I worked at a hunger center yesterday morning and pawned off the Open Thread duties on Paul, so I’m including two photos today to make up for it. I know you folks missed me.
Sure, David Beckham’s arrival in America and his new Galaxy jersey are big news (above), but Alena Sharp’s subtle display of Canadian pride is a lot more interesting. — Vince

WTF is Herbalife anyway and how will they benefit from a MLS jersey sponsorship? Sounds like a brand manager that wanted season tickets!
Gee, its hard to tell which company makes those Galaxy jerseys… I’m surprised those guys aren’t wearing neckties with a 3-stripe design.
[quote comment=”119377″]WTF is Herbalife anyway and how will they benefit from a MLS jersey sponsorship? Sounds like a brand manager that wanted season tickets![/quote]
For your reading pleasure – link
I don’t mind the white Galaxy kit, but the dark blue is awful. As for national pride tattoos in, um, strategically placed regions…when I was in high school we went to MUSC in Charleston, SC and got to see a slide show if interesting things found on cadavers. The best one was a guy who was obviously Japanese since he had ‘Made in Japan’ tattooed on his penis. I’ll let you boys think about just how painful that would be.
[quote comment=”119377″]WTF is Herbalife anyway and how will they benefit from a MLS jersey sponsorship? Sounds like a brand manager that wanted season tickets![/quote]
Herbalife sponsorship = $25 million
Two Galaxy season tickets = $1,040 (center sideline)
Yeah, that makes sense.
How does ANYONE benefit from having their name and logo in the public eye? Herbalife is based in LA, not far from where the Galaxy play, but that’s only part of the story. They knew there’d be bigtime exposure for their name by having it on the front of the jersey worn by David Beckham AND on the hundreds of thousands of replicas worn by fans everywhere.
I’m thinking they’ll get their money’s worth.
OOOOHHH Canada….
OOOOHHH Canada….
[quote comment=”119377″]WTF is Herbalife anyway and how will they benefit from a MLS jersey sponsorship? Sounds like a brand manager that wanted season tickets![/quote]
A quick scan of their website indicates that is a company selling products to improve health.
A better fit as an official sponser of a sports team than link…
[quote comment=”119377″]WTF is Herbalife anyway and how will they benefit from a MLS jersey sponsorship? Sounds like a brand manager that wanted season tickets![/quote]
Exactly. This will get their name out there, because people who don’t know who they are and see the jersey will look it up.
Well I’m in the land of a million jersey sponsors, London, and I am in desperate need of a pub to watch baseball in. It’s been more than two weeks since I’ve seen a game and I’m at my wit’s end. If anyone knows anyplace in London that shows baseball please let me know. My team needs me!
Where from Sage? I’m looking at MUSC right through the window.
I just noticed this yesterday watching the Phils-Cards game. The ‘P’ overlaps the ‘h’ on the front (or phront, I guess) of the Phillies jersey. The logo on the website doesn’t overlap. Weird.
[quote comment=”119402″]OOOOHHH Canada….[/quote]
I wonder if this is common among Canadians. Does Steve Nash have a maple leaf on his body? What about (or is it aboot?) Sidney Crosby?
is there a separate blog for athlete tatoos? I looked up Tatoowatch.com and it’s pretty lame.
I liked the old Galaxy jerseys, yellow with a green diagonal stripe. =/
[quote comment=”119460″][quote comment=”119402″]OOOOHHH Canada….[/quote]
I wonder if this is common among Canadians. Does Steve Nash have a maple leaf on his body? What about (or is it aboot?) Sidney Crosby?
is there a separate blog for athlete tatoos? I looked up Tatoowatch.com and it’s pretty lame.[/quote]
The maple leaf is probably the most common tattoo among Canadians in general, but it is extremely common among Canadian athletes, especially Olympians. Victor Davis at the ’84 Olympics is the first I can remember
[quote comment=”119452″]I just noticed this yesterday watching the Phils-Cards game. The ‘P’ overlaps the ‘h’ on the front (or phront, I guess) of the Phillies jersey. The logo on the website doesn’t overlap. Weird.
