troll changed his name. How sweet.
Not enough postings since 6pm CST – Are all of you out at SOME ELABORATE APRIL fOOL’S UW DINNER?
Too much talk about gay stuff, etc.
Where are my uni critics?
To paraphrase quote SGT. HULKA,
“I don’t care where you’re from, what religion a are, what color ya are, or anything else …
There will ALWAYS be uni details to critize, uni ideas to poo-poo, uni history details to argue over, and imaginary brown Denver Broncos horse decals from 1963 to terrorize Ricko with, along with the Seahawks plain 1976 helmets and the original 1960 L.A. Chargers Powder Blue jerseys.”
So seriously was that Seahawks Uni an April Fools Joke or what?
Paul – Baylor played its final Big 12 regular season game with Texas this year in Austin. Their green jerseys had green patches, matching their jerseys, covering their nameplates. In the Big 12 tournament, their names were once again on the back of their green jerseys. Can you get to the bottom of this? Love your work.
Well the feeling in mutual, you hate the jerseys and we hate you so put a sock in it. Better yet why don’t you go design jerseys since you seem to know so much.
I’m pretty sure none of you guys live in seattle and may never have even seen a seahawks game. Their jerseys are the best in the league, hands down. So all you people who apparently live on the east coast, let the true 12th man be the judge.
Why hatin on gang green, it seems to work just fine for Sounders FC