Good catch, never noticed that before
They were just talking about David Wright’s high pants during the first batter of the Mets game. They incorrectly said that David has been donning that look only when he’s been in a slump, but history has shown that he wears the high pants during all day games, slump or no slump….
@Dodger Blue and Giant Orange
Check out Bodean’s. They have a list of London locations and MLB game information at bodeansbbq.com.
[quote comment=”119479″][quote comment=”119452″]I just noticed this yesterday watching the Phils-Cards game. The ‘P’ overlaps the ‘h’ on the front (or phront, I guess) of the Phillies jersey. The logo on the website doesn’t overlap. Weird.
Good catch, never noticed that before[/quote]
It looks like the “h” is kinda infront of the “P” on the website. Could this be this season’s Detroit “D”?
The Brewers are rockin’ the “Cerveceros” Jerseys. It’s a nice gesture to honor the latin/hispanic community, but the word and the font do not get along. It looks like a fancy “C,” and scribbly blue line.
Very early in their existence, did the Kansas City Royals ever have a yellow/gold KC on their caps instead of white? Perhaps before they began regular season play or even spring training? I’ve seen some link that it might have been so. It’s tough to tell, on the Royals caps on my Topps cards from 1969, whether some players’ KCs were yellow or the card printing process bled some color into the white. Many players clearly are wearing white KCs….
If not, could the Omaha Royals have had it? Did the KC Royals consider yellow KCs on the hats?
Kevin James and Adam Sandler are at the Mets game promoting their new movie (Chuck and Larry) and the Mets put them both on the kiss cam. haha
[quote comment=”119519″]Very early in their existence, did the Kansas City Royals ever have a yellow/gold KC on their caps instead of white? Perhaps before they began regular season play or even spring training? I’ve seen some link that it might have been so. It’s tough to tell, on the Royals caps on my Topps cards from 1969, whether some players’ KCs were yellow or the card printing process bled some color into the white. Many players clearly are wearing white KCs….
If not, could the Omaha Royals have had it? Did the KC Royals consider yellow KCs on the hats?[/quote]
I’m a KC baseball fan since before the Royals. Charlie Finley broke my heart by moving the A’s just as they were getting good. There’s no way the Royals would include yellow in its formal color scheme. There’s just the gold in the crown. Pretty classy.
When the name Royals was chosen — for the American Royal Livestock Show — purple, the color of royalty, was considered. But royal blue one out.
Did I say “one” out? Hmmm.
By the way, I took the template of the Royals shoulder link that Paul posted the other day and dropped it into the rotation of screen savers on my computer. It turned out beautifully. A colleague saw it and was duly impressed. I love it.
Did anyone catch the Braves vs Pirates game last night? The Pirate patch on Adam LaRoche’s sleeve was ripped half off.
“[quote comment=”119540”]There’s no way the Royals would include yellow in its formal color scheme. There’s just the gold in the crown. Pretty classy.
When the name Royals was chosen — for the American Royal Livestock Show — purple, the color of royalty, was considered. But royal blue one out.[/quote]
Thanks! I said “yellow” KCs… I should just say gold from now on, of course… my bad!
Hooray for royal blue!
Aaron (KC fan since I can remember (1970s))
The Mets announcers are ripping on pitching coach Rick Peterson because he’s always wearing a Mets jacket. They said he wears a black Mets shirt under it, and that “he DOES have a jersey number”. hahaha It happened in the top of the 6th with 2 men on base and no outs.
London bars that show baseball – try the 3 Kings in west Kensington
This might be a stretch but did any one catch the U-20 World Cup match between Czech Republic and Spain? I only caught the penalties and noticed that the Czech keeper did not have a crest on his shirt, it did not appear to be puma, and it had tape covering something. I don’t remember if he had a proper name or number. Anybody know anything about this?
as a lifelong Mariner fan and proud owner of a sweat-stained Trident M’s cap, link would be a major letdown in what’s turning out to be a great year. and the giveway cap, wtf?
on the phillies jersey, the tops of the “L”s seem to be different. They’re more offset on the jersey than in the logo.
herbalife is a pyramid scheme, aka a MLM mutli level marketing business. this guy does a good job exposing it and the people who have been taken. (its kinda long though) link
7th inning stretch during the Mets game and Mr. Met is dressed up in camo (in honor of military appreciation day). The Mets announcers go “Mr. Met should come along with us to San Diego. They love camo there)
Kevin Durant makes even the link look good. i mean adequate.
check out this old uniform on ebay
[quote comment=”119566″]This might be a stretch but did any one catch the U-20 World Cup match between Czech Republic and Spain? I only caught the penalties and noticed that the Czech keeper did not have a crest on his shirt, it did not appear to be puma, and it had tape covering something. I don’t remember if he had a proper name or number. Anybody know anything about this?[/quote]
I noticed that also. His name and number were generic block type, unlike the current Puma house font. Looked like a rush job.
[quote comment=”119578″]check out this old uniform on ebay
wow! that is freakin’ beautiful!!!
[quote comment=”119555″]The Mets announcers are ripping on pitching coach Rick Peterson because he’s always wearing a Mets jacket. They said he wears a black Mets shirt under it, and that “he DOES have a jersey number”.
It happened in the top of the 6th with 2 men on base and no outs.[/quote]
87 degrees and he has to wear a long sleeved jacket. Black, no less!
On a side note, Willie Randolph is wearing the proper color blue sling for his arm.
Can anyone get a screen shot on Scott Eyre’s of the Cubs hat? It’s real wrinkley, the bill is bent like a triangle, something is written on the under bill, and seems like Eyre has doctored it by taking some of the stitching out of the flat front.
I really like the dark Galaxy jersey, especially the contrast with the bright yellow stripes. I wasn’t into the yellow and green cuz to me, those colors are reserved for the socceroos.
Going back to Friday’s discussion of Beckham’s long sleeves, I found this:
[Beckham] said despite the midsummer heat, the long sleeves will stay, honoring his long-held superstition.
“Without a doubt I’ll be carrying on with the long sleeves,” he said. “I never ever feel comfortable in short sleeves.”
Went to a summer-league game between the Jazz and Sixers here in Salt Lake City last night. I noticed that only one of the three refs had a number on his uniform, and pointed it out to my buddies saying “looks like the refs are rookies trying to make the big league team too.” My brother, with whom I’ve shared a few uni-related nuggets in the past, looks at me and says, “you’ve been reading that uniform column too much.” :)
Here is an link about the University of Wisconsin’s suit against of the high schools that had previously used a form of their “motion W” logo.
[quote comment=”119381″][quote comment=”119377″]WTF is Herbalife anyway and how will they benefit from a MLS jersey sponsorship? Sounds like a brand manager that wanted season tickets![/quote]
For your reading pleasure – link
I don’t mind the white Galaxy kit, but the dark blue is awful. As for national pride tattoos in, um, strategically placed regions…when I was in high school we went to MUSC in Charleston, SC and got to see a slide show if interesting things found on cadavers. The best one was a guy who was obviously Japanese since he had ‘Made in Japan’ tattooed on his penis. I’ll let you boys think about just how painful that would be.[/quote]
I liked the old jerseys with the diagonal stripes. I thought those were sharp. These seem kinda bland.
[quote comment=”119617″]Here is an link about the University of Wisconsin’s suit against of the high schools that had previously used a form of their “motion W” logo.[/quote]
Makes me wonder…has Pony footwear company ever been sued by Nike? Seriously, doesn’t link remind you of link?
gene lamont (who is currently the 3rd base coach for the tigers) is wearinjg stirrups today. he usually sports the high-cuffed look. i’d get a screenshot if i had the means.
[quote comment=”119438″]Well I’m in the land of a million jersey sponsors, London, and I am in desperate need of a pub to watch baseball in. It’s been more than two weeks since I’ve seen a game and I’m at my wit’s end. If anyone knows anyplace in London that shows baseball please let me know. My team needs me![/quote]
I don’t know if it’s still there, but when my boyfriend was in London a few years ago, he spent quite a bit of time watching his Mets at Sports Cafe in Picadilly. Very Americanized, but on Thursday nights, they had Pound a’ Pint nights.
[quote comment=”119445″]Where from Sage? I’m looking at MUSC right through the window.[/quote]
I’m in Nashville now, but I went to college at South Carolina. Go Cocks! I was down there shortly after Hurricane Hugo destroyed the Battery.
Good photo of Jose Reyes’ link.
Hmm I think my comment got eaten.
[quote comment=”119622″][quote comment=”119617″]Here is an link about the University of Wisconsin’s suit against of the high schools that had previously used a form of their “motion W” logo.[/quote]
Makes me wonder…has Pony footwear company ever been sued by Nike? Seriously, doesn’t link remind you of link?[/quote]
Since Pony is older than Nike, that’s unlikely to happen. This Wisconsin story would be so absurd if the W plagiate wasn’t so obvious. Why would they use the same font, same color, and twist it the very same way?
Caught some of the softball world cup game (USA-CAN) today. Why do so few of the fielders wear hats or visors? It sure looked awfully sunny out there…
[quote comment=”119585″][quote comment=”119566″]This might be a stretch but did any one catch the U-20 World Cup match between Czech Republic and Spain? I only caught the penalties and noticed that the Czech keeper did not have a crest on his shirt, it did not appear to be puma, and it had tape covering something. I don’t remember if he had a proper name or number. Anybody know anything about this?[/quote]
I noticed that also. His name and number were generic block type, unlike the current Puma house font. Looked like a rush job.[/quote]
The guy’s name is Radek Petr – number #1 in your program. Here’s a pic from the prior game link. I just watched the OT and the PK’s (interesting pun by the announcer “Pique missed his PK”). They’re re-running it now (5-7 EDT) on espnU, re-running at midnight.
In other news here’s a mask that his teammate link was rockin’ earlier in the tournament. Trying to find out why….
Most of my 1969 topps cards I have of the KC royals feature the players with either no hats, or a dark blue cap with no logo on the front. The blue is def. darker than the royal blue.
Perhaps the Southern League (a AA baseball league) “gets it.” In today’s Knoxville News Sentinel is a little blurb about how the Southern League “is going to look into making it mandatory [that] all teams have a gray uniform to wear on the road.” The blurb notes how “at least twice the Smokies [the Cubs’ AA affiliate] and their opponent have worn red jerseys during the same game at Smokies Park.” The team’s GM says “Every team should have a gray uniform.” Good call.
And I was at one of those games . . . the season opener was a doubleheader between the Smokies and the Huntsville Stars. During the first game, both teams wore red, and I could have sworn the Stars’ tops weren’t alternates or batting practice jerseys, but T-shirts. They looked that cheap.
[quote comment=”119468″]I liked the old Galaxy jerseys, yellow with a green diagonal stripe. =/[/quote]
i agree… the old badge was cool too. they both had some history and style attached to them. the new logo looks like its from star trek and the new kits are shit.
[quote comment=”119659″]In other news here’s a mask that his teammate link was rockin’ earlier in the tournament. Trying to find out why….[/quote]
It looks like the old broken face shield a la Bill Laimbeer.
This may be premature, but I will be the first here to congratulate(?) the Phillies on hitting the link mark.
Logo creep at the White House.
PS- I wrote Paul about this- anyone having trouble accessing this site? I am in SF Bay area, use AT&T Yahoo! DSL. This is the first time I’ve gotten thru in like 3 days. My wife’s PC, just 10 feet away, go to the site no prob. Strange.
[quote comment=”119596″]I really like the dark Galaxy jersey, especially the contrast with the bright yellow stripes. I wasn’t into the yellow and green cuz to me, those colors are reserved for the socceroos.
Going back to Friday’s discussion of Beckham’s long sleeves, I found this:
[Beckham] said despite the midsummer heat, the long sleeves will stay, honoring his long-held superstition.
“Without a doubt I’ll be carrying on with the long sleeves,” he said. “I never ever feel comfortable in short sleeves.”
I’d say yellow and green are brazil before socceroos…
[quote comment=”119609″]Went to a summer-league game between the Jazz and Sixers here in Salt Lake City last night. I noticed that only one of the three refs had a number on his uniform, and pointed it out to my buddies saying “looks like the refs are rookies trying to make the big league team too.” My brother, with whom I’ve shared a few uni-related nuggets in the past, looks at me and says, “you’ve been reading that uniform column too much.” :)[/quote]
I always thought it was to cover up his tattoos on his arms; that’s what I thought I remember him saying in an interview.
oops, i meant to quote the post about beckham.
Nice Cardinals jacket here, similar to one of Paul’s pictures from the other day
Replies to pretty much everything.
London pubs that show baseball:
Sports Cafe on haymarker near Picadilly Circus is the best bet, google them and they’ll have their schedule. but be prepared to not hear the game, in order to stay open late and serve beer they need a dance floor to get around licensing rules
Bodeans BBQ in Soho. has NASN on all the time, and has good barbque. bodeansbbq.com
those are the two best places in central london. alot of other pubs have NASN and will show it on occasion
Yellow and blue are brazil. Yellow and green are the socceroos.
Also, no matter what beckham says, the long sleeves are for marketing purposes. he doesnt want to offend people with his tattoos. but at the same time, he bares pretty much everything in W magazine, you figure the nutter out. besides, he cried for literally 5 minutes after being redcarded against argentina.
Becks should go short sleeve in L.A.
He’s not going to offend anyone here in the U.S. with the tatts. He’ll find that long sleeves are a bitch to play in in the summer heat.
It may be okay for Rick Peterson, but not for playing soccer.
[quote comment=”119742″]Becks should go short sleeve in L.A.
He’s not going to offend anyone here in the U.S. with the tatts. He’ll find that long sleeves are a bitch to play in in the summer heat.
It may be okay for Rick Peterson, but not for playing soccer.[/quote]
As he said, “I don’t even feel comfortable in short sleeves.”
Quick aside, wasn’t there one day during the 2006 World Cup that was so absolutely torrid, even Becks went short sleeved? Yeah, there might be more days like that.
Not that link will happen in his first game in Columbus if he goes long sleeves, but I recommend David should adapt to the game that’s played in the summer in the U.S.
For the record, Rick Peterson has stated that he wears the jacket because it gives him more pockets to put things in during the game (charts, stopwatch, papers, etc).
[quote comment=”119652″]Caught some of the softball world cup game (USA-CAN) today. Why do so few of the fielders wear hats or visors? It sure looked awfully sunny out there…[/quote]
I turned to my softball playing GF for this question. her response was simple.
Most girls dont wear hats at all, very few teams even use them as most girls favor visors. And some dont even wear that because, get this, they dont want to mess up their hair…
[quote comment=”119736″]Also, no matter what beckham says, the long sleeves are for marketing purposes. he doesnt want to offend people with his tattoos. but at the same time, he bares pretty much everything in W magazine, you figure the nutter out. besides, he cried for literally 5 minutes after being redcarded against argentina.[/quote]
I feel that you can mark Beckham kits with short sleeves in the category with Yankee jerseys with names on them. Both are inaccurate and make the wearer look like a douchebag. In fact, during the Marlins game today, a fan was wearing a Beckham kit with short sleeves while looking for Miguel Cabrera’s upper deck shot. Quite douchebaggy of him.
I actually like long-sleeved soccer shirts better than short sleeved ones. For some reason they look and feel more like jerseys than T-shirts (like some of them wear).
[quote comment=”119746″][quote comment=”119742″]Becks should go short sleeve in L.A.
He’s not going to offend anyone here in the U.S. with the tatts. He’ll find that long sleeves are a bitch to play in in the summer heat.
It may be okay for Rick Peterson, but not for playing soccer.[/quote]
As he said, “I don’t even feel comfortable in short sleeves.”
Quick aside, wasn’t there one day during the 2006 World Cup that was so absolutely torrid, even Becks went short sleeved? Yeah, there might be more days like that.[/quote]
actually he had to leave one game because he had heat exhaustion
[quote comment=”119762″]For the record, Rick Peterson has stated that he wears the jacket because it gives him more pockets to put things in during the game (charts, stopwatch, papers, etc).[/quote]
ohhh man now every time i see rick i’ll think what the hell does ricky have in his pockets.
Carolina Hurricanes uniform update:
“The Hurricanes will wear them [the new uniforms] for the first time in their exhibition-season opener against the Washington Capitals on Sept. 16. Admission to the game will be free.”
On the ESPYs, Tommy Lasorda was wearing a Rawlings jersey and a gray-underbrimmed cap. I guess that might technically be correct since that could have been what he wore while he was managing.
Working the overnite shift, and I can’t let #76 be the capper.
LA Galaxy have had that juniper and yellow for a decade, right? And how many MLS Cup Trophies (hint: it’s not actually a cup!) have they won? So why mess with success?
Of the original MLS teams, who has kept their orignal colors or any sense of tradition? New England, DC, and Columbus are all I can think of. NY, Dallas and KC have name and color changes. Colorado and now LA have changed colors. Tampa and San Jose no longer exist.
And the Socceroos wear a darker green than Brasil, last I looked. Does it have an official name Down Under?
just wow
moving that post further from the end…
anyone hear anything more about the leafs’ new logo or the stars’ new jerseys?
i agree, this site needs a lot of work.
I fully agree with your insightful perspective, actually there is a similar thread at Frontier Blog
( link )
Scrw this gay site. You guys really do need to get a life. You are all freaks!!!!
a leak of the flyers jerseys here and the new sharks logo (not too bad).
sorry if I’m late
[quote comment=”119866″]wow….
just wow
moving that post further from the end…
anyone hear anything more about the leafs’ new logo or the stars’ new jerseys?[/quote]
Local (Toronto) papers have reported that the Logo will remain the same, but the jersey will lose the silver trim, and that awful “TL” shoulder logo.
[quote comment=”119410″][quote comment=”119377″]WTF is Herbalife anyway and how will they benefit from a MLS jersey sponsorship? Sounds like a brand manager that wanted season tickets![/quote]
A quick scan of their website indicates that is a company selling products to improve health.
A better fit as an official sponser of a sports team than link…[/quote]
Better a legitimate product like beer than a pyramid scheme.
Having this snake-oil company as the sponsor of the league’s most prominent club makes the whole enterprise look awfully bush-league.
In related news, Victoria Beckham is getting Herbalife tattooed “down there.”
[quote comment=”119863″]Working the overnite shift, and I can’t let #76 be the capper.
LA Galaxy have had that juniper and yellow for a decade, right? And how many MLS Cup Trophies (hint: it’s not actually a cup!) have they won? So why mess with success?[/quote]
Actually, they lost the “juniper” (which I quite liked) a few years back when they went to straight green and gold. They won the first of their two MLS Cups (the World Cup isn’t a cup, either) in the old kits and the most recent one (in 2005) in the green and gold.
It just hasn’t looked good. And I wouldn’t be surprised if there WAS a move afoot to keep people from taking old backlogged Galaxy green and gold jerseys and putting “23 BECKHAM” on the back and selling those. That may have had something to do with it.
Of the original MLS teams, who has kept their orignal colors or any sense of tradition? New England, DC, and Columbus are all I can think of. NY, Dallas and KC have name and color changes. Colorado and now LA have changed colors. Tampa and San Jose no longer exist.[/quote]
New England, DC, Columbus and Chicago (1998 expansion team) have all kept their original colors. Oddly enough, so have Houston, Real Salt Lake, Chivas USA and Toronto FC. :) So that’s more than half the league.
NY has obviously had a radical change, not only over the years as the MetroStars, but recently as the Red Bulls.
Kansas City has kept their colors, more or less, but lost the rainbow kit they had (and the name Wiz, which they had originally). Dallas has gone from Burn to FC Dallas, Colorado has changed colors a couple of times. LA has changed twice now.
San Jose went from the Clash to the Earthquakes and changed colors quite a bit. Tampa Bay had a couple of makeovers before they went away. Miami was pretty constant, I think.
[quote comment=”120096″]Having this snake-oil company as the sponsor of the league’s most prominent club makes the whole enterprise look awfully bush-league.[/quote]
Oh, God, this again. Visit bigsoccer.com much? Everything that happens is said to make MLS look “bush-league.” Spare me.
Four months in, the republic is still standing, so I think people have other things to worry about.
And I think you COULD get an argument about “most prominent club.” They’ve obviously got the most world-wide recognition now. But DC United is MLS’ flagship.